<S!> and Greetings.Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lt. Ernest Penfold of the ISD Vanguard in the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet's Agressor Task Force. Currently, as always, we are looking for new members. The main site is down as of this posting, but you can still begin to gather the requirements. For the TIE Corps, in which I am a member, you must own X-Wing: Alliance, TIE Fighter or X-Wing vs TIE Fighter. The rules for joining are s follows for TIE (you'll have to look the other's up).
1. Own the game
2. Complete at least the first seven battles
3. Be at least a Commander
4. Have at least 50 kills.
If you can do this, you will be assigned to a training platform where you will complete the IWATS (Imperial Weapons And Tactics School) core course, demenstrating you ability to navagte the homepage.
From this, you will be assigned to a squadron and given access to the Mission Compendium, which has over 3500 new missions. If and when you decide to join, put your recruiter as "9489".
If you don't have any SW games, then drop by HTTP://www.emperorshammer.org and check out the other subgroups.
FM/LCM Ernest Penfold/Mantis 2-3/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard