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Author Topic: In the Fiery Wastes

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 07:50 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major put the empty glass down and tossed a few coins at the bartender, he tipped him an imaginary hat, and strode out, still searching for the Lightsider. He decided to hide his presence and search the docking bays...


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-05-2005 11:00 AM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Hey look at this." Ruhatt said.

"What?" Capt. Obvouis asked.

"Says here there was a commotion in the docking bay about a day ago with a couple of "jedi" One was nearly killed, while one was cpatured and escaped her prison cell and wrecked havoc on the prison. She is still missing. The injured jedi was taken to the medcial facilty where he is now. I hope that isn't Jebbua, bet lets go see."

"All right, so we are going to the medical facilty. The Jedi is there."

Ruhatt just ignored him as the two headed that way.


"Never tell me the odds."

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 05:08 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major heard some Aqualish and devaronians talking about the incidents in the docking area between some Jedi and probably some darksiders.

Well after that enlightening tale, the Major also found out that the Jedi was rumored to have been taken to the Medbay somewhere in this port.

The Major consulted his datapad with which he already so thoughtfully Downloaded a map of Mos Espa. Medbay it is then...

The Major Took a right, then a left, and two more rights before he saw the small sign which read: Medbay


He sauntered in and inquired about a certain Jedi...


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-05-2005 07:04 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ruhhatand Capt. Obvuois walked inot the medbay and walekd up to the clerk behind a man in robes.

"I'm sorry sir, that is classified information. Unless you are a family meber or a close friend AND you have ways of proving it I can't let you in too see him." The clerk said to the man.

Wow, poor guy. He's trying to see someone and the clerk won't let him. Ruhatt thought.

Ruhatt stood behind the man and waited his turn.


"Never tell me the odds."

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 07:07 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
More men stood in line behind him, they eyed the robes the Major was wearing and took a step back. The Receptionist wouldn't quite give him the information at first, but The Jedi persuaded the older Human to divulge this information because it was for the Greater good.
The Major got the neccessary information from the reluctant, yet eventually cooperative receptionist, room 214, floor 2, ward B.

The Man behind him started to speak...

[ 03-05-2005 07:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-05-2005 07:20 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ruhatt watched the man and opened his mouth to speak

"You're a Jedi!" Ruhatt said. "What do you want with the other Jedi?"

He took a step back.

But when had shouted the clerk shook out of his deaze and watched the two.

"What the.."

By reflex he hit the securuity alarm.

"It apears Security will be on the way." Capt. Obvouis said.

"You just stay here Jedi." Ruhatt said. "And you.." Ruhatt pointed at Capt. Obvouis.

"Watch him and tell security this is all just a mis-hap." Ruhatt turned and head off to where the clerk had said Jebbua was when he was still in his daze.


"Never tell me the odds."

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 07:27 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major cursed under his breath
Just... Great

The Major shouted after the one man who started off toward the turbolifts:

"Hey, wait right there, I'm a lightsider and I came to help!"

The Major turned to the other man and said:

"You stay here, I have to help that Jedi."

The Major started off after the first man...


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-05-2005 07:30 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ruhatt stopped in his tracks and turned to face the now aproaching jedi.

"lightsider huh? How do I know you're not lying to me."

Ruhatt turned around and started to walk to the turbolift. He stopped three feet away from where he was.

"Too many Jedi have I seen lately. I'm getting tired off it. I knwo I'm going to regret this later, but... Come on." Ruhatt turned and started off to the turbolift as he saw Capt. Obvouis talking with security.


"Never tell me the odds."

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 07:36 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Jedi hurried into the turbolift and hit the floor 2 button hard.

He turned to the other man in the lift:

"So, if I'm going to work with you to help this man, I'll need to know your name, Mine is Ulrich "Major" Konig, a Jedi Knight, but since you are a little untrusting at this moment, think what you will..."

The Major turned to the door as it slided open with a Whoosh


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Kassa Baute

Broken Back Button

Member # 540

posted 03-05-2005 07:45 PM     Profile for Kassa Baute   Author's Homepage   Email Kassa Baute     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
(((OOC: Kassa Baute comes from "Minds like a seive" in this same forum. Thank you.

Kassa brought his ship out of space and landed in the docking bay. He exited his ship and noticed his quary leave.

The Jawa took off in one direction while the other two men headed off to...

The medbay. Kassa waited outside for a minute or two then went in.

The man in the trooper outfit was talking with security.

Kassa drew his weapon and fired his gun at the two secuirty guards. The fell motionless, then with a kick he kicked the guy he nicknamed "Trooper" aginst the wall.

Kassa shot a stun bolt in him.

"Where did the other guy go?" ke asked the clerk.

The clerk told him the destination and Kassa looked at the tubrolift and knew he wouldn't get there in time.

Kassa turned to the stairs.

I'll just beat them to their destination.he thought as he raced up the stairs.

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Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-05-2005 07:49 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"My name is Ruhatt Luthan." Ruhatt said as they stepped out of the turbolift and headed to the room.

"So, what are you exuatly doing here? Tatooine isn't actually the biggest place to meet Jedi. Or anybody realy."

Ruhatt sighed as he opened the door to Jebbua room.


"Never tell me the odds."

Posts: 73 | From: | Registered: Mar 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-05-2005 07:55 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major replied as he opened the door labeled 214:

"I'm here because I had to pick up some parts and visit the budding praxeum on this desolate planet what abou-"

the Major was interrupted when very rapid clicking came from further down the hallway when an armored figure burst though some older swinging doors with a crash...


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-06-2005 05:57 AM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ruhatt turned to see what was going on to see a bounty hunter come striding through. He stopped 10 feet in front of Ruhatt and the Major.

"Where is she?" the bounty hunter asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ruhatt answered.

"The Jedi girl. Where is she?" the hunter then looked at the major. "Another Jedi? Interesting. They just follow you?"

Ruhatt kept his hand on his blaster just in case it turned ugly.


"Never tell me the odds."

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Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-06-2005 09:25 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major looked at the man in the full body armor,

"The only Jedi here is me, and possibly the man in this room, I don't know who you are, your intentions are murky, your thoughts are jumbled and your emotions shield you, so don't do anything rash and unthinking that you might regret in the future..."

The Major looked at the armor, It appeared Mandalorian, and that type is especially rare, you had to be a professional for a very long time to afford or, ahem, aquiesce this type of Armor from someone else.


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-06-2005 06:38 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
the bounty hunter turned and looked at the Major.

"Oh really? Well for one thing. You confimred my suspisions about one thing, but remeber. There is only one way off this planet And I'll be watching you." And with that he turned and went to the turboluft and soon disappeared.

"Well. That was interesting." Ruhatt said. "Shall we go in now?" Ruhatt asked indacting the still open door.

[ 03-06-2005 06:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ruhatt Luthan ]


"Never tell me the odds."

Posts: 73 | From: | Registered: Mar 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-06-2005 07:22 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major turned to Ruhatt,

"After you,"

The Major walked into the room, it was white, like most of this facility's interior. He looked at the bed and saw a man, in pain, even as he slept, he had a mask of agony. The Major had to try to heal him, some force assisted bacta and some sedatives should speed healing to the apparent shoulder wound.

The Major undid some of the bandages as a Medical droid wheeled in:

"What, may I inquire, are you doing sir, this man is injured!"

The Major turned about and addressed the droid:

"I am a Jedi as is this man, whatever methods you have here in this facility, are probably not enough to heal a lightsaber wound."

The Droid resumed:

"Well, you are trying to help, I will be on standby in case you need any assistance."

It wheeled to the Jedi's side and focused it's photoreceptors on the healing process.
Ruhatt also watched attentively.

The Major opened his Medpac and took out several bacta packs, a tube of Synthflesh, and a strong sedative. He ripped open a bacta pack and poured it into the cauterized hole in this man's shoulder. he focused the force and initiated a healing action which cracked alot of the cauterized flesh, he injected the man with the local anaesthetic and his face settled somewhat. The Major poured another pack of bacta onto the depression. He took the tube of synthflesh and applied some to the opening to seal it from infection, he redid the bandages and repackaged the rest of the Medpac.
The Major turned to Ruhatt and the Droid,

"Now all we can do is wait, so until then, what brings you to Tattooine, Ruhatt?"


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-06-2005 09:29 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Ruhatt watched the Major work and when he was done, Ruhatt sat done in a seat next to Jebbua.

"I actually came looking for him." Ruhatt said indacating Jebbua.

"He came here for a reason and he had been gone for a while, so I just came here to look for him."

The Med droid came in and placed a few things on a table.

"Here are his things." the droid said.

It left and Ruhatt walked over and grabbed the lightsaber that was attched to the belt.

"I hope He gets better. And I hope together we can help him." Ruhatt looked at the Major.

"That is if you want to help. Sorry, I'm asmuing you do. Let me know if you don't."


"Never tell me the odds."

Posts: 73 | From: | Registered: Mar 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-07-2005 09:00 AM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He looked at the saber,
Interesting design...

The Major answered,

"Yes, I'd love to help, and this Jebbua? is he a Jedi knight, or Apprentice?"


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Ruhatt Luthan


Member # 441

posted 03-07-2005 05:33 PM     Profile for Ruhatt Luthan   Author's Homepage   Email Ruhatt Luthan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"To be honest, I don't know. He's never used titles. I don't think he cares. He does what he feels is right."

But what would he be if he did? Ruhatt thought.

"Anyways, Thanks for helping and I'm glad you'll help more."

The door opened and Capt. Obvouis entered.

"It seems everything is ok in here?" He said.

"Thats capt. Obvouis." Ruhatt said. "He's... Well you get the point."

"Looks like We've found your friend and he's ok."

Ruhatt just shook his head in disgrace.


"Never tell me the odds."

Posts: 73 | From: | Registered: Mar 2003  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-07-2005 06:24 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major understood immediately...
Captain Obvious, oh good...

The Major turned to the Captain,

"Well, It seems that way, I just hope to find out exaclty whats going on here between the Jedi and those Darksiders, besides a fight, obviously..."


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-07-2005 07:59 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Everything was calm. The wind was slightly blowing in my face. I wore my jedi robes, with my saber at my side. My sister and Dash could be seen together of a little ways away with their newborn child.
Everything was good until the darkness came. It covered the land and you couldn't see more than 3 feet in front of you.

"Jebbua!" I heard a voice. My sister's.

"Jebbua help! Help me!"

I opened my eyes to find my self in a medical bed. The voice was my siters alright, but in my head. I could feel her crying for help.

I looked around and saw Ruhatt, holding my lightsaber, Capt. Obvious, and some new guy.

"Who are you?" I tried to say, but instead it came out:
"oo rrgh uuu?" My voice was croaked and I needed water to help me. So I said so.

"wahheerr pppeezzz."


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-07-2005 09:13 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Setting down the drink, I asked around about anything recent happening. A few people said something about a fight near the docking bay. aparently one of the people was a jedi.
Interesting. Very Interesting. Perhaps I could this to my advantage.

If there was a fight, the loser may want someone to help them out in finding the winner. And that is where I come in.

I then aksed about who won. They said that the jedi was sent to the medbay.
Ah, well then I will give him some time to recover. Tomorrow I will visit him and see if he wants my services.

For now though I will move my ship out of town and hide it so that the authorities don't come after me. Make it look like I left the system.

I flipped the bartender some coins and then headed back to the ship. On my way I saw some men heading over to the medbay. I simply passed them and continued to my ship. I got to my ship, and then blasted off into space.

Once in space I launched off a remote that headed to space and faked a hyperspace jump. Then I dropped back into the atmosphere and landed a few miles outside the city.

Getting out of my ship I began the trek back.


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

Posts: 75 | From: | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:

Idealistic Jedi

Member # 597

posted 03-09-2005 01:04 PM     Profile for Major-Konig   Author's Homepage   Email Major-Konig     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Major quickly got the gist of what Jebbua wanted, so he filled a glass with water from the refresher in the corner of the room. He raised the bed so the Jedi could drink without coughing too much. He put the glass to Jebbua's mouth and inclined it a bit, Jebbua drank heartily, nearly drainig the entire glass, eager for more, Konig filled up another one. Feeling Jebbua could talk now, The Major said,

"I am Jedi Knight Major Konig, I'm a lightsider, so try not to worry, I sensed you were somewhat restless in the last few minutes before your awakening, would you like to share with us, it may help us find the other jedi, there were strong feelings in those moments..."

Jebbua set the glass down on the plasteel table to his left.


The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.

Posts: 241 | From: Pennsylvania USA | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Jebbua Dahutt

Really Nice Member

Member # 433

posted 03-09-2005 08:35 PM     Profile for Jebbua Dahutt   Author's Homepage   Email Jebbua Dahutt     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I looked at The Major.
A jedi knught. Interesting. I thought to myself.

"If I may say so honestly? I don't know you. Therefore I don't trust you. Although I do thank you for helping ease my pain. But to understand Pain you must embrace sometimes. You say you are a knight therefore don't know everything. I am not a knight, master, whatever, but I do know a little more than you. So perhaps you could leran from me."

I turned my face to Ruhatt.

"I don't know why you are here. I don't need anyone to look after me. As soon as I'm out of here. I'm heading out again." I looked at the Major and added: "Alone."


My characters- Jebbua Dahutt, Alexis Dahutt, and Jurrsk Balck.
Everything that has an ending has a beginning.

Posts: 281 | From: Oklahoma | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Takeshi Kovacs


Member # 602

posted 03-09-2005 10:21 PM     Profile for Takeshi Kovacs   Author's Homepage   Email Takeshi Kovacs     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
When I reached the outskirts of town, I started towards a hotel. As I looked for a room, I saw several men on speeder bikes skid to a stop near the edge of the hotel.

The quickly dismounted and strode in. They were a violent looking bunch with blasters on their hips and bits of armor covering them with an expersion of someone spoiling for a fight. The shouldered past patrons and then walked over to a man. He quicly started talking in some alien language and the thugs looked pleased.

They then turned towards the bar and headed at me.

Bless the force, those idiots are going to attack me. Just what I need, four more men in the galaxy after me.

I fingured my blaster as they drew wicked looking vibroblades. When they reached about 5 feet away from me, I drew my blaster and shot one in the chest as I stood up.

One man threw his blade at me and it caught the edge of my jacket and pinned it to the wall. Caught unaware of the attack, my blaster skidded acroos the floor.

"Well, well, you arn't half the challenge you are supposed to be now are you. And i was looking for a good fight. Pity you managed to kill Rico, but that means the reward the autorities are offering now only gets split three ways."

As he sneered at me, I reached up and tried to pull out the vibro blade attached to my coat and shirt. No such luck.

"Nice try but these blades are barbed, it aint gonna pull out that easy. Now I'd say you are in a real pickle arn't you? especially since the authorities want you dead."

I then reached behind my back and pulled out my shard pistol. I then fired of a round at the leader and grinned savagly as the tiny shards of metal impated all over his body. The spider venom soon went to work as he died screaming misserably.

"Okay who's next?" I said as I brought up the next round into the chamber.

Both thugs ran at me as I finished cocking the gun and then I cliped one as he got closer.

The other gaurd then slashed down my left arm with a swipe that tore off several layers of skin. I screamed and pulled out the knife that was up my right sleeve. I then proceeded to watcht his death as I carefully yanked the knife out of the wall. On the third try I managed to pul it out. I picked up my gun and put it back in its holster. I sheathed my knife and returned my shard pistol to its rightful place.

I then tore off some of the thugs cloting and wrapped my arm up. When I returned to my ship, I fix it up with proper bandages. So much went the plan for seeing if the Jedi wanted help. This planet was just a little to hostile for my tastes.


Don't bother to hide from me. I will find you. I am everywhere. There is nowhere you can't be found.

One way or another Revenge will be mine. And when revenge comes, it will be sweet.

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