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Author Topic: Return to Rhyloth: A Bittersweet Reunion


Member # 436

posted 05-26-2003 03:09 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
For some time after the Imperial shuttle had brought Kia'ra to Rhyloth, she had done nothing more than wander her hometown, unable to bring herself to approaching any of her friends or family members.

Would they be ashamed of who she was now? Of what she was...?

But as she continued wandering, visiting sites which belonged to long-forgotten memories of her childhood, the inevitable happened: someone recognized her, dancing attire and all.

"Kia'ra, is that really you?" a familiar voice queried. She froze in her tracks, not daring to turn to the source of that voice. She could hear the footsteps coming about her, and at length a lavender-skinned female Twi'lek stepped in front of her. "it is you," the other Twi'lek muttered, then studying Kia'ra from head to toe, paying particular intrest to her dancing-outfit. "I see you have not changed your ways. What brings you back to us?"

Kia'ra stiffened, not wanting to answer the question, unable to stand the scrutiny. "It doesn't matter," she finally replied. "I see I was mistaken in coming back at all."

Even as she turned on her heel, the lavender-skinned Twi'lek reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder to stop her. "Wait, cousin," the Twi'lek said then softly. "Before you leave, I think there is someone you need to visit, and something you need to know about."

Kia'ra turned to regard the lavender Twi'lek once more, an eyebrow arched in question. "And just who do I need to see, and for what reason do I need to see them?"

"It's Nais'ralen, she's returned to Rhyloth..." the Twi'lek responded, hesitating a bit even as Kia'ra's eyes brightened visibly...

...for perhaps Nais'ralen had been the only one of their family who would understand the life Kia'ra had fallen in to. "Take me to her, now," she then spoke up anxiously, "There is so much I need to talk with her about..."

The lavender-skinned Twi'lek cut Kia'ra off with a look, a look which provoked a frown to form on Kia'ra's face. "What is it, what is wrong?" Kia'ra asked, her indigo eyes locking with the amber ones of her cousin.

"It's Nais'ralen, Kia'ra. She's in a coma...

...and has been for quite some time now. The family tried to contact you since the two of you had been so close as children...

...but we were unable to..."

It was Kia'ra's turn to cut her cousin off. "Take me to her," she stated succintly. "Take me to her right now..."


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Jamel Garth

Member # 336

posted 06-14-2003 03:47 AM     Profile for Jamel Garth   Author's Homepage   Email Jamel Garth     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: From the thread in Complete Star Wars Universe called Stranded on Sullust comes Captian Obvious, Dink the Jawa along with a newcomer known as Jamel Garth.))

Jamel Garth piloted it without even the hint of a flaw out of hyperspace and down into the twilight region of the planet. That was the only inhabitable area, for Rhyloth wasn't a normal planet it at all. It had no rotation, which meant one side was pure darkness why the other was fried by the sun. Their was only a seperation for the native Twi'lek of the planet to inhabit, which was the only resource for life.

And with life came credits, atleast that's what Jamel thought. This place was a perfect selling branch. Close to home, but far enough away so that his father wouldn't know of his whereabouts. He probably didn't care in the first place, but just to be safe he'd do his selling on Rhyloth.

Leaning back in his seat, he clicked on the com unit located on the navboard, entering in the coordinates for whom he seeked to speak to. It was an old friend, someone who used to help him with egineering back on Tatooine.

He would need a ship like this, in perfect shape with good repulsor lifts and other comparments for his shipyard. Sighing as he took a stand after communicating with his friend and telling the old friend of his coordinates, he waited for him to come.

It was about 30 minutes standard time until the old gray haired man's arrival, where he was welcomed casually by Jamel.

Standing there, he introduced him to the ones he stole the ship from.

"I got it right under their noise. This is.." He paused, awaiting the Captian to introduce himself. Jamel hadn't taken the time to ask them any question during the ride from Sullust to Ryloth, so the name would be new to him too..

[ 06-14-2003 03:48 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jamel Garth ]


"The Castle in the Sky.."-Jamel Garth

Posts: 117 | From: Somewhere in the Galaxy | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 06-15-2003 09:18 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kia'ra stared almost blankly at Nais'ralen's motionless form, her head hung low as she gripped the sides of the medtable where her cousin lay. She wavered slightly, and a single tear ran down her cheek to fall upon Nais'ralen's pale green flesh. Briefly, Kia'ra's indigo eyes strayed to her cousin's still wounded headtails.

"Wh-what happened to her?" she whispered at last, not turning her eyes from her cousin yet knowing that not far behind her another waited.

"I'm not certain. The one who brought her here, a Captain Yaoksi Joao, made reference to some sort of vicious attack...

...he wasn't all that specific in the matter. He stayed here with Nais'ralen for some time but then departed, leaving only a comm frequency should she wake up and stating that he would return to check on her in time."

Only at that did Kia'ra finally turn to face her other cousin. "I want to know what happened to her, and whom or what did this to her," she said point blank. "I want to speak with Captain Joao myself."

For a moment, Kia'ra's cousin merely remained quiet, her own eyes straying to Nais'ralen's still form as she seemed to consider something. Then, "Yes, I'd like to know exactly what happened to her myself," she admitted. Then, turning slightly, she motioned Kia'ra to follow her. "Come, cousin, let's see if we can make contact with Captain Joao...

...and soon, if possible."

Kia'ra simply nodded, and began following her cousin, her eyes darkening as thoughts Nais'ralen's condition troubled her.

Better make that contact very soon...

[ 06-15-2003 09:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 465

posted 06-21-2003 06:44 AM     Profile for Capt. OBVIOUS   Author's Homepage   Email Capt. OBVIOUS     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"My name is Capt. OBVIOUS, and my little Jawa friend, I have nicknamed OOOTEE. Now that you have borrowed my Jawa friends ship, we will be returning it back to Sullust."

I was completely shocked, by the odacity of this young boy. To tell this new person that he stole the ship right out from under our noses. We'll have to remedy this situation. I held out my hand to the stranger. "It was nice to meet you both, but we will be returning to Sullust now. Good-bye"

I walked back into the ship and fired her up.


The Doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I keep my finger out of there.

Posts: 50 | From: Anywhere something OBVIOUS needs to be pointed out! | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Jamel Garth

Member # 336

posted 06-21-2003 05:05 PM     Profile for Jamel Garth   Author's Homepage   Email Jamel Garth     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jamel couldn't stop it, the attack was quick and it came from his old friend. Quickly rushing for his Destructive Electro-Magnetic Pulse 2 Gun he began firing it up. Pulling back and releasing after a moments notice, he hit the ship, nearly throwing it into a roll over. The destruction caused the firing up of the Captian to end quickly, for the ship had lost it's power to do such a thing.

Jamel stared at his friend in confusion, aswell as suprisement. Furrowing his brows, Jamel jumped at him, taking his weapon from him.

"Who the heck do you think you are?" Jamel furiously said as he looked over his shoulder once more at the ship. Turning his head about he quickly was punched, knocked out immeditately.



"The Castle in the Sky.."-Jamel Garth

Posts: 117 | From: Somewhere in the Galaxy | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
Jamel Garth

Member # 336

posted 06-23-2003 06:04 PM     Profile for Jamel Garth   Author's Homepage   Email Jamel Garth     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jamel awoke, his eyes barely opening as the sensation from the bruise was still throbbing on his cheek. It wasn't clear exactly where he was at first, but it seemed to become obvious over time. The tiled floors, the white painted room, with numerous medroids rolling around, doing their duties.

A medic center. His mind told him as he moved, trying to get comfortable on the bed.

Investigating other people inside, he found an unconscious Twi'lek beside him. It was hard to tell exactly why she was here, but if he sticked around longer he'd find out. After inspecting her, he found Captian Obvious beside him, as unconscious as the girl.

He probably was injured in the hit, by that...


He had probably stole the ship already, and manufactored it to the point that it was sellable. He'd get what was coming to him soon enough...soon enough.

But now he'd have to wait, with Jawa, Captian Ob and him still out of comission for the moment, it wasn't possible that they'd be able to have their revenge or do anything about it.

It was never nice in med centers, but he'd have to find a story to enjoy. Maybe the life of this unconscious Twi'lek beside him, and why exactly was she there.


"The Castle in the Sky.."-Jamel Garth

Posts: 117 | From: Somewhere in the Galaxy | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
Jamel Garth

Member # 336

posted 07-05-2003 06:16 PM     Profile for Jamel Garth   Author's Homepage   Email Jamel Garth     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Boring! He thought after hours past on without any story passing by, other than by those idiotic doctors talking about there problems at home.

Who cared? He didn't...

The others hadn't woke so there wasn't anyone to talk to. Not even the pretty medic who had been in these quaters. She kept moving every time he strained to raise his hand to get her attention.

He would have to fall to asleep sooner or later, maybe afterwards he'd wake up and finally get something exciting.

As time past he became more tired as he hoped, but right before he took that last blink of the eye, he was thrown to a sitting position by a sudden scream. Turning his head over to the side, he saw that it was neither the Jawa or the Captian. On the other side he investigated, there was nothing--just silence as before.

Then where...? He questioned, running his hand over his face to brush a few strains of hair from over his vision. Then again he heard it and grabbed his head.

What the heck is going on?

Then it was revealed to him, slowly...

Someone slowly walked into the quaters. The footsteps echoing through the dorm, without one person able to find exactly who it was in all this darkness created by the night. Jamel reached for his light switch but there was some kind of malfunction in the electricity, because there was no response.

The footsteps became louder now, with a more horrific beat to it. Jamel strained to move out the bed, trying his hardest to get away. There was something about the scent in the air, the uneasiness about the atomsphere that got to him. It was speeding up his heart and it didn't seemed to care whether the pressure forced it to bust.

Finally throwing himself off the bed and onto the Twi'leks. he laid on her. Laying there for a second, he heard nothing, not even a peep. Then all that silence was interupted by a flicker of the lights. Shining down on the creature, Jamel made out the description, while others screamed in fear at the sight.

It was a female, but a female Cather which weren't to be taken lightly. She brandished a DL44 Pistol Blaster, with two Wooden Staffs on her back. Her lusts facial and body features were betrayed any junky eye, but the Jamel was no junky. He was a lucky little boy with a good pair of fist that knew very well this person was a bounty hunter.

"Damn." He muttered under his breath, grabbing tightly onto the Twi'leks body. He didn't know why, but he was going to make a run for it with the Twi'lek in hand. It was just a vibe that came over him that needed to be apointed.

Dragging her body out the bed and onto the floor, he went into prone posture. Heading toward the door, he heard the ear shattering sound of a blast hitting a head. He didn't take the time to check on anyone else, he just ran as fast as he physically could to the door.

He was a bit slow, and probably was seen by the bounty hunter but it wouldn't matter as long as he got somewhere safe and quick.

Heading to the an indintation in the wall created by the architecture creation, he placed the Twi'leks body against the wall. She was at a perfect angle that wouldn't allow her to fall or break anything. Now he'd have to wait and formulate some sort of plain to get out of here and off thi splanet with this body.


"The Castle in the Sky.."-Jamel Garth

Posts: 117 | From: Somewhere in the Galaxy | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 07-08-2003 06:17 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Jamel... you are dragging around a character belonging to a writer who long ago left us. She left directions that her characters be written out of play... and thus Naisra'len has been placed in a permanent coma due to injury to her lekku.

Just thought you might want to know.

Thank you... and, you're welcome.))


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Jamel Garth

Member # 336

posted 08-01-2003 11:04 AM     Profile for Jamel Garth   Author's Homepage   Email Jamel Garth     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The only plan which seemed right was to distract him away from her body, and head to the spaceport. If he could finding some engineering tools on the way or hijack it right when they were beginning their lift off, he might be able to manage getting off the planet.

Heading out the medic center at full speed, the predator followed as planned. Dashing down the hall ways he finally exited into the parking area. Glancing around hurriedly, he searched for a speeder that could be of use, or maybe a swoop bike.

Finally finding what he searched for, he jumped onto it. Working on the navboard and inserting a new code command to activate the bike he was off. Falling into the traffic, he sped past people with the sound of the predator right on his tail.

As he fled, he formulated a better way of getting him off his tail. Daringly he jumped off the bike, and reached out onto a pole. Staring at the bike as it lead toward a statue with the hunter right on it's tail. Hitting the statue as presumed, it fell on both the bike and his enemy. A direct hit...

Flipping off the pole, he landed softly onto the ground. Taking a moment to regain his health and calm himself, he searched for the closest spaceport. Finally finding it with it's large body swallowing the city with it's created shadow.

Quickly running toward it, he ended his plan. On the way he robbed a few credits to someone in line and took a ticket to the closest plantery transporation. Heading onto to the docking bay for one of the big name organization plantery transports. Getting on as quick as possible when the protocal droid finally reacted to it's arrival. Boarding the ship, he headed to the farthest reachest of the seats, taking a nap as they lifted off.


"The Castle in the Sky.."-Jamel Garth

Posts: 117 | From: Somewhere in the Galaxy | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 09-07-2003 01:07 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kia'ra didn't know how long she'd been staring at the comm frequency her cousin had handed her, uncertain as to just what she should say when she did send the message. All she knew was that she wanted answers...

...and she wanted them now. Her indigo eyes snapped from their vague thoughtfulness to sharpness at that, and in one smooth motion she dialed the frequency into her wristcomm.

"Captain Joao," she started out, "My name is Kia'ra Ro'chella, and I am calling in regards to a cousin of mine named Nais'ralen. I have not been in contact with my cousin in quite some time, and the condition I have found her in upon my arrival here on Rhyloth alarms me...

...I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain to me just what happened to her..."

At that, Kia'ra's voice dropped off, a wave of guilt sweeping over her once more for not keeping better contact with her cousin. She had bee the only friend Kia'ra had ever truly had...

...and now...

...there was no one.

"I will be awaiting your reply vigilantly, Captain," she finished with then, her indigo eyes once more turning vague as she began to do precisely that.

[ 09-07-2003 01:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 465

posted 03-11-2004 08:52 PM     Profile for Capt. OBVIOUS   Author's Homepage   Email Capt. OBVIOUS     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After a long slumber, I awoke.

The white room seemed to shine with a brilliance too intense for my eyes to adjust to right away. I could hear a slight rustling at my side. It was OOOTIE. My little JAWA friend.

He rushed me to my feet and tried as hard as he could to pull me out of what I now recognized as a med center.

I did a quick check of all my gear. Nothing seemed to be missing.

Out we ran, back to where the Scimitar had been left. Apparently whoever had tried to hijack the ship this time could not get the thing to run.

Dink set to work immediately.

I did what I could, but my feild training was of little use on the complex systems of this luxury space cruiser.

Soon the ship was ready for liftoff. That little Jawa was a genious with jury rigging things.

I just hoped the ship would hole together.

We left the planet as quickly as we came. Without the nasty little boy who brought us here in the first place.

We set co-ordinates for Sullust. It seemed as good a place as any to go. And entered Hyperspace.

We sat back and waited. Strangely, the ship lurched out of hyperspace. I thought the Empire had us caught in a massive Gravity well, but there were no ships on the radar.

I checked the nav-board. "Myrkr, what are we doing here? Let's land this thing and see if we can repair the hyperdrive.

(((Follow Capt. OBVIOUS and Dink the Wonder JAWA as we go to the "All But Alone" thread in this same forum. Thank You)))

[ 03-11-2004 08:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Capt. OBVIOUS ]


The Doctor said my nose wouldn't bleed so much if I keep my finger out of there.

Posts: 50 | From: Anywhere something OBVIOUS needs to be pointed out! | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 03-21-2005 10:18 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kia'ra Ro'chella had been waiting for her cousin Nais'ralen's return to life...

...and unfortunately, she was still waiting. And to add to all this, she had been waiting for a reply from a certain Captain Yaoksi Joao, only to come up with nothing. He had never replied to her communication to him regarding her cousin's condition... far as she knew. But then, did she really trust her family to transmit any incoming information to her should something have come through?


So, now sitting in a comm station, Kia'ra decided to make another desperate attempt, this time hoping to recieve a reply directly rather than having to rely on her family to inform her of one. She dialed in the frequency her cousin had given to her, the one which had been left by the Captain when he left her cousin Nassy on Ryloth.

Captain Joao, she began, I am still hoping to speak to you concerning my cousin Nasrai'len's condition. If you have already replied to my query, I apologize, for I have not recieved it. At any rate, I am hoping to hear from you, and soon. The injuries to my cousin bewilder me...

...and I wish to understand them. She was a close friend and confidant, much more than simply a cousin. I will await your reply at this frequency.

Finishing with that, Kia'ra attached her current frequency as promised, and sent the message, waiting for any reply which might answer the questions still burning in the forefront of her mind.


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:
Yaoksi Joao

Smuggler Extraordinaire and All-Around Good Guy

Member # 126

posted 07-06-2005 10:05 PM     Profile for Yaoksi Joao   Author's Homepage   Email Yaoksi Joao     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Coming in from Even Smugglers Get the Blues in the CSWU forums, thank you.))

"This is Captain Joao on Devil-May-Care, returning communication. Greetings; long time no hear. I would be happy to oblige and have a sit-down just for that purpose; unfortunately, my ship is, ahh-- being overhauled and I am unable to come to you.

"If this is of importance more dire than your communication would indicate, please come to me at Piriingisi--"

I followed this with my address....

"Captain Yaoksi Joao, out."

[ 07-06-2005 10:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


"Hey! It's not my fault!"

Posts: 606 | From: Midwest | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 07-06-2005 10:11 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kiara sat up with a start, surprised at the noise of the comm unit indicating an incoming message. Quickly she hit the accept switch and Captain Joao's message streamed in. Her reply was immediate, and swift.

"I would like to speak with you soon, and personally. I will meet you in Priingsi in...

...three standard days, at the location you have indicated."

Sending the message off quickly, Ki'ara got to her feet and hurried out of the comm station, her mind set on getting off the planet and to her destination as soon as possible. And, while she didn't have the money to afford such a trip, she always could find other ways of getting on board...


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 08-11-2005 09:22 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It hadn't taken Kia'ra long to find passage aboard a local pleasure cruise vessel headed for Priingsi; of course, she had to rely upon her "talents" in order to gain said passage. She would have never had the money to board such a vessel on her own, so instead she bargained with one of the crewmen, exchanging her companionship with them for a trip aboard his ship to her destination.

Nais'ralen would have never approved of this, but Ki'ara just had to know the truth of what had happened to her cousin, regardless of what she had to do to find out. Still, she didn't know what she was going to do once she did obtain the information and explanations she so desperately sought...

Kia'ra was jarred from her thoughts as the crewman returned to their dining table aboard the Planeta Azul. She leaned froward in her seat across from him, her gold halter top glimmering in the dim light of the bar in which they sat.

"So," he said, trying to make friendly conversation, "What are your plans once you reach Sullust?"

She pursed her lips, her indigo eyes intense. "I'm meeting someone there," she said simply. Then, the next words which rolled from her lips came as a complete suprise. "I need to make a change in my life..."

She trailed, her indigo eyes growing distant, but only momentarily.

You lost Nassy while you were off "taking care of yourself," a little voice whispered in her head, Time for a wake up call...

Her eyes returned to crystal clear alertness, and she looked to the crewman. "Shall we retire to your quarters shortly?" she queried, feeling her heart skip a beat and sink, just as it always did when she came to this point with her clients. "I much prefer a quiet place."

And a place where you can't be seen for what you truly are, and what you've always been, Kia'ra, a dark voice inside of her whispered. How in all the galaxy do you actually think you can change what you've always been...? What else, indeed, do you have to turn to, to fall back on...?


As the crewman smiled and nodded, standing up and offering her his hand to get to her feet herself, Kia'ra complied...

...all the while feeling lost and hopeless, and wishing very much that there was some way she could speak with her cousin, the only one who she had ever been able to share her deepest thoughts and feelings with in her life.

[ 08-11-2005 09:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 696

posted 08-30-2005 06:18 PM     Profile for Arien   Author's Homepage   Email Arien     Edit/Delete Post
(((OOC: Arien enters aboard the cruise-liner, thankyou.)))

Arien had left her room a few hours ago, granda sleeping in their rooms small brown armchair, fast asleep.

She wanted to explore the ship, and had done so, sneaking about mischeviously through the enginerooms, the kitchens, and other rooms, stopping in the ships pool room to dip her feet in and go before someone asked her where her parent was.

Arien didn't like Granda very much, she had prefered Granna, who had always given her small sweets from her pocket when she was just a tiny baby while her mother wasn't looking.

But now Granna had "gone on vacation" and her parents had sent her off tearfully with her Granda, for what purpose she couldn't imagine as she began to walk down the red carpeted hallway to her room where she stood on her tippy toes too slide in her little plastic keycard that let her back into the room.

She slid the door open slowly and quietly, slipping in and taking her shoes off out of habit, and looking at Granda sitting in the chair. He hadn't moved at all, but something seemed strange.

Granda snores... She thought as she went over, slightly hungry after her adventures. He tugged on his sleave, expecting him to jerk, smile, and sate her needs immediately.

However, he did not move, he did not even crack an eye, smile or the likes. "Granda, wake up! I'm hungry!" He said, tugging on his sleeve harder. "Granda wake up..." He kept tugging, then decided to go to "desperate tactics", climbing up on the chair and shaking his small patched vest in her hands, screaming for him to wake up. "WAKE UP! I'M HUNGRY GRANDA! WAKE UP!"

She continued for a few minutes, and then stopped, looking at Granda fearfully. "Granda? Please wake up, you're scaring me..."

Arien shook him again, and then climbed off, just beginning to have the truth dawn on her. "Granda isn't waking up... did, did he go on vacation?" She looked at him for a minute, then ran to the door, tugging the fake wooden thing open, and ran down the hallway, tears forming in her eyes as she ran.


"I swear daddy! A man came in here and started jumping on the bed, broke it, and ran out laughing!" ~B. Cosbey

Posts: 6 | From: | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 09-25-2005 09:50 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After completing her "job" for the evening, Kia'ra had requested to return to her suites, feeling suddenly very dirty and small. Not that this didn't always make her feel dirty; anyone who thought otherwise simply didn't know what it was like to not have anything else to fall back on. She did this sort of thing because she had to. Not because she actually wanted to.

So, slipping out of the crewman's room, still clad in the golden halter top and short skirt, Kia'ra began to walk down the halway, her thoughts spinning back to her questions regarding her cousin...

...when a sobbing little figure crashed into her as her blonde hair had fallen in her face. The little figure jerked back from Kia'ra, and started to run once more...

...and Kia'ra found herself feeling compassion. She was a cheap companion, but not a thoughtless individual. She squatted down to be on level with the little one, who was about to flee once more...

...and looked into the most innocent pair of tear-filled crystal blue eyes with her indigo ones. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" She queried, "Are you lost?"


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 696

posted 09-25-2005 11:42 PM     Profile for Arien   Author's Homepage   Email Arien     Edit/Delete Post
Arien's lower lip trembled, her cheeks red as she looked at the pretty Twi'lek. "I-I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..." She said, quivering.

"But I'ono what to do! Granda is sleeping an' he won' wake up!" She said, sniffling as she looked at her. "Why won' Granda wake up?"


"I swear daddy! A man came in here and started jumping on the bed, broke it, and ran out laughing!" ~B. Cosbey

Posts: 6 | From: | Registered: Aug 2005  |  Logged:


Member # 436

posted 09-28-2005 10:28 PM     Profile for Kiara   Author's Homepage   Email Kiara     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kia'ra hugged the little trembling girl, trying to calm her, something deep within her relating to the feelings she displayed.

She hoped it wasn't so, but it sounded like...

"Come on," Kia'ra said, standing and taking the little girl's hand. "Why don't you let me see your Granda, and maybe I can..."

A blaring announcement over the pleasure yacht's intercom interrupted her words.

All passengers, we are glad to inform you that we are currently finishing procedures to land in the docking bay on the other side of Priingsi, as the one we were going to land in has had minor...

...problems. We hope you've enjoyed your stay, and that the inconvenience does not hamper your further plans excessively. We are entering atmosphere now; landing will be complete in five standard minutes, thank you.

(((OCC: Follow Kiara and Arien into Even Smugglers Get the Blues in this same forum, thank you.)))

[ 09-28-2005 10:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]


A kiss may be grand but it won't pay the rental...

Posts: 42 | From: wherever the credits fall | Registered: Feb 2003  |  Logged:

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