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Author Topic: The Natural Order

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-13-2005 12:17 AM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Y'know, I really don't understand why I was so surprised. I mean really now, to recap: one moment I was standing in nothing but shaking denial of something that my gut had been trying to tell me for years was true, then I was smack in the middle of all the action, my hand ice-cold in my sister's, shaking and shivering before the welling volcano that had burst into existence within me and suddenly began to erupt....

So of course it would be logical, if not prudent, to try to put out that terrible heat with oceans and oceans of water.

I spluttered, yanked back from the dark little island which had been floating on all that lava, carrying me willy and nilly like so many gleeberflies dancing in the moonlight. My flailing arms waved uncontrollably, then one came into contact with something.

A soft oof was my reward for that; shuddering and blinking now it suddenly struck me that I wasn't on fire, that there was no volcano, that I was sitting on the deck of a ship, wet as a...

Well. As a wet hen.

And thrice as mad.

"DAMMIT!" I roared, spluttering, shaking my head to rid myself of as many of the annoying droplets as I could. Sniffling, I placed my hand back behind me on the deck; of course it landed in a puddle and whipped out from behind me.

It was only because I was stiffening with growing ire that I didn't whang my head on the deck. Instead, I blinked again, focused and then finally recognized, really, where I was and who I was with.

How I had gotten from Point A to Point Z was a quickly fading memory.

I sat quickly up.

"D-did we do it?" I said, feeling suddenly ridiculous, then shivering yet again as something my sister had yelled to me during all the turmoil solidified like cement in my head.

I had that same weird power she did.

The All....


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1456 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Panthar Dantares

Super Dooper Member

Member # 494

posted 01-13-2005 12:25 AM     Profile for Panthar Dantares   Author's Homepage   Email Panthar Dantares     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
“Yup,” said Panthar, walking to the emergency supply storage bin with a slight limp.

“You and Jharmeen opened up a big old hole and we pushed the planets and sun right through it.”

He returned with a blanket in hand and wrapped it around Galen. He sat down beside her and Terrin.

“Sorry about that,” he said, rubbing his leg. “Really sorry. But we had to get you back with us. Are you all right?”


All I wanted was my name in a book...

Posts: 573 | From: North Liberty, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-13-2005 12:31 AM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Yeah, I think so.

"Er.. no. Ahh...

"I don't know."

I paused, suddenly flustered, then frowned to hide the bewilderment that was beginning to flood me. My lips pursed, I shot a glance to Panthar, to Terrin, around my immediate surroundings to where it fell on a somehow familiar sight.

That of my sister laying in the arms of the Sith, unconscious.

I gasped, scrabbled to my feet, utterly ignoring both Terrin and Panthar for the moment, and fell to my knees beside Jharmeen. Without thinking, I took up one of her limp hands in my own.

"What happened? Is she all right? She's going to be all right, isn't she?"

Again I shot a look around me, pinning each and every person there, silently willing everyone to respond in immediate and light-hearted affirmation.

[ 01-13-2005 12:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1456 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Panthar Dantares

Super Dooper Member

Member # 494

posted 01-13-2005 12:42 AM     Profile for Panthar Dantares   Author's Homepage   Email Panthar Dantares     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Phalomir shook his head.

“The Eyes said, before it vanished, that all is as it was. I take that to mean that it reset things as they were before time stopped. Mostly. I no longer have the knowledge of the Dark Lords, yet I remember the experience. Before time stopped, Jharmeen was barely awake, the power of the Eye of R’lous rekindling her spirit and keeping the beast within her at bay. I believe that is where she is now. But the strain of what she just did, with you, has left her weak.”

He looked to Shayla.

“When you have recovered, please try to give her healing.”

He turned back to Galen.

“Thank you for trusting us, Galen. I did not realize that you knew nothing of your powers. It took much trust, and bravery. But we need more, from all of us. We are returning to K’eel Doba at present, to recover. We will need to elude the blockade there, for they cannot have this ship. With Shayla drained, we need your piloting skills and possibly your Sith belt.”


All I wanted was my name in a book...

Posts: 573 | From: North Liberty, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-13-2005 07:23 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla's look turned dark, her soul still very weary as well as her physical body. "Healing Jharmeen is going to mean battling the beast, for when I reached to her before, I saw him there. He may have suffered a blow himself, but if we are going to act and have any success with this..."

She trailed, quite nearly dragging herself to Jharmeen and the others, "It's going to have to be now."

Reaching out then she took a deep breath, still exhausted, and closed her eyes, letting the Force envelope her. Then she reached a hand out to lay it upon Jharmeen's forehead, and channeled Force energy to her.


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Terrin Danner

Exceptional Salesman turned Really Nice Guy

Member # 110

posted 01-13-2005 07:31 PM     Profile for Terrin Danner   Author's Homepage   Email Terrin Danner     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Dismissing the fact that Panthar had pushed him aside for the moment, Terrin stood, his legs still somewhat weak underneath him as he listened to Shayla's words. His eyes focused on Galen, and he hurt to see her hurt.

Dammit, he thought to himself, She had just found the sister that she thought she had lost all those years, and that alone was enough to make this important, let alone the even grander spectrum. No way could they let things remain this way, not without a fight...

"Come'on everyone, help her!" he suddenly spoke up, walking over to the others slowly as he motioned to Shayla and Jharmeen, "Maybe if everyone who has powers of one kind or another contributes what they've got, we can do this. We've at least gotta try," he insisted, squatting then as he placed a hand on Galen's shoulder as something then occurred to him. there? You think you could help out with this, cause if so...

[ 01-13-2005 07:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


"Where's the horns, flyboy?"
It is a far greater thing to live a life with purpose and risk death than to simply live.~~CMH

Posts: 1187 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: May 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Armorers

Member # 492

posted 01-13-2005 09:54 PM     Profile for Phalomir   Author's Homepage   Email Phalomir     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Phalomir considered Shayla’s words, at first thinking she was rushing into the healing too soon after her own ordeal. Then he realized she was right, now was the time to help Jharmeen. The beast had been shaken, the power of the Eye of R’lous flowed within her, and his own magick had been returned to him. And now Shayla’s Force needed that magick to assist it.

He nodded, then closed his eyes and focused. Shayla would not face the beast alone, if it did indeed tried to once again attack Jharmeen. He let his mind drift towards her, felt the power and the warmth of her, and then connected with her spirit.

She was strong, he could feel her spirit’s power. But her body was weak, drained by the enormous task of opening a doorway into the Elseness large enough for an entire solar system. He could also feel Shayla’s healing energies within Jharmeen, and hoped he could protect them both while Shayla mended the physical damage. He then prepared his own magick for the attack he was sure would come, but hoped would not.

Please, Aelvedaar, he thought. Let her go. Let us be united, a Triumvirate rejoined.

[ 01-13-2005 11:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]


From the days of past futures I come, make ready for the storm.

Posts: 863 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 493

posted 01-13-2005 10:09 PM     Profile for Thoran   Author's Homepage   Email Thoran     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla is going heal her NOW?

Thoran’s thoughts rushed through Terrin.

She can’t! She’s not strong enough… oh crap! Terrin, just go to Gray, touch her, and don’t move.

Thoran focused, his essence drawing itself together into a tight ball of energy. His most famous trick, the one that earned him a spot on the Master’s team in the first place, was now called upon. With a shove of magick – combined with a little power left from his native realm – he launched himself from Terrin’s mind and into Jharmeen’s.

The move was a shock, for the relatively normal mind of Terrin was vastly different from the very messed-up mind of Jharmeen. He tried desperately to find a corner to hide his essence within, and could not find a quiet corner anywhere. He focused instead on the kernel of thought and power that seemed to be the center of all activity within the Dark Lady’s mind, and dropped his essence there. He could feel Shayla’s warmth, her healing, and could even sense Phalomir’s magick. But there was something else here, something powerful, belligerent. Something waiting…

As he was now waiting. One shadowy figure ready to face another.

But it was Shayla, not Jharmeen, who was the focus of his concern.


The ancients are not the oldest, nor the wisest.

Posts: 265 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:
Erik Kartan

Corellian Info Smuggler and Pilot

Member # 129

posted 01-13-2005 11:02 PM     Profile for Erik Kartan   Author's Homepage   Email Erik Kartan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Erik glanced for a moment to Panthar, who was now standing nearby. "You know, if we need someone to fly the ship and Galen or Shayla can't..."

He paused, looking worriedly at Shayla before he looked back, "I have flown a Sith warship, and probably would be able to do it. But for now, I'm going to help them," he ended, nodding towards the others who now surrounded Jharmeen, particularly Shayla. And then he too reached out a hand, laid it on Jharmeen's shoulder, closing his eyes and stretching out with the Force as he did so.
Any help would be better than nothing...

[ 01-13-2005 11:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]


Hey! Where's my A-wing?!
My heart is broken....sweet sleep my Dark Angel... Evanescence, "My Heart is Broken"

Posts: 447 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Aug 2001  |  Logged:
Terrin Danner

Exceptional Salesman turned Really Nice Guy

Member # 110

posted 01-13-2005 11:07 PM     Profile for Terrin Danner   Author's Homepage   Email Terrin Danner     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As Terrin did what Thoran asked him to do, he waited for Thoran to take control of his body once more...

...and was quite surprised that he didn't.

Thoran? What the hell are you doing?

No response.

Allright, this is the second time. What the kriffing hell was going on here?

But, rather than immediate assume anything, Terrin remained in place. If Thoran was whole and hale and inside his head somewhere, Terrin wasn't going to budge an inch so long as he believed Thoran could be of help here...


"Where's the horns, flyboy?"
It is a far greater thing to live a life with purpose and risk death than to simply live.~~CMH

Posts: 1187 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: May 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-14-2005 01:35 AM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Cascading waves of warmth flowed into the abused body of Jharmeen Qu'taro, gradually loosening up her tightened muscles and raising her slowing dropping body temperature back to a normal healthy one once again. As her muscles ceased to contract, so did the blood vessels within her, and a fresh rush of warmed blood began to spread that healing heat throughout her, quickening cellular processes, acting as a catalyst for others.

Suddenly her lips tensed, then loosened. Her lids fluttered, and a slight smile seemed to creep about her features. The Glyph on her forehead raised back into ultraviolet splendor from the near coal black state it had been reduced to; a breath of a sigh escaped from between her teeth.

From nowhere, it was as if an immense bolt of electricity had struck. Her body, after having finally regained something approximating its normal state, spasmed, sending her head thrashing back against Phalomir's chest. Her arms thrust upward and out, stiff and iron tense, striking one of the Healers who hovered so anxiously over her.

One leg raised, bent, and a sharp knee struck her sister a glancing blow to the side, sending her keeling awkwardly off to find a place on the deck nearby.

The author of those physical ramifications cared not a whit for the side effects of his rising. Deep within her very being, the Beast raised upright, stiff-legged, hackles raised, flat pewter eyes glaring at Thoran.

It roared a challenge... and swung a massively incorporeal paw, slicing into the other spirit, sending it reeling back into another corner of Jharmeen's mind. Not willing to let well enough alone, it then lunged, claws extended, ready to slice and shred this unwanted newcomer into nothing more than bits and pieces of memories.

Which most assuredly would fade, in one manner or another....


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-14-2005 10:51 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Although Shayla recieved a strong blow to the face with Jharmeen's flailing arm, she didn't budge despite it, unwilling to give up quite so soon.

"He's fighting it," she whispered unnecessarily, her eyes still closed. As she remained in place, she couldn't help the errant thought which wandered into her mind.

How could he do this to her, after seeming to show such concern for her, such love? How could things have changed so?

Then, unmoving, Shayla braced herself, prepared for another attack if and when it would come.


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Terrin Danner

Exceptional Salesman turned Really Nice Guy

Member # 110

posted 01-14-2005 11:03 PM     Profile for Terrin Danner   Author's Homepage   Email Terrin Danner     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Though dedicated to the task he was, Terrin couldn't help his instinctual reaction upon Jharmeen's initial reaction to their attempt to heal her. When her foot made contact with Galen's side and sent her flying to the deck, he immediately abandoned his post, hurrying to her side, and helping her up and bracing her, concerned to see her wince in pain.

"Something broken?" he queried, his look then darkening as Shayla's words finally registered and he finished with, "I think Aelvedaar is perhaps concerned about our possible ability to succeed, with a reaction like that..."


"Where's the horns, flyboy?"
It is a far greater thing to live a life with purpose and risk death than to simply live.~~CMH

Posts: 1187 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: May 2001  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 493

posted 01-14-2005 11:33 PM     Profile for Thoran   Author's Homepage   Email Thoran     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Thoran felt the pain in his soul as the ethereal claws raked through him. He gritted his incorporeal teeth and called up as much Sith magick as he could and sent it blasting into the beast. It stopped, shook its head and looked down at him again with hate in its eyes.

“Well,” he said, “that was stupid.”

The beast swiped at him again, and Thoran moved aside quickly enough to not be touched by the power of the paws.

“Phal, anytime you want to join in!” he called out. There was no time, however, as the beast sliced through him this time, leaving a searing pain ripping though his essence. If he didn’t get out of here now, he may become an ethereal corpse floating around Graysith’s mind, and that was unsettling enough for him to flash away to another corner of her mind to jump back to Terrin.

But Terrin was not within range.

“NOOO!!!!! Terrin, when I say ‘don’t let go’ I mean ‘DON’T LET GO’!!!!!!”

The Beast approached again, its eyes burning their way towards Thoran. Panic struck its way into him, and like a cornered animal he started looking for the fastest way out. His transfer powers only worked on someone who was touching the body or the mind he was inhabiting.

Thoran called up the ability and in a panic dove for the closest entity.

Directly into the beast.

And ended up in a place he most definitely did not want to be.

(((OOC: Join Thoran for an interesting ride inside the mind of the great Aelvedaar in My Enemy, My Ally in this forum. Thank you (and posibly goodbye… gulp))))

[ 01-14-2005 11:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


The ancients are not the oldest, nor the wisest.

Posts: 265 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-23-2005 10:22 PM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I shrank back against Terrin, hugging myself and staring at my thrashing sister like she was a wounded animal. But although my eyes were directed toward her, it wasn't her image I was seeing.

It was one red of skin, coiled of horn, molten-eyed and silken of tongue. Now, while the mere thought of Lord Aelvedaar did not produce the same kind of panic-stricken reaction that thoughts of his evil counterpart did, I was no fool. I had run into him more than once in the last four years; shaking my head, I let one hand drift across my body to rub against my ribs. The sweet little pain that provoked confirmed my hopes; while I was sure to sport one dandy of a bruise in the very near future, at least nothing was broken.

I craned my head upward, capturing Terrin's gaze with my own.

"I'm fine," I finally managed.

"But I don't think you're on the right track about Aelvedaar. He's not fighting the healing; I think he's fighting something else.

"Just what that is, I sure as there's Treasure on Roon haven't a clue."


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1456 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-23-2005 10:41 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Though Shayla's concentration was focused on Jharmeen, a small portion of her attention still picked up on the conversation going on around her. Her mind was still spinning upon the question of just how Aelvedaar could do this to Graysith...

...and Galen's thoughts on the matter fueled her musings even further.

If he wasn't fighting the healing...

...then what? What was in the bigger picture of all of this, what was it that Aelvedaar was trying to maintain by fighting their efforts? And what would possibly be destroyed should they succeed?

An answer came, one which suddenly made all the sense in the universe.

Aelvedaar had, until Recinis left her, quite an amount of influence in Jharmeen's life. He'd influenced it from the moment he'd found her and she'd reached into the past and pulled him forward in time. But now, aside from the beast...

"The Beast within is the only thing he has left to control her with," Shayla whispered, her speech broken as Jharmeen continued to thrash, "He doesn't want lose that..."

[ 01-23-2005 10:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Armorers

Member # 492

posted 01-23-2005 10:47 PM     Profile for Phalomir   Author's Homepage   Email Phalomir     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Phalomir held Jharmeen as she thrashed, his spirit keeping contact with hers to defend her from the attack of the beast while Shayla tried to heal Jharmeen’s body. And the Beast did rush, but not to attack Jharmeen. It was the sudden appearance of Thoran within Jharmeen’s mind that spurred the Beast into action, and it was Thoran that it pursued. Then, as Shayla’s words found themselves circling just within comprehension in Phalomir’s mind, both the beast and Jharmeen calmed.

“It was Thoran,”said Phalomir quietly, with a sudden awareness of what had happened, yet not aware he spoke aloud. “The Beast has finished him.”

Through foolishness or bravery, I do not know, but the quiet can only mean that he is no longer here within Jharmeen. But why did he do this?

Phalomir could feel the presence of the Beast, but not the malice of its earlier attacks on Jharmeen. Still, he maintained his protection, for what good it could do, and hoped he could keep her safe until they reached K’eel Doba and gather their strength before seeking Aelvedaar in person. He may have been alone in his desire to speak with Aelvedaar, but he still felt it was right.

The Triumvirate must survive.


From the days of past futures I come, make ready for the storm.

Posts: 863 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-23-2005 11:01 PM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It was all I could do to keep from casting a fast glance around and smugly replying, I told you so....

Instead I just sighed, and slumped back against Terrin, smiling a little to see that Jharmeen had calmed and now appeared to be sleeping.

She has to be just asleep, she only snores like that when she's really, really tired....

I looked up to Terrin then.

"I don't know about going to Aelvedaar," I put forth with a little frown, "but I do want to get to K'eel Doba. Coming in under the auspices of their Dark Lady--"

Here I nodded meaningfully toward my sister, who merely garbled something and rolled on her side in Phal's arms, curling up into a most un-Dark-Lady-like little ball there.

"--is probably a helluva lot easier way to get a Sith fighter.

"We have to, you know... that is, I have to."

My eyes widened then as I derailed completely, right at the end of that sentence.

Dear Khaandon, Terrin doesn't know....

I turned around and put both hands on his face, tilting his eyes down to meet mine. Then, what the hey, no need dragging this thing out--

"Sorben has Darra on Coruscant, and I think a Sith fighter is our only way to get through the blockade there to find her."

I quieted with that, letting one corner of my mouth quirk up in a hopeful little grin; then I sighed and let my hands slither from Terrin's face to lace about his waist. I laid my head against him, closing my eyes to hear the beating of his heart.

"It's going to be good to rest a little bit first, though."

[ 01-23-2005 11:03 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1456 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Panthar Dantares

Super Dooper Member

Member # 494

posted 01-23-2005 11:11 PM     Profile for Panthar Dantares   Author's Homepage   Email Panthar Dantares     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
“Sorben?” asked Panthar. “There was a Sorben on the empire ship around K’eel Doba. He pulled us in when we were leaving the planet, we had to meet with him. What a major pain in the-- Hey, he was looking for his daughter and asked Phal to check on the Sith worlds for her…”

A clicking of two gears, perfectly aligned, resounded within Panthar’s head as previously disjointed thoughts came snapping into perfect harmony.

“Holy crud,” he shouted, “Is that the guy you’re talking about?!”


All I wanted was my name in a book...

Posts: 573 | From: North Liberty, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:
Terrin Danner

Exceptional Salesman turned Really Nice Guy

Member # 110

posted 01-23-2005 11:19 PM     Profile for Terrin Danner   Author's Homepage   Email Terrin Danner     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Galen's little revelation was well more than enough to grab Terrin's attention away from the concerns regarding Galen's sister.

If Darra was on Coruscant...

...then they sure as kriffing hell were going to get to her. Galen had been searching for her far too long, it was time to have some success...

"If it's a Sith fighter we need to get to her...

...then it's a Sith fighter you'll..."

He trailed, unable to finish his thoughts as Panthar's words came slamming into his ears. He jerked to face him.

"What do you mean, he was looking for his daughter? He was the last person to have Darra. Unless..."

He paused then, shooting a dark look Shayla's way. "Shayla, he asked for Phalomir to look for his daughter on the Sith worlds. Do you know something about this?"

[ 01-23-2005 11:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


"Where's the horns, flyboy?"
It is a far greater thing to live a life with purpose and risk death than to simply live.~~CMH

Posts: 1187 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: May 2001  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-23-2005 11:26 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla looked up to Terrin, shrugging with a frown. "Honestly, no. I do know that Jharmeen knew Sorben had JhinDarra...

...but I don't know if she ever did anything about it. And so far as we know, what Sorben said could be some kind of ruse. After all, the last verifiable evidence I had of Darra's whereabouts left her on Coruscant with Tarnus. That would lead me to believe she is still there."


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-23-2005 11:51 PM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I whirled in alarm as that short interplay sank into my brain, niggling and worming there until once again I found my own little red flag of logic being waved about in turn.

If just a touch shy of hysterically.

"W-wait a minute," I stammered with a gulp. Now my hands flew about myself and hugged fiercely, my brain simply not willing to entertain the thought that in all probability--

"Sorben lost Darra?!"

I shook my head, biting my lip to give some sort of excuse for the tears now welling up in my eyes.

Damned if I was gonna break down again!

I managed to draw in a shuddery breath, and finally found words.

"Why else would Sorben be here... with ships did you say?"

I leveled a fast glance toward Panthar, who only looked back at me, seeming to try to compose his thoughts. Not waiting for him, I went on.

"If Sorben came with ships because he thinks Darra is on one of the Sith worlds, I don't think there would be anything to keep him from attacking."

I slumped to the deck, coming to a limp cross-legged halt there. Blinking, I looked up at everyone.

"Does anyone know if K'eel Doba was attacked? I mean, is there any justification for it? I know he wouldn't be here, out in the open, if this was just a ruse; believe me I know him too well."

Far, far too well....

[ 01-23-2005 11:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1456 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-24-2005 12:02 AM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla shook her head thoughtfully. "The last time I was there, K'eel Doba and all the other Sith worlds were unharmed, and the Imperial blockade was just sitting there, and waiting...

...for something. I do believe, though, that if Sorben thought Darra might be on one of the Sith worlds, he wouldn't attack until after he had her back. Only then would he have any justification for attacking."


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-24-2005 12:10 AM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
My arms slid from being wrapped about myself to crossing in front.

"Like you know him," I snorted, carefully climbing to my feet to stare at Shayla. The shaky friendship which had begun to bud between us seemed to waver, as if before a blast of icy winter's wind.

I shook my head.

"He'd do anything for Darra, anything; that's what I think," I finished, then plopped my hands on my hips and cast another look around.

"Just like I would."


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Terrin Danner

Exceptional Salesman turned Really Nice Guy

Member # 110

posted 01-24-2005 12:18 AM     Profile for Terrin Danner   Author's Homepage   Email Terrin Danner     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Terrin's look only darkened further as the exchange continued, his own thoughts spiraling along a particularly unpleasant line. "If you told Jharmeen where Darra was, and Darra is no longer there...

...I'd have to conclude that she was the one who took her from Sorben. My concern, however, is what happened from that point. Did she hide Darra off in secrecy...

...or did someone else find her? After all, there have been several entities entirely too interested in her capabilities in the past..."

He trailed, his look growing impossibly darker...

...and entirely determined. He turned to Galen, this time taking her chin in his hand. "We'll find her, no matter what it takes," he stated, leveling his gaze with hers a moment before dropping his hand and then looking to the others. "We've gotta establish whether K'eel Doba is still in tact first though. This is a Sith ship we're in...

...could we do this through some of the Sith technology aboard?"

[ 01-24-2005 12:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


"Where's the horns, flyboy?"
It is a far greater thing to live a life with purpose and risk death than to simply live.~~CMH

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