Topic: I'm HERE!!!!
 Chosen Daughter
Member # 27
posted 03-11-2005 04:18 PM
Ummm... escuse me but may I interject here that the above is seriously close to collaboration?This is a ROLE PLAY site. The key words here are surprise and spontaneity. (As well as character and story development, NOT combat-oriented, which here is actually impossible to take through to a logical conclusion.) Authors do NOT plan ahead with each other. Role play questions between authors are of course permitted if it is to clarify a post. Sooo any newcomers need to figure out how best to interject themselves into play in a logical manner. Thank you. [ 03-11-2005 04:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ] -------------------- I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!
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