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Author Topic: Behold a Pale Rider
Thea Morgan


Member # 349

posted 06-06-2006 09:52 PM     Profile for Thea Morgan   Author's Homepage   Email Thea Morgan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The nightmares that had plagued Thea since she had first been told she had the potential to be a Jedi came back again. She was running from something, or towards something, or most likely both, but she was being held back - slowed down by unseen forces. She had taught herself to stop these dreams before they could frighten her, but the drugs she had been given were too strong. She was trapped in an ever spiralling terror, unable to even think about fighting back.


All I want is to be a Jedi.

Posts: 172 | From: NY | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 06-06-2006 10:27 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I was about to follow Yaoski up to the bridge when Thea began to stir.

I walked over to her.


It was no use she was still knocked out. But she was tossing and turning as if haveing a nightmare she couldn't wake from.

"Thea it's ok, you're safe."

I put my hand on her head and focused trying to see if I could help in anyway. I'll I was able to do was see what she was seeing.

She was running, but I didn't know what from, or what to.

I removed my hand and sat beside her.

"I'll be here when you wake up."

I closed my eyes again and went back to healing my hand while waiting for Thea to wake up.

[ 06-06-2006 10:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-06-2006 10:39 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron happily busied himself warming up the Indira's engines, eagerly awaiting the moment when he could get back and look at her workings. She purred like a kitten, audible but oh-so-very in tune.

Aaron reached for the comm then, knowing what would have to be done next. "Sullustan ground authorities, this is Captain Aaron Barnes requesting clearance to depart, escape vector to Sluis Van."

Finishing the request, he pushed the "send" button on the comm unit and went back to inspecting the Indira's systems while he waited, suddenly finding himself wanting a drink, and some time to be with the people who were going to help him find his employees and friends.

They would find them, somehow. He owed it to them, after all they had faced and done...


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 06-06-2006 10:39 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I stood in the companionway, mouth opened a bit, to tell the truth more than a touch miffed at Jebbua's blowing me off like that.

What the--?! I thought to myself, turning to go peep into the quarters we had only just vacated.

Sure as there's womprats on Tatooine, there he was, sitting next to the slumbering Thea, looking for all the world like her guardian angel.

Or a reasonable fascimile thereof. Ok, maybe not so reasonable-- sheesh, when did he change his tune about her anyway?

I frowned a little. I mean, sure, maybe it's a good thing for the kid if the jedi takes a sudden interest in her, helps her fulfill her dreams...

But Yaoksi, do you really believe that? He's sure a fair-weather type, seems to change his views a lot...

I knew there was a reason I didn't cotton up to these mystical muckers much.

I stood there in the doorway a moment, debating whether or not I should go in. From how the kid looked, she wasn't going to be waking up anytime in the near future, either. She was still pale, sweaty, and her eyes were still rolling around in her head like marbles.

I hope the medical droids on Hornett can figure out what the hell is wrong with her, sheesh, she's almost acting like she's been drugged or some-

I paused at that, the hairs on the back of my neck rising up at the thought. Still frowning, I decided to forego breakfast for the moment, and instead headed for the bridge, to find Aaron and tell him not only about what Jebbua was apparently doing, but what I was beginning to suspect as being the reason behind Thea's unnatural behavior.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 606 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
The Empire


Member # 386

posted 06-06-2006 10:47 PM     Profile for The Empire   Author's Homepage   Email The Empire     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Roger Indira, this is Imperial Air Traffic Control, acting per emergency agreement with Sullustan government officials.

"We have you at 05deg 22'45"N by 76deg 23'59"W. Depart vector zero niner niner, apical turn along 54-33-19Z; follow on impulse through to 0.0015ly distant; reversion to hyperdrive a roger that point, ETA Sluis Van 01213 two standard cycles hence.

"This is Imperial Air Traffic Control, turning you to runway 013, Indira to depart ten standard minutes.


[ 06-07-2006 12:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]


Coming soon, to a blockade near you....

Posts: 197 | From: We're Everywhere! | Registered: Nov 2002  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-06-2006 10:54 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron nodded to himself as his clearance came in, then turned as Yaoksi entered, something in his eye telling Aaron that perhaps not everything was hunky-dory.

Oh, I hope something isn't going on with the kid. Where's the Jedi?

Aaron quirked a brow Yaoksi's way, and nodded for him to take a seat in the nice, plush copilot's chair.

"What's going on?" he queried then, falling silent at that and simply waiting for Yaoksi's reply.


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 06-06-2006 11:04 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I shook my head as I settled down against plushness that never seemed to want to stop...

...until it was evenly supporting every inch of me.

"I don't know about that Jedi," I began without preamble, taking a sip of the bottle of something cold and pink and fruity I had snagged from the galley en route.

"All of a sudden he's got this interest in Thea; he's back there sitting next to her--"

I stopped.

Yaoksi... are you jealous?

I snorted, shoved that thought deeply away, and went smoothly on.

"I'm worried about Thea anyway, Aaron; maybe that's clouding my feelings. But the way that she's so pale, and sweating like it's a tropical jungle in here, and her eyes won't stop rolling around and she just won't wake up.."

I trailed, took another swig. The liquid rushed down my throat, cool and refreshing, knocking away the dregs of yesterday's errors.

"Aaron, I think she might be drugged," I said flatly, staring straight ahead and gripping the arms of my seat.

Whether I was doing that out of worry for Thea, or to hold myself back from trying to fly this baby, or both, who could really say.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 606 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-06-2006 11:26 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron frowned at Yaoksi's spoken thoughts. "You know, I was kinda wondering why Thea wouldn't wake up back there in that base," he admitted. "And as for Dehutt..."

Aaron paused, the look in his eye darkening a touch. "Way back when, after Terrin was...

...gone, he came to the Hornett with Galen. He and his buddy, a guy by the name of Kelderon, were supposed to be helping her out with...

...something...but they never could seem to get it quite together. Jasyn was angry that they seemed to miss obvious injuries and needs, and I can't deny that they did just that. When Galen took off from the Hornett on her own, presumably to go to K'eel Doba, Jasyn and Kelderon had a clash of sorts. I don't know exactly what happened, but Jasyn and Matt blasted off after Galen on their own, Jasyn feeling that Kelderon had threatened him. Dehutt seemed to just make excuses for Kelderon's actions...

...and now here he is, again saying he wants to help, and yet admitting that he was interrupted from his and Kelderon's promised help before by "family matters."

Aaron shifted a bit in the pilot's chair, his mood suddenly sinking. "I frankly don't trust him, not yet. Not the way he acted down there threatening every person who might have gotten in our way. I mean...

...that's not always a good solution, and is most certainly not what I would think of as very Jedi-like, Rogue or no."

Another quiet moment, and Aaron glanced to whatever it was Yaoksi had in his hand. "Ahhh...I'm parched, and we're set for take off in..." he trailed, checking his wrist chrono, "5 standard minutes. Think I have time to grab something, or might you be interested in piloting this sweetheart outta here?"

[ 06-06-2006 11:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 06-06-2006 11:33 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Now that unexpected offer went a long way toward jerking me out of my momentary funk.

"Would I!" I smiled, turning toward Aaron and unfastening my blast harness.

"Go on, get out of here, get yourself something to drink; hell, get yourself a seven course breakfast!

"Sure as there's granite slugs on Coruscant, I'd love to be the one to get us off this god-forsaken rock!"

And I swear by all that's holy, I'm never, ever coming back!


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 606 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-06-2006 11:45 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron smiled, getting up from the pilot's chair and waving a hand to motion Yaoksi over, knowing the smuggler was probably much better of a pilot than he ever could be.

Damn, but I hope his Devil is fixed soon. A smuggler without his ship is like Kessel without the mines.

"I'll be back," Aaron said then, giving Yaoksi a little salute before wandering to the galley to find a nice enough array of beverages, both alcholic and non...

...and settled upon remembering that it was still morning. Aaron headed for the caf maker, set her to brew, and leaned back on the greelwood cabinetry, waiting for it to perk. For a long moment he just stood there, arms crossed, mind lost in thought...

...and then he headed back to find the sleeping quarters. Thea and Link were still out cold, and Thea was admittedly looking rather sweaty and lost in an unrestful sort of rest...

...and there was Dehutt, eyes closed, sitting right beside her.
Sheesh, it's not like she's gonna walk off the ship when she wakes up! Aaron couldn't help but think to himself. And besides, if the Jedi was really concerned about her condition...

...shouldn't he be doing something for her, instead of meditating?

Aaron frowned, then spoke up. "Hey, want a cuppa caf?" he asked in Jebbua's direction. Then, "Can't you do some of that Jedi healing stuff on her, or something?"

Aaron let the question hang in the void, pretty much figuring he'd be wouldn't be heard.


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 06-07-2006 12:16 AM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"No thanks on the caf." I said opening my eyes.

"And as for the healing or doing something I can't. All I know is that she is drugged. Yes she was drugged. All we can do really is get to the Hornett as fast as we can and maybe they can do something."

I looked at my hand. It was feeling better and no pain at all. I looked at Thea and then finally looked up at Aaron.

"How long will it take to get the the Hornett?"

[ 06-07-2006 10:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 06-07-2006 12:18 AM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Waking up in a strange place can often make people do weird things, like believe they have been captured. So when I woke up I almost snatched my blaster from its holster and lined up a shop at the first figure I saw when I noticed I was in a room with Thea, Aaron, and Jebbua. Realizing how stupid that must have looked I put my blaster back in its holster.

"Sorry last time I woke up in a different place then I fell asleep it was a prision."

I took a quick scan of the room and came to the conclusion that I was on a vessle of some kind. I also came to the conclusion I was very hungry.

"So you got anything to eat?"


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Rico Riven


Member # 603

posted 06-07-2006 12:37 AM     Profile for Rico Riven   Author's Homepage   Email Rico Riven     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I had a nervous twitch, the kind I get sometimes when things are about to get messy. I glanced at my chrono.

“That’s a heck of while away in my book, and if everyone’s so concerned that Yaoksi and crew will try to get the Impies on us, why aren’t we setting these goons to work on cleaning up and getting ourselves off planet now? I mean, you just said it’s ready, right?”

I finally noticed what Cass was wearing, and had to smile.

"I mean, you look just fine in that!"


I never fly faster than I can see, and besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Posts: 107 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Cardissa Mitra


Member # 731

posted 06-07-2006 01:07 AM     Profile for Cardissa Mitra   Author's Homepage   Email Cardissa Mitra     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Cardissa merely blinked at Rico, as if she didn't quite know why he wasn't following her. "There is alot on this base. Would you have us leave it here as it is, open to any Imperial sweep, without being absolutely certain that all possible connections to any rebellion have been wiped out?

There is a time to hurry, a time to be efficient...

...and a time to be certain everything is taken care perfectly before simply dropping everything and leaving.

0900 hours, or perhaps a little sooner, is what our departure time will be. I will not leave something behind here for anyone to trace us...

...and I will not leave here like this. We leave in but a couple of short hours."

Saying nothing further at this, Cardissa turned and headed back to her suites, opening own of her nightstand drawers and pulling a false-bottom open to find a favored pilfered item:

Thea's lightsaber. Hitting the ignite switch, Cardissa held it out in her right hand, making a graceful arc with the weapon, her black eyes watching the blade as it moved. Then she turned it off...

...and headed to her dressing area, not coming out for several minutes until she had donned a form-fitting one-piece red flightsuit, its leggings edged on the side in gold. Attached, she wore a weapons belt with a blaster attached on one side.

She still held Thea's lightsaber in her hand.

I might not be a Jedi, Cardissa thought darkly, But even I can learn how to manipulate a weapon to kill, at the appropriate moment in time, of course.

Amazing how so many forget that last addendum...

Stepping back out from her suites, Cardissa now headed for her office to make back-up files of the most important information in her office, keenly aware that, despite Rico's complaint, time was short.

And she was going to be certain she made the most of all of it.


Never trust a beautiful woman, especially one who is interested in you. ~~Magneto, XMen II

"You rely on cunning, intrigue. I prefer the direct approach." Diana, V

Posts: 75 | From: Somewhere, scheming | Registered: May 2006  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-07-2006 01:52 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"It will take two cycles before we reach the Hornett," Aaron said, looking at Jebbua, frowning a bit then. "I always thought the Jedi could heal others with the Force, or something. Heck, I've seen it done."

The frown remaining on his face a moment longer, Aaron then turned to Link, his expression lightening. "Ahhh, don't worry about being trigger happy, as long as you don't shoot. I'm sorta used to it; us EE guys can tend to be that way ourselves. As far as whether there is anything around here to eat, if the rest of the ship serves as any indication for what the galley will have to offer, it's fully loaded."

He smiled at Link, then motioning for her to follow him to the galley area. "Shall we see what she's got? We probably should get somewhere and take a seat anyway, we should be taking off any minute."

[ 06-07-2006 01:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 06-07-2006 02:05 PM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Sure lead the way."

Hopefully this time tho food isn't toxic and sends me into another coma.

[ 06-08-2006 02:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 06-07-2006 04:23 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I was happy as a clam in sauce as I busied myself with last minute preparations for Indira's take-off, waiting all the while for our final conversion coordinates to come in as the clock ticked steadily down.

Ahh, here they come now, I thought as a series of values began suddenly scrolling along my board. I nodded, and quickly input them into the navigational computer.

Lessee, out a couple billion klicks -- wow, must be heavy traffic; that's about fifteen minutes on impulse! -- and then revert to hyperdrive, following said coordinates.

And then it's Sluis Van, here we come!

I finished typing in the last value when a green light blinked quietly at me.

0800. Time to go!

And that's exactly what we did.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 606 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Cardissa Mitra


Member # 731

posted 06-07-2006 10:58 PM     Profile for Cardissa Mitra   Author's Homepage   Email Cardissa Mitra     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After making certain that all perrtinent computer files were copied to datachips and taken to an safe location for later retrieval, Cardissa packed a few things to take along with her and boarded her yacht the Rasia. Heading into the cabin of the ship, she took her spot at the copilot's seat and merely waited, figuring in her head if everything had been done to her satisfaction before they departed.

Then, frowning to herself, Cardissa reached out and pressed a button on the ship's comm unit, connecting her to Bon Foyagee's frequency. "Foyagee, it is time you collect your team and we begin preparing for departure. Recall, you need to bring the coordinates we will be using along with you, we will need them later when we revert to realspace and reorient ourselves.

While we are enroute, we will further discuss our plans once we have reached our intended trajectory.

I expect to see you on board in a few short minutes. Mitra, out."

Sending her message on its way, Cardissa leaned back in the co-pilot's chair, finding herself waiting once again.

[ 06-07-2006 10:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]


Never trust a beautiful woman, especially one who is interested in you. ~~Magneto, XMen II

"You rely on cunning, intrigue. I prefer the direct approach." Diana, V

Posts: 75 | From: Somewhere, scheming | Registered: May 2006  |  Logged:
Bon Foyagee


Member # 702

posted 06-08-2006 02:56 PM     Profile for Bon Foyagee   Author's Homepage   Email Bon Foyagee     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Bon, decked out in a purple jumpsuit, had collected Rico and was on his way to meet Stern at the ship. He paused to tap on his wrist com.

“We’ll be aboard in two shakes of a nerf, your grandness!” he bounced. He tapped again then looked at Rico.

“Can’t keep the lady in waiting, man!” he said. Rico merely grunted.

They arrived at the ship, where Stern was already waiting, scowling at the three crewmen waiting with him. The crewmen all looked relieved at Bon’s arrival.

“Like, don’t just do something, stand there!” Bon laughed. He skipped up the entrance ramp and into the ship.

Rico looked at Stern, one eyebrow raised, then entered as well, followed by the three crewmen.

Posts: 51 | From: | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Rico Riven


Member # 603

posted 06-08-2006 02:56 PM     Profile for Rico Riven   Author's Homepage   Email Rico Riven     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I wasn’t sure what I had gotten myself into, but I got on that ship anyway. I didn’t have much to pack, since most of what I had was on the ship that blew up. I did have my blaster, though, and a blade or two… or three. And I had some traveling stuff, but other than I was light.

I guess I was the pilot, so I went on to the cockpit. I smiled when I saw Cass, and hoped she wasn’t growing on me, but it was probably already too late. I plopped down in the pilot seat, turned to her, and flashed a big grin.

“Just like the old days!” I said.

I’d never piloted anything so fancy! This was going to be a trip, I tell ya!


I never fly faster than I can see, and besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Posts: 107 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
General Ahem


Member # 341

posted 06-08-2006 03:37 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post

Sormontato slid gracefully from hyperspace not far from Sullust. Indeed, it was due to the mass of the enormous incoming SSD that departing ships had been directed to not engage their own hyperdrives until well away from the Sullustan system.

That would certainly have boded them no good, Ahem thought idly to himself as, standing yet on the Observation Deck, he sipped his ever-present cup of tea, the planet coming into view in greater detail now as the massive ship brought itself into a high, geosynchronous orbit above Piringiisi.

It's never a good idea to engage hyperdrive close to a large body, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a planet or moon, either...

His thoughts drifted away into the complex calculations regarding the proper SOP for lightspeed jumps, then cut off as a tiny light soared up and away from Sullust.

He slapped his comm, raising the bridge.

"Was that a yacht?" he asked the deck officer before he scarcely had the time to reply verbally to the hail.

"Bridge-- ah, yessir. I mean, no Sir; that was a smaller, private craft."

Ahem nodded, took another sip of tea. Then--

"Please reinforce standing order F4587. We are hunting for a yacht; any and all, especially those departing this planet, are to be considered suspect until either cleared by standard investigative procedures, or until we find that blasted Aelly Ssyn."

He hesitated a moment longer, debating to himself over his cooling tea before he went on.

"Every yacht departing is to be given extra-system hyperdrive reversion coordinates, and is in turn expected to report full clearance request information. Then all the above is to be followed upon. Furthermore, every departure trail is to be scanned and logged; I don't want any error in this.

"Let me know immediately if there is anything out of the ordinary; do I make myself clear?"

There was no pause whatsoever.

"Yes, Sir. Bridge out."

Ahem nodded in satisfaction and turned back to the immense viewing port. His scowl grew almost as black as the cooled lava covering Sullust, but there was, as with that volcanic planet, a hint of something molten peeping out from his gaze. His tea grew tepid, forgotten in his hand, as time ticked on, bringing with it the question of whether the days ahead would finally take him to the elusive, suspected head of Black Sun or not.

[ 06-08-2006 04:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by General Ahem ]

Posts: 63 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
Cardissa Mitra


Member # 731

posted 06-08-2006 09:27 PM     Profile for Cardissa Mitra   Author's Homepage   Email Cardissa Mitra     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Cardissa was ready to get moving. Looking to Rico, she started giving orders. "We need to request a departure vector to Kati'Shyn. From there we'll reorient and make the jump to our true location which..."

She paused a moment, shifting to look at Bon Foyagee, "...I trust you have. All the pertinent information from the base was copied onto datachips, but that information was stored in a safe location on Sullust, for later retrieval. You have the coordinates, do you not?"

She quieted a moment, her black eyes arrowing into Bon's. She looked back to Rico for a brief second. "Go ahead and request the departure vector."

Then she looked back to Foyagee, merely waiting, expecting for him to deliver the answer she required.

[ 06-08-2006 09:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]


Never trust a beautiful woman, especially one who is interested in you. ~~Magneto, XMen II

"You rely on cunning, intrigue. I prefer the direct approach." Diana, V

Posts: 75 | From: Somewhere, scheming | Registered: May 2006  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-08-2006 10:23 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron was glad to oblige, and glad to feel the Indira in motion. He lead Link from the sleeping quarters and into the galley, showing her the vast array of beverages--non alcholic, of course!--and then beginning to sift through the edibles. The ship had a nice amount of nonperishables including packaged meats, vegetables, and breads. But, just as Aaron expected, she came with quite a few fresh foods as well including fresh fruits and breads.

"Well, there's no meat to speak of here other than stuff in a package," Aaron observed, "But there is some fruit and bread, and I've made some caf."

He paused, quirking a brow towards Link. "What suits your fancy?"

[ 06-08-2006 10:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


Never trust a scoundrel.

Posts: 384 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 06-08-2006 10:46 PM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Seeing the bountiful supply of food I pratically pounced on it tooking almost as much as I could carry and headed to the closest table and set it down on it. I took one of the chair and fliped it aroundso I could sit on it without crushing my tail.
Why does every place I go only have chairs

I quickly started devouring the assortment of bread and fruit I grabbed with little disreguard to propper manners and etiqute.

"hmm... care to join my?"


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Aaron Barnes

Owner of Eagle Enterprises

Member # 414

posted 06-08-2006 10:55 PM     Profile for Aaron Barnes   Author's Homepage   Email Aaron Barnes     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aaron arched an eyebrow at the Ryn, then replied with a, "It would be my pleasure."

Then he turned to get a mug and pour himself some caf, taking a moment to take a sip of it right then and there.

"Mmmmmm," he said then, "A nice cuppa caf is almost as good as..."

He stopped himself, looking to the Ryn then grinning and finishing his statement with, "...ahhh, nevermind, you couldn't have any of that, you're too young."

Then, deciding that perhaps someone else aboard the Indira might like breakfast, he excused himself from the galley for a moment to head back to the cabin of the ship. "Care for some caf and breakfast?" he queried, "This baby is fully loaded with goods."


Never trust a scoundrel.

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