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Author Topic: Even Smugglers Get The Blues

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Member # 694

posted 09-05-2005 08:13 PM     Profile for Lowwarr   Author's Homepage   Email Lowwarr     Edit/Delete Post
I didn't notice at first that the man had walked into me. I was preoccupied with my thoughts, and he was only walking. It wasn't until he actually spoke that I realized he was there.

“Hey! Is this a bar or a shag carpet store? Get this hunk of hair out of my way, will ya?”

Well. I had been about to growl a hasty apology. Now, what with the mood I was in, what I really wanted to do was feed him his own fingers.

However, some little niggling part of my brain, Common Sense, I believe, told me I wouldn't be helping things at all by rearranging this man's face.

As I stood there, trying to get my anger under control, one of the bar patrons, a ryn female, by the looks of it, slapped some credits down on the table and put them on me to pound this guy into blue goo. Or whatever color humans are when they get pulped.

The other patrons quickly followed suit, most of the cash going on my side of the table, and the man spoke again.

“Look, I’d say please if that would help. Right now I don’t really care. My day – along with my life and my ship – is ruined and I really need a drink. So either turn around and smash me to a pulp or get the hell out of my way!”

That explained his short temper. What with the explosion and all, it made sense that I wouldn't be the only one having a bad day.

Stepping swiftly to the side, I spoke in Shyriwook. (So he more-than-likely wouldn't understand me. Why not?)

"My apologies, sir. I had a lot on my mind."

I gestured for him to go in before me, then added,

"Sorry to hear about your ship, by the way."

If he by any chance understood my language, he'd respond. If not, perhaps I'd use sign language and try to get a job anyways.

After all, this fellow seemd as good a place as any to start trying to find work.


We walking carpets have feelings too, y'know

Posts: 12 | From: Wherever fate next brings me... | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Commisar Stern


Member # 685

posted 09-05-2005 08:52 PM     Profile for Commisar Stern   Author's Homepage   Email Commisar Stern     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I approached the Blue Asteroid, the datacard securely in the palm of my hand as I squeezed into the entrance of the Blue Asteroid past the shag rug standing in the doorway and glanced about for Rico.

"Hey, I've got 'im." He said calmly.


"A good general does not lead his troops to hell, just because he knows they will follow." ~Librara Tacticum

Posts: 45 | From: A quiet retirement.... | Registered: Jul 2005  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 09-06-2005 02:43 AM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
So the wookie wasn't going to fight. Wookies outside of their homeplanet tended to be a rare site, even rarer as smugglers. So it was not suprising that no one understood his speech. But life on the run taught me more than just smuggling, swindling, and slicing. After dealing with all the vast non-humans I manages to become fluent in many of the languages, Shyriwook, sullestian, huttesses, even a little of chiss.

Seeing not further reason to continue this venture i withdrew my 50 creds from the pot signaling that the fight was called off. This allowed me to observe who had what and it wasn't promising as the moment. judging from the lack of funds of the patrons I was going to be stuck here for a very long time the best I could do right now was to wait until someone approched me for something requiring my skills.

Returning to my table I order my drink and instructed the waiter to give the wookie a free drink of his choice. From my perspective on the run the one thing most important about wookies ever told to me was "let the wookie win"


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 694

posted 09-06-2005 10:53 PM     Profile for Lowwarr   Author's Homepage   Email Lowwarr     Edit/Delete Post
Having allowed first the man and now this odd cyborg-man through the bar door, I glanced 'round to room, not quite sure who to approach or what to do. Eventually, I decided to get a drink and mull it over.

However, when I turned towards the bar, I found a waiter standing behind me, already asking which drink I wanted.

My confusion must have shown on my face, because the man pointed over to the little Ryn female who had slapped down the first bet on me to paste the guy who had run into me and said she had told him to give me a free drink.

Ordering a mug of a brew I had found partituclarly tasty, I considered the ryn girl for a moment, then started towards her.

After all, buying one a free drink is as good an invitation to talk as any.

Stopping in front of her, I inclined my head, both in greeting ,and because she was so small compared to me than I had to incline it to see her.

"Thanks for the drink," I growled in what I hoped was a friendly sort of tone.

Then, playing on my guess what she was fluent in Shyriwook, I continued.

"Its a pity I didn't know you understood my language back when you were placing bets on me. We could have made a nice amount of credits."

Grinning, I took a sip from my mug and waited for her reply.


We walking carpets have feelings too, y'know

Posts: 12 | From: Wherever fate next brings me... | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Rico Riven


Member # 603

posted 09-06-2005 11:40 PM     Profile for Rico Riven   Author's Homepage   Email Rico Riven     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Just as a I prepared to have my brain splatted by the giant dust bunny, he bellows something and then some cute little furry thing is buying it a drink. I tell ya, I love this place. I wish I spoke Furball or whatever that thing was yelling.

Ugly poked his face in and said he had the data. I still needed a drink, though, so I nodded, held up two fingers, and headed for the only empty table in view. Of course, it was right next to the flea factory and the little rat faced gal. Joy.

“All right,” I said, probably a little too loud as I was falling into my chair. “You got him. What do we do now, go wreak our bloody vengeance? A lot of good that’ll do, we’ll still be stuck here. Face it, my ship is toast, and you don’t even have one. The only one I know that’s even fixable belongs to Yaoksi, and I wouldn’t trust anyone on this planet to make repairs. Hell, he won’t have anything to do with us anyway.”

I rubbed my eyes, I was starting to feel pretty tired.

“Ah well, hell. So whatcha got on the guy?”


I never fly faster than I can see, and besides, it's all in the reflexes.

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Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 09-07-2005 12:24 AM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I looked around my spare but comfortable surroundings, a rag in one hand, a broom in the other, a grin the size of a rancor's hungry mouth on my face.

There, I thought to myself as I moved to put away the cleaning utensils I had been using.

Everything ship and shaplier; guests are gonna be coming...

Guests. Now that was a complete and total hoot, wasn't it? To think I could ever consider my ol' buddy K'kihl a guest, or anyone else from Eagle Enterprises.

Too bad about Captain Danner, though. I surely would have loved to sit down with him over a couple Whyvern's and have a big ol' chat...

I shook myself from my momentary reverie, closed the closet where I stashed the little cleaning stuff I owned. A smile came over my face at that; strange what a little pig-tailed gal can do to overcome a big, bad ol runner's aversion to house-cleaning...

Still smiling, I took another gander around. Yup, this place was as good as it was going to get. Clean enough for high inspection; ready for a lady.

I was ready.

I checked my chrono; it was early yet, and with Devil down for a bit I hadn't anything pressing on my plate. The thought of that Whyvern's was suddenly more and more appealing.

Time to go out and relax, pal, I told myself as, strapping my blaster back on my hip I left the premises, locking her up good and tight in my wake.

Lessee... there's that place in the hotel...

I frowned. That was where I left Muscles and Ugly to each other; no sense in getting back into that pretty kettle of fish.

Maybe the good ol' Blue Asteroid would be the prime choice; being close to the port I could maybe have a couple then stroll on over to see how tight the security was around what ships still lay around.

Mine included, and top of the list, of course.

Thoughts of K'kihl and the incoming repair crew and the shining image of Devil, good as new, mixed with a vague shadow consisting of sultry eyes, a sultrier voice and twining lekku, all kept my mind plenty occupied. Lost in thought as I was, I found myself at the little bar in no time, and without taking too much notice of anything in particular went on inside.

A hulking form loomed into my personal space, its fur sending me into a brief allergic sneezing fit.

"Sheesh pal, do something about that dandruff," I muttered as I moved away from the gigantic Wookiee, who was worbling something in his native tongue to someone his bulk hid from my view.

Damn furballs...

Sniffing and blinking tears from my eyes, I took a seat and raised a finger to a moon-eyed waitress, who soon had me sitting pretty indeed.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

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Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 09-07-2005 02:10 AM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"The main point wans't to earn credits, but I'm not complaining if it did."

Taking another sip of my drink enjoying its rich taste. It wouldn't matter if what I shared with the wookie what I knew soon he like everyone else would figure it out as well.

"It was to determain who had credits and how much. Judging from the bets it would be a fair guess that most of the ships destroyed belonged to smugglers and they are currently low on creds."

Letting this settle on the wookies head I took a moment to enjoy another sip of my drink.

"So now im stuck here until I can slice myself a way off this rock. And by the way you can call me Link.


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Commisar Stern


Member # 685

posted 09-07-2005 04:49 PM     Profile for Commisar Stern   Author's Homepage   Email Commisar Stern     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I smirked. "You'd be suprised." I glanced at the information. "First off, he's staying in a hotel called the Emperors Star. He also arrived on a private transport, namely the Blackstar."

I looked up to him. "So here's a plan, we put a shot in his head after finding out what's up, then we take his ship and go from there." I glanced over and winced. "Looks like self-centered decided to take a walk inside."


"A good general does not lead his troops to hell, just because he knows they will follow." ~Librara Tacticum

Posts: 45 | From: A quiet retirement.... | Registered: Jul 2005  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 694

posted 09-07-2005 10:36 PM     Profile for Lowwarr   Author's Homepage   Email Lowwarr     Edit/Delete Post
Opening my mouth to reply to Link, as her name was, I was suddenly cut off by a voice speaking from behind. a loud, obnoxious voice.

"Sheesh, pal. Do something about the dandruff."

My anger returned in a flash like an exploding TIE. By Bacca, I was sick of these cocky, smirking smugglers and their comments.

Restraining the urge to cram this person's foot down his throat, I turned to face him. Glaring down at him, I noticed he was sneezing furiously, like an allergic reaction, or something.

Well, wasn't that a pity.

Baring my teeth, I snarled at him.

"Keep your comments to yourself, human."

Sighing quietly, I turned back to the ryn girl.

"Sorry about that."

"Anyhow, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Link," I said, inclining my head respectfully in greeting. "I am called Lowwarr."

"It appears we are both in the same position. I, too, am stuck on this planet until I can raise enough credits to buy a seat on a transport."

Taking a draft from my mug, I considered what she had said.

"You said you intended to "slice" your way off this planet. You are a hacker?"

Pausing a moment, I grinned and added, "Not a profession one usually goes about broadcasting to strangers in bars."

My curiosity then tugged me in a different direction, and I spoke again.

"And if you do not mind my asking, how and where did you learn Shyriiwook? There are precious few in the galaxy who understand the language, as I have found out."


We walking carpets have feelings too, y'know

Posts: 12 | From: Wherever fate next brings me... | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:

Really Nice Member

Member # 697

posted 09-08-2005 01:52 AM     Profile for Cel   Author's Homepage   Email Cel     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"So in what order should I answer these Lowwarr?"

The question was retorical so I contined on before he could answer.

"First of all its not hacker, its slicer. Hacker sounds to primative. and second while I could slice my way off planet it offers little challenge for me and the trip is dull on standard transport."

I took another sip of my drink. This stuff is good i'll have to get the recipe from the chef.

"And its little secret that i'm a slicer half the smugglers in the galaxy know me and the other know me by reputation. so in here im relitively safe with all these smugglers around."

"Now the part that isnt usefull you just want to know. I was raised by smugglers on the run, basicly the largest gathering of smugglers. I picked up many skills there, but there was this one restruant owned by a wookie every one just called him chef. When I got bored I would head to his place and talk with him because he was always there. After 10 years or so I guess you learn the language. By the way that reminds me do you know how to make roasted katarn, I've been craving one?"


Creator of Adrianna Joao (Cel, "Link"), Kyan Jetiis'ad (Deceased), Kani Jetiis'ad, Bes'in Skirata

Posts: 328 | From: Oregon | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:
Agent Korsair


Member # 534

posted 09-14-2005 09:38 PM     Profile for Agent Korsair   Author's Homepage   Email Agent Korsair     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
(((OOC: After a long period of innactivity..... Korsair returns.... thankyou.)))

In the Void.

I blinked, a bright light over me, blinding me as I blinked.

I felt strange, somehow... empty. What happened? I wondered. I tried to move, and found I could not.

I tried to speak out, but found I could not either, as I felt...


There was no feeling around her face, nor anywhere else, save that blinding light above. Faintly I could hear sound, clicks, faint footsteps, obscurred beyond my vision.

I could hear faint vibrations as well, that sounded like the most muffled of voices. Suddenly, there was a click, and a covering that I realized had been creating the light and muffling the noise.

"So you're awake?" Came a female voice, middle aged by all estimates as I still could not move.

I tried to respond, to nod, to give any sign that I was alive, but I could not. "You can presently not move your limbs, but you can move your eyes. Blink once for yes and twice for no." The voice commanded.

I blinked once, and found that it was true. "Your name is Kirin Korsair." The voice asked.

I considered my answer, being a wanted individual. But then again, I had no choice. Blink.

"Good." There came a tapping as though of keying. "You were once in the employ of the Imperial Security Beareu?" I blinked again.

"You now have a bounty upon your head by their will?" Blink.

"Have you any will to rejoin them?" I blinked twice now, the dead truth in the air before me. I'd never go back, ever.

"Do you know where you are?" I blinked twice again. "Do you wish to know?" Yet again, I blinked. "Suffice to say, you will know soon."

With that, I heard the sliding of a chair, and footsteps moving away before that bright light and muffled sensation came again as the tube closed.

I thought I could never fall asleep now, curiosity and such in me. But I fell asleep quickly, my last thought being that they must have drugged me somehow....


"Don't move for a second, I've got a perfect shot at your head."

Posts: 44 | From: Unknown | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Aelly Ssyn

Mistress of Black Sun

Member # 698

posted 09-14-2005 11:44 PM     Profile for Aelly Ssyn   Author's Homepage   Email Aelly Ssyn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
(( OOC: Aelly Ssyn enters this forum. Thank you. ))

Hanging in space just above Sullust are several of Aelly's "acquisitions". Modified and refitted for her personal use it is only heard of by few smugglers and traders as something of a ghost ship.

Black Nebula is the flagship of the Black Sun as it is the largest ship as well as having given them a very lucrative business in that it travels into known hyperspace lanes and interdicts passage of select ships. It has two gravety well generators that pull ships out of hyperspace. At which point the weapons of Black Nebula along with the weapons of her Marauder Corvette escorts bare down on the trapped vessel to be boarded or captured and taken elsewhere.

On board the Black Nebula...

"I want to check on our operations here as well as check out the space ports. Run a listing of any possible ships departing or arriving that have cargo listings. You know what to look for."

"It will be done Mistress." came a response over the internal comms.

Heading to her private office she sat in her comfortable chair and swivelled it round so she could look out the view ports. Aelly loved looking at planets from orbit. Examining their beauty and variety. A feeling of power sifting through her as she imagines herself a powerful being ( which in her own rights she is) looking down on the unsuspecting beings below.Let's see what today brings us she thought to herself.

[ 09-15-2005 09:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]


It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Posts: 97 | From: U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Agent Korsair


Member # 534

posted 09-15-2005 12:49 AM     Profile for Agent Korsair   Author's Homepage   Email Agent Korsair     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I lay for a time more, still unsure of what was going on. I tried to remember, to remember so hard what had happened.

All I remembered was my voice, screaming out something before....


Blistering pain that had felt like I was going to be torn apart and devoured by who knew what.

Then, nothing, just cold and quiet until here.

I could hear steps again, and watched as the tube slid away again. "We are about to transplant a device that will enable you to speak. You have been under constant operation for perhaps three to four weeks now, to repair the damage to your body."

The female voice intoned. "Please, do not panick now." I watched as a strange... shape of some sort was moved over my face, and slowly lowered.

I was fearful a I saw strange pointed nubs on the side of the thing that faced me, and nearly panicked as I felt it them seem to pierce my flesh.

There was a loud click, and suddenly a faint breeze seemed to pass through the device like a breath, and I let out a scream of pain, as that seemed to be all there was as this- thing was forcibly upon my face.

"Calm yourself." The voice said. "This is an improvement. You see, the damage upon your body had removed your lower jaw and hence your ability to vocalize, hence, this has the benefit of speech and now you have little need for filtration in air!"

However, I could not begin to tollerate, to understand why these people would do such things too me.

"Have you any memory of what happened too you?" The voice asked.


I replied. A split second later I nearly Panicked again. The voice had been cold, so much unlike her normal tone. Or was it? She tried to remember. No, her voice had always been cold and businesslike. Now it was just a forced reality that made her realize it.

"We found you aboard a pirate vessel that was trying to sneak through Sullustian customs. They had a registered eight beings, but had nine signs when we scanned them. Naturally we boarded them, and discovered their piracy and you. Your jaw had been "shot off", and it appeared that you have suffered mass projectile trauma, much of your torso, thighs, and arms were damaged. Selling off the ship, we did our best to replace damaged organs. Most of your torso was salvaged, though you have a mechanical respirator now. Also, I'm afraid we could not save your legs, nor your right arm. They are full replacements, though we can assure that they will feel completely normal."

I swollowed, and found that it hurt just slightly. "I am most sorry for your condition." The voice said. "You can move now... of course, we shall have to check your motor skills and the like."

I slowly lifted, and felt myself do so as though all was normal, safe for a strange emptiness. "There are just a few more details." The woman said, who I could now see to be a Sullustian with a datapad.

"First, you are in the Havens Ward at Star-Saver Hospital. You were brought here three weeks ago by a system patrol craft who told us what I have told you. Finally, we shall not tell the authorities of your identity, due to patient doctor privelege. However, as unethical as it is, we will have to ask you to leave soon." She paused, a look of sympathy upon her face.

"We have some things you can do to make scaring and such less evident, and can, well, give you dyes and contacts to try and hide your Identity. There is one last note..." She said, looking at her datapad and at me with the greatest expression of sadness one could ever have.

"Due to your... damages... you are now, unfertile. You cannot reproduce. I'm sorry." She bowed her head before rising to leave me to myself and give me privacy.

Once she was gone, I looked down over my body. With all the changes, as best I'm sure they had done, I was still not.... the same. My curves no longer were "true", and there was almost a distinct... genderlessness about my body and I'm sure with this thing upon my face, what I really was would come into question.

For that matter, to be sterile? I had never realy considered the option of being otherwise... but it was still sad to know something like that was no longer an option, that a choice had been taken from me when all the time it seemed like there were fewer and fewer of them.


"Don't move for a second, I've got a perfect shot at your head."

Posts: 44 | From: Unknown | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Aelly Ssyn

Mistress of Black Sun

Member # 698

posted 09-15-2005 08:36 PM     Profile for Aelly Ssyn   Author's Homepage   Email Aelly Ssyn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Where to get started.. she thought as she peered out the view ports at the planet below.

Turning back around to face her desk she activates her personal computer. Once it was booted up she began looking through a listing of space ports, wanted criminal posts, as well as trying to be more specific and searching through ships logs that tallied cargo and personnel.

One port popped up as saying no admitance due to a bombing investigation.

Her fingers danced over the keyboard as she looked at the roster of ships that had been destroyed or damaged as well as having each ships captains' name.

"Well, this is a spot of news. Explosion possibly originated from one of the ships cargo hold."

She read on...

"Ship was carrying weapons at the time of the incident."

Her head lifts up slightly but her eyes stay glued to the computer screen.

"Well, that's very unlucky for that individual. I wonder why that ship was destroyed?"

The tapping of her fingers on her desk became almost rhythmic as she pondered.

After only a couple minutes a smile cut across her face.

"I hope it wasn't anyone competing with me." she remarked sarcastically.

Her statement followed by a soft giggle.

"What else can I find here. Ahh a medical center."

She keys the comms button to her own medical bay.

"What's our status of medical supplies?"

A quick response returned her call.

"We have sufficient supplies at the moment but it could'nt hurt to have more. If nothing else they could be sold." The voice was male and human. A very smart man indeed. Having dealt with many races he could possibly be one of the most talented Dr's in the galaxy. At least that was Aelly's thinking.

"You have a point there Doctor. I'll get back with you on that."

The options of things to do seemed to continually unfold befor her almost like flowers tempting a bee.

[ 09-15-2005 09:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]


It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Posts: 97 | From: U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Bon Foyagee


Member # 702

posted 09-21-2005 10:08 PM     Profile for Bon Foyagee   Author's Homepage   Email Bon Foyagee     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
(((OOC -- Bon Foyagee introduces himself in this post)))

Bon Foyagee, a young Bothan, watched the two humans enter and take seats at a table. Bon had been watching the activity in the hangar, dismayed by the destruction he saw. He had been jotting notes in a small book, attaching numbers to the numerous damages he logged. He recognized several pilots in the bar, including two whose ships were directly affected by the blast.

And one of them should not be alive right now.

Bon stood and walked nonchalantly to the table where the two humans sat. One was a burly younger man, the other a battle scarred relic. He took an empty chair from a table where a wookie sat and took a place between the two humans.

“So I said to myself,” he intruded, “’here’s a guy who can do his job and not mess it up.’ I said, ‘here’s a guy who can fly his ship right up to them and do it on time.’ It’s just the utter despondency and intrigue that forays such as this delving into the dark sublime bring about that make my head spin in serendipital splendor. You know what I mean?”

The blank stares from the pair of humans did not relay their meaning to the young Bothan.

“I mean, it’s simple. You give money, they take money. You give orders, they take orders. Money means following orders, right? Of course I’m right. Money is what people like them understand, you know? Of course you know, you’re not idiots. So why, I ask, did he not deliver the package on time?”

The last few words were emphasized with Bon’s fist as it pounded his forehead. His eyes widened and flew from Rico to Stern, back and forth, as he waited for a response.

[ 09-21-2005 10:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Bon Foyagee ]

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Rico Riven


Member # 603

posted 09-21-2005 10:15 PM     Profile for Rico Riven   Author's Homepage   Email Rico Riven     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I was just about to yell something over to that dung-head Yaoksi when all of a sudden a chair boots up against our table and this freaky furry little tan thing starts bellowing out some crap about something…

What’d he say?

Delivering on time? What the--?

“What in the glorious name of hell are you spouting off about? Stern, you know this freak?”

[ 09-21-2005 10:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]


I never fly faster than I can see, and besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Posts: 107 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 09-21-2005 10:23 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It was all I could do to keep the glass I was raising to my mouth steady as another sneeze erupted from me. Sniffing, I slammed it back down on the table, and took another glance around.

Wookiiee. Ryn. And now a Bothan.

Good Grammie's Gophers, but there was enough fur in here to keep an entire herd of rancors warm all winter long..!

I shook my head, raising my hand to summon the waitress when I froze.

There, across the room--

Oh hell. What in all the Galaxy was Muscles and Ugly doing in here? I thought I left them at the Azure Planetoid...

I snorted, making eye contact, then ignoring them altogether as the cute little Sullustan waitress mooched up to take another drink order from me.

Along with a request for an allergy pill.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 607 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Bon Foyagee


Member # 702

posted 09-22-2005 11:00 PM     Profile for Bon Foyagee   Author's Homepage   Email Bon Foyagee     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
“Yeah,” said Bon. “Yeah, man, that’s right. Freaks, freaks! Everywhere there’s freaks. It’s their way of staying on top of us, right? But the question goes unanswered, like the splintering winds of change that blow upon the oppressors. Why, man, why?”

The Bothan’s eyes burned the question into Rico, but he did not wait for an answer. He took a glass of liquid from the tray of a passing waitress, and grabbed a small dish from the tray as she stopped to protest. He cut her off before she could speak.

“It’s like a glass, half empty or half full, right? Right! There they sit, in their towers, looking down on us and sweeping their changes over our ways of life. But what they don’t know, right, what they don’t see is this.”

He turned the dish upside down, spilling the small pill it contained to the floor. He held the dish up 6 inches from the glass.

“What they don’t see is the resistance. It’s the voice in the night that cries out at injustice. It’s the hand in the shadows that pays the dockmaster to forget a customs form. It’s the eyes that watch the pilot get drunk in the bar instead of making a delivery on time. It’s there, my friends, and it will win. Like this!”

He slammed the dish into the glass. Instead of breaking, it flew from his hand and spilled its contents all over the back of the wookie. Bon broke into a small laugh and ducked his head.

“And now we speak of diplomacy, which the oppressors also lack.”

Posts: 51 | From: | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Commisar Stern


Member # 685

posted 09-23-2005 04:27 PM     Profile for Commisar Stern   Author's Homepage   Email Commisar Stern     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I stared at the short-haired furball who'd sat down at our table and had starting babbling.

Just like Ricen.

No, not like Ricen, not even close, not even something I ever wanted to think about.

I heard Rico say something to me, heard my name faintly and turned to look at him. "Sounds like a raving lunatic who just had his first hit of Spice." I replied calmly, looking back to the Bothan.

"Am I right or am I right?" I asked, standing with a smile on my face. "Maybe we should take this fella outside for a dunk in a barrel of water to clear his head? Cold Grox as they say?"

Still with that curious smile, and not waiting for any confirmation from Rico, I stood and lifted the bothan from his seat, and proceeded to drag him from the premises, shove him into one of the many alcoves that dotted the city, just a few dozen feet from the B.A., and then proceeded to place my disuader somewhere around his abdomen.

"Care to explain yourself? Oh, and don't be diplomatic about it, diplomacy is the art of keeping people busy until you get the chance to run like hell." I smirked. "In my case, diplomacy is the art of people running away from me before I shoot them in the back."

[ 09-23-2005 04:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Commisar Stern ]


"A good general does not lead his troops to hell, just because he knows they will follow." ~Librara Tacticum

Posts: 45 | From: A quiet retirement.... | Registered: Jul 2005  |  Logged:
Aelly Ssyn

Mistress of Black Sun

Member # 698

posted 09-24-2005 07:45 PM     Profile for Aelly Ssyn   Author's Homepage   Email Aelly Ssyn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
AS she thought of the possibilities she decided to head down to the planet to check on operations there as well as see what's going on in general.

Activating the comm link to the hangar bay.

"Prepare the shuttle for launch. I'm going down to the planet for awhile. Have a small squad wait for me on the shuttle. I'll be down there shortly."

"Aye Mistress." came the reply from the deck officer.

Before leaving her office room she gathers a few things for the trip. She then makes her way to the hangar bay to the awaiting shuttle and six man escort.

Once inside she instructs two of the escorts to begin launch proceedures and head down to Sullust. More precisely to the nearest spaceport tot he one that is currently under investigation.

With a low rumble the shuttle swoops down through the blackness of space to the spaceport.

After recieving docking instructions the shuttle sets down and the exit ramp lowers.

Four of the escorts exit the shuttle and stand two on each side of the ramp waiting for Aelly who follows behind them only moments later. The remaining two escorts stay with the shuttle as Aelly heads for the adjacent spaceport but she is blocked by the Sullustian officials who deny her entrance.

She spots the Blue Asteroid and decides to get something to drink and to see if anyone knows what happened tot he damaged port.

Upon entering she sees a wookie who isn't hard to miss from his emense size. She then spots a few humans, a bothan and a ryn. She motions for her escorts to go to the bar as she does the same and orders an ale.


It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Posts: 97 | From: U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 09-25-2005 05:58 AM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I sat there in utter disbelief as the goat-like Bothan managed to waylay my waitress, spill my drink, and crunch my pill.

Enough is enough!

I slammed back the remainder of my drink, tossed a few coins on the the table and was rising to my feet when Ugly grabbed the Bothan by his scrawny little throat and hustled him outside. I could only imagine what he was doing to the little thing... for a moment, I thought about going to the Bothan's aide, 'cuz really, no one but no one deserves Ugly's attention given full bore.

Then I thought better of it. I had guests en route: my ol' buddy K'kihl, and a lady Twi'lek. No sense getting into any trouble; the last thing I needed was to have either one come bail me loose the moment they hit basalt on this godforsaken rock.

So I sat a moment longer, my attention momentarily diverted as a good-looking Faleen came waltzing in to join the growing crowd.

I sighed. Another. And of all places, here, the bar that got itself half blasted to smithereens when the ship went up in smoke.

No accounting for taste, right? I mean, you're here, aren't ya, Yaoksi ol pal...

That errant thought was enough to get me going. Draining my glass, I set it down on the table, rose at last to my feet, and headed for the door.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 607 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Aelly Ssyn

Mistress of Black Sun

Member # 698

posted 09-25-2005 03:03 PM     Profile for Aelly Ssyn   Author's Homepage   Email Aelly Ssyn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Surveying the patrons in the Blue Asteroid Aelly noticed a bothan being escorted outside rather abruptly. The guy doing the escorting didn't seem too happy either.

A small sip of the ale and her senses are supprisingly content with the flavor from the drink.

Out of the corner of her eye she spots a man who was just recently accompanied by the now exited bothan and the man wh took him out.

As he makes his way to the door she steps out infront of him.

"Excuse me sir. I was wondering what happened to the space port out there? I was supposed to have a ship land here but it's been shut down."

She smiles politely and watches his expressions.


It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Posts: 97 | From: U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 09-25-2005 04:04 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I blinked, stopped in my tracks by this unexpected diversion. Pausing a heartbeat, I somehow prevented my gaze from roving reflexively up and down the lady's form; I mean, I've been here and there around the galaxy and I knew all about these kind.

No sense accidentally starting something you don't have the time or interest to finish, is there now Yaoksi ol' pal? I thought as I then stepped back, smiling as I gave the lady her personal space.

That smile flickered a bit, though, when her innocent question sunk into my head.

Sheesh, is that all these Faleen have? Hormones?

It was all I could do to keep from shaking my head at what seemed to be her obvious naivety. Instead, I gestured toward the blasted out windows of the Blue Asteroid, following through by raising that hand to wave in the general direction of the spaceport.

"There's, ahh, been some kind of explosion," I said in return.

The fact that she was asking such a question when the answer was so obvious sent a warning ripple up and down my spine. I started to depart, when from outside I heard a terrified sort of squeal emanating from what could only be the poor Bothan.

Great, I grumbled to myself as I struggled to keep the smile planted on my face.

He didn't go far; guess I'm, er... kinda stuck where I am, not to mention that standing here with this Faleen isn't going a long way toward remaining inconspicuous...

With the greatest of efforts I kept my eyes glued on the lady in front of me, refusing to so much as blink in Muscle's direction. But I shifted my weight, letting my hand drift downward a couple millimeters or so, in case I had to grab my blaster in a hurry.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 607 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Aelly Ssyn

Mistress of Black Sun

Member # 698

posted 09-25-2005 04:22 PM     Profile for Aelly Ssyn   Author's Homepage   Email Aelly Ssyn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Watching the man and his almost puppeted performance to describe the scene, what with waving his hand around and all, she laughed to herself.

"I see that there was an explosion. What exploded? Where you here to see what happened?"

Her voice stayed smooth and soft. Electing not to use her pheramones to get a more specific answer out of him she continued to rely on just plain old conversation.

From out side a screech could be heard which sounded just like a bothan. Having had to interigate a few before in the past to get specific routes for a couple of cargo ships hauling some...pretties.

"I hope your ship wasn't in there when the explosion occured."

She commented trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Her escorts continued sipping on their drinks but all the while keeping an eyes on the man along with every other person in the place.


It's nothing personal. It's just business.

Posts: 97 | From: U.S.A. | Registered: Sep 2005  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 09-25-2005 04:44 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I kept my gaze level, but the hairs on the back of my neck just stood at straighter attention.

Getting kind of familiar now, aren't ya, lady? I thought, and then stated as much.

My hand drifted a tad closer to my blaster.

"I suggest you go present the authorities with any questions you might have; they'd know more about this than I do."

Then, nodding my head and planting a firm image of Devil in my head--

For no greater love hath any man than his ship.

--I nodded politely, stepped to the side of her, and exited the premises altogether.

Sheesh, I couldn't help thinking as the squeals of the Bothan sounded louder in my ears.

I'd rather face a brace of Uglies and Muscles!

Of course I really didn't mean that. Spying a side tunnel I ducked that way, and now increasing my pace a bit until I came to a junction that, living here for the past year or so, I was well acquainted with. There I paused, listening.

No footsteps.


Breathing a little sigh of relief, I headed down a particular tunnel, by-passing spas and their attendant clubs, and soon had separated myself from anyone having anything remotely to do with the Blue Asteroid.

Coming out of one tunnel, I took a glance around, finding a familiar street which I followed, winding around the warren that was Piriingisi until at last I came to even more familiar territory.

Not more than five minutes later, and I was home, locking my door behind me and settling myself in front of my holo-vid with a nice Whyvern's from my own stock.


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 607 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

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