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Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-05-2005 10:01 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"I agree with your statement that we do not know each other very well, but as you said the only way to learn is to share experiences. That way we may both learn of and from each other. I am always seeking more knowledge especially of that which I don't know or understand."

She pauses and looks Shawn square in the eyes.

"I would like to join you. I may not know as much of the Force or the universe but I do know some things and they may be of help. So, if you will acept me I will join you."

She looks to Xenn adn Kitiana.

"I do not know what your two want to do, but I'm sure you will come to a decision."


Knowledge is power.

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-05-2005 10:12 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn smiled at Sarisa for a brief moment. Then he turned to Kitiana and Xenn. "We will leave you for a few minutes so that you have time to determine what it is you wish to do. But, before you depart, I want to give you my comm frequency, so that you will always have a way to find me, should you wish to," he said simply, kindly.

Then he looked to Sarisa. "I would like you to join me in speaking with the General, so that you will know what truly goes on."

Saying nothing further than that, Shawn turned and headed back to Ahem's ready room, nodding once and not stepping entirely within the chambers, so as not to interrupt any of the General's proceedings. "General?" he queried, waiting then.


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

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Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-05-2005 10:17 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
She looked at both Xenn adn Kitiana as Shawn spoke to them.

Then as Shawn made his way to the General's ready room she followed. She wanted to truly know what was going on.


Knowledge is power.

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General Ahem


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posted 10-05-2005 10:24 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
The General glanced up from his discussion with his command crew, then set his teacup carefully upon the gleaming greelwood table around which they were all seated. Then placing his hands on the tabletop, he rose respectfully to his feet.

"Ahh, Master Petrolu-- or do I yet have the honor of referring to you by your given name? Please, come in and join us."

His smile never wavered as the jedi came into the room, but a brow rose in silent inquiry at the sight of his companion. Knowing that the jedi would be open with him, he let that little unexpected surprise go for the moment, and turned to Shawn instead.

"How fares it with our visitors?" he queried, seating himself and waving one hand to indicate that they seat themselves as well. His command staff shifted a bit, making more room at the table; one hurried off to the side to fetch another set of chairs.

"Have you talked any sense into them--"

Now his clear gray eyes turned toward Sarisa in a manner that was almost apologetic, then returned to Shawn.

"You mentioned something earlier about a mission you were on; how is it that we might assist you?"

Finally falling silent, he took up his cup and took another sip of his Iberian tea.

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Member # 598

posted 10-05-2005 10:31 PM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn's words about his mission intrigue Kitiana. Surely a mission such as this would be filled with the chance to gain knowledge and experience. She knows Xenn probably has much to teach her, but what better a way then to go out 'into the field'?

"I think we should consider going. It will give us a chance to learn more about what is truely going on in the galaxy. As well as allowing me to learn a bit more from you."


Life is only what you make of it...

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-05-2005 10:33 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"Please, call me Shawn, by all means," he answered Ahem, smiling slightly before continuing on. "As for Xenn and Kitiana...

...they are still seeking to understand and believe the Empire to be what it was in times long past. I feel it best for them to be free, to go and explore what it is the Empire is doing...

...and to hopefully look at it with an open mind. As for Ms. Ker--"

He trailed, nodding towards the young woman. "She will be joining me on my mission, and truly wishes to understand all that is transpiring. As for that said mission, I have some long-time friends who are possibly trapped on a planet currently blockaded by Imperial forces, and I feel it is very important that I get to them. In order to do so, however, I will need permission to get into Khar Delban space."

He paused at that, then continued with. "You said you needed help with something as well, General?"


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-05-2005 10:42 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Noticing the look from the General she nods back slightly, but remains silent for the time being so that Shawn and Ahem may speak uninterrupted.

Khar Delban? That name was never taught to her by her mother. Perhaps she didn't know of it.

Accepting the offer to seat herself she does so and continues to listen for the time being.


Knowledge is power.

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General Ahem


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posted 10-05-2005 11:05 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"Of course, my friend."

General Ahem turned toward his aide, who stiffened to attention.

"Contact Lt. General Tarnus, and inform him that Master Petrolu shall be arriving--"

He paused, sending a querying look Shawn's way. The Jedi merely closed his eyes and smiled, already knowing where Ahem was leading.

"--in short order. They shall be aboard the infiltrator Carnelian; send the specs that their arrival will be not only expected, but welcomed."

The aide saluted in reply, turned smartly and departed for the bridge to carry out his order. Ahem followed his departure; when the door closed behind the aide, he turned back to Shawn.

Folding his hands on the table, he leaned forward earnestly.

"Shawn, there has been something going on here for some time now, something we can't quite place a finger on. But weapons allowed to land on Tatooine have shown an alarming tendency to... disappear.

"Nothing untoward has occurred, there has been no attack, no theat of any kind. But weaponry of any kind that actually touches Tatooine soil simply isn't any longer.

"That is why we have tightened our blockade around this world; it would, of course, have long ago been released, now that the Hutt stranglehold upon Tatooine has been broken.

"But we dare not allow any weaponry of any kind to make planetfall... if only for the possibility that what is being taken from us is being done for the purpose of weakening us... or strengthening another...

"Or both."

He paused for another sip of tea; even with his iron control the teacup rattled as it was set within its saucer.

"Shawn," he went on, more slowly now.

"It has come to my attention via Lt. General Tarnus that there have been strange... happenings going on in the Khar Delban system. There are hints of... powers that something possesses, something inhabiting the system, something of which I am not quite aware. Whether Tarnus is letting me in on all he knows or not, I do not know. But I do know this:

"The strange powers of which he has hinted may be behind the weapons disappearance here on Tatooine. Of course this is pure conjecture; I was going to ask you to investigate the matter for me, but it appears that our paths have been destined to intersect anyway.

"I will give you any and all assistance you need in your mission, and perhaps you will return the favor by assisting us by discovering if the connection of which I hypothesize truly does exist."

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Member # 669

posted 10-06-2005 12:09 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Xenn looked toward Kitiana, and nodded, he didnt want to be left out of the action... And, he had longed for battle... or at least another planet, he was tired of being cooped up on these ships.

"When Shawn returns, we will tell him that he should be expecting us to venture with him."

Xenn said, facing the Generals chambers, waiting for someone to emerge...

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-06-2005 09:16 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn pursed his lips thoughtfully, his eyes going vague.

Didn't sound very much like something the Sith would take part in, unless...

He actually frowned. "I would be glad to look into this, and extensively if need be. I'm not at all unaware of the strange happenings in Khar Delban space, and Tarnus is well aware of this, for that is my connection to him.

Along with the fact that your sister is involved with the woman who is the sister of his ex-wife...

Shawn didn't blink at the thought, his look remaining even.

"I am not certain that the powers from within Khar Delba, as I know them at least, would take part in the massive disappearance of weapons on a remote world like Tatooine. I find it rather odd...

...and extremely disturbing. Almost makes me wonder if there are other powers at play here..."

He trailed, sending the General a concerned look as he finished with, "Is it only weapons which have disappeared, or other technology as well?"


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
General Ahem


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posted 10-06-2005 09:29 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
The General nodded in agreement with the jedi.

"That something... unusual is occurring in the Khar Delban system -- a system, I might add, whose discovery posed quite a surprise to me -- is obvious. The Lt. General knows of... something; something he himself has stated that those higher echelon under his command will be informed of on an as needs basis, a time which has not yet arrived."

He let out a sigh of air.

"But to answer your question: only weapons. All other technology has been ignored, at least so far."

He took a sip of his tea, then spoke up in a firmer tone of voice, his body language altering subtly.

"Dare I presume you have had some success with our visitors?" he asked, letting his eyes briefly flick to Sarisa and back again.

[ 10-06-2005 09:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by General Ahem ]

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Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-06-2005 09:39 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
She noticd the Generals flick of a glance in her direction, but remained silent for the time being as the questions was posed to Shawn and not her.

She took a moment to glance out through Ahem's view ports. Looking over the planet below and wondering what could be taking weapons.

Supposedly the Hutts were disposed of but perhaps this was a new band or breed of smugglers? Anything is possible in this universe.

Her attention was brought back to the ready room as she waited to see what else might be said and by whom.


Knowledge is power.

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-06-2005 09:40 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn glanced to Sarisa, smiling a bit before returning his gaze to General Ahem. "An open mind is important for a Jedi," he said. "I have faith that Ms. Ker truly wishes to understand and has the ability base her opinions on fact and true action over superstitious beliefs. As for the other two Jedi which I have left to decide their own course...

...I'm not so sure they are ready for that just yet. In time, perhaps they will be, but I think it would be unwise to rush them. They will have to come to an understanding regarding the Empire on their own time. And, until then, I think they may need to further explore the qualities of a Jedi.

Jedi do not judge on preconceived notions. Jedi judge on facts...

...along with the guidance of the Force."

Shawn paused at this, pursing his lips once more. "I fear my time for my mission is short, and therefore I would ask to depart as soon as possible. Not only so that I may find those who are currently lost but also seek into this strange matter of the disappearing weapons. If something that is going on in Khar Delban space is connected with this, I'm hoping I will have some resources to discover it."


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
General Ahem


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posted 10-06-2005 10:01 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"Of course."

The General rose to his feet, now coming around the table to approach Shawn. Coming to a halt in front of him, he reached out and placed a comradely hand upon his arm.

"There is an infiltrator waiting for you in Hangar 576, Bay 83A. I wish you and your new, ahh, companion the best of luck. May the gods of the universe direct your flightpath, and bring you safely back, Shawn.

"Perhaps upon your return here we might have something more tangible to offer you by way of conjecture, or hopefully explanation, as to what is happening down on that accursed dustball of a world. Or perhaps you will have discovered some kind of connection on Khar Delba, or its sister world."

Now he took a step back and held out his hand toward the jedi in obvious farewell to him, nodding politely toward Sarisa as he did so.

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Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 10-06-2005 10:07 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Sarisa stood up as it seemed the meeting was finished.

A nod from the General.

"General Ahem I must appologize for how I acted earlier. Knowledge of the past doesn't always carry forth into the present or future. I Hope when next we meet that it is under more friendlier terms than how this meeting began. may the Force be with you."

She bowed showing her respect to him then took a couple steps in the direction of the doorway and waited for Shawn.


Knowledge is power.

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General Ahem


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posted 10-06-2005 10:20 PM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
The smile on General Ahem's face broadened.

"And with you as well, miss," he said, nodding again toward Sarisa. He then took a step forward, motioning to his command staff.

"Let us accompany you to the hangar and see you on your way, in the event that another question should arise before you embark upon your journey."

Coming up next to the jedi he opened the door to the ready room, revealing the somewhat anxious looking pair who hovered there, obviously waiting.

"You must pardon us for a moment, but we shall soon return. Please, until that time make yourself at home here. There is food and refreshment to be had."

Nodding toward Xenn and Kitiana, the General then turned back to the business at hand, barking an order to one of his aides, that he should remain behind with the other two in case they needed anything else in the meantime.

The aide saluted and went to stand by the door leading into his ready room. Now chatting amicably, General Ahem then led the way out of the antechamber and into the antiseptic corridor without, moving swiftly through the immensity of the SSD as he accompanied Shawn and Sarisa to their ship.

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-07-2005 03:51 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
As they proceeded on their way through the large SSD, Shawn looked to the General, cocking a brow. "I appreciate your offer for the Infiltrator," he said, "But I also have a team of two others who were accompanying me aboard the ship I arrived in. They chose to remain aboard the ship while I met with you, and I dare not leave them behind as they have already devoted themselves to this mission."


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-07-2005 05:12 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"Master Petrolu, may I inquire as to what this mission is exactly, and who you're companions are. Are they more Jedi? I mean if I'm going with you it would be nice to know what's going on."

She looked down joining hallways mainly because she had never seen the inside of a SSD before. Watching soldiers doing patrols. Engineers making sure everything is running correctly.

Such a busy nest the ship seemed to resemble. She smiles subtly to herself as they make their way to the docking bay.


Knowledge is power.

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-07-2005 11:47 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn cocked a brow in Sarisa's direction. "Patience, I will fill you in on all that you need to know before our arrival in Khar Delban space. We have plenty of sky to cover before we do so."

Shawn quieted a moment at that, letting those words sink in before he continued with a comment directed towards General Ahem. "The others could simply follow Ms. Ker and myself to our destination....

...or we could simply join them on the ship I arrived in to begin with. I leave this decision in your hands, General. After all, the inflitrator is yours to do with as you please."


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
General Ahem


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posted 10-08-2005 12:03 AM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Ahem smiled.

"The infiltrator is yours, Shawn, and perhaps you would do well to take it. I am not trying to force it upon you, of course, but you might find having two ships at your disposal somewhat helpful to you.

"Even though, as we know, Jedi do not possess ships."

He stopped then, turning to Shawn with an uncharacteristic twinkle in his eye, and slapped a button imbedded in the bulkhead. Immediately the hatch next to it slid open, revealing an enormous, echoey room.

"Here is the hanger, you'll find bay 83A down that way and on your left."

He pointed.

"Now, my friend, have you any more questions or concerns to reveal before we part ways?"

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Shawn Petrolu

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posted 10-08-2005 12:11 AM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn smiled. "No, I have no further questions, and thank you for your kindness and generosity. You've given me far more help than I ever would have requested.

"I will let you know how my mission progresses, and look into matters concerning this weapons disappearance as much as possible. I will be back in contact with you, General."

Nodding then, he turned to Sarisa, again quirking a brow in her direction. "I trust, since you own a ship that you have some ability to pilot? I can do so, but I am not much in the way of a graceful pilot."


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
General Ahem


Member # 341

posted 10-08-2005 12:21 AM     Profile for General Ahem   Author's Homepage   Email General Ahem     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
"Very well."

The general interrupted long enough to grasp Shawn's forearm in a surprisingly strong clasp, feeling the jedi automatically return the gesture by taking hold of his own. They stood there a moment or two, locked thus, eyes locked as well.

Then Ahem turned and departed with his entourage, barking orders that none were to delay the jedi's departure, making certain that Tarnus received word now that two ships were to be expected in Khar Delban space.

Then nothing more was heard but the bustle of the great SSD herself, as it went about its business while Ahem returned to his ready room.

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Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-08-2005 12:30 AM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Smiling almost in a giddy sort of way as her eyes glimmer.

"Yes I have pretty good skill as a pilot. Though I do not know how to get to the system you mentioned. However since you said we will have plenty of time before we get there I'm sure you'll tell me where to go."

Just before Ahem takes his leave she speaks to him.

"May the Force be with you General Ahem. Until we meet again."

Then turning back to Shawn with a curious look.

"So are we going in your ship or the infiltrator?"

[ 10-08-2005 12:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


Knowledge is power.

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Shawn Petrolu

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Member # 154

posted 10-08-2005 12:45 AM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Shawn's brow rose again. "Since Nefrai and Dat are already on the other ship, we'll be taking the Infiltrator. As for where we are going...

...I have the coordinates."

Saying nothing further, Shawn turned and walked through the docking area til at length he finally came to the platform Ahem indicated.

Jedi or no his mouth dropped.

Fates, if Shayla could see this thing!!!

With effort, Shawn closed his mouth, and headed for the infiltrator, finding the hatch in the back yawning open, the care for the ship before his arrival at the platform clearly evident. After directing Sarisa into the pilot's station, Shawn took a seat next to her and allowed her time to warm the engines. Meanwhile, he keyed up the frequency for the ship Dat and Nefrai were on and let them know he would be taking the infiltrator into Khar Delban space and that he'd gotten them clearance as well.

"I have a new member for our team; a young lady who is interested in becoming a Jedi and may have skills which might help us. She tells me she is a very good pilot, and the more of those we have, the better. We'll meet you when we revert to realspace, at..."

He trailed, figuring the change in their coordinates so that they would not come out right on top of the Imperial blockade. Then he rattled the coordinates off. "If you have any questions, please let me know. Otherwise, this is Shawn Petrolu, out. See you at our rendezvous."

Closing the comm connection then, Shawn looked to Sarisa. "Allright, time get going. Time is precious in this matter, and you have alot to learn about before we arrive at our destination..."


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

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Sarisa Ker

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posted 10-08-2005 10:36 AM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
When they finally came to the infiltrator she too was in awe. She had only heard of these sleek craft let alone being allowed to pilot one.

After being directed to the pilots' chair she began warming the engines and checking out all the systems.

Shawn contacted his other companions telling them where to meet up as well as telling them about Sarisa joining them.

"Well Master Petrolu let's see what this thing can do." A smile sneaks it's way across her mouth as she glides the craft out from the bay and into open space. She punches the throttle and the ship vaults forward almost as if a giant had kicked them from behind.

"Wow she's got some get up and go." Looking at Shawn who didn't seem to be too thrilled at her little speed demon like piloting.

"Sorry I just wanted to see how it responds."

[ 10-10-2005 11:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


Knowledge is power.

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