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Author Topic: In the Fiery Wastes
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-13-2005 09:42 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I entered the cockpit and then sat down at the console. I puched up a nav map and then saw, boon was near kamino. I puched in the coordinates, and the yelled back to Takeshi.

"Taking off. Boon in 8 hours."

As I lifted off, I heard a whistling. I quickly flipped it to autopilot and then went back towarsd the sound. I soon saw that someone had sliced part of the ships so they were venting oxygen.

"Uh, actually someone gave us a leak. We can't make space. I can fix it, but it will take time. I am headed out about 25 miles and then landing to fix it."

[ 03-13-2005 10:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mira Tukiano ]


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-13-2005 09:54 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl felt Leos reaching out with the force and Darth Sharl did so too.

She force pushed Echuu and then grabbed her two lightsabers. activating the red blades and charged at the Major.

She swung one blade for the man's throat and the other for the woman standing next to him.


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:


Member # 609

posted 03-14-2005 12:55 AM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Originally posted by Darth Sharl:[QB]
She force pushed Echuu and then grabbed her two lightsabers. activating the red blades and charged at the Major.QB]

Echuu was startled to say the least, and even as he launched the force outward to counter act the propulsion, he was tossed onto his back. Instead of merely rising, he followed through with the roll, ending up in a crouched position with one arm holding him propped on the ground. His other hand already at his side with his lightsaber.

In one smooth motion, he had released the blade - depressing the switch all the while - and had hurled it towards Sharl. His attempt was not to claim her life. Rather - it was to distract her from attacking the Major sufficiently that her attack would not succeed. However, the Major was in close proximity, and it may have been that Echuu only further jeopordized the man. Needless to say, the Jedi was all focused on the Force as the Lightsider shot towards the Sith - or who he persumed Sith now.


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

Posts: 40 | From: Canada | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-14-2005 09:09 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major was caught off guard, but not by much, he dropped to the ground in a low crouch. If it weren't for the flying saber from Echuu, the Major might be a head shorter, literally. He thanked Echuu mentally, and launched backwards with the force pushing at the lady with the red sabers and simultaneously jumping backwards. He unhooked one blue saber, and ignited it, the hum and grip felt comfortable in his hands. The Major landed firmly with both feet planted on the ground, he flourished the saber into the Krayt's jaw posture, then lunged with a Nexu strike, he aimed for the chest of this insidious hooded woman, and the lady batted the blade away with her lightsaber and made another attack for the Major's throat. The Major knocked her saber out of the way and brought his saber in a full arc coming back towards her throat...

[ 03-14-2005 09:30 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ilse Vogel

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Member # 611

posted 03-14-2005 09:28 AM     Profile for Ilse Vogel   Author's Homepage   Email Ilse Vogel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ilse saw the incoming saber swipe before Konig did, and quickly leaped forwards, over the darksider, nearly landing on their ship, she gripped one of the fins on the ship. and pulled herself up, landing with both feet. She ignited her blue saber and began to sear through the top of the hull, wincing because the melted Durasteel was getting extremely hot, It radiated too much heat and she became uncomfortable,

Too, hot... must distance self...

she backed away from that incision, and initiated another, hoping to hit some sort of power conduit, to disable the engines and render it flightless. with no avail she decided to drop down under the ship and began to cut through the landing struts, One of them was completely severed, and one of the other ones was disabled because the hydraulics were sliced open, spraying high grade oil onto the sandy ground. She decided that operating under a ship with only three landing struts was dangerous and leaped out from under the shadow. She got out in time to see Konig and the woman exchange saber strikes, Konig initiated a Nexu strike,
yess, the Nexu strike!

The strike failed, and he nearly lost his head again, only searing some hair and leaving a stench she could only imagine. Ilse observed that the man was attacking Echuu with two sabers while Echuu's saber was somewhere near Konig and the woman, and should help him. She leaped over the fight between The lady, and Konig and landed 7 or so meters from Echuu and the dual-saber wielding man. She started to use the Form IV acrobatic style by leaping and rolling all around the man, she was blocked by the man's red blazing blades. The flurry of attacks and counterattacks and defensive moves distracted the darksider enough, enough to let Echuu get his saber back without injury. He marvelled at the blinding blur that became the duel between Ilse, and the darksider. Ilse ceased her attack and leaped back, next to Echuu.

Ilse stood up next to Echuu, she whispered mentally
Echuu, go for his legs, I'll go for the head...

Ilse commenced her swing and Echuu his...

[ 03-14-2005 12:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 12 | From: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 549

posted 03-14-2005 03:54 PM     Profile for Leos   Author's Homepage   Email Leos     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Leos smirked, and walked forwards, watching his mistress easily take care of herself. He turned to see the two jedi trying to dispatch him, and chuckled. "Crane rests on the currents..." He murmured as he fell back onto his hands, then used the force to propell him over the low strike and under the head strike.

He kicked out at them, knowing it would fall short, but knowing it should drive them back as he came to the ground, then rose in a roll, his sabres held out to his sides as he stood in a near crucifixial form, one of his boots drawn up to his other thigh. "Mantis stands before his prey...."


I was but a whelp, now I am a warrior.

Posts: 33 | From: Where my master is, I follow. | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-14-2005 04:13 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl felt the attack, before she ever saw it. She took a step back and barely dodged the atack to her throat.

Darth Sharl glanced at Leos and how he was doing and noticed the two jedi were pre-ocupied with him.

With a simple force push he pushed at the woman and then flipped over the Major. She landed behind him and swung a saber for his leg and the other for his throat.

Giving him only two options. Darth Sharl prepared for each one.


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-14-2005 05:37 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Well there goes my nap.

"Dang, one of those others must have sabotaged it. Probably not the jedi. I guess the strangers did it. Wonder who they really are? Well I am wounded and may not be the greatest at fighting, but I know a little about ships. I can at least help with what I can."

I then stood up and walked off the sleep. I then walked to the cockpit and met Mira pulling out a toolkit. She gave it to me and then turned back to the controls. She took it in for a landing and I went to wait at the hatch. Halfway there I felt the claws grip. Unprepared I stummbled and fell to a knee before picking myself up.

Glancing outside, I saw since there was no metal around, the claws had deployed and griped about 1m into the sand.

Mira then came back and took the toolkit back. She then hit the access panle to open the hatch, but it didn't open.

Oh great. What else can go wrong today?


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-14-2005 06:08 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post

I flipped open the hatch and then saw that someone had taken a lightsaber to it, melting the circuts.

"Wonderful, one more thing to fix. I will go see if I have more parts in the back."

I then ran back and rummeged through boxs and drawers back near the engines. Finally, I found a new switch and some wire.

Coming back, I started to put in the new switch. It was really just a one person job, so I worked alone on it. About an hour later I finished.

I then went out and saw the slice we were looking for. I handed Takeshi a laser welder,a nd grabbed the other one. We then started to work on the slice, adding in new metal and a patch.


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 609

posted 03-14-2005 08:19 PM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Echuu had been ready for an attack - but not to be helped. As the Sithlord was peroccupied with another Jedi, Echuu quickly drew on the force and brought the saber to his hand, depressing the switch while simultaneous swuning from left to right - the blade held in his left hand - at the mans leg. He managed to get away, but his own assault was averted. Echuu merely followed through with a roll, coming to stand just slightly away from combat.

Feel the force, he mentally noted the assailant, and the strong darkside aura. Redeemers were of that caste which could try and "purge" Sith relics of the Darkside. Having been mentally taught how to draw the Darkside, and expunge it. Converting it to the Lightside. Though it was never done on a living human, Echuu had often used it to make the opponent feel mentally weaker with the force, as he did now. It was not the least of his attacks.

Next, the Jedi was propelled forward with the force, his sabe swinging downward to slice the man in half. It was but a diversion, and was easily stopped. Within the force however, a physical assault was launched of another magnitude. Having found the mans presence, he mentally struck blows, which would physically hurt.
[[I'm not really sure if that's an adequate attack ]]

[ 03-14-2005 08:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

Posts: 40 | From: Canada | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 549

posted 03-14-2005 08:45 PM     Profile for Leos   Author's Homepage   Email Leos     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Leos felt his connection to the force weaken, and knew he could not defeat both opponents. I'm sorry my mistress....

He tossed one of his sabres aside, and set the other to overload shortly. He reached out a hand behind him, and Drew Echuu to his back then wrapped his arm around his waist, holding him there.

"Spider devours it's children..." He murmured his last attack, then spun the trigger grip in his hand, reversing the blade towards himself, then drove it through his large intestine, knowing it was cutting into the jedi behind him.

He began to agonisingly, slowly, draw the blade up as the sabre began to hum in it's overdrive. I was a child... a tool for my mistress... I will kill one last jedi, or leave him for my mistres to finish the job..... I am complete... He drew the blade up through his stomach, with his last breath spoke. "Kill- us both- mis-tres- through-" He coughed, blood firing out of his mouth into the sand, and died, holding his sabre through himself into the man behind him, the blade about to overload.

A smile on his face.

(((OOC: Leos is dead.)))

[ 03-14-2005 08:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Leos ]


I was but a whelp, now I am a warrior.

Posts: 33 | From: Where my master is, I follow. | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Kassa Baute

Broken Back Button

Member # 540

posted 03-14-2005 09:33 PM     Profile for Kassa Baute   Author's Homepage   Email Kassa Baute     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kassa had fallen asleep in his cockpit and cursed after he found out that the jedi left in his ship. It had taken some simple holocam viewing to find out what ship he left on, but once he found out and which direction he went Kassa took off in his own ship.

He raced across the dessert and slowed down when he arrived at the scene.

Thge ship he was looking for was going in to land.

"Not on my watch."

Kassa took conrtol off the guns and fired at will at the ship.

The ship instantly juked to the left after being hit and instead of landing stayed in the air. It came full power at Kassa's ship with her weapons blazing.

"So you wanna play Jedi? Alright. I'm game."

[ 03-14-2005 09:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kassa Baute ]

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Member # 609

posted 03-14-2005 10:26 PM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
[[After careful deliberation - extremely careful - I chose this as a counter. If anyone has a problem, feel free to contact me...]]

Echuu was aware of everything about the playing field. He was intuned to the force, but had expelled a fair bit in his assault. An assault which was cut short as the Force tugged against him, drawing him forward. The Sith man had the objective of taking out a fellow Jedi, but the assault was planted too far to the left, and the saber seemed to dim slightly - no doubt a counter effect of setting it to overload. Though the extend of the beam had cut through the Sithlord, a small percentage also connected with Echuu - but not before he had readily assembled a strong Aura about himself, further sucking in the weakened beams energy and causing only slight damage.

The blade move, easing softly into Echuu's skin, causing a scream to eminate from his lips, his own saber all the while raised and lowering against the hand that had wrapped about his waist. The cut tore a good two ribs, before it eased into the air, and the Sithlords hand was taken cleanly off...

Nearly stumbling, Echuu used the extent of his powers within the Aura, dimming the pain in one final desperate act. The hum was growing louder, so Echuu started backwards, nearly falling as he made quick haste away... Feel with the force, the Jedi attempted to draw the saber from the Sithlord, but the force was depleted, and he was too weakened to do so.

Then - it exploded. He was propelled backwards some feet, landing flat on his back... Sharl would be preoccupied with the Jedi fighting her, and his "partner" would have ample time to help defend him. Echuu, was spent...

Among the other extent of his damage, his arm was heavily burnt - not the saber arm, and his ribs were pained, the dimmed pain now causing a numbing feeling about him. Slowly, conciousness seemed to creep away...

Echuu was effectively out of the fight, being that he was out of conflict range with the rest of them...Unless they came searching of course.


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

Posts: 40 | From: Canada | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-14-2005 11:15 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl glanced at the scene while the major paried her attack.

Darth Sharl reached out with the force and grabbed Leos' remaining saber.
You were a great student. she thought.

then the saber activated in mid-flight and flew towards the Major. It caught him off guard and across the arm causing him to drop his saber.

Darth Sharl didn't care though, she was already climbing up the ramp to her ship and closed it. She started it up and took off ignoring the alarms blaring.

She noticed two ships dog-fighting in the air.

But when Darth Sharl took off, one turned to her and started firing.

Darth Sharl dodged the fire and took to the sky.
I may have lost an aprentince, but I have gained another.

Darth Sharl was alomost to space when an explosion made the ship shudder. the ship descended. Fast. She noticed the ship chasing her was having the same problem. The third ship had shot them both down.

Darth Sharl reached out with the force and braced for impact.


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Ilse Vogel

Broken Back Button

Member # 611

posted 03-15-2005 09:02 AM     Profile for Ilse Vogel   Author's Homepage   Email Ilse Vogel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The saber exploded with a brilliant flash, sending shrapnel everywhere, she took a sharp piece in the leg, but she blocked two more coming for Echuu. The Major already wounded, was picking up his saber and hooking it, took a piece of metal in the same arm he sustained the lightsaber wound in.

Ilse saw that Echuu was badly wounded, she reached out with the force and tried to calm his nerves, this kind of trauma was notorious for destroying nerve connections.

Ilse ran towards Echuu, as the Major did. Ilse spoke,

"Konig, go fetch the Medpac, I'll try to halt the bleeding, Echuu might not make it, but if we're fast, he should be out of danger..."

[ 03-15-2005 09:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 12 | From: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-15-2005 09:18 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major felt shamed, one of the attcks landed, right across the arm, it didn't seem to hit any muscle, but it stung like all hell. The Major picked up his saber and then something whipped into the wreckage, and exploded. It sent a sharp piece of metal into his arm, now it really stung, being hot metal and all. Ilse called for him to get a medpac for Echuu.

The Major bypassed running and lept over Echuu and Ilse, landing on the ramp of the Jedi Shield, noticing the arial battle, and seeing that the sabotage on Sharl's ship affected the flight, and then it was shot, plummetting to the ground, releasing black oily smoke. He felt it impact, about two miles away. Another impact shuddered the ship, it landed not too far. He felt around the cargo compartment for a medpac, and found one. He ran out of the ship to see a large chunk of metal land ten meters from Echuu and Ilse. He lept again, dodging another piece of durasteel. He landed right next to Ilse, he knelt and worked his healing magic, he cleared out most of the cauterized stuff, and subsequently began to addc bacta and synthflesh til Echuu could limp back to the ship. The Major spoke,

"We should get to the dark lady's ship, I got a feeling from Jebbua that Alexis might have been on board, not to mention a chance to imprison the lady, she's been enough trouble..."

The three sat in the command cabin and lifted off, repulsors whining to leave the ground, they sped to the crashed ship and dodged some stray laser blasts from the hunter in the sky. The Shield set down twenty or so meters from the ship and only Ilse and the Major stepped out, Echuu was too wouned to do much work for now.

The two were ten feet from the ramp when it opened, and the lady in the cloak spilled out, coughing, roils of smoke burst out from some plates on the surface of the ship.

The Major an Ilse both ignited sabers and stood still, waiting for the lady to look up and either run, or fight...

[ 03-15-2005 09:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-15-2005 12:06 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl looked at everyone.
Impossible. How has it come to this. Am I that bad as a teacher to come this far myself?

Her a saber came to her hand as did a thermal detanator she had in her cloak.

"No one moves or I blow us all to bits." she said keeping a firm grip on her saber and the detanator.

Then with a spin She threw the detanator at the hovering ship and launched her self at the Major. Her saber cut through his shoulder deep, she would have attacked again, but his saber was already through her heart. Darth Sharl let go of her saber and smiled.
I'm coming Leos. We were both failures. Failures that are now ridden of.

She fell to darkness as an explosion in the sky sent the other ship tumbling down.
(((OOC: Darth Sharl is dead.)))


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-15-2005 01:10 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major didn't expect this suicidal move from this darksider, darksiders were selfish, and obsessed with self preservation, this act was something reminicent of a Jedi,

but the pain of the saber through his shoulder was excruciating, he immediately had his saber up, but she ran herself through with the blue blade... The Major immediately pulled the saber from his shoulder, He let the darksider fall with the muffled thump onto the sandy ground. The ship hit with the detonator listed to the side, a huge gaping hole was torn through the bottom, it spewed sparks and leaked oil, then, it caught aflame.
The pain shot through his arm again. He suppressed it to a dull thudding
same arm as the first cut, and the shrapnel, this is going to leave a mark, maybe even need a new arm, oh well got to find Jebbua's sister

The Major climbed into the ship, gripping his arm, reaching out with the force for the other force-user in the ship. He found her, lying on the floor, next to a bed, she must have fallen. She had a cut on her forehead where she must have hit herself off of the bulkhead. She was unconscious, or in a trance, maybe a mixture of both, but that aside, He called to Ilse,
Come, I've found her

and then In a louder force shout, that Jebbua should feel,
Jebbua, I have found her, the Darksider is dead, and your sister is safe!

The Major knelt by Alexis' side until Ilse got inside, she helped him lift her, the two Jedi took her to the Shield, he told Ilse to power up the deflectors, to discourage any attcks from the hunter in the sky. He and Ilse sat and waited for Jebbua to appear...

[ 03-15-2005 01:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-15-2005 01:44 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I heard the Major's call and was relieved. I had made my way out of the now wreckage of the ship.
Dash is gonna kill me. I thought.

Capt. Obvious made his way out. His amror was sorched and burned. Some parts were melted through to his skin.

"Where's Ruhatt?" I asked.

"He is not here." Capt. Obvious said.

"He's still inside?" I turned to head back in when the ship that had shot us down came out of nowhere spinning out of control aflame.


I could do nothing as the ship crashed into Dash's ship. Both ship blew up and I could feel Ruhatt and the other man die.

Me and Capt. Obvouis were thrown back by the blast.

I slowly climbed to my knees as a tear hit the ground. more started to follow.
My friend is dead.
(((OOC: Kassa Baute and Ruhatt Luthan are dead.)))


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-15-2005 04:50 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major heard the explosion, muffled as it was, he felt it through the force, two men died, but Jebbua felt deep sorrow. The Major walked slowly out of the ship, still clutching his injured arm, trying to quell the pain, with a grimace, he looked at the flaming wreckage, he knew one was Ruhatt, and the other was the bounty hunter that barged in in the Medcenter. Both died, the Major called out,

"From what little time I knew him, I thought he was a very good man, it was a shame, really, but at least there is one less bounty hunter scum remaining, but, you two, come in, we have Echuu, Ilse, and Alexis inside, Echuu and I are wounded, I need to go into a healing trance, so come in, if we have no new business on Tattooine, we should be off, this place is... well... unpleasant."


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 609

posted 03-15-2005 04:57 PM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Though unconcious, Echuu's subconcious was never far from the Force. He was unaware of the Arial battle, nor the countless who had suddenly died in this combat. But along the force, he heard there screams. If not in reality, then through the Force. A ripple along a ripple, that quivered against the lightsider aura that the Jedi held...

He was tired, depleted of his energy, and was now resting. In an almost comatose state. It was a deep meditative stance, unbroken...


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

Posts: 40 | From: Canada | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Ilse Vogel

Broken Back Button

Member # 611

posted 03-15-2005 04:59 PM     Profile for Ilse Vogel   Author's Homepage   Email Ilse Vogel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ilse felt the blast also, but she had to try to wake Alexis, and run the engines, she quickly ran the engines in standby. With the engines running, she walked into the room in which Alexis was in, Ilse reached with the force, Alexis was restless, waves of emotion clouded her mind, it was like trying to navigate an asteroid field in a capital ship. A few minutes later, she reached the core of the darkside stasis trance. Ilse dissolved the trance and Alexis' mind was more peaceful. Ilse disinfected the cut on her forehead and applied some synthflesh to teh gash.

While Ilse operated on herself, removing the shrapnel from her shin, disinfecting and sealing the puncture, Alexis came to, and started to rise from the formcot...


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 12 | From: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Alexis Dahutt


Member # 527

posted 03-15-2005 05:17 PM     Profile for Alexis Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Alexis Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Alexis slowly stood and glanced at her round stomach, probing it with the force. Her baby was stil inside and alive.

She then looked at the woman.

"who are you? Where is my brother?" She asked.

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Jebbua Dahutt

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Member # 433

posted 03-15-2005 05:37 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I looked at the Major.

"No. I'm not leaving without my friend."

I headed towards the ship and ducked under a piece of the ship and headed inside.

Ruhatt may be dead, but he will get a proper funeral.

He was halfway inside when he heard the sirens.

No won't leave with... I knew it was hopeless his body was beyond reconizing. I headed back outside to see security speeders on the way.

"Let's get out of here." I yelled to the major as I ran to his ship.


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

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Ilse Vogel

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Member # 611

posted 03-15-2005 05:39 PM     Profile for Ilse Vogel   Author's Homepage   Email Ilse Vogel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ilse was surprise to see her up and well so soon, she answered,

"I'm Jedi knight Ilse Vogel, this is Jedi Knight Major Konig's ship, the Jedi Shield. Your brother shouldn't be too far off. While you were under that trance, the two Dark Jedi that held you captive were killed, I'm sorry to say that Ruhatt Luthan was Killed also, just recently. Your brother should actually be boarding soon, you should go and greet him, it would be comforting I'd think..."

[ 03-15-2005 05:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 12 | From: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:

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