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Author Topic: Ashes reborn

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 08-29-2002 10:45 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
he stood on the strange planet, and within him a strange feeling came through to him from one of the voices imbeded deep within him.
"It appears...death has come to this planet... How wonderful"
he then let his hood fall back into another one of the oh to common cackles before returning his mind to the task at hand.
he raised a dark hand slowly, a strange wind born more from his will then anything the desolit planet could produce building around him.
Focusing all his dark powers he called to the evil that lived in what he sought.
"Remnents of the once dark lord... COME TO ME!" his words finished a strange ball of blackness formed about his gloved hand, drawing the evil that now lay spread accross the word like a magnit.

Slowly at first, gray specks began to come to him, gatherign about his fist before entering the strange black ball. Soon growing in rapidness, the ashes of the "once dark lord" came to him, having been scattered by the wind over a vast amount of time...
Finaly he felt that the strange ball had collected all of what he sought. a grim laugh escaped from beneath his hood and the ball vanished into his being.
with this he looked at the temple he had apeared next to, something within him recognized that temple... it was the temple of the "once dark lord".
As he walked away into the shadow's his voice came forth in a dark calm.
"the dark lord is reborn... By the hands of the dark priest...all will fall."
his very essence was then shot accross the blackness of space, finding security within his dark temple, locating the alter he had created...An alter forged by the blood of his servents, no stronger evil could be found.


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 08-30-2002 01:19 AM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
he looked upon the shadowy alter for a moment, then called forth the orb of shadows which held the ashes of the "once dark lord"
the orb floated to the alter, and vanished, the ashes spilling out over the shadowy surfaces.
deep within he felt the voices eagerness for this to be completed, his hood tilted back to unleash a cackle at there seeming
for this.
his hood dipped slightly, his hands commign out, palms extended over the alter, summoning the powers at his command.

Slowly, the ashes spread, tracing out the forms of a body. Then they slowly lifted into a strange three demensional image of that which they had been.
he virtualy growled as he unleashed the terrible power required to go through with this task, it shot forth, starting at the feet of the ashes, slowly the darkness crept upwards along the "body" covering it from view, untill finaly all was submerged in shadow.
Black lighting cascaded about the shadowy body, reaching from his very being, and then returning slowly to him once more, a terribly wicked laugh escaping from beneatht he cowl of his hood, the red eyes glowing ever fiercly.
as the shadow subsided, they revealed a skeleton, made from the solidified gray ashes of a once complete man, within this skeleton held all that could be preserved of the "once dark lord" entaris cackled at the though, anticipation flowing over his usual patiants.
unleashing yet another unearth growl the power flooded through him once more, bounding into the skeletel form befor him, flesh and muscle, and all else which the body needed seeming to -grow- from its ashen gray bone.
finaly the task complete, the body lay still, completly without life, long ashen black hair coming down from the mans head, his eyes closed, it awated its new master.
entaris drew forth the remander of his power, a bit tired due to the treacherus task of having to return a body from death, though, even such a task was not imposible for the dark priest... it was life that he could not that was beyond his touch...but his own "life" would work just as well in animating this corpse, his power could easily flow through this one... the voices told him it was so...
his power as great as he could muster after the prievious procedings, a shadow escaped from beneath his hood, and the cloaks fell emptied to the floor, the shadow shot forth, enterign through the mouth, and closed eyes of this body, a darkness that riveled even that of his "heart" cloaking the body as he began finding a place within.


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 08-30-2002 12:59 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
many hours later, the shadow's about the alter simply fled, as if the presence beneath scared even there darkness.
the eyes of the being remained closed, as the mind of entaris slowly worked its way into full control, the chaos now gone, there was simply entaris, and the two other voices that had been guidign him of late, finaly the eyes snaped open, revealing a turquoise splender.

he stood slowly, taking up the discarded robes and placing them about him. A hand slowly raised and became wrapped into a fist, feeling his power ripple about him, the sides of his lips curling into a sadistic smile, his head falling back into a dark cackle.
his blood curdlingly deep voice came forth in a wave of darkness. "and so... The once dark lord... Rises again... No longer the dark priest... I am the dark lord"
His dark gaze slowly lowered itself upon his garmets his lips falling into a dark scowl, and once more his dark voice rang out. "this can not do...not for a Dark lord of my power"
an inner voice called to him, telling him to go to Khar delba once more. Yet he could not simply go there now, a ship would be required...
his head tilted back, arms extending at his sides, dark blots escaping from his eyes, surounding his body, taking him far from this place.

Suddenly he was standing on the clossest planet he knew of to his destination, K'eel doba.
his lips curled into that sadistic smile once more, as he looked accross the horrizon, and spotted a ship, simply sitting there, waiting for him to take it.

he had brought himself as close as he could to the location Narcolm's mind had told him the man was staying, he knew a ship would have to be there, if indeed as many people as were there had come, at least one ship would have to be there...and he was rewarded for the logic.
Instantly he allowed the black blots to take him to the ship, entering it with knowledge he had not known he possesed. he quickly activated it, and flew into space, zooming with all speed to his destination...

The temple of Khar delba.


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 08-30-2002 07:50 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The stolen ship maneuvered gracefully through the small gap in the shield, a strangely skilled hand at the controls.
As it flew down with all speed, it eventually landed just out side of the temple, the hatch opening to allow a dark figure passage from its core.

He stepped out slowly, the black robes blowing strangely in a wind born of more then simple planetary conditions. The dark form walked casually up to the doors of the temple, which opened before him as though being blasted by a strange force.
His booted feet rang dully on the stone of the temple floor, as he walked through corridor, upon corridor, traveling up and down stairway’s, strangely knowing exactly where he was going, though he had never been in this temple before.

The dull ringing of boots upon stone suddenly stopped, a faint echo the only remnants of its once loud presence.
He stood before a large, jewel surrounded set of double doors, his lips tugging up into a dark grin, the pearly white teeth hidden behind those lips gleaming dully in the temples light... Light that had sprung up before him as he walked on, a strangely comforting feeling filling him with the thought.
His hand extended slowly, and the door opened before him, his lips rising further into a once more sadistic smile as he noted unconsciously a small plate of metal next to the door, it read simply "wicked"
His head turned slowly, taking in his surroundings with a strange, piercing gaze being emanated from brilliantly Turquoise eyes.
His gaze quickly found that which he sought, robes that were much more befitting for a Dark lord of his power.
as he exchanged them with his corrent clothing, a small metalic handle fell from the folds of Entaris' robes.
His eyes locked on to the object, now held within a firm grasp of unbelievable strength, looking for a a purpose, finaly his lips curled into a cruel smile, as he remembered what the blade was capable of.
Looking down upon a small box that lay on one of the few pieces of furnuture held in the room, the strong fingers reached out, opening it to reveal yet another metalic object.
his gaze locked intently on both objects his strong fingers pressed against the buttons held on both objects.
With a slight hiss the blades ignited, filling the room with there strange glow... Or rather, one filled the room with a glow, the other seemed to steal it away.
The blade found in Entaris' robes was black, as though it were the oposite of the very name given to it...Lightsaber
his thought came randomly... his piercing gaze then locked upon the other blade, red, a glowing which indeed simbolized the fires of his being, the chaos he could cause.
Both blades seemed fitting to him, one that of Wicked, the other the dark priest, how fitting that he, the Dark lord Entaris, should wield both. With that thought he tucked the blades away in his scarlet/purple robes, the colors seeming strangly fitting to him.
His gaze stop briefly upon a small mirror, the only one in the room.
He considered the imaged givin within its smooth depths, and suddenly realized his head was shaking, his lips turned down in a deep scowl.
This was not the image he wished to portray as the Dark Lord Entaris
His form bent slightly, tearing a piece of black meterial from the discarded robes of the Dark Priest.
His hands pulled back, taking all the hair on his head into a tight pony tail, one which be bound ever 3 inches with another strip of cloth.
His gaze drifted once more to the mirrior, all his hair was tightly pulled back into those strong folds of cloth, save for one small strand of his bangs, which hung like a fierce dagger over his right eye. His lips curled once again into that strange grin he was discovering, his head tilted back, a cackle escaping from his smiling lips.
Stopping suddenly, he opened yet another wooden box, finding amulates with stones that matched his eyes, within it, he placed them instantly on his wrists, there presence seeming to make him that much more impossing, yet he knew not why.
Now... It is time for those who wish to be adept in the darkness... My slaves... be prepared 'master' taehun, and why not warn your 'apprentice' bane as well? The dark lord Comes for you.
with this his somehow impossing form spun, scarlet/purple robes flying behind him as he stepped swiftly back through the many twists and turns of the temple.

As he walked through the temple, he suddenly found himself in a hanger, though he had been conciously trying to reach the temple entrance, his lips curled again into that sadistic smile, his body knew this place well, and apparantly, so did he.

His calm gaze shifted accross each and every ship, strangly though, the one he sought was not there...
how can this be? i have never seen any of this can the one i am looking for not be here? i dotn even know what it is i search for...
the thoughts rumbled to him.

His shulders droped into a slight shrug, as he chose a random ship, a small tie which he knew was his second favorite... his second... Not his first.

The tie exploded outwards from the planet, menuvering through the gap once more in the strange shields protection, blasting off into space.
His ship had been modified for Hyperspace travel...whatever that was... his shoulders shruged once more, accepting the strange knowledge he had been gaining lately through his knew form.

Indeed, the dark lord's were reborn within him, and they were both oh to happy to assist him in his quests...thier quests...

the ship entered hyperspace with a start, And so his knew "life" began...

[ 08-30-2002 09:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Entaris ]


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 08-31-2002 07:28 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: please follow entaris to "N'hreal... and beyond... " in complete sw universe, thank you))


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 222

posted 09-03-2002 11:36 PM     Profile for Narcolm   Author's Homepage   Email Narcolm     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post

Why? WHY? he didn't know why, nor what or when or how. The blazing corona in his mind blazed to life once more. Slowly tearing down the structure of his pysche, rending his thoughts like a knife through butter. He quivered once more, thought.

NO, he couldn't ansewer he couldn't. Couldn't anything, for Narcolm there was nothing but pain and the desruction of reality. The death of perception and the rapid descent into the abyss of total ignorance or total insanity. He shot a murderous glare at Entaris, why did he taunt him with questions, was the fire in his mind not burning brightly enough, did this... this.. Master need to fan the flames within. WHY
Questions again but questions no longer had any meaning, only one word had meaning now, "Master."

and so he spoke, voice dripping with blood and hatred, "Master."



(I AM turning to the Darkside)

"There's room at the top they're telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill."

Posts: 74 | From: See Rahthal | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Jedi

Member # 290

posted 09-04-2002 12:31 AM     Profile for Taehun   Author's Homepage   Email Taehun     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Taehun entered his room silently, and realized that it was quite bare. There was a single bed off in the corner, a desk with a small lamp on it, and an end table next to the bed. He paced around nervously in his room. He was enduring Entaris' might well enough, but his apprentice was having a hard time adjusting.
Hard time adjusting, my arse! He looks as if he were a rabid dog right now.

Unfortunately for Bane, he had not undergone enough training to withstand Entaris' presence. All he could do was what his master Taehun bid him to do, and Taehun was having enough trouble maintaining his sanity around Entaris. Because of this, Bane's state of mind seemed to be undergoing a downward spiral.
But if only we can endure...we shall become unimaginably powerful. Indeed, just as the sword is made stronger by the fire, so shall I be.

Taehun turned around and looked in the direction of where Bane would be staying.
...But if the metal was not strong enough, it would not pass through the fire, and simply melt.
Alas, that was the nature of the darkside. The unworthy shall be weeded out.


All in all it was just another brick in the wall,
all in all you were just another brick in the wall.

Posts: 248 | From: USAFA, CO | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-04-2002 11:09 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
he looked at narcolm, his lips curling into a frown so deep it threatoned to take in the entire universe.
HIs dark eyes then focused intently on the man, willing him to the ground in utter pain. his voice rolled forth in merciless hatred "You will learn to hate, narcolm, you are alive now, for only the purpose of apeasing my whim, i seek one who might understand, with that body you could indeed be a powerful ally, and return history into the darkness which the former inhabitents of these forms would be proud of... now... YOU WILL LEARN!" his final words were a dark scream, and narcolm was flung against the wall as his slender hand shot forth into the air, releasing a blast with incredable power.
"feel the pain Narcolm, embrace your desire to become my equal, no slave shall you be, EMBRACE YOUR ANGER!" again narcolm was thrown into a wall with bone shattering force.
"what have you to say now?"


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 222

posted 09-09-2002 06:05 PM     Profile for Narcolm   Author's Homepage   Email Narcolm     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Narcolm shuddered as he crashed to the ground, his body shivered, a melting pot of pain, anger and hatred. Narcolm rose, unsteadily to his feet, his face warped and skewed by sheer rage, his features twitched as he fought back the raging tide of fire that scorched his mind. In a moment of clarity he siezed Entaris's form with the force and heaved it backward, not far, not fast, not hard, but he did so nonethelss. Suddenly the fire was gone, replaced by icy anger, suddenly his mind was free from torment. He relaxed letting go of his hatred, and the fire abolished most of his sanity once more.



(I AM turning to the Darkside)

"There's room at the top they're telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill."

Posts: 74 | From: See Rahthal | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-09-2002 06:25 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
His head tilted back a bit to release a fierce cackle as his lips curled into a grim, sadistic smile of delight.
He spoke then, his voice filled with a satisfied hatred. "indeed Narcolm, you have potential... You will learn...and if you dont... i will destroy you." he nodded at that and dismissed narcolm to find quarters of his own.
He walked slowly down the hallway, his booted feet making a steady tap upon the hard groun as he approuched the room which held taehun.
As he entered he nodded briefly before his harsh voice flowed like a raging river from his still curled lips.
"You have a simple mission taehun... You will find more. Discover as many Dark jedi's as you can... none that do not posses a great knowledge of the darkside. We will leave tomorow to gain access to a suitable ship that you may depart in..."
he shifted slightly, letting his evil will snake outward and grasp the feeble conciousness that was bane, within the mans mind he spoke, with his feelings as dark as ever.

"you will accompany myself, and the soon-to-be lord Narcolm on a journy of my choosing, i relieve you from your apprenticeship with taehun, i will teach you the way's of evil, to mold and grasp the darkside, be known, as easily as i can give you stregth, i can remove it from yourself, and from your former master..."

he turned slowly and exited, his boots now completly silent as he walked away, his final words came to the ears of taehun and bane along with a maniacle laugh. "sleep well"

[ 09-09-2002 06:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Entaris ]


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Jedi

Member # 290

posted 09-10-2002 12:34 AM     Profile for Taehun   Author's Homepage   Email Taehun     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Taehun sat down on his bed and folded his arms. Again, he was given the mission of gathering as many dark jedi as possible...why? Why was it that whatever he did, it always involved him gathering a massive army?

Taehun sat silent for a moment, pondering these questions.
Perhaps...perhaps I have been chosen by the dark side. Yes, that was it! Taehun’s eyes would’ve seemed to brighten to an observer. It was his purpose in life to gather the dark jedi, and obliterate the light from the galaxy.

Yes, that is exactly what I was meant to do.

It shall be done...and I know just the place to start.

With that thought, Taehun laid down on his bed, and closed his eyes.

[ 09-10-2002 12:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Taehun ]


All in all it was just another brick in the wall,
all in all you were just another brick in the wall.

Posts: 248 | From: USAFA, CO | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Apprentice

Member # 292

posted 09-10-2002 12:37 AM     Profile for Bane   Author's Homepage   Email Bane     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Bane’s eyes were fluttering. Never in his life had he been exposed to such an omnipotent power as Entaris’. He had heard his voice, and recognized what he must do, but his mind had still not regained full control of his body.

Until Bane realized he could not deny any part of the darkness, this self inflicted pain would continue.

Bane’s body steadily rocked back and forth in his chair. Without the guidance of his Taehun, he was now nothing. He needed a master.

Little did he know how soon he would understand the true meaning of the term 'master'.

Posts: 6 | From: see Taehun | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-11-2002 12:03 AM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He sat quietly, a dark figure on the stone alter, a black aura fluxuating about his body as if it were a waterfall of utter evil pouring over his body.
Tendrils of his mind shot out everywhere, surounding the temple which he called his own. His body's muscles flinched with the power that coursed through its vains, and his eys glowled a fiery red in the darkness, as his hatred welled within him like a viper ready to strike.

his lips curled into a menicing smile as he sensed the thoughts of taehun...

Chosen by the darkside...indeed taehun, you are chosen, chosen for slavery, my army will be formed, and the galaxy will fall the chaos...

time passed on about him in countless hours, he let it flow past him like a river, his own form standign strong in resistance, not being pulled down by the strength of its flow.

His muscles continued to finch as he focused more and more of his dark power through the body, the walls of the temple began to thrume in seeming unison as his dark energies threatoned to tear the walls to pieces.

his lips suddenly turned down into a fierce scowl, a snarl escaping from them, the very sound seeming to cary a hatred beyond any other, the ground at his feet bagan to shack voilently, pressure cracks appeared in random places, when suddenly... it stoped.

he stood slowly, his form even more omnious then before, his eyes once again that brillient turquoize color, which seemed to hide the very taint of his soul.
he let his mind reach out, and grasp those within the temple, awakening them with the sound of a million screams of torment, and pain, thoughts of sorrow, and failure, and any other negative emotions held within him.

"come to me, my servants...come"
his decievingly soothing voice flowed through there minds like a teasing wiff of perfume.

at his feet the ground seemed to be completly corupted, as if his very pressence had stripped what little life the temple had once possesed away. the inner demon he held within fed upon the life, the energy, and already was hungry for more.
it was with great will power that he kept that demon from simply reaching out and devouring the souls of those that now served him.
his lips curled into a demonic smile at this, for indeed, he knew he could do such things if he so willed it...


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 09-11-2002 12:11 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
From Elsewhere:

The Sith's great brow lowered as even he felt the strength of that command. Not that it affected him in the slightest; instead, it captured his attention from where he was standing over the form of his newly baptised daughter. He straightened up from her with a jerk, his one claw still wet with her blood, and cocking his head now concentrated his focus on events which were occurring elsewhere.

He frowned more deeply.

Now he sent out a thought of his own: "Desolist!" that oily tendril snaked out. "Come hither and safeguard my daughter! Her well-being is on your soul, my old friend...."

Soon the rustling sigh came into his ears, like dying leaves in an autumn wind. Lord Roan did not bother to acknowledge Desolist's arrival; such would only be a waste of time and energy. Fully satisfied that ShaRhylla was totally secure, not only within this room beneath the careful scrutiny of the dark jedi, but within his entire hidden sanctum, itself safely beneath a chronotic shield, he simply turned about, reached out into the All...

...and tore open a passageway therein, rending asunder that very thing which makes up time and space as they are known. He stepped through...

...and in a burst of dark sith flames and sobbing shadows came out into the dimness of another hidden sanctuary. There was a form whose essence he recognized, yet one which was somehow now in triplicate, and those forms were melded into a body he instantly recognized.

A snarl curled his lips.

"And what agenda seek you here, my ally?" The whispered words issued from his lips like the waters dripping within some black and fetid swamp, underpinned by the hollow sound of his footfall as he continued to approach the apparent Darth Wicked, finally coming to a halt mere inches before him. Well aware how threatening his stance was, how closely into the man's body space he was now standing, he remained silent, scowling more fiercely, waiting to hear what he would say, turquoise orbs adhering to turquoise.

[ 09-11-2002 12:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-11-2002 10:43 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
he stared stonily into Roans eyes for a moment, allowing there gazes to mingle into one fierce turquoize power, which threatened to tear appart space and time. Ever so slowly his lips curled into a satisfied, and sincer smile...or at least, as sincer as this being of pure evil could attain without being false.

His voice poured easily from his smiling lips, coming forth in a calming wave, as he reversed roans intimidation attempts, making it seem as though he were the one invading roans space, his strong form emmited an evil like never before.
"I have taken upon me this body, My ally, with it, my powers have grown to different aspects, and new levels, i may now survive, for before i realize, i was indeed weak, being destroyable by a mere smile... But now, my powers are unlimited, it is now that together, we may truly bring all our wishes into reality."
His brillent orbs then darknened, taking once more the appearance of dripping blood.
he spoke again, his words now hard with determination and controlled rage. "I have taken it upon myself, to become the destroyer of all that is good, my friend." with this he nodded menecingly to Roan. "It is through me, that all that is light, will be vanquished... I will help you in your quests, But know this, All good with die before me, and my soon to be dark army, i intend to bring forth darkness never before seen, The dark jedi will rain supreme once again, and should you accept to maintain our alliance, the sith shall rule just as highly."

he turned slightly, breaking the seeming struggle of impossing natur goign on between the twin statues of evil, "Now, my ally... how go things on your mission's? how goes the rebirth of the sith?"

His eyes slowly returned to there once brillent color, gaining again a seeming innocents, if indeed his form could contain such a look.


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 09-11-2002 11:08 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Dark Lord of the Warrior clan could scarcely suppress his great roar of laughter in response to the grandiose words being spouted by the entity before him. A broad and deeply satisfied grin creased his face as he actually lifted both it and his fisted hands in a terrible parody of mirth. When he returned his gaze to that of the dark being once more it was with nothing but total self assurance. If this one thought to intimidate him, he was sadly mistaken.

Now he leaned forward, actually placing his lips within millimeters of the other's face, there to whisper, "You claim all good shall die before you? You shall bring the dark jedi to power once more to reign over all?

"Oh my friend, how sad you are in your perceptions. Even I can see how by this act you will do nothing but destroy yourself, and by your own hand."

With that he drew back, crossing his great corded arms across his chest, his horned head tilted slightly down, turquoise eyes ablaze.

"What good is darkness if there is no light, Jedi?" he spat before falling silent, remaining straight and true, unflinching and utterly unintimidated before his erstwhile ally. Only time would decide if that alliance would hold...

...time, relative beastie that it is, which was slowly ticking away.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-11-2002 11:18 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He consider roans words for just a moment, before a sadistic smile crossed his features, his eyes took once again the form of pools of blood, and his voice was that which could make a wookie cry in terror, yet he knew roan would be little affected by such tones. "Indeed... What good is dark without light? it is simple really, The lesser beings of evil will then be considered good, for there dark acts will not match others, and then they shall be destroyed... Untill finaly, the last stands-" before finishign the thought his lips released a half ammused cackle "-And then that one will be destroyed through lack of balance... And so the end of the universe, and all life, will come to pass. And my hold, as true darkness, will remain, the tatters of the war i plan to rage, will be my body, the sorrow the universe feels will be my spirit... The emptie howls of the land will be my voice..."
his piercing gaze then snapped into roan with a dark intent. "This is the true nature of evil... have you the will to stand with it? you require a balance within you, i can sense it, while it gives you strength, it cripples you..." he then sighed slowly.
"perhaps you have not the desire to complete the will of evil... that is indeed your choice, I have discovered little use in resisting the wishes of those that are able to resist my will, For indeed, every stone crumbles from age eventauly, and unlike the rest of this universe, i will live forever, as long as there is even a shred of darkness, i live. I am within all hearts Roan. I am within yours, within all those that wield the darkside... Have you not realized this? you can not destroy me... for in willingness to destroy me, you feed the growth of all that i am." he then titled his head back to release a dark cackle, during his words his eyes had grown once again into the red glow that had once been present within the shadows of his hood, it was with great effort that he supressed the will to give into such things, his smile was all the more crual.


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 09-11-2002 11:31 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Roan merely cocked his head to one side, a look approaching something close to pity now crossing his features.

"Aye," he said slowly, not in hesitation, but merely to draw attention to the depth of the words he was about to speak. "You claim that you, and your hold, as true darkness, will remain, the tatters of the war you plan to rage, will be your body, the sorrow the universe feels will your spirit... The empty howls of the land will be your voice...

"Bah! In the end, a lonely sight indeed. The King without a kingdom, the Emperor without a domain. Gaze upon this one and tremble, all ye lands, for here lies he, the mighty Entaris!"

Now he backed a pace or two away from the dark being, and actually spit at his feet.

"It would appear that I find no use for you as well, Entaris. For I need you as the embodiment that you are no longer. If I do indeed hold part of you in my essence, by my mere unbalance you know I also hold that which would bring you to your knees.

"Keep this in mind, my erstwhile ally. And beware in whose plans you meddle. You truly desire an end to all that is; take a care, for you might get what you wish for, and more."

[ 09-11-2002 11:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Priest

Member # 224

posted 09-12-2002 07:31 PM     Profile for Entaris   Author's Homepage   Email Entaris     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He sat considerings roans words for a moment, all that he had said earlier seeming to finaly sink in, and show to him the true meanings.
He sighed slowly, not sure of himself any longer, was he truly the being of evil he had "known" himself to be? he had givin into the mortal feelings, the mortal weakness... Did he still hold the power to be what he thought he was? or was it that power which caused conflict within him?
Earlier he had not wanted to destroy all...had not even wanted to destroy all good... yet now, what was there? could his imbalance be his weakness? could his very existance be flawed by his very strength?

his hand arose slowly, fingers tightening into a fist, and in the motion black lightning forming about it, he stared at it questioningly, the power was indeed amazing, it could never be matched... or could it?
His fingers extended slowly the black lightning falling away from his hand as though it were many grains of sand, splashing to the floor and spreading slightly before completly dissapating.

his voice came out now, seeming to show the weakness that before did not even exist, where once lay quiet beliefe in his power, in his mission, now was a simple tatter of his once strong self.
"Your words are indeed true roan... The blood of the sith proves to hold a wisdom that i can not grasp" he then turned his gaze to roan, whom apparantly had spat at his feet, he shruged in compliance.
"it is strang... I once held comfort in chaos... I once found a calm in its very unorder... but now i can hardly think within its confines...a battle indeed rages roan... One between that of the mortal mind... and that of the Dark priest, of which these thoughts come from, i am not sure, but i have a feeling that i can only truly begin to know should i discover my past, as dark, and chaotic as it might be."

he walked slowly over to roan then, and nodded, a strang discomfort filling him, the feelings...he could not understand them, it was not as before, where only one thing did he know, now he was bombarded by all sides by feelings...
"I will return... And when i do, the galaxy will know my cause, I shall have the power i desire, chaos shall give way to understanding, and through this understanding, chaos will come...or perhaps not..."
with that the shadow's seemed to reach out and take hold of him, threatening to destroy him, and he suddenly vanished into the dark.((OOC: Follow entaris somewhere, he'll pop up again sometime, thanks))


"Insert Snappy quote here"

Posts: 796 | From: Victorville | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Jedi

Member # 290

posted 09-12-2002 09:39 PM     Profile for Taehun   Author's Homepage   Email Taehun     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Almost immediately, Taehun felt the release of Entaris' mental grasp. He reached for his head, feeling its countours and making sure it was still there. His face was numb, as if someone had been squeezing his face with a large, all powerful hand.

And then, he remembered what had happened.

There was no time to lose.


All in all it was just another brick in the wall,
all in all you were just another brick in the wall.

Posts: 248 | From: USAFA, CO | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 222

posted 09-12-2002 10:25 PM     Profile for Narcolm   Author's Homepage   Email Narcolm     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
An the tied of maga was stemed as Narcolm's concious burst forth, no longer plauged with questions of memory. No, memory was nothing to him now, he was a cause, nothing else. Yes he was the embodiement of his master's last comand. His life he would readily forfiet to acomplish this goal, for it was his firm resolve that alowed him to posses his madness, to weild his insanity.
TAEHUN he cried out in his mind, reaching for the presense of his master's servant, You will fufill the task apointed to you by my master. I will it to be so and you shall comply to my wishes for I am Lord Entaris's sole hier.
Bane he sent his thoughts to the adept You will travel with me to Korriban, the capital of our ancient and great order. Together we shall further my master's wishes, and I shall shape you and teach you the ways of the dark. For within me beats the heart of one of the most powerful Dark Jedi the galaxy has ever known, and I will come to earn the privillige of retaining his body and you shall be taught the true strength of he dark.



(I AM turning to the Darkside)

"There's room at the top they're telling you still, but first you must learn how to smile as you kill."

Posts: 74 | From: See Rahthal | Registered: May 2002  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 09-13-2002 09:45 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The great Dark Lord of the Warrior clan of the Sith threw back his horned laugh and let loose a great roar of laughter. Eons seemed to rise and die in the hideous undercurrents of that sound, entire civilizations were born as its timbre reached up to the very heavens, only to die with the ashes of its dwindling echoes. At length Roan drew his head down, and stared Taehun fully in the face, utterly ignoring the raging Narcolm as though he was an ant.

"And that you would have called, "Master!" he snarled in a voice of iced death. "Pitiful he was indeed, and can only grow more so with the passage of time."

With that he threw up a clawed hand, ready to tear asunder the very fabric of space and time to return to his hidden sanctuary once more, when he paused. Sith flames flared and the shadows begged for his contact, yet he stood firmly ignoring them, turning intensely turquoise eyes to Taehun once again, as though debating with himself whether or not to destroy him.

For the merest moment of time he stood there in towering silence, as if waiting for the man to bow down before him in homage....


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Jedi

Member # 290

posted 09-14-2002 08:54 PM     Profile for Taehun   Author's Homepage   Email Taehun     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
There were precious few things that Taehun held in high regard, and one of those things was power. The other was evil.

The Dark Lord standing before him possessed both.

Until recently, Narcolm seemed to possess neither.

He did not know whether it was something he did it consiously or not, but he bowed his head in reverance to the sheer strength displayed by Roan. While he dared not lift his eyes toward Roan, he thought malignantly of Narcolm.

I must admit I am quite surprised. Until recently, you did not even have full control of your own mind, and now you think to command me? I think not, Narcolm. There is a vast gap of power between you and Entaris, and it is a gap you cannot hope to bridge quickly. I follow power, and thus, I do not follow you.

Taehun continued to stare at the floor, awaiting what the Sith would do.

[ 09-14-2002 08:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Taehun ]


All in all it was just another brick in the wall,
all in all you were just another brick in the wall.

Posts: 248 | From: USAFA, CO | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:

Dark Apprentice

Member # 292

posted 09-14-2002 08:58 PM     Profile for Bane   Author's Homepage   Email Bane     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
For a brief moment, Bane had reacquired conscious control of his own thoughts.

What the...where am I?

He barely finished this thought, when another being seemed to enter his mind. His head was flooded with thoughts, and his eyes seemed to glaze over. He immediately stood up from his bed, and sent a mental message to the one who had invaded his head.

Yes, milord. I will do as you command, Narcolm.

Posts: 6 | From: see Taehun | Registered: Jul 2002  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 09-14-2002 11:26 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A dark sneer curled Roan's sensuous lips and his eyes glittered predatorily as he watched Taehun humble himself before him. For a moment he let stretch to something approaching infinity he let the man remain in that pose, as though forcing the act to go beyond his mere thought and heart to arrow into the very memory of his muscles. Then, the motion a mere flash for its startling rapidity, Roan shot out a great corded arm and grasped Taehun by the throat. Ever so slowly his fingers closed, until the tips of the razor sharp claws each hand bore dipped slightly into the skin of the man's throat, drawing blood. A more than firm grip now established, the Dark Lord raised his arm, and lifted Taehun entirely from his feet.

He had to give the man credit for not making a sound, even though his life's blood was now dripping freely down his throat, running in ruby rivulets down Roan's muscular arm to drip from his elbow onto the coldness upon which they stood. Roan held Taehun as though in a vice, a low growl beginning to rumble in his chest as the man just dangled from his hand like a doll.

Abruptly, Roan loosened his grip, and Taehun fell to the stone beneath them. Roan's dark look darkened further as he watched the man drop; amazingly, he managed to land on his feet and remain there. He then bowed his head before his new Master, remaining silent.

Roan nodded, satisfied with something he saw in the man. Slowly, he reached out his other hand to grasp Taehun's chin, forcing his head up so their eyes met. In front of the man's startled gaze, the great Dark Lord of the Warrior clan of the Sith now lifted the hand with which he had grasped Taehun, and slowly, lingeringly, as though relishing every moment of the act, he licked the man's blood from his claws, taking particular care to reach beneath their curvatures in order to obtain every last drop. Then, his eyes turning to pools of oil in his head, he took those very claws and, wrenching his robes asunder, bared his broad and tattooed chest. In one swift move he slashed his own flesh; the dripping hand now grasped Taehun by the throat once again and brought his face to the wound he had opened.

"Partake of my blood, and my adept and apprentice shalt thou be," he intoned, forcing Taehun's lips to the wound. The man was beginning to choke down the first drops when the dark lord suddenly jerked his head to one side. His turquoise eyes flared in response to something only he could see, only he could hear. A gigantic shudder born of the most animalistic of rages crashed through him, and he flung Taehun to the ground. Even as the man hit and rolled, the Sith threw back his head, his voice shattering the darkness which writhed and oiled and caressed all about him:

"MALADIUS!" The words ripped from his very lungs. Then his eyes slitted, and he returned his gaze to Taehun.

"Now you are indeed mine," he snarled, motioning with one hand and sending his new adept off to his secret sanctuary, there to await his coming. He, however, would not arrive right away, having other issues of course, to attend to....


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

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