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Author Topic: The Dark Lord Cometh
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-20-2002 10:33 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Time had past for the Lord and his new Lady of the Sith. There had been some arrangements for their upcoming union made and there were still more to be deceided. The Dark Lord sat on the edge of there bed at the temple watching his Dark Heart sleep. There was finally a beautiful look of peace on her face as he reached out a clawed hand to gently brush back a single strand of hair. Soon they would be joined, he placed his hand on the swell that was now visable in her stomach, and their family begun. A smile passed over his lips before kissing her lightly on the forhead. He rose
slipping the last of his robes over his broad shoulders as he walked briskly through the doors.

A disturbance had aroused him from his slumber and he knew that it had touched his brother as well. His boots cliped through the hallways echoing as he strode toward the command center were he could already hear Jin quipping information to an awaiting Aelvedar.

"Hello my brother, I knew that you would feel it as I have." He stood just behind his sith brother looking at the information that trickeled out from a somewhat confused Jin. "It is the same one that I have seen in my dreams and felt wisps of since that night at the springs, I know it." He said the last in a bit of a question to see what the others response would be. The disturbance was slight and masked but who would be able to mask themselves from them.

"I did not awaken Graysith, at this time I did not feel the need to disturb her until we knew more." His turquise eyes looked to the other Sith Lord as he turned to face him.
"What are your thoughts my brother? Is this something we have needs to deal with at this time or just mere traces of something from times past?"


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:
Erik Kartan

Corellian Info Smuggler and Pilot

Member # 129

posted 01-21-2002 09:45 AM     Profile for Erik Kartan   Author's Homepage   Email Erik Kartan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Yet in another room, another man watched another woman as she slept. Erik knew Shayla had been working diligently since their return to the Temple, and truthfully, he hadn't seen alot of her except for in the evenings when they talked until she fell asleep. He admired her dedication and found himself more and more curious as to exactly what she was getting herself ready to take part in.

But that was one thing she had remained closed about. Somehow Erik knew this was because she was probably not ready for such a task; though he definitely did not doubt her abilities, he wouldn't want for her to take a step she was thusfar not completely trained for.

In the days while she was away, he busied himself keeping the Relentless in tip-top shape, as well as modifying a few old fighters she had given him to work on. Where those came from, Erik wasn't sure, but they were something to occupy his time, which while he waited he needed very much.

But then, what WAS he waiting for?

Laying forward and resting his elbow on his pillow, he leaned his head against his hand in thought.

You know, some little shoulder devil mused. An angel from nowhere added, You love her. You're waiting to do what it is that people do when they fall in love.

Erik frowned a bit more deeply. Was that it? Was he waiting for a moment when he could show her that he would never leave her?

Or was it still something else that was yet to come that he'd been waiting so faithfully for?

And what, in fact, was yet to come? And when it happens, do you want to be a part of it from this angle?

You were trained as a Jedi, after all. But then again, so was she.

So much for the Jedi. They haven't even bothered to find out what happened to you since you were attacked and taken to the Temple.

In that, maybe Shayla has truly found something here she would not have elsewhere. At least here she seems to be cared about. At the Praxeum...they'd just let her go. And now, they've done the same with you.

Pushing those thoughts away, Erik smiled and lightly kissed her forehead, laying his head against his pillow and closing his eyes.

Oh, how they didn't know just what a dedicated fighter and friend they had lost...

[ 01-21-2002 09:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]


Hey! Where's my A-wing?!
My heart is broken....sweet sleep my Dark Angel... Evanescence, "My Heart is Broken"

Posts: 447 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Aug 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Sorcerers

Member # 34

posted 01-21-2002 02:38 PM     Profile for Aelvedaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aelvedaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
For a moment my gaze remained riveted upon the image this simple machine was revealing to me, brought into my eyes by the tremendous velocities in which photons travelled the universe, sent here by the probes I had carefully placed in vanguard about that which was now centered upon Jinn's screen. All was secure; with a little sigh I turned from the quieting Jinn and faced my Dark Brother. My clawed hand flashed out to affix itself about his forearm; with a steady smile I felt his returning grip upon my own. Our eyes met, essence of the volcanic and the glacial coming together in mute agreement and not more than a little consternation.

"This too I have felt, my Brother," I commented at length, letting my hand fall from his arm. "And I find it as strange as do you that this one has the ability to mask himself from us as has been done. It can only mean one thing."

I paused, letting my eyes carry the full import of my words into his being, reading in his brilliant turquoise pair his affirmation to my yet unvoiced questions and comments.

I merely nodded my horned head meaningfully. "I shall prepare, Brother," I finally whispered, before turning away from him to continue with the magicks that were mine and mine alone to command. Behind me, I heard the sound of his booted feet as he turned and left my presence.


I am NOT a Jedi....

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Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-21-2002 03:04 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Chosen Daughter and now Lady of the Sith stretched like a cat, long and luxuriously. She brought her body, still lithe and lean despite the blossoming midsection, to the quivering apex of tautness, then let it relax. Her falling arm fell beside her, landing in the still-warm hollow where her Lord and love had recently lay.

She smiled to herself, thinking yet once again of all that had transpired in so rapid-fire a manner. Smiled with the inner knowledge that her destiny would be fulfilled, that if ever there were a prophecy screaming for completion, this was it and she and those with her were to be the implements of its fruition. One slim hand fell lazily upon her stomach, the fingers tracing idle circles upon the cool flesh there. Then, giving a small yawn, she rose and dressed herself in a flowing gray gown, one embroidered with her signature sith runes, and one which quite effectively hid her expanding midsection from sight.

Quickly she travelled through the dim and mossy corridors, her stomach growling at the prospect of breakfast, her heart in her throat at the prospect of coming upon her Lord within these stone walls, and her mind full of thoughts of her Adept.

Her dear, dear sister and Adept.

For a moment she frowned slightly, realizing that to the young woman it might appear as though her Teacher had abandoned her. Then she shook her head, the frown disappearing beneath her growing smile.
She, as did her own Sire, had chosen wisely. Of that she was certain. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that Shayla would see through this apparent aloofness right to the real reason for it: the unexpected and oh so wondrous return of Lady Graysith's love and Lord, not only to Khar Delba, but into her life and future as well.

A slim and pale hand, repaired digit indiscernable from its mates, reached out to lightly brush the mossy place indicating the hidden doorway to her Adept's room. A quick and light brush of her inner essence told her of Erik's presence therein, and her smile broadened. Indeed, my Adept has not been too... bored, in my brief absence from her! she grinned to herself, drawing the tendril back and away.

Then, deciding that today was the day to pick up on her Adept's training, she entered the Dining Hall seeking to break her fast. She nearly ran head-first into her Dark Heart, who was departing from the back of the room where the gibbering Jinn was spouting something in an unfamiliar tongue. An edge of a robe, scarlet, gold and black, peeped about from the edge of the retaining wall; she knew her Sire was in there with Jinn, and wondered if she ought to approach him about the continued training of Shayla.

Then all questions were brushed aside as she lifted her face, her eyes pouring themselves into the gaze of her Lord.

"Good morning, love," she murmured, bowing her head briefly in honor of his station. She then followed that greeting with another one, far less demure, and one entirely more to her liking.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-21-2002 03:37 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Awoken by the nearing presence of her Sister, as well as that of one just developing, Shayla grinned with her eyes still closed, willing herself to wake up. Rolling over, she stretched her right hand across the bed and was surprised to feel it thump against a warm form.

"Ooooouch!" Erik moaned.

With that, Shayla's eyes flew open. She knew he'd been there the night before; this wasn't the surprise. Usually though, he distanced himself from her by sleeping on the floor, knowing how she felt about moving too quickly.

Figuring she'd take this for all it was worth, Shayla plastered an angry look on her face and sat up. "!" she hissed in mock irritation.

Erik just shot back a lopsided grin at her, his brown eyes full of amusement. "You are a lousy fake," he teased.

She punched him good and hard in the shoulder before grabbing her robe, wrapping it about herself and heading for the 'fresher.

"You'd really better practice that punch a bit more if you expect it to hurt," she heard him taunt as she left the room.

A few minutes later, she reemerged into the room with a simple black jumpsuit on. He had cleaned up a bit himself; he was wearing a black jumpsuit of his own as he usually did. "Ready for breakfast?" he asked, cocking his brow at her in question.

"Almost," she replied, wandering over to her dresser to retrieve her weapons belt. Affixed to it were a standard blaster and a lightsaber. She hooked the belt on and fingered the lightsaber hilt admiringly, then unhooked it from her belt, scrutinizing it further.

"Something wrong?" he asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Shayla shook her head. "No," she whispered, her greeny-blue eyes staring at the weapon intently. "Just seems strange that the Jedi use a weapon so designed for destroying the life that they claim to be defenders of."

He pursed his lips. "I've never thought of it that way," he admitted.

Looking at the lightsaber for a moment more, she returned it to her belt then smiled, pulling herself from her thoughts. "Com'n, let's go get some breakfast."

[ 01-21-2002 03:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-21-2002 10:05 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Dark Lord held to his love tightly as their embrace lent to kissing, their kissing lent to all the different ways he had to show her how deep his feelings were for her. He looked down into her violet eyes were he could not help to be lost from all the cares his brother now sought to answer in the next room. He bent his lips to her ear to wisper "I love you" before a light kiss just below her ear. The very scent of her skin made his scenses whirl
and it was then that he realized just what he would endure for her.

He drew back takeing her shoulders in a firm grasp and sent a very penetrating look into her very soul. "I will die for you my Dark Heart. This very night I will have my brother preform the Cerimony of the War Lord.
All who are here will be witness to it and it shall be my gift to you." His words rang
in her ears as he watched her not knowing what all this entailed but knowing that there
would be no argument.

He held her once more before re-entering the control room to inform his brother that he wished for him to have the honor of preforming the cerimony of ancient sith lore.
It was an event not to be taken lightly for it did indeed bring those participating to the edge of death and for those unworthy to their deaths. It had not been preformed often because of the danger but once through it, if he could get through it, Roan would reach a new staight of awarness and even higher form of power. As the doors closed behind him she could her his thoughts. "Tell the others to gather tonight in the throne room. Do this for me my Dark Heart as I endure it for you."


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-21-2002 10:44 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A great thrill of comingled love and awe mixed with not a little fear rushed through Graysith's body as the Dark Lord's words filled her ears with their intent. For a brief moment she hesitated; though she had been given the great gift of the All, and had been taught to some extent how to use it, the simple fact remained that she was not Sith by blood but by choice. Being something of an "adept" herself to their ancient magicks and traditions, she of course could not know of them all. She hadn't a clue what the Ceremony of the War Lord was, or what it entailed, but knew in her heart it was more than dangerous.

Her lower lip trembled a bit and she reached a hand up to touch Roan's own. Her eyes suddenly filled with moisture as she saw the determination in his, read there the lethal potential this ceremony had entertained for countless bloody centuries. Knew in her heart of hearts that few had successfully mastered it, let alone lived through whatever horrors it presented, that most had died in a manner it would be an understatement to describe as "pleasantly."

If she should lose him now that she had finally found him....

Then she drew in a great breath, and straightened. Fearful as she was for his safety, she somehow also realized the full expanse of the honor he was bestowing upon her by attempting this act. For a long moment she stared into his eyes; then her lashes dimmed their brilliant violet.

"As you wish, my Lord," she murmured softly. "Ever at your desire."

With that she turned to inform her adept and the young man loved by her of the unique honor soon to be be shown to them all. As she left to do this, and to make preparations, she likewise knew he was seeking out his own brother, her Sire the Sorcerer Aelvedaar.

The day passed in a cloud of worry and anticipation. But soon it was dusk, and Graysith found herself standing mutely beside Shayla and Erik within the Great Throne Room of the Temple, holding her breath in a completely masked agony over what was about to happen.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-21-2002 11:14 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The throne room was dark except for
a ring of candels in the center of the
room that burned brightly. The shadows
ebbed and swelled like a rushing tide.
This night an ancient cerimony would
once again be brought to life. Those
gathered could see the outline of two
men walking side by side together to
stand in the center of the candels. The
one was Aelvedar, dressed in the tra-
ditional robes of the sourcer cast of the
Sith. The other was Roan, stripped from
the waist up. His muscular chest glisten-
ed with persperation as he stood facing
those that gathered.

Aelvedaar moved forward picking up two
white objects from the floor which now
he brought to the others to inspect. They
were rancor teeth that had obviously been
ripped out of the animal in battal. He took the teeth once more and went to stand befor
Roan. Wordlessly he took one tooth at a time and pierced then into the pectoral muscles causing them to exit the flesh on the oposite side. Never did Roans eyes leave Graysith nor did his stoney expression
change as he felt the pain of the objects
pass through his chest muscles.

Aelvedaar stepped away from his brother once more to attain four cords that had been tied
down. One by one he attached them to either side of the teeth before touching his clawed
hand to his brothers forhead. The heartbeat
of the Sith filled the room as every muscel in Roan's body snapped to attenchen in an almost sezure of constriction. His arms out
stretched and his claws dug into his palms
drawing blood instantly.

Aelvedaar seemed visibly shakeing as spirits began to jump from the shadows flowing through the Dark Lords body rapeing his spirit over and over. Aelvedaar was pouring into Roan the pain of all those that had undertaken this cerimony befor him. He stepped back as the ropes tightened lifting the war lord high into the air. Roan was about 10 feet from the floor his own muscels straining to hold the weight of his body as he hung there.

Out of the shadows the familiar demon Maladius obiediantly popped out scurying to
the sourcerors side seeming to want to help his master. They watched in horror as he jumped from the floor to Roans legs clawing
his way up to his back causing him to sway.
The evil ones claws waisted no time in slicing at his own masters flesh. Roan's
face contorted with the pain he felt internally and now externally. This all seemed to go on for hours as blood pooled under the two.

Roan's eyes and mouth opened and he took one
final gasp of air befor going limp. They all watched him even Maladius who now jumped
to the floor for once ignoring the pool of
blood at his feet. Long moments passed befor they all heard a great intake of air
fill the Lords lungs and all the spirits pushed forth from inside of him like a tidal wave. Aelvedaar wasted no time in returning Roan to the floor and out of his torture.

He stood briefly looking only to his love.
"They come for us" he wispered, "but we will not be defeated." He then collapsed into her awaiting arms.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-22-2002 12:48 AM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
For the Blood is the Life....

Lady Graysith didn't quite know where the words had originated. Nor did she bother wanting to know. All she knew was that far, far too much of it was pooling upon the stone floor of the Great Throne Room, the wellspring from whence it came being a far, far too precious source to her. Her jaws worked as she gritted her teeth, her slim hands fisting at her side with the effort not to rush forward and stop this hideous ceremony.

That her Lord would subject himself to such atrocities... UNTHINKABLE!!

But withhold herself she did, if only by dint of every bit of willpower she possessed. Every fiber of her being screamed for him at the pain he stoically endured, as the obvious shadows of ancient and less noble Sith rushed headlong into his muscular frame, laughing and gibbering and clawing to make it their own, squabbling and raking him in the attempt of bringing him unto them. Every muscle tensed as though if by doing so she could lend him that extra touch of physical strength, to better withstand the cruel pressure applied by his own body in its battle against gravity and the two enormous rancor teeth. Her own nails sliced into her palms, drawing her own blood, every ounce of strength she possessed keeping her eyes glued upon him when she saw Maladius scramble up his body and begin ripping and slicing into it with wild abandon.

There was nothing she would have loved more than to avert her gaze, to turn away from the horror in front of her. But even as a part of her tried to do just that, another stronger part would not give her that release. Trembling with the effort, her eyes instead remained glued to his, adhering there, offering a silent communion, an incorporeal lifeline between the two of them, along which she willed all her own strength and willpower and power of endurance to travel along. When the torture reached its exquisite apex she saw Shayla turn her head and bury it against Erik's chest; she merely drew in a shaky breath and straightened further, her fisted and white-knuckled hands dripping blood freely onto the stones of the floor.

And when the Dark Lord had gasped and ceased to breathe... she thought she would die with him, right there on the spot. At least in joined death there would be eternal unity.

But he had lived. He had gasped a great inhalation, his eyes had flown open, he had mercifully been lowered to the floor. And then there had been no stopping her, and she had flown to be with him, to stand before him, reaching up and out to him as he had been lowered, ignoring Aelvedaar and shouldering past him to take Roan's bloodied hands into her own bloodied palms, their life's juices mingling to make them ever more one unto each other as she gazed in awe and relief and an overwhelming burst of love into his wonderful turquoise eyes... holding him, listening then with a brow cocked in growing wonder and concern as he uttered his final cryptic vision and collapsed in her arms.

She held him as though she would never let him go, her own eyes growing huge as the realization of what had just happened finally sunk into her.

He had seen something....

Now she was crying openly, stroking his cheek, his torn chest, laying her hands upon his wounds and using the wondrous All as her Sire had taught her to do to begin healing him. Nothing would do but that he awoke whole within her arms, to let her know that which he had seen, to let her let him know how much she loved him, and the hell she had born thinking he had once more died.

But until then--

"Leave us," she commanded softly as she continued her medicinal ministrations, interspersing the soft touch of her hands with even softer kisses. "Leave us now."

She didn't even have to remove her attention from her Lord to know her order was being instantly obeyed.

[ 01-22-2002 05:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-22-2002 05:29 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Although Shayla tried her best to stay focused, to remain strong, she could bear no more. She turned her face, burying it in Erik's strong shoulder. He instinctively wrapped his arms about her, laying his head atop hers as if to shield her.

How strong he was...

Shayla shuddered at the horror or the moment, wondering for what reason this ceremony had been designed. What would occur if Roan succeeded?

...And if he didn't?

She shuddered again in spite of herself.

Keenly aware of Graysith’s own personal pain and of the inward struggle, Shayla forced herself to turn back to the horror of the moment. Behind her, Erik merely lent support as he watched in numb horror and curiousity.

At that moment Roan’s breath seemed to stop, and Shayla tensed.

If Graysith lost him now...

But quite miraculously, he again inhaled deeply, his turquoise eyes opening widely, something elusive and somehow powerful lurking in their depths.

He lived.

Graysith hurried to him, and the Dark Lord whispered something, falling into her arms and collapsing. As she began to tend to his wounds, holding him with all the love she had in her, Graysith requested Shayla and Erik leave. Only pausing a moment to regard the image of the Great Dark Lord in the arms of his Lady, Shayla obeyed immediately, taking Erik by the hand and leading him to her room. As she closed the door behind her, Erik sat upon her bed. When she turned, she saw the question in his eyes before he ever said a word.

“Shayla, I don’t understand.”

She wrapped her arms about herself, leaning against the wall to regard him. “I can’t say that I understand either. But Erik, this man is a warrior. He will stop at nothing, not even death, to protect his Lady. Who would dare come against him? Against HER?”

“But does he intend upon open attack?” Erik quizzed.

“Have we ever openly attacked?” Shayla countered, answering the question indirectly. “Only what is necessary, My Love.”

Erik nodded, surprised to hear her call him her Love. But truly, in the face of such overwhelming Love, undeniable devotion...

...Sith who love and hate like a faucet that runs hot or cold...?

These people were most certainly NOT the typical Sith such as Palpatine. There was something about them...
...something that seemed to reach far beyond mere Love and Hate.

...What awesome power, in fact, did they truly hold...?


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-24-2002 12:08 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Dark Lord felt the loveing touch of his betrothed and it comforted him even as the visions continued. They were indeed comming.....many would be lost....
He tried to see the face of the leader but all that would great him were shadows. The vision continued farther....a of great importance and power. The child would be the turning point, the babe would insure their victory.

He lay motionless except for the heaving of his chest but as Graysith held him she began to see changes occuring in his body. The once purple and black shadows that swirled on his face slowly stopped leaving clear markings behind. He still bore deep purple hues mingeling with black but the movement was replaced with the set markings of the greatest Warlord the Sith would ever now. The scarring on his chest and back, from his deep wounds healed by her loveing touch, were replaced with smooth skin. His muscles became taughter, larger; his claws and hornes became longer, sharper; and his entire appearance became more youthful. The chosen one watched as before her eyes her love regenerated to that of a youth in his prime, viral and strong.

Slowly the Dark Lords eyes opened to lose themselves once more in her violet ones. He reached up with a massive hand to gently cup her tear stained cheeck to wipe away the tears that flowed so freely there. "I died for you my love. I had but one gift to give that was truely my own and of that I will always give freely." He sat up taking her in his arms engulfing her in his stength.
"Do not cry my love," he wispered, his lips brushing her ear, "all is well now."

The Dark Lord stood easily scooping up her clinging form with him. He carried her down the hallway toward the room they shared. He paused momentarily as a creature made its way through the shadows to hunker before them. Maladius who only moments ago had tortured him under the ruleing of the cerimony coward there, open and vulnerable.
He wimpered his head down, eyes averted trembleing from the act he had to preform.
He held his tail in his clawed hands and waited for the response he knew would quickly come.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-24-2002 03:06 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Glyph on the forehead of the Chosen Daughter flared ultraviolet, blasting into a burst of affronted energy as she spied the scuttling demon. Her body instinctively tensed in outrage; as if cued by that, Lord Roan kissed the top of her head softly, and set her upon her feet. Fisting her hands against her sides in anger, Graysith then approached the cowering Maladius, seeing not his submissive form but rather that of it alive with malice and sadistic glee as he had raked and clawed and sliced into the body of her love.

She drew up before the creature, who whined and bowed his head before her, his bloody eyes all the while cutting to seek amnesty in those of Lord Roan. There was no reprieve there; the Dark Warrior merely crossed his muscular arms and tilted his head toward his Lady. Maladius' fate was clearly delegated into the capable hands of Graysith; the creature whimpered and clutched his tail, fully aware of how the Chosen Daughter had not understood, and indeed might not even yet.

Trembling with the effort to hold back her anger, Graysith slowly reached a hand out to the abject little demon, then paused. Words strangely familiar to her came whispering into her ears as if from a great distance:

All for the All... tunnelled vision cannot see the entirety of the picture....

Slowly, her slim hand descended to lay quietly on the creature's head. "You have done well, little one; more than was ever expected of you to do. Go now."

Scarcely had she uttered the words when she once more felt Roan's strong arms about her, felt the warmth of his breath as he laughed against her hair. Then they continued on their way, to discuss together the import of what had been revealed to the Dark One this night.

[ 01-26-2002 11:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-26-2002 12:14 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As Shayla lay in bed, she found that she couldn't sleep.

Something was up. And she just knew something big was about to happen.

Suddenly she felt a bit out of place as she considered the choices that had been laid before her.

She'd been given the option to come back to Khar Delba or go to Sullust to watch the others. She'd chosen to come back, to complete her training.

But what if she should have been doing the latter and not the former? Truthfully, she hadn't had training since she had returned...

So what was she doing here?

She shifted in her blankets, pondering further. Did she have it in her to complete this task? Would this, in fact, have been the better choice? Was her heart guiding her, or her head?

As if on cue to that thought, another memory placed in her by Graysith of that horrible day when her child had been killed. Then, memory shifted to another day, when Terrin Danner had cruelly injured her Sister... what if they were planning to do something else? Who would be keeping an eye on those two? And what would the ramifications of leaving the Child that would soon be born in their incapable hands be?

With a blinding insistence, Shayla's being was suddenly filled with a new purpose.

She should be watching them.

Shayla sat up and headed to her wardrobe to dress and pack. Then another issue of this departure suddenly presented itself.

What was she going to do with Erik? He couldn't go with her...he'd be in the way, he wouldn't understand. And she'd given her word she wouldn't ask him to do anything he might be uncomfortable with...

...She'd have to leave him. She'd have to leave him and not let him know where she was going. There'd be too much of a risk of big eyes and ears finding out what she was up to.

Still...she'd need protection. And a ship...

Mulling this a moment, she sent out a thought to her Sister. I have decided to take leave, my Sister, to serve you and Your Own. I shall go to Sullust to watch these who have given you trouble. I take Leev with me, for my protection. With you I leave my Love...he will not understand. I am sorry for the inconvience this may cause, but he will be a good help to you by continuing to take care of the ships which he has been restoring. In time we may need them.

Deciding upon the Lioness as her ship of choice, Shayla turned a moment to regard Erik as he slept, then entered the hallways of the Temple to depart all together.

If this choice should please you, I shall go now. If not, I shall return immediately. But in this I feel I can serve you best, my Teacher, my Friend, my Sister...

[ 01-26-2002 12:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-28-2002 08:20 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A satisfied grin played about Graysith's features as she felt the voiceless message come softly into her mind. She pulled back from Lord Roan, and walked across the floor of their quarters to stand before the great viewing crystal still looming near the foot of their bed. For a long time she gazed into its mysterious depths, her smile growing a bit wistful as she took in the scene the crystal revealed to her. Then the smile broadened, and she turned back to Roan.

The Dark Lord was quirking one eyebrow at her. "My adept seeks yet to prove her worth to us, my love," she grinned back. "At last she is beginning to discover herself, as where as the direction in which her loyalties truly do lie." The grin broadened further. "And you thought I chose unwisely, even thought I had no right to do as I did with this one!"

As her Dark Heart descended upon her to wipe that grin off her face in his own powerfully unique fashion, the Chosen Daughter had just the time to send a returning thought along the Link to her Adept.

What took you so long, dear sister? she quipped; then she sobered.

Go to Sullust, and take care. Events proceed there which are of the greatest importance to us, as well as in regards to the destiny I have yet to fulfill. Go in strength, my adept; I cloak thee to keep thee safe from prying eyes.

A final niggle of the All, and Shayla's ship was enveloped in a blanketing shield, one which would prevent any force user, partial or of the all, from discovering her. Then the Chosen Daughter turned once more to her Dark Heart, holding out her hands to him.

"And what of the one she leaves behind, my love?" she asked, grasping his strong hands in her own surprisingly strong grip. "Perhaps he can be of some use to us as well. What think you?"

[ 01-28-2002 08:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

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Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-28-2002 09:33 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Still smiling at Graysith's playful reprimand of her taking so long, Shayla, with Leev closely behind, rescued Izzy from her post aboard the Relentless and headed for the Lioness, boarding the ship quickly and beginning to warm the systems. Behind her, Izzy rolled into the cabin and strapped herself into a special R2-unit slot that Erik had designed for her. She beeped a scathing remark at Shayla. Leev took position in the back of the cabin.

Cocking a brow, Shayla turned to the droid with a half-smile. "I'm sure he'll get over the fact I'm taking his ship. He's flown the Starlight enough to owe me this one."

Another string of tootles followed.

Shayla turned back to the navboard as she answered. "We're going to Sullust And once we get in hyperspace, I want you to unstrap yourself and do a data search. I want specifics on anything bearing the name Terrin Danner and Eagle Enterprises that you can get your sensors on. I have no doubt that wherever he is, the rest of the motley crew is as well. But I've gotta find them first, without tipping them off to my knowing a thing of their whereabouts."

With that, Shayla began the take off cycle. As the ship began to leave the ground and she turned her attentions more fully to the task of getting the Lioness out of Khar Delban atmosphere and into space safely, Izzy bleeped one final string of "thoughts" regarding Mr. Danner.

Shayla turned to regard the R2-unit again, this time a not-so-pleasant grin playing across her face. "That we might, my little droid. That we might..."

[ 01-28-2002 09:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-29-2002 04:37 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Yes my Chosen One, Eric may yet be of use if his mind has been opened." He smiled as her arms coiled around his neck and her cheek rested on his bare chest. "I will aproach him as to training. There is something brewing in which we all must be prepared."

He lifted her into his massive arms and began the short trek to were they had lain only moments before. Indeed he would talk to this Eric, not to take an adept but to prepare him for what lay ahead for all of them. He would aproach him but later as the matters at hand were quickly rising just as her lips were rising to meet his. He was sinking once again into her magical embrass and there would be time for preperation soon enough.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Sorcerers

Member # 34

posted 02-02-2002 02:00 PM     Profile for Aelvedaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aelvedaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The blast emanating through the incorporeal pathways of the All was unmistakable. It ravened forth, blazing in neon brilliance, a stark and unavoidable beacon announcing quite clearly and with utter simplicity the arrival of another User of the All into the scheme of things. For I knew with the gravest certainty that the blast did not originate with my Dark Brother. The clarity of focus displayed by that blast could only mean one thing. Someone was using the Claw. That wondrous device had somehow fallen into the hands of another All user... and one I was forced to suspect was not playing upon our side of the gameboard.

I frowned, my attentions jerked so unceremoniously from that which I had been watching over. Now adjusting a control sigil just a bit, I paused to reflect over whether or not I should discuss this latest development with Roan, or should merely handle it myself. Other small annoyances had occurred to us since I had arrived in response to the quite unexpected summons of my Chosen One so long ago, and for the most part I had remained in the background, letting her continue to learn and strengthen her abilities by handling those annoyances on her own. Indeed, only when a diversionary tactic had been necessary had I stepped quietly in, unnoticed by her, to assist her in separating the jedi students from their own Master.

But this-- this went beyond being a mere annoyance. This spelled danger in letters as brilliant as my eyes. The question was whether or not it would take us both to eliminate it... or whether we should act upon it at all at this time.

I sighed, shaking my horned head, my molten gaze becoming a bit unfocused as I pondered. The art of Sith Sorcery was my forte; I was no strategist. Finally arriving at a conclusion, I nodded, deciding it would be best for the Dark Warrior Lord to decide how best to handle this. Making certain that the object of my ministration was operating smoothly, I turned from it altogether. A slight motion of one hand opened up a tunnel through the All, and I stepped through it into the familiar confines of the Master Quarters at the Great Temple of Khar Delba.

My Dark Brother appeared occupied with his Lady; out of deference to them both, I averted my gaze and made a small noise to announce myself.

"Brother, a concern of dire importance has come to my attention," I began, now moving away to come to a stop before the viewing crystal at the foot of their bed. Another wave of my hand, and a seething planetscape revealed itself in its mysterious depths. After an appropriate length of time had elapsed, spotted with the occasional rustles of bedclothing being tossed aside and garments being donned, I turned to face them. They stood silent as wraiths, the Lady looking puzzled and more than a little bit worried. There wasn't a speck of emotion upon the hard planes of Roan's face, however.

I pressed on.

"I know you have felt this, Brother." Now our eyes locked together, a wealth of words and questions crashing between us. "Think you that we ought to act directly upon this, or wait and see what develops? I do not feel we are in any great physical danger yet, but..."I trailed off, waiting to hear how my Dark Brother would reply.

[ 02-02-2002 02:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]


I am NOT a Jedi....

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Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 02-02-2002 02:16 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Chosen Daughter struggled to remain impassive in the face of this announcement, but it was an inner conflict she was rapidly losing. She too had felt the blast lasering through the All. Although far from being a Master yet herself, it was strong enough to have captured even her attention; even she was aware that in order for one such as herself to have attuned to this blast it had to have been highly focused.

And there was only one device of which she was aware that would fine-tune the ravening splendors of the All in such a manner....

Trembling a bit, she couldn't help but glance down at her right hand. Although she had easily adapted to the prosthetic finger, she still felt terribly empty without the Claw she had once affixed there. A shadow of despair began to taunt her, reminding her of the haunting fact that if she had been strong enough to keep the Claw from being removed, they would not now be facing what might very easily turn into a disaster of momentous proportions. And now, having gained her attention with that, her inner Beast began to yowl and slaver, adding his bit of mounting rage to her rising emotions.

Then her violet eyes widened, and the Glyph upon her forehead raged forth. Turning to her Dark Lord, she clutched his arm with her hand as her gaze roved from his face to the planet showed in the crystal and back again.

"My Adept," she whispered, her grip on his arm tightening instinctively. "Oh my Dark Heart, Shayla has gone to Sullust, and I have sent her there!"

[ 02-02-2002 02:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

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Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 02-03-2002 12:47 AM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Dark Lord listened to his brothers words; indeed he too had felt the use of the all. He looked now to his Dark Heart who clung to him fearing for her adept.
He released her grip wrapping his arm around, pulling her closer to him. He gave her a comforting squeeze before gently kissing the soft hair that crowned her beautiful head.

"My brother, Dark Heart, we have nothing to fear from this one at this time. He has caused more problems for himself in using his we could ever do to him now. Your adept will be safe as long as she does not attempt a confrontation with him. Those that he now protects will soon foolishly mistrust and perhaps even send him away, leaving them even more vulnerable for when the time comes." A broad smile graced his now youthful features as he looke into his brothers eyes. "You my brother of course know who this new all user is and as I remember he was of no true threat when last you met." He searched his brothers face finding great satisfaction in the smile that now played on Aelvedar's lips.

He now placed both arms around Graysith holding her to him finding true comfort that only she could bring to him. "All is well. I have already sent Maladius to watch, to keep us aware, and to aid Shayla should she need assistance." Placing a clawed finger under her chin he raised her lips to meet his in a passionate kiss. He stayed there only breaking it long enough to pat his brothers arm in a show of assurance before returning to her magics.

[ 02-03-2002 11:36 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 02-04-2002 11:42 AM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Releasing a small and satisfied sigh, Graysith pulled back from the embrace of her Lord. For a moment she simply laid her head agianst his broad chest; then, as a softly inquiring niggle came to her through the All, she pulled back again. She turned her violet eyes up into her Dark Heart’s turquoise pair.

“My Adept falters, but in deference to us,” she murmured. “I shall pass on to her these certainties of which you have spoken, my love.”

With that, she let her gaze unfocus and the Glyph come to life on her forehead. It filled the air with its intense glow as, leaping out in a dazzling beam it followed the Link back to Shayla, bringing into her Adept’s mind all that had been spoken within the room in recent moments. When she was assured that Shayla had received the message, the Chosen Daughter followed it with another, one more private, and one entirely of her own.

”Take care, my sister,” the warning whispered through the Link. ”There is one near you who has the ability to bring harm to you, although not to us or our destiny in general. But it is for your safety that I now have some concern; on one hand this is meant to be a test of your abilities, my sister. But on the other, I do not wish anything to happen to you.

“Do you need me there?”

Pulling back her thoughts, she looked up again into Lord Roan’s eyes, that voiceless look telling him precisely where she would go, and what she would do, if she deemed it necessary.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 02-04-2002 06:52 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I go, my Sister, with your blessing," Shayla answered at last through the link. "I shall be careful, but I feel this is my time to branch out, to discover what I am capable of. Should it, however, become necessary that I call for help, you will be the first to know."

Turning from the link, Shayla's hand again returned to the navboard, preparing to land the Lioness on the surface of Sullust and to follow her prey...

[ 02-04-2002 06:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Erik Kartan

Corellian Info Smuggler and Pilot

Member # 129

posted 02-04-2002 09:18 PM     Profile for Erik Kartan   Author's Homepage   Email Erik Kartan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Erik leaned his elbows against his knees and put his face in his hands, burying it there.

She was gone. She had gone, and she hadn't said goodbye. And he just knew that she had done exactly that because she was doing something she didn't think he would understand.

But how could he understand? He'd been with her for months now, and not once had anyone given him enough of the big picture for him to come to any sort of decision.

He was no fool. He knew he wasn't trusted.

Not even by the one that he loved.

Sighing, he resigned himself to her absence, wondering if he was all alone or if the others were there. She was blanketed from him, as she had been seemingly eons ago when she had first disappeared.

When she had first stepped into the universe in which she now existed.

Why was it that he couldn't exist there too?


Hey! Where's my A-wing?!
My heart is broken....sweet sleep my Dark Angel... Evanescence, "My Heart is Broken"

Posts: 447 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Aug 2001  |  Logged:


Member # 138

posted 02-05-2002 08:11 PM     Profile for Maladius   Author's Homepage   Email Maladius     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The anguished cries of the beast could be heard ecnoing through the all well before a seriously injured Maladius appeared in the hallway. No matter what form he took, tangible or intangible, the pain sliced through him as he dragged himself through the halls. The gibberings he emitted were a mixture of ancient sith cursing, crying and wimpering. He pulled himself along using his arms as his hindquarters were badly scorched. His tail was a bent mass of black and blood.

Graysith saw him as he passed her to make his way to Roan. She couldn't help but feel pity for the blubbering sith demon as she watched him fall into a heap at her Dark Lord's feet. Roan gently picked up the creature wispering to him in the ancient sith dialect. The creature writhed in pain as he gave himself over to Roan.

"Rest easy now," the Dark Lord murmured darkly. "You will be avenged."

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Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 02-05-2002 11:50 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Dark Lord Roan watched the Sith demon make his way down the hallway to fall at his feet. Somehow this spirit of the all had been seriously harmed and he knew just who was to blame. He picked up the writhing Maladius, whispering words of encouragment as he carried him down the hall to his brother Aelvedaar. He entered the room striding to a nearby table where he placed the creature, who once more cried out.

"It seems, my Brother," he began quietly, gently comforting his pet, "that our adversary has become more clever over the years." Roan cast his steely turquise eyes toward a stoic Aelvedaar. Each one knew the difficulties in hurting this creature and he being the last of his kind was invaluable to them. He looked for the hint of concern over the latest developments that he knew would cross his brother's face. "I still do not feel as though this one is a threat," he said as he placed a strong hand on the Sith Lord's shoulder. He cast a stern look in Maladius direction. "Some of us have become lax thinking that our prey is no threat. I believe our friend has learned his lesson." Maladius lay there moaning, trying to wait patiently for the healing touch of Aelvedaar.

Roan walked over to the viewing screen, allowing his brother to attend to the creature's needs. He felt Graysith's presence as she approached and he instinctively placed his arm around her. "There is nothing to be alarmed by, my Dark Heart. Everything is on schedual and according to plan. Perhaps now I have someone that will allow me to test my new abilities." He smiled down at her, giving her shoulder a quick squeeze before once more looking out into the blackness.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 02-07-2002 10:08 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A quickening evening breeze lifted the leaves of the vegetation of the jungle that held the Temple in its shadowy arms, which only rustled further as one nocturnal creature after another roused itself to face the upcoming night. Graysith leaned out against the ornate stone railing of the balcony outside her old quarters, comfortable enough ones that she had given in turn to her Adept. Though the ones she now shared with Lord Roan were far more elegant and appointed, she liked to come here as often as she could. It brought her back to those earlier days when she had first come to this great Temple of the Sith; how well she remembered her first night here, one she had spent pacing the confines of the room, nails slicing her palms, and one which had ended with a surprise visit by Nikk.


She sighed, and closed her eyes, letting the breeze carry the perfume of the night flowers into her nostrils, her thoughts drifting back through time as easily as that heady bouquet came to her now. So much had happened since that first day, and so much was yet to come....

With her eyes still closed, she placed a hand on her stomach. A soft and secretive sort of smile came to her lips, and for a moment she merely stood there, silent. Then a dark shadow leapt over the rail; as he had done that night so long ago, Nikk came to a silent halt before her. His eyes seemed to glow as he pinned them upon her; she smiled, feeling that look, sensing his concern, knowing it was unwarranted.

At her side, M'wonBo'o raised a betendriled head, and growled as the Noghri burst in upon them. Then he laid his head between his massive paws and quieted somewhat, although he could not refrain from muttering an occasional warning rumble. Although by now the great tuk'ata accepted the Noghri as almost a peer, at times he almost seemed to be jealous of Nikk's growing closeness with his Mistress. Without budging an inch, one of his face tendrils snaked out to wrap about Graysith's ankle, seeking reassurance there.

Graysith smiled, and was about to speak gentle words to allay his fears... when a disturbing thought came to her mind through the Link she maintained with Shayla. Her eyes flew open as its import struck her; for long moments she stood in silence and stared unseeing as the evening light dimmed about her, a frown beginning to tickle the corners of her mouth. She sighed, and that small sound was enough to cause her Blood-Hunt Companion to immediately raise his head, and for Nikk to sidle closer to her.

With another smaller sigh, she waved them back. "Be at ease, my friends," she directed them gently. "I am unharmed, although concerns are beginning to plague me. I fear my Dark Heart must be made aware of events occurring at this moment on Sullust, if indeed he needs me to inform him of such at all."

Turning to leave, she paused. The Glyph ravened into life, and she sent a returning directive to Shayla. Take care, my sister, she warned her. The one who has harvested our treasure is stronger than you perceive him to be. I do not wish anything to happen to you; beware this one, and stay away from him at all costs. I shall inform my Lord of the events which have transpired with you, and we shall see what his input shall be.

Closing the link, she cast a final look into the deepening shadows without. For some reason they were suddenly beginning to perturb her greatly. Shaking off a little shiver, she proceeded to seek Dark Lord Roan, to deliver the message she had just received from Shayla. At her side, and equally silent and apparently perturbed M'wonBo'o and Nikk fell into place, and followed her back into the stone corridors of the Temple.

[ 02-07-2002 10:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

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