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Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 02:01 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith turned back to Xenn, "I am not proposing anything, I am just offering some good advice. I just think it would be a bad move for the Jedi to help others if they are not liked".


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 02:13 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn Squints his eyes

"Alright, Soman Socar. Ill buy it this time.

Xenn Orders a Drink then says

"Ill be watching. Sellith."

[ 07-29-2005 02:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

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Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 02:57 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith looked at Xenn with a blank look on his face.

"Don't worry Xenn, I only need a place to stay what the Jedi do are none of my concern. So why do you not like this Major Konig?"


The Jedi are the true evil.

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Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 12:09 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I Dont have a problem with him. Conflicting personalities i think."

Xenn Turns around too look at Kitiana

"Kitiana, youve completed your task? can i examine your work?"

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:

Son of Conflict

Member # 531

posted 07-29-2005 12:11 PM     Profile for Rykounagin   Author's Homepage   Email Rykounagin     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
(((OOC: Hey guys, I'm no admin or mod or anything, but maybe you should hold up for some of the other RPers, you've gone through like a page and a half by yourselves with little imput from anyone else in about two days! I'm just saying...)))


"I'm not afraid to keep on living, I'm not afraid to walk this world alone;" -Black Parade

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Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 07-29-2005 02:44 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Approaching the mess hall she can hear voices talking about the Jedi, anger and not liked. The voice is one she hasn't heard before and must belong to the new comer.

The instant she turns the corner to enter the mess hall she looks for the new person. She spots him quickly as well as seeing Xenn and Kitiana. This newcomer had a strange air about him. Something didn't quite sit well in her gut feelings.

Her cloak flowing behind her as she continues to approach the small gathering. As she does so her senses start to try to find a point of interest with this person so she might find out why she is getting an ill feeling about him.

Looking directly at the stranger with her ice blue eyes her gaze almost seeming to pierce the very air and look into him she speaks but addresses her question to Xenn.

"Who is this?

[ 07-30-2005 01:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 02:52 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"This is... Soman."

Thats the only way I can put it, really i dont know much about him either, his past is gaurded by his intentions, whatever they may be.

Xenn looks at Sarisa, then says

"Hes new here, with alot of new ideas."

[ 08-03-2005 06:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 08:03 PM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: I agree with Rykounagin, Major Konig hasn't posted in 9 days and Ender hasn't posted on this thread at all. Also none of the characters should know the name Sellith thats his Dark Jedi name (Darth Sellith). Just Saying ))

Sellith turned to Sarisa after Xenn had 'introduced' him.

"Let me guess. Another Jedi? There certainly are alot of them on board, how many did you say Xenn? 4? 5? Anyway yes I am new here, but I wouldn't say I have new ideas, more like opinions."

Sellith studied Kitiana and Sarisa, discreetly trying to locate both their lightsabers.

"What is your name Jedi?" he asked Sarisa looking into her eyes trying not to be intimidated by her gaze.


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 07-30-2005 01:25 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
She looks briefly at Xenn after he states who this person is, but then her gaze returns back to Somar.

She watches his facial expressions as well as his body position as he seems to also be trying to figure her out as well. Although, he seems to be looking for something. Not so much trying to examine her but searching for something in particular.

She grabs the leading edges of her cloak and pulls them across her front to keep whatever he might be looking for hidden. She didn't like this man's presence. Something wasn't right. I will find out your purpose she thought to herself keeping her mind shielded as she was taught long ago how to keep others from reading her thoughts.

"What makes you think I'm a Jedi?" she asks with a sharp tone. "Since you just arrived I think you should tell us what you are."

[ 07-30-2005 11:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 625

posted 07-31-2005 02:49 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As Sarisa pulled her cloak over her Sellith felt annoyed with himself that he did not find her lightsaber in time, he didn't really care about it now that he was being questioned.

"I am just a humble traveller who seeks knowledge on certain matters, who has fortunate enough to learn a few basic force techniques. I can sense a certain goodness around you that only comes with being a Jedi."

Sellith rubbed his eyes from lack of sleep because of travelling but shook it off, he looked at all three of the Jedi around him and then at Sarisa. She was a bit more suspicious than he would have liked but he thought all Jedi would be suspicious of a unknown force user.

"Am I right? Are you a Jedi?" he asked Sarisa with a smile on his face knowing he was right.


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 598

posted 07-31-2005 06:18 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((I believe the thread should be slowed down quite a bit. I know how it feels to get left behind in an rp when it's not your fault you couldn't resond.))

"There is darkness in everything, but there is also good in everything. You have to have both for equilibrium..."

She responds to Sellith's comment, her eyes narrowed slightly at him. There is more to him than meets the eye, she can feel it. It feels almost like her father, and that scares her to a point.
As Sarisa walks in she hands Xenn her new lightsaber, pulling it from the right side of her belt with her left hand. She is not lefthanded, but it was the quickest place to clip her lightsaber at the time. Her other sabers are hidden by her cloak.


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 07-31-2005 01:43 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Seeing that Somar didn't seem to find what he was looking for she felt a slight sense of gratification but she didn't let it show.

"Just a traveller huh? How does a simple traveller learn to use Force unless there's more to him than what he's telling?"

She continues to look him over while at the same time trying to sense for a hole in his facade.

"As far as the feeling of good you seem to get from me doesn't lead to the fact of me being a Jedi or not. There are plenty of good mannered people in the galaxy both Jedi and non. Besides that there are good Jedi and then there are bad Jedi."

Her eyes catch him rubbing his eyes. I don't know if you're faking it or not but I will not let my guard down even for an instant. She thought to herself while continuing to keep her mind shielded.


Knowledge is power.

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 08-02-2005 05:37 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major had retired for a few hours, and had just recently woken up, he clothed himself and made his way to the Mess hall, he had exited the turbolift and sensed all the familiars, but there was a funny 'taste' in that room... A new presence, hiding something...

"Good'day all, who might this new... companion be?"

((OOC: sorry I've been missing, busy lately, painting my room, getting a puppy, (he's so cute) you understand))


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 08-02-2005 05:43 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Good'day all, who might this new... companion be?" stated the Major as Sarisa turned briefly to notice he had entered the mess hall and joined the conversation.

"I'm not sure if he should be considered a companion Major." she replies.

She turns her attention back to Somar. Still trying to figure him out.

"Something is not right with him. It makes me weary of his presence."


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 08-02-2005 06:03 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Soman means no harm. Hes just looking for passage. Which i think we can provide."

Xenn said distinctly the he looked at Sarisa and the Major.

"Kitiana and I will watch him personally, im trusting he can wait until he is off of this ship to start his bidding."

Xenn then looks at Soman with a serious face, he knows what Soman is hiding, and his presence feels eerily unfamiliar. Xenn had been around Dark Jedi and Jedi alike. he knows how they work, what they think, and why they do the thngs they do. Soman on the other hand is a complete anomoly to anything Xenn had ever known. Sellith... somthing isnt right.

"Ill be watching, Soman."

[ 08-02-2005 06:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 08-02-2005 06:17 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Not taking her eyes off Somar she responds to Xenn.

"How do you know what his intentions are. Just because someone tells you they have a delivery for you doesn't always mean it's going to be good." The tone in her voice becoming stern.

"Tells us Somar...where are you hoping to get passage to? Tell us what knowledge you seek."


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 625

posted 08-03-2005 03:38 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Just as Sellith was about to answer Sarisa's first question, the Major walked in and joined the conversation. He looked at the Major as he spoke.

"My name is Soman Soccar", he told the Major.

He looked at Sarisa and answered two of her questions.

"I am looking for a place to hide for a short period of time, as some of you are Jedi I think it would be wrong not to let me stay. As for knowledge, I seek to find out the loacation of a person who can finish teaching me how to use certain things."

He looked back at the Major and spoke to him,

"Are you the commander of this ship?"


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 598

posted 08-03-2005 07:00 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana listens to the others. She continues to stand behind Xenn, her posture slightly more relaxed, but not much.

"I would have no problem 'watching' Somar. Besides, I would like to ask him about his travels."

She knows everybody is weary of him, even her, but most of this ship are jedi right?

"Somar is right. Jedi would at least give him a chance; give him some help. Or am I wrong in that assumption?"

She knows she is right from what Xenn had taught her earlier. At the present he poses no real threat, and until they can prove otherwise why should they just cast him out? Besides, she does want to find out more about this new person.


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 08-03-2005 04:49 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"You're hidng something Somar, I can feel it in your aura," the Major eyed the stranger, ?yes, I am the commander of this vessel, and I want to ask you, how did you come aboard the ship?" He took several steps up the the stranger, "Noone can open the hangar doors without the code, which only the bridge officer and I have." The Major surveyed his garb, which wasn't quite right, he couldn't place what was wrong with it, "Also why are you hiding? why, is it serious enough to force entry upon former New Republic ship, full of Jedi and near-Jedi?


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 08-03-2005 07:05 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Kitiana, I know I'm not training you but I sense you have some mixed emotions inside of you and I would suggest you try to sort them out before volunteering to "watch" Somar. His presence is disturbing. perhaps you should leave the observing to someone such as the Major or myself."

Her tone still carrying a serious note as she keeps Somar in her field of vision while talking to Kitiana.

"You are welcome to ask him questions but be mindful young one."

She then awaits to see what Somar has to say in response to the Major's questions.


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 08-03-2005 07:30 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Sarisa, perhaps you didnt hear me correctly. Kitiana And I, will watch Soman. You all are more than welcome to stay, but I feel that we can all learn somthing about ourselves."

Xenn then looks at Soman

"Soman Included."

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 08-03-2005 07:40 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
" I did hear your statement, but you seem to also have an internal struggle. You who praises a lightsaber too much. I do not think leaving that task to you is wise. The Major and myself will keep an eye on Somar. You should tend to teaching Kitiana. Maybe the two of you can find ways to work out the battles with in yourselves."

She positions herself in a more confident stance as she watches the looks on Xenn and Kitiana's faces.

"There will be no more discussion on this matter. This is the Major's ship. He shall make the decision"

Turning to Somar once again making sure he knows she hasn't forgotten him.


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 08-03-2005 08:11 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn looks rather suprised. He then gets up from the bar.

"I Praise my Lightsaber because on more than one occasion it has saved my life, and the life of others."

Then he then looks at an suprised Kitiana, then back at Sarisa.

"Sarisa, Lets not forget that you yourself told me that you still have tendencies of drifting to the dark side, and your not even a full Jedi Knight. The purist of heart here is Konig, but even he is not completely clean... no one is. Konig and I are the Only 2 in this room with complete Knighthood. You should remember your place, and not speak in such a manner as to reduce yourself, especially to a true jedi."

Xenn looks hard at Sarisa

"You are right, we will wait for Konigs Decision."

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

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Member # 644

posted 08-03-2005 08:46 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Turning to Xenn with shock written all over her face as he speaks.

"Xenn I never told you anything like that. The only discussion we had was in regards to the Force itself and being in control of it or not. We never talked about light or dark sides. You are the one who admitted to being a dark Jedi for 15 years so you are the last one I want to hear talking about being a true Jedi."

She begins to glare at Xenn and thinks to herself. Who do you think you are talking to me like that? I'm not some child.

"Besides which what good is the title of knight if there isn't even a counsel? Without there being a counsel of Jedi masters we are all pretty much even. No one out ranks anyone here. In fact the only one with rank of anykid is the Major but that is for his subordanates to follow under."

She stops and thinks to herself again. All the while continuing to keep her mind blocked. This is getting out of hand. I'm begining to feel like I'm part of an inquisition.


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 08-03-2005 09:09 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn Chuckles

"There is much anger in your voice Sarisa. Perhaps such feelings have clouded your memory aswell. You told me that recently you have found yourself drifting to the dark side of the force. (Smugglers Moon Page 4)"

Xenn thinks back. then acknoledges Sarisa.

"Indeed i was a Dark Jedi, i have walked down the path of the dark side of the force, But i have been redeemed, and im not afraid to share my thoughts. Unlike yourself, sheilding your thoughts can only mean you are unsure of yourself, which is a sign of fear. Which, take it from me, leads to the dark side. Sarisa, maybe you should asess your own internal struggle instead of pointing out others. As far as me not being a Jedi Knight, ill just forget you said that."

[ 08-03-2005 09:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:

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