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Author Topic: In the Fiery Wastes

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-12-2005 07:26 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major was surprised to see Ruhatt, Obvious, and another jedi traveling in that direction, The Major turned towards the Jedi man and addressed him

" So I guess jedi just sprout up on Tattooine? I've sensed you, but only subtley. Our first intention at the spaceport was to inspect ships for Alexis, but since the explosion, we have to make sure those firefighter droids don't poop out on us like some sort of trade fed Unit. Not to mention any miscreants trying to steal from the wreckage, and hope that ship didn't kill anyone, or whatever blew that ship to slag doesn't blow up another. Pardon me for not Introducing myself, I am Jedi Knight Major Konig, who might you be?"

[ 03-12-2005 05:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-12-2005 05:59 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Meanwhile, outside the city, Takeshi saw a spaceship flying closer and decided to make his move.

"Well my hands are where you can see them, but you may not like what you see in them in just aminute."

With that I whirled around and grabbed the gun from the cop that was in front of me. I then kicked him back and grabbed another cop for a hostage.
Okay now i have a meatshield, now can I hold off the rest long enough for that ship to come and hopefully save me. Of course it could be their reenforcements. Lets hope it is help. Cause no one in the city can get out here in time. I am just to far out. Way to outsmart yourself Takeshi.


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-12-2005 07:45 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As I got closer, I saw a man who looked like the description of the man I needed to deliver the message to, grap a gun, and then take someone hostage.
Well, it looks like I arrived under prime circumstances. I guess that I need to help since I don't get paid if he is dead.

With that I landed the ship and exited out. A fewe of the cops there glanced at me, and one walked over.

"What are you doing here. Move along, you don't want to get involved."

"I really think that I do. And it sucks to be you since you happen to be in my way."

With that I drew my lightsaber and drove it deep into his chest. I then pulled it out as he slumped to the ground and then held it down at an angle in form IV.

"Looks like you could use a little help. You are Takeshi, are you not? I have something for you."This better be the right person, I don't want to spend any more time on this dirtball of a world.

[ 03-12-2005 07:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mira Tukiano ]


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

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Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-12-2005 08:40 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
For now, the cops seemed to be afraid to hit their comrad, and were just shooting at my head, or right arm, the areas the body didn't cover.

"Yeah, I'm kovacs. And does this message come from a certian seller of illegal goods? Cause if it does, you can tell him to shove it!"

I then fired off three shots and cursed when all three missed.

"Thanks for the help by the way. Who are you? And are you some jedi? You know with the lightsaber and all?"

I then managed to finally hit one of the cops. He fell down as the searing hot beam of light hit him in the lower leg. He then spasmed and then lay still as I shot him again.

I looked up just in time to see one of the cops lay a laser staight through the hostage I was holding, and into my right shoulder.
Damn! So much for a hostage. I guess they got over their fear of hurting him when I shot the guy.

I fell down screaming and clutching my shoulder. I then saw the cops turn there attention to the newcomer, thinking that I was down.
Stupid move. Now if I could just grap the pistol without them noticing.

With that I began inching my arm to the pistol.


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-13-2005 10:30 AM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I ignored The major and the new comer and jogged to the spaceport with Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious.

We arrived and saw a small ship on fire. The authorties were already putting it out and they had a man arrested who was acting crazy.

"You're all going to die!! "You're all going to die.!!" The man laughed at everyone.

Somene shot a stun bolt and he fell to the floor.

The major and the other jedi arrived.

"Looks like it was just some crazy guy starting a fire. Must have lost a bet or something. Either way he's crazy." I told them.

"But since we are here now. Lets start looking up departure and arrival times."


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-13-2005 11:38 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major thought about the times plan and had a better Idea,

"How about we use the force and scan for sensitives in the ships, and have Ruhatt and Obvious look through security Holocamera files in the security sector? It would work much better than to check times, right?"

The Major turned towards the entire group,



The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-13-2005 01:42 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Great, he is as hopeless in combat as I am. We make a great team.

I then whirled my lightsaber around and finished the flurry with a downward cut from my right shoulder to my left ankle through one cop.
Okay, 4 cops dead, one temperarilly wounded. Time to fix that.

I then lunged at the man on the ground and buried my lightsaber in his chest. He was still in the process of getting his breath back in him.
Man takeshi must have hit him real hard. Ouch, feel sorry for that guy.

Only one guy left...


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-13-2005 01:51 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
My finally reached the blaster as my helper, drove her lightsaber into the fallen man's chest.
Time to end this.

As she drew her lightsaber out of his chest, I brought myself quickly up to one knee, lowered the pistol, and fired of five quick shots.

The first four went wide, and I could already feel the pain in my shoulder as the recoil of the gun brought it back alive. The fifth shot then slammed home.

I then fell to the ground, and dropped the pistol. Pain was ripping through my body. I knew the wounds were not fatal, but I still felt as though I was dying. First my left arm loses a few layers of skin, now I get a blaster in the shoulder. Thats my typical day.

After I had rested for a moment, I opened my eyes, sat up, and looked at my helper.

"Now that that is all over, Who are you? And you said you brought a message. from who? And why the hell did you help me out? Why not just walk off and let them finish me?"


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-13-2005 01:53 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"How would that help us? They aren't in this spaceport. They've already left. I know they arrived after I did. I'll just check the ships who landed from after i landed to about 1 hour later, just to be safe. If they left, we'll follow their path. But I can feel my sister on planet. So we'll find out where they went and follow them."

I took a breath and tried to control my anger that was rising within me.

"That is the plan I'll take. You're welcome to do whatever you want though."

I turned and strode to the nearest terminal and after a nice hack in, started checking the logs.


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-13-2005 01:59 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl opened her eyes.

"Leos. Do you feel that? Close."

Darth Sharl looked out the viewport and saw a woman, some cops, and a man.

"The woman, she is force sensitive."

Just then the woman activated her lightsaber and began fighting the cops.

"Lets us finish it. Perhaps she can join us. And you can take her on as an aprentince."

Darth sharl looked at Leos, then back to the scene on the ground which was now over. The cops dead and the man on the ground as well.


[ 03-13-2005 02:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-13-2005 02:05 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Well I am Mira Tukiano. Yes I am trained a bit in the force, but I don't feel like a jedi. I never learned much. So just think of me as a Jedi wannabe."

Fishing through my belt pouches, I said, "The message, is from one of the underlings at a certain smuggling group you are familer with. Here is the message."

Tossing him the datacard, I continued. "I helped you because I need help. I am nearly broke, have a huge debt, and don't see anyway out of it. I needed to give you the message to get credits for delivering it, and then I saw that you seem to have lost your ship."

She paused for a moment, looked to the sky, and then smiled at him.

"I need credits to get out of debt, and to get more credits then the few that I can get by doing oddjobs I need help. The smugglers you worked for, well, I owe them 1,000,000 credits. And I seem to be only able to get credits by a hundered to do this, or a hunderd to do that. Heck, I need that much just to keep the firehawk running."

"So you see the pickle I am in? I was wondering since you are a smuggler, maybe you can give me some contacts?"


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 609

posted 03-13-2005 04:18 PM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"A pleasure Jedi Knight Konig. I am Echuu Shinzon." That was Echuu's only reply to the man, as he currently investigating the scene of the fire.

After a spared glance towards the other Jedi - a tad too arrogant for Echuu's style - he would rejoin with Major Konig and slightly concure with his conclusion, if heed a warning.

"I would be careful. There is no telling what other sources maybe involved. Leaving yourself so open within the Force only guarantee's assault from outwards. We shouldn't draw unnecessary attention."

[ 03-13-2005 04:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

Posts: 40 | From: Canada | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-13-2005 06:58 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"1,000,000 credits! I don't know what you have heard, but it seems like all of my contacts are trying to kill me. So probably not a good idea. I am out of smuggling. I knew you were force sensitve, I can feel it. I am also force sensitive, but my powers limited."

I caught the datacard she tossed me, and then stood up. I fished out my datapad, and put in the datacard.
Hello TakeshiYou must have relized by now that we betrayed you. I was not in on the deal and hope this message gets to you before the cops come. I know you will want revenge, but I tell you to wait. This orginization is stronger then it apears. I knew your old master. The reason he dissipeared was because we captured him. He is now dead, but I tried to help him. I don't know who you are cloned from, but your master said you must find out who you are. As you discover your identity, you will gain knowledge and help to make you stronger. There are people out there who will recognize you and help. There are also others who will oppose you. My old group was one of them. You are not currently powerful enough to go out and defeat them. Do not fight them yet. I know revenge must be on your mind, but you must not attack them. They think you are dead and that is good.
Whoa. Now that is serious. I really need to make every smuggler in that group pay, but now this changes things. Is this a trap, to get me not to attack, or is it really a warning? And what did my master say? Who am I? Is it really as important? And who is it who will, help? Or will they apear to "help: and really lead me astray.? And just what are Mira's intentions? She was with the smuggling group. All this message has given me is questions. Now I need answers.

I pulled the datacard out slowly, and then stared at it thoughtfully. Then my grip tightened and I became frustrated.
I need revenge. I must kill them all. But I will be patient. The man is right. I am not strong. But I will become stronger. One way or another I will have revenge. And revenge will be sweet.

My frustration then passed, and I put away the datapad and the datacard. I then turned to Mira.

"You say that you are a "wannabe" Jedi. I presume that means you know many things with the force, but are not strong in the force. Or are you like me, only knowing a few powers. For I cannot do many basic tasks like sense other force sensitive people, or move objects. Because I need you to tell me something."

[ 03-13-2005 07:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Takeshi Kovacs ]


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-13-2005 07:07 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"When I say I am a weak jedi, I mean I can do everything, but it is very weak. More force connection is small. Like I cannot lift anything much heavier than a small crate. I hear some jedi could lift starships. But what does my force connection have to do with your question? And what was on the datacard? You looked very confused."


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-13-2005 07:18 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"My question has to do with my path. I see many paths from here but i do not know which will lead me to my goal. I was wondering if you could tell me. At least you know how to. I could bolster your force connection by feeding yours. Then perhaps you could tell. For I cannot etempt, though my force connection, is strong, it is not a normal connection. It is more ressecive, and hidden, and harder to call upon. But I can use, it just takes more effort. And I feel as though I am blocked from things.

That is why I am no serious force user. My master told me that if I could manage to find out about my past, I could find out about both my physical and force blockers and perhaps remove them.

I thought, and this message strengthens my beleif, that he may have found out about my past and then was captured before he could tell me."

I then stood up again, and looked at her.

"So if I am able to strengthen your force connection, will you try and see where my paths will take me?"


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-13-2005 07:23 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major he followed Jebbua and watched him try to slice the terminal and spoke,

"Umm, would you like me to call Ilse, she's on my ship now, shes the best Human slicer this side of the core, and when I say that, I'm serious..."

The Major thumbed on his comlink waiting for a reply from the busy Jedi,

"I would quote a Jedi saying, but that might make you angrier... and did you take into account the computers here don't make records of atmospheric flights, they could be anywhere on planet, we still should check the holocam files, because that might show us what ship model and its tranciever code and everything? We can probably track their direction through the holocam files then."

[ 03-13-2005 07:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-13-2005 07:33 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Yes, I'm aware of that, but it will give an estimated travel path and I'll go from there."

I went back and actually found two ships that had landed. One was still landed, so it ruled it out, while the other had left.

"If you want to bring in the slicer person, go ahead. I think I've got what I want."

I turned to Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious.

"Get Dash's ship up and running. I'll be there in a minute. It's projecting an estimated flight path."

Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious nodded.

"This will only be an estimate though." Capt. Obvious said as he and Ruhatt headed off.

I turned back to the terminal and then glanced at the other two jedi.

"What are you two going to do?"


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-13-2005 07:38 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major looked at Jebbua,

"I think I'll follow your ship in mine, I don't think we're coming back to Mos espa too soon,"

The Major turned to Echuu,

"You can ride with me or them, or your own ship, whichever you want, I'm heading to mine,"

The Major turned back to Jebbua,

"I'll slave my ship to Dash's for the liftoff, after that I'll manually fly mine with yours, and send the data on the ship that has your sister, I can use- actually more like Ilse can use the sensor/tracking equipment to find that ship faster..."


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-13-2005 07:45 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Very well. I'll send the data when I get onboard."

I waited til the termial was one and copied the data on a datacard. I then turned and left to Dash's ship.

I arrived and shut the ramp.

That other jedi can ride with the Major. I thought.

"All systems go?" Ruhatt asked from the cockpit.

"Punch it and transmit this too the ship that is slaving to us."
I said handing him the datapad.

"What sh..."

a light started blink and Ruhatt read off the display.

"That ship?"

"Yes." I sat in the seat behind Ruhatt, Capt. Obvious was in the co-pilots seat.

The scimtar rose out of the docking bay and into the atmospere.


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Mira Tukiano


Member # 608

posted 03-13-2005 07:54 PM     Profile for Mira Tukiano   Author's Homepage   Email Mira Tukiano     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I will at least try."

With that I sat down and felt the force flow around me. A few seconds later, I felt him add his power to mine, and a storm of force flow through me. I then meditated, and looked into his mind, and the mind o f the universe.

Images swirled around me, at lightning fast speeds. I simply wiated out the storm, until I was in a deep alley. I had gone looking for someone, and hate was in my mind. I was furious, and wanted to kill someone. I was feeling impaitent, and then something happened I couldn't see and I was helpless. I saw myself fall, and then imense pain.

All of a sudden, I was elsewhere. Now I was in a building with brillent light coming in through high windows in the walls. I saw several people around my, in the shadows. I could not tell exactly what they were, but they were humaniod. I still hated someone, but was also feeling prepared, ready, and like there was more of me there. I seemed to have found someone that was somehow special, and I was much happier.

Then it was also gone. I was back in the desert.
Interesting. Now the question is, what should I tell him. How much does he need to know? What does he want to know? And what are his intentions? So many questions.

"Well I saw two paths. The first was you full of anger and hate, and seemed to lead you to pain, or difficulties. But you also were happy, because of something you did. But it was a not a good happy.

The other path was you meeting people in an area. You still had anger, but there was less of it, and it was more controlled. You seemed to be more whole, or complete, and you had met someone that was special. Whether this was a lover, a freind, or a mentor, I do not know. You also seemed more prepared. And you had come to peace with something that you never discovered in your other path."

I stood up, dusted the sand off, and then spoke agian.

"Well does that answer your question. And thank you for at least considering giving me your smuggler connections. I believe that I must go now unless you want something else."


Those who see nothing shall see all, While those who think that they see shall see nothing.

Posts: 55 | From: | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-13-2005 08:02 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Echuu replied in the Affirmative, and they both hurried to the Jedi Shield, its shiny silver surface contrasted with the dull tan sandiness of the rest of the port,
Glad to get out of this place...

They both boarded the ship as the ramp closed with a hiss. The Major had already called Ilse to start running the ship, She was already in the copilot's seat. The Major sat in the main pilot's seat and keyed the slaving sequence. The Shield lifted off in tandem with the Scimitar and waited til they hit the outskirts of the city before disengaging the slaving command. The Major gripped the throttle and the helm and gunned the twin heavy ion engines, blasting past the scimitar ship. The Scimitar started to increase their speed too. They spotted a wreckage and started to slow as they neared it, dropping in altitude to see what was happening...

Echuu sat behind the other two Jedi and gazed out of the viewport.


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-13-2005 08:12 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
That was I thought. So I must be patient. Patience was never my strong suit. But wait I must, so wait I will.

"Yes that does. But do not go yet. I must find out about my past. And I have a grudge against the people you owe your debt to. You help me find out about myself, and then I will help you pay off your debt."

I paused for a second.

"In blood."


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 549

posted 03-13-2005 08:16 PM     Profile for Leos   Author's Homepage   Email Leos     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Of course mistress. I wish not for an apprentice, but let us take care of these force sensitive beings so near us. It seems to be a congregation." He stood, and took his two golden sabres in his hands, their gun grips firmly in his hands as he holstered them at his sides.

"We go now." He turned, and keyed the ramp, lowering it as he stepped down.


I was but a whelp, now I am a warrior.

Posts: 33 | From: Where my master is, I follow. | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:
Darth Sharl


Member # 550

posted 03-13-2005 08:31 PM     Profile for Darth Sharl   Author's Homepage   Email Darth Sharl     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Darth Sharl followed Leos down the ramp after securing Alexis in a trance.

"We are not that far. Let us go then."

Darth Sharl locked up the ship and her aprentince and her started walking ver to the force-sensitive poeple.

Just then tow ships were coming in to land.

One of them had a familiar presensce on board.

"It seems you failed to kill the Jedi. Your punishment will be served later. For now..."

Darth Sharl made sure her cloak concealed her sabers from sight and spoke.

"Hello there. You seem to be in trouble. Me and my..Husband here saw the fire and thought we come check it out. Is everything all right?"

Darth Sharl looked at Leos.

Gain their trust and then when we are closer to them attack. She sent him mentally.


I embrace the DarkSide and in the Darkness it consumes me.

Posts: 28 | From: | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:


Member # 609

posted 03-13-2005 08:32 PM     Profile for EchuuShinzon   Author's Homepage   Email EchuuShinzon     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Originally posted by Major-Konig: ...Echuu sat behind the other two Jedi and gazed out of the viewport.

Of course, the Jedi was silent for a time, content to merely watch as events unfolded as they should. Eventually, that same curiosity that had lend him on this crusade once again prevailed within his inner demon, and he spoke up.

"Konig... Might I have the pleasure of knowing where were going? Rescue missions and such are always exciting, but I would perfer to know what I'm getting involved in before I become Bantha Fodder..."

He smirked, awaiting a reply.


Echuu Shinzon
Jedi Knight of the New Republic
"And so it is I vow, never to take a life rashly..."

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