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The Holonet Boards >> Jedi Praxeum - Yavin IV >> Out with the Old, In with the New (Page 1)

Author Topic:   Out with the Old, In with the New

Smart Ass

Posts: 519
Registered: Jun 2000

posted May 02, 2001 03:25 PM

OOC: K...bring in your characters whenever you want. Just find a creative way of getting me to notice

Jeroc stood on the roof of the temple and stared in the distance. Another year with more students leaving had gone past. For the past five years the Jedi Master had led the Praxeum on and off. He never found it easier for students to go off into the real world.

He of course would get his new share of hopefuls each year. Some would leave before their training was finished and others would pass with flying colors. This year he felt very strongly that something was going to change.

Luke Skywalker had told him to find 3 students he could train easily and train them as padawans.

He just had to find those three students...

"Master Mahoy, a small craft has entered the Yavin system..."

I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 02, 2001 03:45 PM

Shayla "Stargazer" Petrolu carefully landed her silver x-wing on the ground of Yavin IV and cut the engines. She couldn't believe she was doing this...again. Shayla had been in training to be a Jedi before with her twin brother Sean, when she was younger. Things didn't seem to be working out for her, so she went off on her own and started her own information smuggling business.

Although Shayla loved her business, she knew her true destiny would not be fullfilled til she completed her Jedi training. This hadn't dawned on her until recently, when she and her business associates had run into some trouble in the Outer Rim. Shayla and her assistant Erik had been out making a shipment when they were stopped by her x-fiance Terrin Danner, who apparently was protecting the area for an Imperial Moff. Shayla and her associates had unravelled a plan to assinate Admiral Palleon, and Shayla had then realized that her Force ability had been the only thing that pulled them through...and that the lack of training had almost caused them to lose.

So here she was, ready to take the trials, ready to give it another chance. She pulled off her purple helmet, fluffed her short blonde hair, and took a deep breath. She pushed the hatch to her X-wing open, stood, and placed the helmet in pilot's chair.

Taking a deep breath, Shayla vaulted out the X-wing and landed on the ground of Yavin IV. She surveyed the land...and the temple before her. Atop the temple she spotted a man...a man whose presence she could feel flowing through the Force like lightning.

"That's him..." Shayla thought. "That's who I am here to see."

Taking one more deep breath, Shayla gathered herself, willed her legs to move, and took the first step. "There's no turning back this time..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Smart Ass

Posts: 519
Registered: Jun 2000

posted May 02, 2001 04:13 PM

"...Admiral Noric wants to know if he should let the craft by. Its an X-Wing"

Ahh so this was her. He figured she'd be in a fighter of some sort or maybe a frieghter but he didn't quite expect her to have an X-Wing. He didn't much care he just knew that smugglers rarely travel in anything such as an X-Wing.

"Tell him to let her come through. She is coming here to be a Jedi."

"Affirmative Master Mahoy."

Jeroc drew himself up to his full height of 6'3. He was a tall man with striking features. His features were very defined by his slightly tanned skin. He was the kind of person who lended a strong presence when you are around him. His light blue eyes looked as if they saw everything. They could look right through a person and the strength in them could sometimes break a person. The Force ran through those eyes of his. It was strong within him.

Jeroc strided through the corridors of the temple on Yavin IV. Nodding as he passed students doing work. Assuring them they were doing a good job. He soon made it out to the landing feild. He saw he had made it just in time. A silver X-Wing was landing gracefully on the landing feild.

He sensed something though it was something like fear, regret, and pain all in one. This person seemed like they weren't sure they could suceed. He would have to watch her. These paths she is on could easily lead to the darkside........

I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...

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Admiral Noric

Padawan Jedi

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Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 11:17 AM

Noric sat over the Jedi world of Yavin IV in his flagship Republic's Force and looked over his fleet. It was a marvelous thing to see. His ships were lined up in a spearhead formation that he gotten them in for drills. The ships sat their silently awaiting his command. They feared and loved the man. Like another famous man, Wedge Antilles, he had refused rank until almost absolutely nessecary. He kept his General rank as long as he could but he finally moved up to Admiral. He betted Borsk regretted that now. Since getting his Admiral rank Noric had defied the Council many times. At this moment he was defying them by guarding the Jedi from whatever threat may be coming. Sometimes he couldn't stand his own goverment that he fought for.

One thing he wished right now though was that his fleet had more of a fight. It had been a while since another fleet had challenged them. He was afraid his men would get soft. It was good for the Jedi though. They are the galaxy's hope and future. That is why Noric devoted so much of his life to them.

Sometimes though he wished life would get a little more interesting for him........

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Terrin Danner

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 5
Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 01:27 PM

Terrin Danner wasn't looking forward to talking with the Moff after all that had happened. He suspected it would be very unpleasant. But he was shoulder deep in this whole thing now, and there wasn't any turning back.

After his main shuttle The Hornett docked in the hanger bay of the Moff's palace, Terrin made his way to his office. Before Terrin had a chance to announce his presence via intercom, The metal door to the office slid open. This wasn't going to be fun at all.

"Well, well, Mr. Danner. It's about time you stopped by," the Moff said coldy. "Have a seat," he ordered, pointing to a chair in front of his desk.

Terrin stepped inside and complyed with the Moff's wishes. The metal door slid closed behind him with a bang and Terrin nearly jumped at it, but withheld the reaction. "I'm sorry I'm later than expected, sir. I had business to attend to."

"Business? Your BUSINESS, Mr. Danner, is to find Shayla Stargazer for me. You let her ruin my plans, and then you let her escape. I'll forgive you this once, but ONLY if you get her back for me. She's out there somewhere, and I want her to pay for the damages she's caused me."

"But sir," Terrin interjected, "She could be ANYWHERE..."

"Ask me if I care," the Moff snapped. "Someone will pay for this, and I prefer it to be Ms. Stargazer. But if you cannot produce her for me, I'll be happy to substitute you for her. Take your pick."

Terrin fought the urge to roll his eyes. He wanted to tell the Moff that he was just mad that he didn't get a piece of the Empire that Palleon had given up on. He wanted to tell him that he didn't have to stand for this. But this was not the time. "All right, sir. I'll find Shayla for you. You can count on that. She can't escape forever..."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 02:28 PM

Fortunately for Shayla, she wouldn't have to go that far to meet Jeroc. She could already see him coming her way as she took her first steps torwards the temple.

She met Jeroc halfway in the field on Yavin IV, and suddenly she felt shorter than she really was. Although Shayla didn't even reach 5 feet, she usually didn't feel her size around people. That is until she met someone who was so secure in themselves that it was almost intimidating to her. He smiled at her, trying to reassure her.

"Hello," Shayla managed to squeak out. "I guess you are Master Jeroc. I'm Shayla Petrolu, better known to the galaxy as Shayla Stargazer, information smuggler. I'm here to resume my training, for better or for worse..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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aka BobPalpatine

Posts: 47
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 02:50 PM

Jeroc looked down at her and smiled. He knew he could be intimidating because of his size and because of his presence but this was probably the most he had ever intimidated a student. Not purpose that is.

"Welcome to the Praxeum, Shayla",he said in his reasurring tone,"I'm sure you will find yourself welcome here. Come follow me. I will show you where you will be staying."

They walked across the feild where she had landed and moved into the temple. About 10 minutes later they were at her room.

The room at the end of one of the halls where some of the rooms were located was a pretty spacious room for being a dorm like area. I had one bed in a corner and metal shelves against the walls for storage and other things. On the side by the door there was a desk with a datapad laying on it. Jeroc walked over to the desk and picked up the datapad.

"In this datapad you'll find out anything you want to know 'bout the Praxeum. It also contains some learning lessons on it. So if you want to get more ahead tonite you can read up some. Well other than that I'll let you get settled...ohh wait! One last thing before I go. Your neighbor is a new student also his name is Logan Murroe. He doesn't have any friends here yet either and he's an older student around 14-17, we don't really know he won't tell us particulars like that. He's outta his room right now in the woods. I told him their'd be another girl...er...woman coming today I'm sure you'll see him later. Get settled and do whatever you want to the room."

With that last message Jeroc left the room and Shayla was left in her room by herself.

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 03:12 PM

After Jeroc left, Shayla sat her carry bag on the floor, took the datapad, and plopped on the bed.

"I'm here with a bunch of kids," she thought to herself. "This is just great. Maybe I should have stayed where I was."

But no. Erik had control, and he knew what he was doing. Shayla wished he had come here with her. She missed him already. He'd been by her side throughout the whole deal with Terrin.

But she wasn't ready to admit that she had feelings...real feelings for him. And here she didn't think she'd have to face those feelings. And that was just fine with her. Trust wasn't her thing.

Suddenly, her comm link beeped. She took it from her belt on her silver flightsuit and spoke into into "Shayla Stargazer."

"Shayla, it's me, Erik."

Speak of the devil. "What's up?"

I didn't want to disturb you, but it seems that one of our delivery vessels was attacked today by Terrin Danner."

"Sithspit!" Shayla growled. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yes. But it appears he's out looking for you again. After they discovered you weren't on board the shuttle they backed off."

"Well, that's just great. Notify me if anything else happens. I just hope he doesn't find me here..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Posts: 21
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 03:22 PM

Logan ran through the woods at a pace so quick he even suprised himself and with him that was hard to do. Since day one Logan had been cocky. It was a wonder no one had tried to show him humilty yet, except of course Jeroc. Old ways are said to be hard to break so the boy learned only a small lesson from it. It would take more than one embarassing moment for him to really learn humilty. Later in life Logan would realize it though.

He slowed his pace a little as he saw the feild in front of the temple grow nearer. Placed on the landing feild not far from his clutch was a silver X-Wing. Pilot competition would be good someday, this must've been the student Jeroc was talking about. A smuggler like him. If anyone understood how he felt of course she would. So many people at the Academy seemed to serene and calm, like they hadn't experienced the real world. Logan had and he was sure that this woman had too. It was time to go see her.

He finished his run and ran all the way through the temple. He came upon his room and saw that the empty room next to his was empty. Somehow he knew Jeroc would put her in there maybe he wanted him to teach her some Jedi skills. Even though he had only been there a week or so Logan was already sure he could take a lot of people at the Praxeum. Like he told Jeroc, 'I'm gonna running this thing one day' boy did he wish he would've kept his big mouth shut on that one. It was true though. Someday he was going to be the greatest Jedi ever. He was gonna prove that to everyone no matter what it took and before him was the next person he was gonna prove it too.

She was standing in her room holding one the Praxeum datapads. He lifted it out of her hands and watched her face as it was lifted above her short frame.

"What's the matter don't know the first thing about TK?"

"Where are my keys?"

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 03:39 PM

This must be the kid that Master Jeroc told her was going to be next to her. He had some nerve, bothering her like this. Thought he was good at TK did he? She'd show him.

Eyeing the floating datapad, she grabbed it with the Force and sent it flying towards him. He seemed a little shocked at first, but almost started laughing. Enough with the games, Shayla thought to herself. She adjusted her Force-grip on the data pad and sent it floating gracefully to her cot, where she lowered it til it was resting there. Shayla crossed her arms and returned her gaze to the boy before her. He was of average height with dark features...and unusual dark eyes. She couldn't put her finger on his species, but he wasn't a human, that was for sure. Maybe he was a freak of nature for all she knew...she thought about telling him that, but decided not to. She regretted it when she noticed a smirk the size of the Aldeeran asteroid belt on his face.

"As a matter of fact yes. As a matter of fact I've probably had about as much Jedi training as a kid like yourself has already."

The smirk just wouldn't go away. Shayla had a feeling he was enjoying this, and that irked her. She decided she'd play nice and see what happened.

"If you'll refrain from anymore snide remarks, we can start over. I'm new here and I'm not up for making any enemies just yet. But DON'T push me. Got it???"

She swore he was rolling his eyes at her, but she chose to ignore it.

"I'm Shayla Stargazer. Who might you be?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Posts: 21
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 03:51 PM

He just stood there smirking at her. He was a little suprised at what she had done though. His first intial thought was shock. Then it turned into humor. She didn't do to shabby on his little test maybe he could actually become friends with this one.

"My name is Logan Murroe. I hear your a smuggler too. Nice X-Wing you got out there too. You got a droid to go with it?"

He just stood there with the constant smirk on his face and stared at her with his near motionless black orbs that he called eyes. He knew that she was probably wondering what the heck he was. She'd find out sooner or later if she got past it and asked. She'd find out....

"Where are my keys?"

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 04:59 PM

Yeah. Izzy is powering up right now. I gotta get her all ready to communicate with my smuggling base and keep track of things while I'm training. She's packed with some power, and I'm currently doing some modifications on her similar to the ones on Corran Horn's R2 unit Whistler."

She stopped herself at that. Why the heck was she rambling about her droid to some kid? She needed to get some fresh air...and better yet, some food.

"Anyway, I'm off to get some dinner now. If you can wipe that smirk off your face long enough I might even let you go with me..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 27
Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 05:04 PM

The walk through the forest was not as easy as Thea Morgan's parents thought it would be. THey had left their freighter a ways away from the Jedi Temple so they could have one last walk with Thea before leaving her to start training. They had always wanted Thea to be a Jedi but the thought of leaving their 6 year old alone in a strange place worried them.

Thea looked around in amazement as they approached the large structure that she assumed was the Temple. Awestruck she said her final good - byes to her parents and scampered up to the door. She took a deep breath glancign back over her shoulder at her retreating parents, not sure if she wanted to run to them or go forward. Slowly and unsurely she knocked and waited for the door to open.

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Posts: 21
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 05:14 PM

"Sorry but this smirk is something that doesn't leave my face easily but I'd still be willing to go to dinner with you. After that run I just took I could use some dinner."

He held his and for her to shake it. On his hand were bony horn like protrusions. Yet another one of his alien features. He looked human but he wasn't completely human that was for sure.

"The names Logan Murroe. How bout we shake on being friends?"

"Where are my keys?"

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aka BobPalpatine

Posts: 47
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 05:20 PM

Jeroc stood against one of the lower temple walls and watched as the mournful parents brought their young daughter up to the temple. For many families it was hard. He could understand. Many families after bringing their children to the temple saw them maybe twice a year if they were lucky.

He could see the parents were deeply attached to the young girl. The girl herself looked strong though. She looked like maybe she would be a good Jedi.

He watched her awestruck face as she came close to the temple and knocked on the lower entrance door.

"No need to knock young girl. I'm already here.", Jeroc said to her with a warm smile."Now why don't you tell me a little about yourself and why you want to come here?"

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 27
Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 05:47 PM

Thea jumped when she heard a voice beside her. Her mouth dropped open - was this what all real Jedi's looked like - he's so tall, and looks so strong. She had only heard stories of Jedi's before - her father had been a pilot with the Rebellion when he was young and had caught a glimpse or two of the famous Luke Skywalker, she wondered if this might be him though she doubted he dealt with the children directly when they started out. Just realizing that he was waiting for an answer from her she quickly stopped staring at him and tried to sound as confident as possible, though she could barely squek out her answers.
"My name is Thea Morgan, I'm six years old and I want to train as a Jedi. My father is a frieghter pilot and trader, travelling with him I've seen all the good Jedis can do and I want to be able to help the way they do."
She hoped he would like her answer and let her try. She held her breath waiting for a reply, probing his face for clues with her big blue eyes.

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Terrin Danner

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 5
Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 08:37 PM

After his meeting with the Moff, Terrin headed for his shuttle and told the Captain to take off. He needed some time to think. And he had to think of something quick.

He walked into his small office and sunk into his desk chair. He noticed his computer screen was blinking "Priority Message".

"Great," Terrin thought. "This can't be good."

He clicked on the "view message" icon and the face of one of his employees, Lee Cartwright, materialized on the screen before him.

"Terrin, I hope you get this message soon, as I think it will be something of great interest to you. One of our ships attacked The Starlight today, a ship we know to belong to Shayla Stargazer's fleet. Ms. Stargazer was not on board, but we picked up some comm activity that implied she has gone to Yavin IV. I've attached a portion of that comm activity to this message. I'll be returning to our base in two days, and I felt this message could not wait that long. I'll see you then. Cartwright out."

Cartwright's face dissolved off the screen, and Terrin clicked on the attached file. The comm activity was pretty hard to make out, but he could certainly hear "Shayla" and "Yavin IV" somewhere in the transmission. She was there all right.

But what was she doing at Yavin IV? Terrin frowned to himself...then it hit him. The Jedi Academy was at Yavin IV...and Shayla had some amazing Force abilities...

"Gone to train, have you Shayla? Think you can hide from me there? Well, we'll see about that..."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 08:40 PM

"Friends it is, Logan," Shayla agreed, shaking the hand before her. She still couldn't place the species, and she'd seen a lot of species in her smuggling business. But it was too soon to ask about that. "So where is the mess hall in this place?"

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Free Spirit

Posts: 52
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posted May 03, 2001 09:25 PM

The resounding honking blare warning me of my immediate leave from hyperspace woke me with an equally resounding start. I blinked, quickly wiping at least a portion of the fatigue from my eyes as I sat up, leaning eagerly forward to look at the viewscreen.

Before me, a vibrantly alive world rotated, looking for all the world like a big green jewel. It beckoned to me with the strength of that jewel, with more even. Here I hoped I would be taken in, given succor, protection, assistance...

I took a great breath, played the navboard like a musical instrument, and brought the Imperial shuttle in on a shallow, curving approach. I immediately set up an announcing beacon; wouldn't be so great to have gone through all I had in the past months just to be blasted by the good guys.

I rode the atmospheric currents in, waiting for clearance to land. Strange... none was forthcoming. I frowned a little at the strange silence; maybe these Jedi dudes were so secure in their powers they didn't need such mundane things as clearance guides? Maybe they think I'm one of their own Imperial shuttles, confiscated from the days when the Empire ran the game?

I shook my head, wondering. Nevermind; if all went well, I would be able to explain my presence in person. And if they didn't have an Imperial shuttle to their name... they would now. It was my peace offering, my token trade to be accepted here. Or somewhere.

I still had my ace in the hole, too...

With a suddenness that brought me abruptly out of my short reverie, the ground approached. Giant green trees reached up to scrape the sky. Through their towering forms I caught occasional glimpses of peaceful herbivores of one type or another. Hmmm... weird. So heavily vegetated... wasn't there supposed to be some big Jedi school here somewhere?

I ran a sensor sweep, searching... nothing. If they were here, they were well hidden.

The ground came closer, and even closer yet.

Suddenly, I saw it. Huge, graceful, made with stone to blend in naturally with this world, it somehow spoke of the highest of technologies, of the strictest adherence to the principle which promised hope amidst darkness, prosperity amidst famine, and justice amidst mindless Evil.

Almost crying with relief, I brought the shuttle to a gentle touchdown in a field not too far from this great Temple of Learning. As I came in, my viewport revealed a brief image of a nice-looking couple walking away from it. They looked up to see me land, surprise creasing their features.

Soft hisses sounded as the shuttle vented itself. A final shoosh, and the hatch slid open. Through that portal I smelled the wonderful fragrance of growing things, saw a riot of color, saw a deeper stone-colored blotch which expanded to be the Temple as I stumbled from the craft. I blinked.

There in the distance, an imposing man was speaking with a young woman. Between them stood a child of about six years of age. Good... they allowed children here....

I took a step forward, one hand sliding to my belly as though to protect the life I harbored within me. I wanted to tell them about my child, this young one who I now knew to one day be perhaps the most powerful Force Wielder the Galaxy had yet to see... this child by the man I loved, who by it's very existence forced me to flee from that love... this child who I knew many dark beings would be after. Who indeed were after.

I knew I had to tell them of the strangely imposing man with the monster ship, that man in the black trenchcoat... and of that obsidian-eyed hellcat with her bizarre companions, who were powerful Force-users in their own right and very, very dangerous... and my sister, Graysith, who might end up being the most dangerous adversary of them all...

...and all I could do was open my mouth, then close it without saying a word. All my strength left me like water over a fall. I didn't even see the ground as it reached up to take me in blackness....

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Terrin Danner

Padawan Jedi

Posts: 5
Registered: May 2001

posted May 03, 2001 10:36 PM

It had occurred to Terrin that he couldn't just fly over to Yavin IV and demand Shayla to come with him. She'd be protected by the Force, and he didn't know if even all of his fleet could compete with that.

And he couldn't compete with that either. He'd dabbled in the Dark Side a time or two, but he'd not really acquired any skills. "I need a Sith or two," Terrin decided to himself. "Where to find them though...I don't know. I must find out...very soon. The Moff will not wait much longer..."

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aka BobPalpatine

Posts: 47
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 11:36 PM

Jeroc looked down at the small girl in front of him. She looked like she was fully willing to become what the Jedi needed. He was about to respond to her when he saw an old Imperial Shuttle land on the landing feild. Out of it stepped a woman. She stood and looked over at him.

"Just a moment Thea, we have a vistor."

He ran over to the shuttle quickly. He wasn't expecting anymore grown students. He reached out with the Force and felt that she was strong with the Force and there was something more in her...A BABY! The baby was one of the strongest babies he had ever felt still inside the mother's womb. This was going to be interesting.

"Who are you and do you need help?"

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Posts: 21
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 11:43 PM

"Good, well the mess hall is located that way.",he said as he pointed in the far direction to his left."but I usually just take my food and pack it up and head out to one of the old temples round here. They have an odd feeling, kind of a sense of power. Rumor has it that when the Praxeum was just started a Jedi named Corran Horn had a battle in one with an old Sith. I dunno if I've found the one yet...Well you ready to go?"

Shayla nodded and they walked down the hall talking and telling each other smuggler stories from thier pasts. Logan had made a friend and had found a way to connect with the Temple for the first time....

"Where are my keys?"

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Free Spirit

Posts: 52
Registered: Jul 2000

posted May 03, 2001 11:56 PM

A buzzing mumble invaded the nice fluffy dark in which I was dreamily floating, teasing me like a gnat teases a ronto into a frenzy. Go 'way, go 'way... I thought to the gnat, but it's mutterings and sizzly whisperings only grew more insistent.

It took every ounce of strength I could muster to open one eye. Above me, the figure of the imposing man swam into bleary focus. Also coming into focus were the words he spoke, as they slowly resolved out of the insectile whine.

A part of me frowned, purely an instinctive response borne of my fading but still struggling spirit. Of course I need help, can't you see that? the words flitted fleetingly through my mind, but never made it out of my mouth.

All that came out was a small squeak. That strong part of me shook its head in disgust; I tried again. This time I was successful.

"H-help..." I stammered in a dry croak. "I need san- sanctuary."

Then to my complete and utter embarrassment, I fainted dead away.

"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

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Corran Obsessor

Posts: 65
Registered: Sep 2000

posted May 03, 2001 11:57 PM

Sitting atop one of the temples finishing dinner and talking to Logan, Shayla realized she was feeling a little bit better about her stay at the Praxeum. He was still a kid, but Logan seemed to know where she was coming from, and that was good to know.

"Well, Logan," Shayla said, looking directly into his strangely shaped but somewhat human-like eyes, "I guess I'd better go check and see if Izzy is powered up then take her to my room and get some rest. Travelling in an X-wing can be pretty tiring, especially if you have an R2 unit with a talkative personality," she explained getting up. "It was really very nice talking to you Logan. I guess I have some things in common with someone here after all..."

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

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Padme of Hidden Lake


Posts: 27
Registered: May 2001

posted May 04, 2001 12:02 AM

Thea let her breath out as the Jedi ran off - she still didn't know who he was but the "we" in his statement made her feel that she would be accepted. But she was still a little wary of being left alone in a strange place so she ran after him, almost struggling to keep up as he was so much bigger than her, his quick pace didn't help much either. She was surprised when they reached the woman that she was hardly out of breath and looked back to see if the distance was really what she had thought it to be. The temple was hard to see at that distance it blended in so well with the surrounding area, when she turned back she noticedthe woman had fallen. Thea rushed to her and tried to help her up a bit.

"Mam, Are you ok? Your baby is it a boy or a girl? Just relax the Jedi can help you, I know they can, Jedi can do anything..."

Thea faltered back in the middle of trying to calm the woman as she noticed a strange look come over the tall Jedi's face. Her eyes opened wide as she stepped back wondering what could have possibly caused him to look that way, it was a shocked look she had seen often on her parents' faces when she did something completely unexpected.

A friend once told me "The Turtle Moves" I think we should all remember that right now...
Don't dance to live, live to dance!

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