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Member # 669

posted 07-25-2005 11:39 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"There are a couple other jedi here, or those who wield the force and use a lightsaber, that call themselves jedi. Ill Name them Off, First We have the young and talented Kitiana, my padawan. Then we Have Sarisa Ker, which has been quiet recently, but nevertheless jubilent. Then Theres Ender, whom i havent seen in a while, and The Commander of this vessle, my personal favorite person (with extreme sarcasm on his face) Major Konig, there are others, but i have yet to see them."

Xenn Pauses. Then looks At Soman and continues

"We are trying to construct a New Jedi Academy in outer space somewhere, a floating space station like academy. secret to the General... and hopefully to any opposers. Where are you from?"

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-25-2005 11:56 PM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith looked suprised, "Interesting, I am suprised that so many Jedi have grouped together considering the danger if they were ever found out, it looks like I came to the right place if there are people who want me dead." Sellith paused, "A secret Jedi Acadamy, thats incredible, I do not call anywhere home now, I was wondering, how are you going to get more Jedi for the acadamy without alerting anyone else?".


The Jedi are the true evil.

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Member # 669

posted 07-26-2005 12:04 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"We were just going to scout them out... go down to planets and find Force Sensitives. Thats dangerous? enlighten me, maybe ive been away too long..."
Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-26-2005 12:12 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Many of the people I talked to seemed to dislike the Jedi, perharps there ignorance between not knowing the difference in Jedi was a factor, but it appeared to me that the Jedi are very unpopular right now". Sellith shrugged his shoulders. "The force is very powerful, many people fear it and mabye that could be the reason why. Ive not stayed up with current events so I don't know."


The Jedi are the true evil.

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Member # 669

posted 07-26-2005 12:26 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"That could be why i have sensed little jedi activity, along with Actar Destroying the Temple, id guess jedi are public enemy number one right now."

Xenn Stares into one of the waterfalls. then asks

"So... what are you Soman, Jedi? Or Dark Jedi"

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Member # 625

posted 07-26-2005 12:36 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I know a little of the force but not enough to call myself a Jedi. I just use the basics for tasks I can not accomplish otherwise. I have not heard of a Dark Jedi in the galaxy for a while. May I ask how you can trust your shipmates? They might not be who they appear to be." Sellith stood up. "Could I have something to drink I have not had anything in hours".


The Jedi are the true evil.

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Member # 669

posted 07-26-2005 12:44 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Oh, im sorry of course."

Xenn Gets up and leads Soman to the Mess hall, where he can choose from a variety of foods and drinks.

"How can i trust my shipmates? good question. but a better one is, how can they trust me? its an uneasy calm, i think it will wear off with time."

Xenn gets a chill up and down his spine as he takes a sip of water.

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Member # 625

posted 07-26-2005 12:53 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith got up and followed Xenn into the room and got a glass of water, and listened to what Xenn had to say.

"I don't believe anyone truley trusts someone that they don't love, especially with Jedi, how can you trust a person that is not allowed to love anyone, they also have powers that can affect minds and can mask their own feelings, a very helpful ability if you use it properly."

Sellith put the glass to his mouth and drunk the water slowly.

[ 07-26-2005 01:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-27-2005 12:34 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn Stared at Soman drink the water... then raised an eyebrow and said

"The Jedi practice unconditional love to all things... but not all the people on this ship are legitimate jedi..."

Xenn Stares at the Floor then Looks at Soman and says "Who do you love? and why are you all the way out here?"

[ 07-27-2005 12:34 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-27-2005 12:48 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I have no need for love, my life requires total concentration on what happens next, I can not let my thoughts focus on an individual person." Sellith sighed and then continued to speak, "As I told you before, there are some people that are not the happiest with me, it only makes sense being mobile constantly is the best option to take. What about you? What brought you to this ship?"

[ 07-27-2005 02:45 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 598

posted 07-27-2005 01:33 PM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana listens to Xenn in all he has to tell her. She already knows how to construct a lightsaber, seeing as she already has two. Well, one she constructed and her father's. She has grown to love her crimson saber, the weapon she has practiced with so often in the past. Yet, she does not tell him this, because she feels he already knows she constructed her own at one point before. Perhaps he wants her to construct one for her new beginning. She doesn't mind having another weapon, but she will not part with the ones she already has.
Kitiana is not the greatest in many aspects of the force, but she doesn't construct her new saber rather quickly. One, because she has done so before, and two because she loves the beautiful weapons.I am done.

Her ability in sending messages is a bit amateur as it is broken up in many places, though it is still understandable. She sits in the room and waits for her teacher to return, or to give her other instructions. Her attention was turned completely onto the task at hand, and it isn't until now she feels the other force user. Where did he come from, and what was his purpose on this ship? She reaches out to him, trying to feel him out, if he's a jedi, or her or her father.

((Yay, I'm back!! ))

[ 07-27-2005 01:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kitiana ]


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Sarisa Ker

Really Nice Member

Member # 644

posted 07-28-2005 05:25 PM     Profile for Sarisa Ker   Author's Homepage   Email Sarisa Ker     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
During the time spent talking with the Major she felt a ripple in the Force as if something was near but unsure of what it might be. A person? A creature? She couldn't pin point the source but she did know one thing. It was close, and it was something else aside from everyone else she has interacted with or been introduced to.

She told the Major she was going to head to bed for the night. A classic but still effective diversion as she made her way through the living quarters area.

She stopped for a moment to concentrate. Senses opened up touching all around her and then passing through the ship itself. She kept a mental note of where everyone was.

The Major.....Ender......Xenn and Kitiana...and someone new. "Who is this",she wondered as she began heading in the direction of the mess hall.


Knowledge is power.

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Member # 669

posted 07-28-2005 07:40 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn feels Kitiana reaching out to him, and summons her mentally to the mess hall, he wants her to form an opinion of our new shipmate, and he also has other matters to discuss with her.

Xenn Looks over at Soman and says

"Soon you shall meet my apprentice..."

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-28-2005 08:16 PM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith sensed the others approaching but did not say anything about them in case he revealed too much about his abilities.

"Great, so Xenn are you a Jedi Master or a Knight?"

Sellith fixed his cloak and cleared his throat for the two new people that were making their way to the mess hall. He examined his surroundings once again while he waited for Xenn's answer.

[ 07-28-2005 08:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-28-2005 09:02 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Im a Jedi."

Xenn Looks around. and then towards the door

"Im not old enough to be a master."

Xenn flashes back to before the carbonite freezing... His last days on the academy. all his friends... her...

He snaps out of it, and says

"But, masters have come to me. For insight..."

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-28-2005 09:19 PM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith stopped and looked at Xenn with a suprised look on his face.

"You mean to say they are not giving you a title because you are not old enough?" Sellith laughed quietly " Thats just like the Jedi...that you get told about on planets. So tell me Xenn what do you make of your apprentice?"


The Jedi are the true evil.

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Member # 669

posted 07-28-2005 09:28 PM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn stops for a second and stares at Soman.

"Kitiana is young, with a good head on her shoulders, though i think she just needs a good friend to talk to. hopefully she knows that im there for her, and she understands the connection between Master and Apprentice..."

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-28-2005 09:53 PM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Your Apprentince is a she? I expected her to be a man. The last time I saw a female Jedi was when I was a child...So where is this ship heading anyway? I forgot to ask, in all the excitement of meeting a Jedi."

Sellith felt the other two beings getting closer. He grew slightly nervous of the thought of being outnumbered three to one with even more Jedi around on the ship.


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 12:14 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Yes, shes a woman, or girl, whatever youd like. Shes a strong potential in the force nonetheless. I dont know exactly where were headed. but i do know that we are trying to accomplish the mission at hand, were just waiting to see if we can come up with the resourses."

Xenn steps over to a chair and pulls it up alongside the bar and sits down.

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 12:23 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith pulls up a seat next to Xenn and sits down.

"Did you ever stop and think that mabye the galaxy does not want anymore Jedi? Mabye building this new Acadamy would make nothing but trouble."

[ 07-29-2005 12:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 01:00 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn listens to Soman as he stares into the back of the bar. getting lost in the false hope that could be rebuilding the jedi.

Xenn thinks

'He could be right, if the jedi temple was destroyed by Actar, he clearly didnt want any more jedi running around. we were all targets... and we still are.'

Xenn Mutters

"The jedi serve the people, we... they... it cant be."

[ 07-29-2005 01:02 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Posts: 127 | From: Los Angeles | Registered: Jun 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 01:19 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A slight smile came to Sellith's face as he could tell what was going on in Xenn's mind.

" I'm sorry to say this friend but the Jedi are not wanted or required in the galaxy. The only way Jedi can survive now is to gain total power by becoming more aggressive and destory anything that gets in the way. Even if it is an entire army or a tiny child. Anger and aggression will be the only ways to survive."


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 598

posted 07-29-2005 01:22 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana clips her new saber to her belt and walks from the room toward the mess hall. There is definately somebody else on board, and she feels she is about to meet them. She steps into the mess hall quietly, her crystalline blue eyes make it difficult to tell what her emotions are. Her ears pick up the tail end of the conversation. She herself has asked this question about the jedi academy, but believes it is worth a try.

"Perhaps the people have been misled in their views of the jedi. Perhaps they don't want jedi around; but there is no harm in trying. We will find out if the people want jedi around. Why should we take just your word for it?"

Her voice does not give any hint to her emotions. She does not know this new person, this other force user, and thus will not betray anything to him. She has let her guard down for those onboard the ship, but at the moment, that is all she is willing to do. She also does not refer to herself as part of the jedi. She is not part of them yet, and it may be a while before she considers herself a part of them.
She walks over and stands behind her master, watching Sellith, trying to figure him out.

[ 07-29-2005 01:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kitiana ]


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 625

posted 07-29-2005 01:42 AM     Profile for Sellith   Author's Homepage   Email Sellith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sellith turned to Kitiana upon hearing her voice and listen to what she had to say.

"Xenn I assume this is your apprentice? Well I have been to many planets, and the message is always the same even the sight of a lightsaber can make them angry. Even if the Jedi did regroup and grow in numbers their help would not be wanted, they would be trying to help or mabye even risking their lives for people who would not even be thankful. Sure you should make up your own choice but just think what you would get into."

As Sellith was saying this he was focusing on Kitiana's mind, he could tell that she was different from the others on the ship.

"Also, if the force is not taught to anyone then there will be no Dark Jedi either to take control of the galaxy. Of course there is a little darkness is each of us."

He smiled at Kitiana as he said his last sentence.


The Jedi are the true evil.

Posts: 84 | From: Scotland | Registered: Mar 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 669

posted 07-29-2005 01:44 AM     Profile for Xenn   Author's Homepage   Email Xenn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xenn feels Kitiana behind him, his ears twitch as he stares blankly into the bar, as he hears Soman's ideas.

"Agression? Anger?"

he says

"That is what destroyed the jedi in the first place"

His head slowly turns toward Soman.

Xenn closes his eyes and catches a cold chill

a feeling...

a feeling that he has not felt...

since he was a darksider.

"Destroy and Rebuild

Those are Sith Philiosophies... What are you proposing Soman?"

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