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The Holonet Boards >> Jedi Praxeum - Yavin IV >> Out with the Old, In with the New (Page 3)

Author Topic:   Out with the Old, In with the New
Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 11, 2001 05:54 PM

OOC: Damn! I did it again Do you think it's possible for me to write for somebody else's character *without* screwing something up? B, I'm sorry, but I swear that we said he was about 18 somewhere or another...if not it's just my mistake...Such is life.

Cella and Logan exchanged a guarded look, and Cella extended her hand to Shayla. "I know it's a rather bad time for introductions, but I'm Cella Poliani. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Shayla."

She paused, unsure of what to do next. This Terrin Danner sounded like a serious threat, and Cella knew she couldn't very well handle it by herself. If Danner did decide to attack Yavin, they would need to scramble fighters, set up ground defenses. Trouble was, they didn't have the equipment and vehicles they needed to do that. Their fighter craft were limited to Jeroc's X-wing, Cella's little Blastboat, and a few lightly armed personal vehicles. By the time the New Republic got around to aiding them, it might be too late. That brought up another important question. "Shayla, have you got a ship?"

Shayla nodded thoughtfully. "One X-wing in good condition..." The purple-and-silver astromech droid next to her beeped petulantly. "Oh, and one very clever astromech droid," she added with a strained laugh.

Cella sighed. "We're still majorly underdefended, as usual, but every little bit helps. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Shayla. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but my main concern is for the defense of the praxeum. We can't exactly give you much in the way of protection."

Shayla's expression hardened, and Cella decided she liked her, a woman who could take care of herself. "Don't worry about me. I mean, I won't have any problem defending myself, and I probably wouldn't have come to you if it was just me he was after. But I have a feeling that he's got plans for the praxeum that aren't exactly philanthropic."

Cella nodded absently, mind caught up in the intricacies of planetary defense. "We'd better go to Master Jeroc, then. I know how busy he is, but I know my limits well enough to know I can't take care of this myself. Let's go back to the temple, and Shayla, why don't you tell me a little more about this Terrin Danner as we walk? We don't get much in the way of news here on Yavin IV."

As the three of them set off for the Temple, Cella shuddered nastily again, and suddenly, she knew Danner wasn't the only one with designs on the Jedi Academy. Something else, something even more malevolent was headed this way, and it was somehow connected with the woman Galen. Jeroc, you and I have a lot of talking to do...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 15, 2001 11:30 AM

Thea followed in disbelief of what she just heard. She couldn't believe what was happening here, but she didn't dare speak up and ask the questions that were forming in her mind after all the Jedi had more important things to worry about now. Thea was sure the woman was a Jedi and this man must be the other older student Shayla had been looking for. Thea was sure they would protect the children no matter what - all she had to do was find the rest of tehm - or be brought to them so she would be out of the Jedi's way when they needed to take action. Thea was sure one of these three would take her there so she could hide in the children's room with the rest of the kids when Terrin arrived. She was sure she was safe here with the Jedi no matter who came. A sharp snap brought her out of hre thoughts and she noticed that she had been walking so slowly she completely lost the rest of them. She assumed the snap must have come from Izzy rolling over a stick and so started tentatively in that direction. She then noticed a flash of blond in a break in the trees and relaxed - that must be Shayla, the flash of silver below it told her she was right - if Izzy was there it must be Shayla. Thea started running to catch up, but they were so far ahead it was all she could do to follow the occasional flashes of color through the trees that she took to be their party running back towards the Praxeum. She tried to listen for more breaking sticks but could hear nothing over those breaking under her own feet.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 15, 2001 08:14 PM

Cella stalked forward purposefully, unaware that her little party had just lost its youngest member. She was totally lost in thought, going into an almost trancelike state. Think, gotta think...oh, sithspit...Jeroc? You there?

Suddenly Shayla paused, called out. "Thea? Thea, where are you?" The three of them stopped, and Cella reached out with the Force, sighing in relief when she sensed a frightened little-girl presence behind them.

"She's right there, just a few hundred yards behind us...I'm so sorry, I should have let her keep up. Let's go back and get her." They turned on their heels to find Thea, when a shriek suddenly pierced the humid jungle air.

"SHAYLA!!! SHAY--mmmmpppphhhh!!!" The scream broke off as if Thea had been somehow muffled. Cella sprinted back into the woods without thinking, drew her topaz-bladed lightsaber. She reached out for Thea and was suddenly hit by what felt like a fist in the middle of her chest, knocking her onto the ground. Head spinning, she tried to rise and sickeningly felt the presence of dark Force around her like the stink of sewage. She cried out, and Shayla and Logan came running up breathlessly behind her.

"What happened, Cella? Where's Thea?" Logan asked in alarm. Shayla's face was white with fear.

"Thea..." Cella gasped. It was hard to get the words out--her lungs felt as if they'd been stuffed with red-hot nails. "Someone...a dark Force user, here on Yavin. They beat us to it." Her face twisted in a mocking grin. "So much for defense plans." Something told her this was the dark presence she'd sensed earlier, at the beginning of their hike.

Now what should Cella do? The impulse to run after Thea right now was very strong, but so was the impulse to get back to the temple and get Jeroc. Maybe they could split up, but Cella didn't want to leave two novices like Logan and Shayla alone in the jungle with a possible dark Jedi on the prowl. She shook her head to clear it, stood up.

"Logan, Shayla, do me a huge favor. Run back to the temple as fast as you can and get Jeroc. Don't talk to anybody else, go straight to him. Tell him everything that's happened, he'll know something to do, I'm sure."

Logan and Shayla looked at each other in puzzlement. "Cella...where are you going?" Shayla asked.

Cella drew her lightsaber and looked over her shoulder. "I'm going to get that little girl."

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 15, 2001 11:20 PM

Thea was running breathlessly through the forest when she ran right into a tall man with a rather evil look to him. She backed up a couple of steps as he glared at her. She stood there for a second thinking what to do then bolted past him screaming for Shayla, screaming for her only thought of help. She hadn't gotten very far when it seemed an invisible hand went over her mouth and the tall man had scooped her up and was carrying her deeper into the woods away from those she knew could help. She fought back tears so as not to show her fear to the stranger and desperately tried to think her pleas for help as if wishing someone to come would make them come.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Terrin Danner

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 16, 2001 10:28 AM

Terrin knew he was being followed, and he had a good bet that it was Erik in the Starlight. But he didn't care. Let him follow. Any attempt to stop what was going to happen, in Terrin's opinion, was futile.

But Terrin had missed one thing. He figured that Yavin IV wasn't protected at all, and that he could just bust in with his small crew, slap around a few Jedi and apprentices, and get Shayla.

Upon conversion to realspace, Terrin found out otherwise. There were at least two large New Republic ships, and Terrin wasn't up to face them in his little frieghter. Someone hailed him.

"Unidentified ship, submit your identification at once."

This wasn't going to happen today. Terrin wondered where Erik had gone.

It was time to turn and run. Terrin reversed the freighter, and busted out of there like there was no tomorrow. He was surprised that he wasn't followed, but no one really bothered. Maybe that was because he had turned out of the system. Or because they thought they could track him. He'd make sure that they couldn't.

Once he reverted back to hyperspace, he started thinking. What could be so valuable at Yavin IV that the New Republic military is protecting it? Surely Shayla didn't have enough time to get protection for the planet in the small amount of time that she knew he was coming. No, those ships were there before Shayla ever showed up on Yavin IV.

Terrin decided he must have Yavin IV, for the Moff. He'd get Shayla in the process, and he'd get a planet. That would redeem him for letting Shayla slip away...

He'd be back. And he'd bring his forces and the Moff's too. There would be no taking chances this time...

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Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 17, 2001 11:01 PM

Cella sprinted lightly into the jungle after Thea, using the Force to aid in her search. This little girl was definitely a Jedi candidate--Cella could feel her shining through the Force like a hot blue star.

About a half-mile back, she found Thea sitting on the ground, tears streaming from her eyes. Cella rushed up to her and swept her up in her arms. "Thea! What happened?"

As best she could, the frightened little girl tried to explain. "I--I got lost, and then I ran into this tall man--" She hiccuped, her tiny body still wracked with sobs. "I didn't mean to! He got mad and took me away--" Another hiccup interrupted her narrative. "I thought I would never see Shayla again." Her face became thoughtful beyond her years. "Then something funny happened."

"What was it?" prodded Cella. She had a feeling this was important.

"He just looked at me kind of funny. He talked, but it wasn't like he was even talking to me. He said something weird like, his business wasn't with me and I couldn't give him away because he would soon make himself known. I didn't even know what he was talking about. He just set me down here and muttered something about finding the Praxeum..."

Cella frowned. "Come on, Thea. I've got a feeling that we really need to beat him back to the Temple. Fortunately, I know a shortcut. Up for a piggyback ride?" She smiled kindly at the girl, who warmed to her instantly and jumped eagerly on Cella's back.

Cella immediately broke into a run, drawing on the Force to keep her strong. She could still feel the miasma of evil about her...but it wasn't as dark as it had been before. It was oddly tempered by light...almost like the presence of the strange man Saden who had kidnapped her. Cella fervrently hoped this was not one of his disciples. She definitely did not want to meet him again. However, she felt strangely confident this time, a confidence she hoped was justified. I am Jedi. Bring it on.

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Smart Ass

Posts: 524
Registered: Jun 2000

posted May 18, 2001 12:06 AM

OOC: Tina your using other people's character's w/o their permission...

I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...

Holonet Admin

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 18, 2001 03:00 PM

The man suddenly just set Thea down in a part of the forest she didn't know at all and ran off speaking nonsense. She certainly didn't want to follow him and was most definitely lost so once he was out of sight she plopped down and began to cry. Her father had always warned her not to go off into the forests on planets she didn't know, and she remembered his discriptions of some of the creatures on Endor. She hugged into herself hoping nothing like them lived here. She put her head down on her knees her once neatly braided hair falling across her face effectively blocking out all light. She sat there alone for a while crying softly when she heard a russle in the leaves and looked up to see the lady Jedi - she thought she said her name was Cella - running toward her. Before she knew it Thea was swept up off the ground tightly hugging to the Jedi. She answered the Jedi's questions and tried to stop crying, she knew jedi's weren't supposed to show emotion and here she was sobbing on the Jedi's shoulder. Thea had spent the entire trip to Yavin studying and memorizing the Jedi Code so she wouldn't break it once she got here. She promised herself that she would live by it from the very beginning, and it was only her first day and she had already broken it in front of a Jedi no less. She wondered what this was going to do to her training. Cella smiled at her and offered her a piggyback back to the Praxeum, Thea eagerly hopped on hoping this meant that they didn't expect thier students to come in with this kind of discipline. She held on tightly while making sure not to choke Cella as she took off running through the dense forest. Thea tried to mold herself the best she could to Cella's back so she wouldn't slow her down and vowed to find the other children once they got back to the Praxeum and get out of the Jedi's way. She was sure they didn't need to be worrying about her when facing this man from the forest.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Admiral Actar

aka Anakin

Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 20, 2001 02:13 AM

OCC: I had to edit the end of my last post, since no one approached me. Just thought I'd let you know..........

Since blake hasn't posted for a while, I'm guessing he took Galen inside the praxeum...and I'm also guessing there are a lot of kids at the praxeum....

He made sure he only used the light side while here. If anyone felt the dark side in him, it could start trouble. He casually walked into the Praxeum without being noticed. Once inside he saw a boy, about 12 or 13, sitting down reading a book. He walked up behind him and said, "Excuse me, young man," the boy turned and looked, "who runs this place?"

The boy's eyes were wide open. "M-Master Jeroc runs the praxeum. Who are you?" the boy questioned.

Be friendly, be friendly, he kept telling himself. "I was sent her to find a woman. She's in grave danger, and I need to get her to her homeworld or she'll more than likely be killed by an evil Sith. Can you take me to Master Jeroc?"

"Sure, I-I'll take you to him." The boy stood up and started walking down a hallway. Admiral Actar followed about 6 feet behind him. While walking he closed his eyes and searched the building for Galen. He had to block out the memory she had of him, or he would never get her out there peacefully. He found her, and her mind. He briefly saw older memories, one of a man, a Sorben Tarnus. More, he saw her sister, the one that was trying to kill her, he recognized her from the forests in Khar Delba. Finally, he found what he was looking for, he blocked it out. Hopefully she hadn't started telling her story yet.

He opened his eyes again and was still following the boy. He stoped at a door and turned around to face Actar. "He's in here," he turned, knocked on the door, then opened it, "Master Jeroc there's someone here to see you."

Admiral Actar stepped through the door to see a man, and a bed, with the person he was looking for lying in it. A small grin came over his face...(Imagine the Imperial March Techno Remix playing in the background )
OOC: I think the only person that could respond to this would be blake, so IM me b4 you do.


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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 20, 2001 05:15 PM

I awoke with a start, to find myself laying on a comfortable bed, covered with a light blanket woven of shep'wa wool. The first thing I did upon awakening was give myself in to the huge, wracking shiver which was what had jolted me awake.

The second thing was to sit up abruptly in disgust.

Great Khaandon's Ghost! I seethed at myself. This is getting to be ridiculous! It seemed that, for one reason or another I was having a terrible time remaining conscious and upright; I couldn't vouch for the people of this Temple but I, for one, was getting sick and tired of it.

I looked up to the robed Jedi who remained silent nearby. He hadn't even turned around as I jerked to a sitting position, but I knew he was keenly aware of my every movement. I repressed another shudder, and reached a hand toward him, even though I knew the movement to be superfluous. But it served to channel the intensity of my fear.

"Um, Sir," I began with some hesitation, feeling like a schoolgirl again. "I beg of you, hear me out.

"I am in great need of sanctuary. There is great danger threatening the New Republic, and I don't know if you are fully aware of it! But if somebody doesn't do something the Old Sith civilization is going to be brought back to life--"

I dwindled to a momentary halt, suddenly aware of how utterly inane that statement sounded. Then I exhaled, pursed my lips in determination and continued. Hang it if he didn't believe me; I had to keep trying. But why in Khaandon's name didn't he turn around to face me?

A spurt of irritation flashed through me. "Look," I tried again. "I know this all sounds silly and melodramatic. But it's true. I have a sister who is going to be leading the pack, and she has this pal who is some sort of witch; I don't know, but they both hang out with all these Beasts..."

I stopped again, and rubbed my face with my hand. This certainly wasn't going well at all. I tried again.

"Look, I'm pregnant, and this baby is going to be powerful somehow. I was told maybe the most powerful being ever..." My baby... our baby, Sorben's and mine... don't think of that, squelch that thought, go on, go on... oh Khaandon, Sorben, I love you and miss you so.... "...and all these creeps are out to get me because of the Sith magick in this child I carry..."

Ahh. That got his attention at least; in one smoothly fluid movement he turned around to regard me calmly, his eyes piercing into mine.

Still silent.

I flared. "Great Khaandon's Ghost!" I hollered with something of my old elan. "Don't you ever speak? Aren't you going to ask me any questions? Don't you even care?!?" By now I was panting with fear and anger and effort.

As though my final shout was some sort of herald, the door to the room slid open, revealing a figure within its frame. He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't think where I had ever seen him before.

I let the rage and fear that was building up inside me explode in his general direction.

"And who in Hell's Seven Circles are you?!"

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Galen on May 20, 2001]

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I am Adolf Ani!
Kiss My Toes!

Posts: 924
Registered: Apr 2000

posted May 21, 2001 03:39 PM

"I am Admiral Actar with the Empire and New Republic," He looked down and back up again, and said with a smile, "I'm here to rescue you."

The room was silent. Actar spoke again, "I've been hired to protect you," he stopped, hoping for a response, still none, "hired by Sorben Tarnus...."

- Anakin
Head Administrator - Bow to me!

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Rogue Angel

Jedi Knight

Posts: 183
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 21, 2001 10:26 PM

Jeroc just looked at the stranger. He wasn't quite sure how to react to all this. It seemed like Galen was here seeking sanctuary. If that were so, why was this guy supposedly here to rescue her? It didn't make a whole lot of sense, frankly, but he felt his first duty was to protect Galen from whatever it was she was running from. He didn't really like to do this tall silent Jedi thing but for once in his life, he really wasn't sure what to do.

He glanced over at Galen, sitting upright in the bed. "Galen, what do you know about this? Who is Sorben Tarnus?" There was something not quite right about this man but Jeroc couldn't put his finger on it. He wasn't sure he wanted this guy "rescuing" Galen...especially in her condition. But he didn't want to speak for her, or prevent her from going if that was what she wanted.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

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Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 21, 2001 10:40 PM

Cella rushed panting down the corridors of the Temple to the place where Jeroc was. She'd left Thea in her chambers, promising her that she would return as soon as she could. She popped her head in the door of the room. "Hey Jeroc..."

And then she noticed Jeroc was not alone. Galen was still with him, all right, sitting upright in a bed in the corner. Now, however, another man accompanied the two of them, a dark-eyed man who turned his attention to Cella. He smiled at her, and she shuddered. "Jeroc, there's big trouble headed this way. One Terrin Danner, with his fleet...and something else."

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 21, 2001 11:20 PM

It was all I could do to keep my jaw from literally dropping as I took in the fantastic words this tall, somehow familiar stranger uttered. I bit my lip to keep myself from gasping aloud, but I still couldn't help shivering a bit in response to them.

I put my palms together, raised them to my face, thumbs beneath my chin. Over the tips of my fingers, I quietly regarded this black-garbed man, sniffing a little. His figure blurred to a watery silhouette.

Sorben... Sorben! Why would Sorben send this man after me? How would he know? There must be something running deep beneath the surface here... something I can't quite put my finger on, something associated with that damnable niggle still tickling the back of my memory...

...But how did this guy know about Sorben? Maybe he was sent to protect me after all?

I drew in a great breath, my eyes slicing to the Jedi who was still as stone in the face of this small melodrama. His face was the very epitome of the term "deadpan;" no way could anyone read what was going through his mind.

I flinched a little at that realization, and pursed my lips as I followed it to it's logical conclusion. Guess that even here amidst the Jedi, I was still on my own.

I opened my mouth, struggling to form an answer of some sort, when a young woman rushed into the room. Chills raced down my spine to mingle with my raised hackles as I listened to her quiet warning. I suddenly found myself throwing back the covers, and getting to my feet.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!" I exclaimed, trying to ignore the intense look the strange man was giving me. "I don't know anything about this Danner person, but I'm willing to bet that my sister is coming."

I now turned to face the dark man, my brown eyes staring steadily into his greeny-brown pair. "Looks like you're too late to be doing any 'rescuing,' mister!" I tried my best to hide my escalating fear behind a light tone of voice, but knew I was failing miserably. "If that's her coming now, we're all in big trouble.

"But most of all, I am," I finished, placing a hand on my stomach. "She's coming for this baby, and sure as there's treasure on Roon she's not going to take it without a fight!

"Is anyone here going to help me?"

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 21, 2001 11:46 PM

Shayla and Logan had been on their way to find Master Jeroc like Cella had instructed when they spotted a strange man in the woods approaching one of the younger students. Shayla and Logan hid behind some of the forest trees and observed the interaction.

"Who are you?" the boy questioned.

"I was sent her to find a woman. She's in grave danger, and I need to get her to her homeworld or she'll more than likely be killed by an evil Sith. Can you take me to Master Jeroc?"

"Sure, I-I'll take you to him."

As the boy wandered off with the stranger, Shayla shot Logan a "That was a really bad idea" look. Logan took the hint and nodded.

"Think we should follow these two?" Shayla asked him. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Logan nodded, and with that they began following the young boy and the stranger, making sure not to be spotted. Shayla couldn't believe that even a young padawan didn't know when not to trust someone. Of course, she didn't much trust anyone, so it came to her naturally to be suspicious.

When they entered the Temple, Shayla and Logan hoped to reach Jeroc before the other two did, so they split off and headed for the room Logan believed the Master was in. Unfortunately Logan's instincts pointed to the wrong room initially, so when they got to the correct one they were too late. They stood around the corner, listening.

"I am Admiral Actar with the Empire and New Republic," He looked down and back up again, and said with a smile, "I'm here to rescue you."

The room was silent. Actar spoke again, "I've been hired to protect you," he stopped, hoping for a response, still none, "hired by Sorben Tarnus...."

About this time Cella came running down the hall, panting for air. she stepped into the door of the room that Jeroc and the others were in.

"Jeroc, there's big trouble headed this way. One Terrin Danner, with his fleet...and something else," Shayla heard Cella say.

Good. Master Jeroc knew about Terrin. But Terrin wasn't the only thing Shayla was worried about. Maybe it was her overactive danger sense, but she had a real bad feeling about the Admiral Actar guy. Since when did the Empire care about protecting anyone?

And who the heck was Sorben Tarnus? That name was so familiar to Shayla at it bothered her. Was he someone she had heard of while running Stargazer Coorporation? Was he a fellow smuggler? Some sort of bounty hunter?

The conversation in the other room continued."That's what I've been trying to tell you!" I exclaimed, trying to ignore the intense look the strange man was giving me. "I don't know anything about this Danner person, but I'm willing to bet that my sister is coming. Looks like you're too late to be doing any 'rescuing,' mister! If that's her coming now, we're all in big trouble. But most of all, I am. She's coming for this baby, and sure as there's treasure on Roon she's not going to take it without a fight! Is anyone here going to help me?"

It didn't matter who Sorben Tarnus was now, Shayla decided. She'd figure out the details later. Now her main concern was what was happening in the room before her. She looked over at Logan, who seemed to be thinking alot himself. "So, Logan," she said, only whispering so as not to lose too much of the silence, "What do you think we should do?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Mara1Jade on May 21, 2001]

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Admiral Actar

aka Anakin

Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 22, 2001 03:46 PM

OOC: Remember, he's not pure evil...light and dark, he has some good in him.
Admiral Actar didn't have a clue what was going on now. He was as confused as Galen. He didn't know who Terrin Danner was or who he was after, but he had to say something. "Look, if you ever want to see Sorben again you'll come with me.," now talking to pretty much everyone, "My fleet is one of the largest and most powerfull in the New Republic. You and your baby will be safe with me." he turned around to the woman behind him, "And as for this Terrin Danner, his fleet is no match for the one already blackading this planet." He turned back around and waited.


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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 22, 2001 10:47 PM

Logan and Shayla decided to stay in close proximity but leave everything up to Jeroc and Cella unless they were needed.

This Actar fellow was getting on Shayla's last nerve. One second he says he is from the Empire, the next he says he is from the New Republic. What is up with that?

And so he thought Terrin's fleet couldn't match up to anything out there right now? The problem wasn't necessarily Terrin's fleet. It was the fact that Terrin would be bringing the Moff's fleet with him. And a whole fleet of Imperial ships whas nothing to poke fun about.

And Shayla would have liked to tell Actar this right then and there, but it wasn't appropriate.

In fact, Shayla thought this whole thing was getting old. Everyone could talk back and forth, but if something didn't actually HAPPEN soon, all they'd continue doing was talking back and forth. Galen had obviously come here for sactuary. Shayla believed Master Jeroc would allow this.

Whoever Sorben was, it was apparent that Galen didn't agree with him. If she did, then why was she here now? And why wasn't she with him?

Even with all the talk and lack of action, Shayla's danger sense was still churning in the back of her head. Something was very wrong here...why was everyone standing around and talking? Didn't anyone else sense it too?

The words Shayla now heard from the room broke her thoughts...

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 23, 2001 07:07 PM

A fleet was blockading this planet? And another one coming this way? Here, around Yavin 4, "home," so to speak, of all the wonderful jedi I have heard tell of as I rambled about the galaxy searching for my sister? All their power, and they allow this to happen?

Which brought up another thought. Why did this commanding jedi want to know about Sorben? Why were by warnings being ignored, being taken so lightly? Maybe I had come to the wrong place after all when I fled from Sorben...

I shook my head a little, looking back and forward between the jedi and the man in the black trenchcoat. All along he had been nothing but politely civil, quiet, calm. But there was something about his manner that was sending the intuitive parts of my being into raging rancor-fits. On one hand, for some reason, I wanted to trust him. On the other....

Galen's Rules of Survival, #1. Trust No One. Trust only oneself. Without true strength in self, all one may offer is mundane redundancy.

OK, so it's a long rule. But, it's one I used to live by. It's all I had after Jharmeen... I mean, Graysith killed our father. Then I rescued Sorben from that hideous Darth Wicked...

Furthermore, I realized with a start, it's one I had slowly and insidiously slid away from over the past few months.

I shook my head with a bit more force, remembering, disgusted with myself. I had let my love for Sorben soften me. I had to purge that from me completely now, if me and my baby were going to survive. Then the thought of how I had rescued my beloved bounty hunter brought another memory to the forefront.

My "ace-in-the-hole...."

I cleared my throat for attention. "Ummm... excuse me," I began, raising a finger for emphasis. "I, uh, have changed my mind. This place doesn't sound too healthy to be hanging around. Do you mind if I took the ship I came in, borrowed some supplies, and took off?

"I really am not in a physical position where I want to get involved in any fighting... although Khaandon knows I'm good at it when I have to be."

I closed my mouth, wondering if I had let slip too much....

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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