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The Holonet Boards >> Jedi Praxeum - Yavin IV >> Out with the Old, In with the New (Page 2)

Author Topic:   Out with the Old, In with the New

Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 04, 2001 10:18 AM

As Shayla headed to her X-wing to unhook Izzy from the power source and take her inside, she noticed a commotion near her ship. There was a new shuttle near hers that had not been there Imperial class shuttle.

Shayla didn't know if she was good enough to tell, but she scanned the Force with what little Force technique she had for danger. Oddly enough, she didn't sense any immediate danger. Then she noticed that Master Jeroc was standing over a woman who had apparently fallen near the ship. There was also a very small young girl next to the woman who appeared to be trying to help her.

Sensing that her help might be needed, Shayla headed over in the direction of the shuttle and Master Jeroc.

"Master Jeroc," Shayla said as she approached close enough to be heard. "What's going on? Is there anything I can do to help?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Admiral Actar

aka Anakin

Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 04, 2001 09:25 PM

"That bitch will pay for this", he thought to himself. She stole his blaster and lightsaber, and if that wasn't enough, a shuttle.

He sat in his quarters wondering what his next step would be, and assembling a new lightsaber. He knew the New Republic had a fleet over Yavin IV, didn't exactly know why, but he knew they more than likely wouldn't let his land on the planet. Somehow, he had to sneak down, alone. Being alone would definately make getting Galen back harder, much harder.

When he was finished with his lightsaber, he stood and went to the bridge. He had decided on what to do. He would send the fleet to a nearby uninhabited planet, far enough away that the NR's Fleet couldn't detect it, to wait for him to return. He would take a cloaked shuttle to Yavin IV, with everything except what was absolutely need turned off, he would stay alive via the force. Once safely on the planet, he would set off on the daunting task to face the Jedi and try to get his prisoner back.

An hour later, his plan was already in motion. He was in his shuttle and had departed from his fleet. He arrived at Yavin shortly after, his ship was cloaked, everything that wasn't necessary was turned off, and the autopilot was set to find a place not too far from the Praxeum to land.

His ship slid through the NR Fleet slowly, and undetected. A short time after, it had landed. He closed his eyes, and instantly knew which way he would need to go, and set off walking.

OOC: As far as I know Galen is still laying there unconcious, so, understand I'm a little ahead of that in the end of this post. Just do something with her....


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Terrin Danner

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 05, 2001 01:17 AM

"Admiral Actar?" Terrin asked himself, looking at the guy's profile on his computer on board The Hornett, which would shortly be headed for Yavin. A sith he could deal with. Maybe he could even deal with an uberjedi. But there was NO WAY he was dealing with an Imperial. He was, after all, a smuggler.

No. He wouldn't try to find the Imperial and work with him just yet. He had a whole fleet to himself, and a few Force abilities of his own. Terrin was perfectly convinced he could deal with the whole thing himself.

And that was where Terrin was extremely wrong. He hadn't realized it yet, but someone was on his back. Someone who was on Shayla's side, and cared about her enough to stop him at any cost. Erik was glad that Terrin hadn't spotted his cloaked ship tailing The Hornett for the past few hours. And he hoped it stayed that way. Erik had already set up a data feed to Izzy, Shayla's personal R2 unit, so that she would know where Terrin and Erik were, and so that she could hopefully be ready. He just hoped that Shayla made sure to check up on Izzy before that data feed became obsolete...

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 05, 2001 02:40 PM

Once more I found my immediate surroundings swimming into focus, but this time a bit more expeditiously than prior. Guess recovery from simple stress-induced fatigue is easier than from injury. Either that, or my body is beginning to get used to the torment I seem to have a knack of putting it through.

I blinked at the grass directly in front of my nose. Something shiny was atop it... ahhh. A boot-tip, and a shiny one at that. I saw the ludicrous picture I presented in the reflection there; with a little snort I quickly sat up.

I was surrounded, it seemed, by several people. A nice-looking young woman and the small child I had seen earlier were beside me looking down at me, and took an instinctive step back at my action. But that imposing man didn't budge an inch. He merely stood quietly holding his ground, neither offering assistance or withholding it. The look he gave me went through me dagger-clean; I shivered a little without really meaning to.

Then I cleared my throat. Seems no one was going to break the awkward silence, and the unknown man was clearly waiting for someone to do just that. Guess that little chore fell directly on me, and gladly. There was much I had to say.

"Er--" I began a little hesitantly, then continued on in a firmer tone of voice. "My name is Galen, Galen Jhin-D'har.

"Uh-h...I suppose I should tell you more about myself, and I am most willing to do so. But first let me ask: are you guys Jedi? Can you give me safe haven here? And--" I took a deep breath.

"Is there somewhere we can go to speak... um..." I looked down quickly at the little girl, who was calmly listening with the widest pair of eyes I have ever seen on a human before "...I mean, somewhere we adults can speak together in, ah-hh, private? I don't want to frighten the little girl here, but there really is something of dire importance I think you ought to be informed of."

I carefully climbed to my feet as I finished my little introduction, swaying a little with a shot of unexpected dizziness. Then the world cemented around me and I stood quietly myself, waiting for someone to answer.

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Rogue Angel

Jedi Knight

Posts: 183
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 05, 2001 08:45 PM

Cella Poliani sat in her chambers, braiding her long, ginger-colored hair and readying herself for the day ahead. Jeroc and she had already mentally conversed, and he had told her briefly that they had several new--and rather interesting--arrivals at the Praxeum. She supposed Jeroc would want her to help train, though she always denied that she was fit to be a Master. Cella and Jeroc had a very special relationship. The two of them had been through a lot together, and their bond ran deep.

Running quickly through her meditations, Cella put on a loose pair of pants and a flowing wrap blouse and headed downstairs to meet Jeroc, her bare feet padding gently against the cool stone of the Temple. She stuck her head into the mess hall and smiled quickly at Logan before heading outside to where Jeroc was. Logan was really her first attempt at teaching, and she was inordinately proud of the headstrong young man, though she would have died before letting him know it. He sent her a quick mental flash of happiness--he had befriended a new student and he was sure Cella would like her too. Cella shot him a thumbs-up and ran outside, for Jeroc's Force signals were getting quite urgent.

Cella's long legs made quick work of the quad just outside the Temple, and she soon spotted Jeroc, standing near an Imperial-class shuttle. Imperial-class? Whoa. Her hand quickly brushed the pommel of her lightsaber as she ran to Jeroc and the unfamiliar people standing with him--a young woman and an adorable little girl. They must be the new students he was talking about.

As she came closer, she noticed they were standing around a pale-looking woman, who seemed to have just gotten to her feet. She didn't look at all well, and Cella's first words were her natural, motherly response.

"Can I help?"

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on May 08, 2001]

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 05, 2001 10:09 PM

OOC: Um-mm-mmm... I'm not "hugely preggers" yet... just started! Hehehe...

This of course you didn't know, Rogue. It's in earlier threads in the SW Universe forum. If you want to edit your reply to reflect this, I'd be most grateful!


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 06, 2001 12:09 AM

Shayla felt stupid standing around doing nothing, so she finally decided to take some initiative of her own. After all, she had to get to Izzy. Master Jeroc and the woman who had just approached seemed to have things under control, so that left Shayla taking care of the little girl. She could do that.

Shayla squatted down next to the wide-eyed little girl. There was no doubt that this was one of Master Jeroc's new students. "Wanna come with me to get my R2 unit?" she asked, holding out her hand.

The little girl shyed away at first, but Shayla's reassuring smile did the trick. She didn't speak, but nodded and took Shayla's hand.

Shayla stood and began walking. "She's right this way, near my X-wing," Shayla explained, making sure that the girl knew exactly what was going on and where she was being taken.

Once she reached her X-wing, Shayla found her droid Izzy, a purple and silver R2 unit, hooked up to the power source where she had left her. After unhooking Izzy, she looked at the little girl whose hand she still held.

"How about a snack?" Shayla asked her.

She smiled and nodded.

"Okay then. You and I and Izzy will go to the mess hall and get you something. And we can talk there for a bit til everything is taken care of outside..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 06, 2001 12:30 AM

Thea followed the first woman that had come out after her and the Jedi - Jeroc she had called him and she seemed to know him. Thea wasn't used to so much commotion around her and it frightened her a bit but she knew she was safe with the Jedi and just needed to get used to the new situation a little bit befoer she felt completely comfortable there. Seeing other kids her own age wouldn't hurt either. As they approached this woman's ship to get her R2 unit - Izzy - Thea thought she heard the woman call her, Thea wondered if the woman was a Jedi too, she certainly seemed calm and friendly enough to be and her ship was glorious - surely it had to be a Jedi's ship - or someone close to a Jedi. "Izzy is Purple," Thea thought, "I love purple, mom used to braid purple ribbons in my hair." She thought the ribbons were somewhere in her bag which had been abandoned at the door as she had chased after the Jedi Jeroc. The woman suggested food which reminded Thea that she had barely been able to eat her dinner with her parents, she had been so nervous about being accepted. She offered to talk to her! Thea had so many questions to ask, the most pressing one was whether or not this woman was a Jedi, but she was afraid she would insult her by asking that if she was and so just followed in awe of the woman's confidence and poise until they reached the mess hall.

Finally Thea thought of a question that might help her find out whether or not the woman was a Jedi without insulting her.

"What's your name?" she said staring up into the woman's kind face.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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aka BobPalpatine

Posts: 47
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 06, 2001 12:47 AM

Jeroc stood there looking at the woman who was just now coming back from her unconciousness. She was not yet visibly pregnant but you could feel her through the Force. The baby was going to be strong. Jeroc didn't know how strong though.

Jeroc turned to Cella and gave her a lil nod to show he was glad she was there with him.

Suddenly the woman spoke. She was weak but their was a command in the voice. She was in desperate need of help and she didn't land here by chance.

"Er--My name is Galen, Galen Jhin-D'har. Uh-h...I suppose I should tell you more about myself, and I am most willing to do so. But first let me ask: are you guys Jedi? Can you give me safe haven here? And--Is there somewhere we can go to speak... um..."...I mean, somewhere we adults can speak together in, ah-hh, private? I don't want to frighten the little girl here, but there really is something of dire importance I think you ought to be informed of"

Taking the hint Shayla took Thea away to go to her R2 unit.

Jeroc spoke with a soft voice and told the woman everything needed to know.

"We're Jedi and we will protect you if you need our help. Do you think you can get to the temple on your own or do you need me to carry you? We need to ask you who your running from."

Forum Moderator

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 06, 2001 01:23 AM

Relief swept through me like jawas through a droid-plant. It was all I could do to keep my feet; something about this guy made me want to keep my footing, to present myself in as strong a manner as possible.

I nodded. "I- I believe I can walk," I said, my tone strengthening with each word I spoke. "I don't want to be a burden on anyone, and I'm sorry to have just dropped in on you like this--"

Great Khaandon's Ghost, I was blabbering like a flower-stricken Ho'Din. What is it about this guy? Sorben would be rolling those baby blues of his to hear me go on like this!

I coughed, beginning to walk toward the stone building I saw in the near distance. I hoped it was okay to do so... To his credit, the imposing man fell in step beside me. In complete silence.

Guess it was okay to go in this direction....

Obviously this man was waiting for me to go into some sort of explanation. I hesitated, wanting so badly to blurt everything out...

...but also wanting to rest and gather my wits. I needed to present my story; well, warning, rather, in as logical, coolly collected, and succinct a manner as possible. In the state I was currently in, I didn't know if I could achieve that.

I decided that going a bit offtrack might smooth the gaps.

"Please tell me that you're a Jedi, and that all is right with the Galaxy," I kidded. I then bit the words I was blabbering off with a snap of my jaw. I sighed.

This wasn't like me. Not one bit. In fact, it was a bit embarrassing. I pursed my lips, then let out my breath in a resounding whoosh.

"Look," I began again, still walking along. Beside me, the yet-unidentified man kept a steady pace. His expression hadn't changed one whit, but somehow I knew he was listening intently... and impossibly, with more than just his ears. That realization made me shiver; I came to an abrupt halt, turned, and faced him.

He faced me steadily as though somehow he had expected I would do this. That realization made me open my mouth.

"Who are you?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Then, before he could reply to that, I tossed in for good measure, "And are you going to help me help you?"

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 06, 2001 01:24 AM

"My name is Shayla," Shayla told the little girl. Shayla knew she was probably wondering who she was and why she was at the Praxeum. "I'm here to train just like you."

By that time they had made their way into the mess hall, where Shayla helped the girl pick out a snack and took her to a table.

Shayla was about to ask the little girl what her name was and how old she was when Izzy began blatting at her harshly.

"What is it Izzy?" she asked, confused. Maybe the droid was feeling ignored...Izzy was like that. "I can't understand you, Izzy, I have no translator. I'll talk to you later." Maybe that'd quite her down.

Or not. Izzy began blatting even more harshly and loudly. People in the hall were beginning to stare.

"All right, all right," Shayla said giving in. She looked over at the girl, who had just started on her snack. "You mind if we pack that up and eat it in my room? I think Izzy wants to talk."

The girl shook her head no that she did not mind and started packing up.

"Okay then," Shayla said, helping her get things together to leave. "I'm afraid Izzy is not very patient..." Her name...what was the girl's name? "What is your name, sweetie?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 06, 2001 01:37 AM

"My name is Thea", Thea said. She couldn't believe that she had actually mat an older student, she had assumed that they would be in a different area from the kids because they would be on a different level. "Izzy seems very friendly, does she always get this excited around new people?" Thea asked as they walked down the hall which met her with a breathtaking power that seemed to fill the air. Thea gibbered on not letting Shayla answer, "Oh course she must be I've never met an unfriendly R2 unit, my dad's were always trying to talk with everyone they saw." She stopped for a minute and smiled up at Shayla, "Shayla, how long have you been here? Is it easy or really hard to learn to be a Jedi?"

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 06, 2001 11:27 PM

"I haven't been here much longer than you have," Shayla replied. "I'm just starting, but I used to be here with my twin brother when I was younger," she explained, following Izzy into her room.

Thea followed. Shayla let Thea sit on her bed and get her snack back out to finish eating. Shayla then sat down on the bed next to Thea. Izzy rolled up right next to her.

"All right, Izzy, let's see what's up," Shayla said, taking a translator from her satchel next to the cot and hooking Izzy up. As soon as the little purple and silver droid was connected, she began "talking" non-stop for about a minute.

"Erik communicated. He is following Terrin Danner in the Starlight. Erik set up a data feed from Starlight to me. He believes Terrin is coming to Yavin IV."

Shayla was speechless. This was not good. She had to warn everyone. If Terrin came into the system he might bring in his fleet. And the fleet of that Imperial Moff. Master Jeroc had to be told about this. Shayla only hoped that they would be able to get protection if and when they needed it...

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 06, 2001 11:57 PM

Thea couldn't understand why someone would want to leave training - unless something had happened and she had to go and was finally able to come back - that could explain it - but where was her brother? Thea decided it would be rude to ask her that so she just looked over to her to smile at her and then noticed the worried look on her face. Whatever Izzy told her couldn't be good.

Thea laid her hand on Shayla's arm and asked, "What's wrong? Whatever it is I'm sure the Jedis can take care of everything they always can."

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 08, 2001 10:09 AM

"Well, I hope they can take care of this," Shayla said, trying to stay positive around Thea. "But chances are we are going to need some outside help with this one."

Thea nodded, listening intently.

"I think it's time we find Master Jeroc so I can tell him what's going on..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

Click Here to See the Profile for Mara1Jade  Click Here to Email Mara1Jade  Edit/Delete Message  Reply w/Quote  Visit Mara1Jade's Homepage!  Send a message to Mara1Jade  UIN: 67584646
Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 08, 2001 04:33 PM

"Ok" Thea said Jumping up to follow Shayla out of the room and back outside where they left Master Jeroc. Thea didn't want to get separated from her until she was shown her own room - she remembered the last time she had been in a building this big - and how easily she got lost. She was going to stick close to others until she figured out her way around here a bit better.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 08, 2001 07:14 PM

OOC: Sorry about the gaffe, Galen *blushes deeply* I fixed it, though, so all should be well

Cella walked quietly beside Jeroc, listening to her somewhat agitated attempts at explanation. She was chock-full of questions: Who was this woman? What, exactly, was her business on Yavin IV? And most importantly, what was the meaning of this tiny, powerful presence within her? However, she kept her mouth shut with her usual prudence. Later would be the time for questions.

She hoped Galen didn't mind her being there--she was like Jeroc's right hand, and it had seemed natural to her to come when he called. However, Galen seemed to be in real trouble...maybe Jeroc could handle it best. She began to quietly make her way away, but Jeroc tugged her lightly back. Hey, I'm not done with you yet, Cella. It's okay.

So she kept walking, as inconspicuously as possible. Suddenly, Galen halted, looked Jeroc directly in the eye. "Who are you?" she asked intently. "And are you going to help me help you?" Jeroc smiled, silently and wisely. "Come, Galen. We have much to speak of, and I would do it sitting down. Why don't you come into the temple with me?" He signaled Cella to step away. Go get Logan and give him the day's lectures. I'll share more with you later, I promise,he sent, calming her mild irritation at being left in the dark. 'bye, Cella.

Cella stalked off in the general direction of the mess hall, using a breathing technique to calm her temper. Jeroc drove her nuts sometimes...all that mysterious Jedi master hanky-panky. Hanky-panky. Hmmmmm. That was another thing. She wished she knew exactly what Jeroc thought of her. No real way to find out...She'd come close to telling him she loved him, once or twice, but it was probably a bad idea. Cella had too much good sense to mix love with business, or so she liked to think. She shook off the annoying thought, ran up to Logan's room. "Logan! Lecture time, kid!"

Logan's dark head popped out of the door. "Hey, Old Lady. Where's the Old Man?"

Cella shrugged. "Orienting new students. I'm to give you your lecture this morning."

Logan groaned audibly. "I got through many years of living in this galaxy without an education. Why do I have to get one now?"

Cella grinned. "Because stupid Jedi don't survive for very long. May I?" She gestured towards Logan's room, and he ushered her in with a rueful smile.

Cella pulled out the sheaf of lecture notes she'd gotten off Jeroc's desk and began giving the lecture. This morning's talk was about the history of the Old Republic, and Logan was yawning before five minutes was up. Frankly, history bored Cella too, and after ten more minutes, she threw the notes at the wall. "Logan, let's play hooky. Want to go for a swim?"

Logan blinked, fully alert now. "Sure, just let me grab a towel." Within minutes, the pair of them were sneaking out the back door of the Praxeum, on their way to one of Cella's many secret swimming holes.

[Edited 4 times, lastly by BobPalpatine on May 10, 2001]

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Admiral Actar

aka Anakin

Posts: 58
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 08, 2001 09:43 PM

He walked for what seemed like minutes, but in reality were at least a couple of hours. He felt a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time, something about this planet made him feel like a kid again - too bad he didn't remember anything about his childhood. He kept walking, 5 minutes later, he saw it.

The first thing he saw were kids, two of them. They were sitting in the grass facing each other, talking. He kept walking trying to stay unnoticed, but then he saw it. The second his eyes were on it he almost lost his balance. Something in the force hit him so hard, he felt like he was 6 years old again. Why did he feel these strange feeling? He couldn't even remember what it felt like until now.....maybe he was remembering things, but why here?


[Edited 1 times, lastly by Admiral Actar on May 20, 2001]

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Free Spirit

Posts: 56
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 08, 2001 10:06 PM

I hesitated the briefest of moments, watching this man dismiss the woman in so casual a manner. For some reason, I was flooded with the strongest disappointment that she was dismissed. I had a strong hunch I could have spoken with her much more easily than I would with this guy; I found myself reaching out to try and stop her from going.

My impulsively outreached arm then led me onward as the man smiled, turned from me, and continued walking toward the rather imposing stone building ahead of us. That must be the-- Temple? I wondered to myself. I thought it was some kind of school.... But Temple, school, or dwelling place; in all honesty it mattered not at the moment. I just wanted to get inside somewhere, someplace where there were people, for there was safety in numbers....

I came to an abrupt halt as that thought struck, wondering as to it's foundation. Then I shook my head. These feelings were getting to be a nuisance, although they hadn't led me astray yet. My lips pursed together in a grim line as I hurried to catch up with the Jedi, who hadn't so much as slowed his pace.

It struck out of nowhere, like a thunderbolt from a blue and cloudless sky, nearly sending me to my knees by the intensity of it's incorporeal blow. I gasped involuntarily, doubling over, and clutched by midsection protectively. Before my eyes, the surroundings blurred into a black, star-specked tunnel. Somewhere deep within a dim and logical part of my being, warning klaxons started to blare....

Now the man stopped, turned toward me, concern creasing his handsome features. He cocked his head to one side, took a step toward me.

I waved him back, gasping a little. "I'm... I'm ok," I managed to gulp out, righting myself and taking a cleansing breath deep into my lungs. The welcomed rush of air cleared my head, leaving my vision equally clear in its wake. I riveted the latter on him, pinning his eyes with mine.

I opened my mouth, closed it. Somehow, he knew... I knew he knew.

Someone knew where I was... someone who most definitely did not belong among the Jedi.

And someone who, I both feared and knew to the depths of my heart, even the combined powers of the jedi would be hard pressed to stop.

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 08, 2001 10:49 PM

With Thea and Izzy trailing behind her, Shayla ran to the doors of the Praxeum where she knew Jeroc was. Once outside, she stopped suddenly, almost causing Thea to bump into her.

"This is no good," Shayla muttered mostly to herself. Thea looked at her questioningly, and Izzy warbled. "Master Jeroc is still out there with the woman. I can't go bother him right now," Shayla explained. "There has to be someone else. Maybe Logan can help. Come on," she instructed, turning back for the Praxeum. They headed in the dormitory area to Logan's room. His door was closed, so Shayla knocked. No one answered. She tried again with still no answer.

Shayla started to curse at this. "Sith..." No...not with Thea around. But Shayla was panicked. She needed to find someone to alert them of the coming threat, and she didn't have the Force ability track lifeforms. What was she going to do?

"Tracking lifeforms!" Shayla blurted suddenly. Izzy bleeped at her.

"We're going to find Logan," Shayla said. "Or at least...we are going to find someone. Time we go take a stroll through the woods..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 10, 2001 12:04 AM

Thea thought Shayla looked so worried and she was running around like there was something very wrong about to happen. Come to think of it Thea had this strange feeling that something in the air was just not right - she just knwe she would be seeing some real Jedi action of consequence soon. This terrified her though she wouldn't show it, she just knew that she couldn't. Instead she put an hand on Izzy and whispered to the droid to please stay close by her so she wouldn't get lost and ran after Shayla making sure she was never more than two paces behind her.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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Cella Poliani

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 7
Registered: May 2001

posted May 10, 2001 02:41 PM

Not long after they had begun their walk, Cella and Logan were swimming without a care in a pool filled with cool, clear spring water. Cella watched lazily as Logan attempted fancy dives from a high rock, and reflected that he was much improved. He hadn't had a bit of trouble keeping up with her on their hike this time...

Suddenly, Cella stiffened as her danger sense was alerted and a chill ran up her spine. Perhaps it was just memory, just the ghost of what had happened here--her kidnapping by the mysterious stranger--but somehow, she thought not. The chill came again, longer and deeper, and Cella knew it wasn't just the water. She called out hoarsely to Logan. "Logan, listen."

Logan cocked his dark head and drew his damp brows together. "What is it?" Then he felt it, the nasty pins-and-needles prickle of something wrong about to happen. The two of them looked at each other, fear blossoming on their water-beaded faces.

Just then, Cella heard a noise from the ridge to the south of the lake, and saw a young woman holding a little girl by the hand cresting it. The woman seemed to have much on her mind, and Cella felt that she was looking for help. She rose gracefully from the water, but Logan beat her to shore. "Shayla!" he cried. "What is it?"

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Smart Ass

Posts: 524
Registered: Jun 2000

posted May 10, 2001 11:49 PM

OOC: Sorry guys I'm not posting as Jeroc right now. This week is production week for the play and when I usually get home each nite the last thing I have on my mind is writing characters like Jeroc and Logan.

This should be over by Monday and my posting will be back full time

Sorry if I'm slowing things up a bit. Thanks to Tina for moving it along...since I've been unable to.

PS. Logan is not 18 Tina We don't know how old he is yet...he's left that unknown...he hasn't been there very long and hasn't opened up much.

I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 77
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 11, 2001 01:37 AM

Shayla wasn't going to waste any time with this one. "Remember me telling you about Terrin Danner?"

Logan nodded.

"He's on his way here to find me. He's figured out where I am and he's mad. He's probably still working for that idiot Moff, and they both want me...and they prefer me dead."

About this time the woman that had been with Logan approached. She didn't interrupt, but rather motioned Shayla to continue.

"One of my associates from my business has established a data feed with my droid. She will be able to tell me where Terrin and his band are. But if Terrin shows up here, he won't be alone. He'll bring in all the Moff's forces. We need to get some protection, and we need it soon I'm afraid. I don't know how willing the New Republic will be to help us with the current crisises on their hands, but if we don't get some help...we will be in lots of trouble. What are we gonna do?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 32
Registered: May 2001

posted May 11, 2001 12:57 PM

Thea couldn't believe what was going on. She had over heard her parents talking about this Terrin Danner, always in a fearful way when deciding what planet to take thier trade to next, but she never had encountered him and now it seemed she might. Shayla was obviously afraid of him as far as Thea could tell and he was planning on killing her. Thea had not been this afraid since her father's ship had practically crashed on Tatoonine last year - days from the nearest settlement - and in no condition to attempt to get it off the ground again. It seemed Shayla was close to - or at least knew these two well, the other woman it seemed was a full Jedi by her presence and Shayla's pause at her approach. Thea was sure they could take care of everything but still she shrugged in closer to Shayla practically hugging her legs for comfort.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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