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Author Topic: Pirates on the Hunt
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 03:23 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Captian Djorn, the stolen cruiser come back to us once more form "The start of an empire in the complete Star Wars Universe forums.))

The stolen cruiser suddenly dropped out hyperspace directly behind the pleasure yacht and opened up with its foreward torpedo tubes on the shields. Imediatly afterwards, the laser turrents took out the engines when the rear shield were knocked down. On the bride Djorn was giving orders. "Order the cruiser to stand down and surrender immidiatly. Tell it to power down all weapons, and stand by for a boarding party. I am going to get into the fighter and launch to see if it puts up any resistance. Prepare the boarding ships." He then turned and marched out towards the hanger. Then, four TIE Interceptors shoot out from the ship.

[ 05-16-2004 05:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 03:45 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Seven-Fiver", Medan crackled through his worn out comm. "Damn", he thought, "I've got to get that fixed." "Marshall, do your copy?", an even voice asks. "Yes, of course," Medan replied, "listen, just give me the details." "Very well," the voice said, pausing only to drawl on further," you're to board the pleasure cruiser, the Golden Sunset, and retrieve two crates in the storage room marked HRK. Then deliver that to Korris'ian. You will be contacted once you get there to where. I hope the price that is being transfered currently to your off-planet account on Ordo V, is acceptable. Regardless, you will only hear from me again if you fail to do the task. Have a good afternoon Marshall." Medan lazily flicked off his comm and inspected his account on his datapad. "Holy Shit!, 250,000 credits!" Taking out his ivory cigar cutter, he shaved off the top and lit it, placing it in his jaw. His quick fingers dailed in the coordinates and checked his weapons on his MystLynx in the same action."Miss. Grace, please put my will in effect and call my lawyers." Medan said smoothly and evenly into the comm. "Sure thing sir," a clear voice rang out,"good luck! Don't get killed!" Medan intiated hyperdrive and buckled in.

[ 05-16-2004 04:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Marshall Medan ]


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 03:55 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As the interceptors roared out, the sensors blinked in a new ship. It was the rough size of a fighter, but had no signiture profile. "Sir, we have another signiture on the radar." "All right, weapons to full. Engines at max."

[ 05-16-2004 03:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:03 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Adjusting the MystLynx jump jets, Medan speeded towards the pleasure cruiser, calibrating his 1.5 millimeter exploding shell ammuntion. Noticing the multiple ships on his radar, Medan steeled himself for resistance. "Damn, protection. Curse it he didn't tell me anything about that." Medans MystLynx glided towards the ships.

[ 05-16-2004 05:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:09 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Unidentified ship, what is your intention? I am Captian Djorn, commander of the KTG Indefeatable. We do not wish to fight. Over." Switching to the coded comm, he called out, "All fighters, evasive actions." With that the fighters spiralled away from each other.


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:14 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Very well, commander of Defeatable. My intention is to rip any resistance wing to wing, sieze the cruiser, and crash it into a small moon." Medan tried to keep his voice calm while he responded.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:15 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"And what does that have to do with us? We are only simple pirates. Nothing more, Nothing less."


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:19 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"We have the same intention?" Medan replied cuiriously. "Listen why don't we work together. I know I can't be trusted but an alliance may enable both of us to gain our goals. After this we may even be able to work out a contract. I only have one condition, don't destroy the holding area."
Medan voiced.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:23 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"That would seem fair to me. I have resources and a ship, and you have your ship of some sort and the way you handle it sugest that you have quite a bit of skill. By the way you will have to tell about this 'ship' sometime. It appears to be some wierd form of walker. So shall we detroy any resistance on the ship, you get what you came for, I loot the rest, and then waste whatevers left?"

[ 05-16-2004 04:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:32 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
During the comm chatter, the yacht decided to launch off some of its own defense when it relized the new ship was hostile. A six of TIE interceptors launched out of the bottom of the yacht.

[ 05-16-2004 04:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:33 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Indeed. Medan out." Medan shut off his comm and activated his BAP's. Effortlessly manuevering towards the TIE interceptors, he brought down his combat HUD. The fighters game in one of the most predictable forms Medan had ever seen and he quitley chuckled at their folly. His MystLynx's arms tracked two of the Interceptors and loosed a round. The bullets wormed their way the the TIE's hulls and punctured their life support, steering and engines. The TIE's made a loud screeching sound as if the ship itself was in protest and then promptly exploded.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:40 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Flipping back over to the coded channel for his fighters, Djorn barked out orders. "Raider 2 this is Raider 1, you will be my wing. We will help The Marshall out with the fighters. Raiders 3 and 4, you will be wingmen and take out any turrents on the yacht left and destroy that hanger. Over." With that he turned his interceptor over to the group and gently settled in behind the trialing enemy. The fighter started to juke right but then was bracketed right under the guns of my wing man. One quick squeze of that trigger and we was just that much more spce debries. Peeling off to come around for another pass, he survied the radar screen. It showed that 3 and 4 had been successful and were now protecting the cruiser and that only three fighters now remained.

[ 05-16-2004 04:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:48 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Nicley done sir." Marshall commented while observing the battle. Time to clear the field Medan thought. Activating his shoulder-mounted Hellfire and Thunderer missles he took a few moments to lock on. The fighters path was easy and three brightly red colored rockets screamed after them, assimilating to into the darkness. The other was soon drowned out by his friends flaming fuselage. "Heh." Medan scratched his head. The MystLynx jump jets activated again and Medan streamed towards the cruiser.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 04:56 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Pulling off an Idelman turn, Djorn spoke once agian with The Marshall. "My dear Marshall, what is it that you seek on board this yacht? I am only after any loot that I may come across. I will allow you to take what ever you wish and then invite you to come with me back to my cruiser to negotiate this contract. I am now going to board the yacht so please tell me what it is that you seek." With that he headed at full speed back towards the yacht. "Golden Sunset, prepare airlock three for boarding. If you fail to comply, it will be blasted open for you. Over." "A... A... Airlock three is awaiting you and is unocked."


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 05:02 AM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"You have me at a disadvantage sir. You known my title while I am unaware of yours. Be that as it may, I am not at the liberty to discuss my mission. Let it be simply "a number of items in the storage compartment." Medan commented. He decided to dock in a lower fighter bay and go from there. Medan glided towards the bottom deck, reached it and commenced a hack for an airlock code. Aquiring such a code just moments later he boarded the Golden Sunset.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 04:50 PM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Sealing the air lock behind him, Medan meticulously entered the yacht scouring the passage. "Miss. Grace, please upload the Golden Sunset's schematics to my HUD." Medan asked. "Of course sir. You should be getting them momentarily." Miss. Grace, Medans personal assistant replied. Adjusting his MystLynxs vision to infared, the Marshall saw the scurrying shapes of the Golden Sunset's passengers. Heedlessly walking through them, and making a bloody swath of destruction behind him, Medan made his way to the holding area.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 05:06 PM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As his intercpertor made contact with airlock three, Djorn pulled out his assualt rifle and undid his harness. He popped the top hatch and swung out into the yacht. AS he marched along towards the bridge, he saw the passangers either wimpering, running for the escape pods, or running around. When he neared the bridge, he heared a distinctive clanking sound.

He slapped the access panel and barged into the bridge. "Who's the captain here?" he barked, "I've got to have a word with him."

"I.. I'm the captain sir." a nervous looking man repsponded.

"Captain, where are all of the valuables and cargo kept on this crate anyways?"

"That would be in the personal cabins then."

"Where are the richest passengers here then?"

"That would be in the first class section at quadrent 2."

"Good, my thanks you captain." With that he turned smartly and marched out the door.

As he ran down towards quadrent 2, he fired of at a few indviduals to have them get their heads down. When he reached quadrent two he shot anyoe in their cabins and took anything valuable they had.

When he was doen he sprinted back to his fighter and detached it. As he did a sharp dive-thurn away he flicked his comm over.

"Marshall, the title is captain. I belive I told you earlier but it is forgivin. I am detached so you may leave whenever you like. Then we may meet on my ship. Over."

[ 05-16-2004 05:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 05:15 PM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Very well Captain. I will be off shortly. Marshall out." Medan eliquently put through his comm. His mech moved slowly to the holding area and was confronted by a pair of polycarbonate double doors. Instructing his MystLynx, Medan ripped open the pair of doors and barrled into the chamber. Seizing up an oppertunity for more money, the Marshall inspected a number of crates, and stowed them in his mechs chest cavity. Finding the crates that were needed for the job, Medan picked them up and exited the chamber being carefull to jury-rig the now useless doors with a number of trip-mines.
"Thank you for your time Golden Sunset." Medan switched on his mechs loudspeaker.
Going to the nearest plassteel window, Medan broke it open and was jettisoned through."
"Captain pick a destination for the our talk. I will follow. For security reasons please go ahead of me." Medan turned on his comm.


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

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Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 05:23 PM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Very well Captain, we will land in docking bay at the head of the cruiser and proceed form there to the conference room. I am pleased of your ingenius way of destroying the yatch. I would have just balsted it to pulp with my lasers. Over."

As he cut the comm, I flew over to the cruiser.

"Raiders 2, 3, and 4, what is your status?"

"We are at green health all around, sir."

"Very good, now head to docking bay 2. We have a vistor coming in with me in bay 1. Over"

"Rojor that Captain."

As the fighter was setteling down in the bay, I was quickly hopping out. I stood at the bottom of the ladder to wait for the Marshall.


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 05:28 PM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Thank you Captain." Medan replied hastily. Entering the magnicron sheild, Medan manuevered his jump jets to land next to the Captain.
"Captain, we meet in person," Medan said while extending his mechs attachments in a show of power,"it certainly was a pleasure working with you. Now about this contract..."


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 05:32 PM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Indeed Marshall, same to you. I am Djorn and welcome to the Indefeatable. If you will step out of your ship/walker then we can go on to the conference room to discuss this contract of ours. Would you care for a drink?"

He then turned and started out.


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 05:36 PM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Against all his instincts, Medan cracked the helm of his MystLynx and hopped out. Giving a mighty stretch he started yet another cigar. Stuffing his hand into his pocket, he groped untill he had in his hand a slender metallic key. When pressed, the MystLynx uttered a chirp, chirp, closed the helm, activated defense shields, and it kneeled down. Medan then followed the Captain...


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-16-2004 05:41 PM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Thank you. Now if you will just follow me."

He start out throught the small door at the far right corner of the room. As he proceeded down the hallway he started talking with the Marshall.

"So Marshall, what is your name? And what is this ship/walker that you call the MystLynx?"

He turned into a large room, with nice furniture and a long table. There was a cup at each chair and a minbar at the left corner.

"Something to drink as well?"


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Marshall Medan


Member # 536

posted 05-16-2004 11:39 PM     Profile for Marshall Medan   Author's Homepage   Email Marshall Medan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Indeed. A brandy, thank you. The name is Medan. Field Marshall Medan. As for my MystLynx," the Marshalls eyes misted over for a second, pausing only to continue with a passion, "is my mech. It's my very own mechanized beast of warfare."

Medan took a long pull of his cigar and accepted the crystal tumbler and glass, pouring himself a generous portion. After wetting his throat, he continued.

"Two shoulder mounted, thirty six slot, three hundred and twenty degree firing arc missle turrets. Takes my own special blend of Hellfire and Thunderer missles, fully equipped with hull piercing capabilities. Both arms equipped with firing ports for my slugs. Soft point, exploding shell, canister, hull peircing, and tracers bullets coming from a quick-release bandolet in her collarbone. Garunteed fluid transition, never stopped up." Medan described in a raspy voice.

"Block three hyperdrive integrated above her Clantech jump jets. Allowed me to travel a better part of the known galaxy."

"About this contract, I was hoping you had an idea about it" Medan left off...


`Curiouser and curiouser!'
Alice in Wonderland

Posts: 30 | From: | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:
Captain Djorn


Member # 537

posted 05-17-2004 12:30 AM     Profile for Captain Djorn   Author's Homepage   Email Captain Djorn     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Certainly, Medan. Sometime later I will have to show you my plans for my personal fighter. That reminds me."

He fliped out his commlink, and switched to a differnt frequency.

"Salvage ship three, please go out and get the intercpetors remains."

"Aye Captain, will do."

"Now where were we. Ah yes, the fighter. Sometime later I suppose. Now about that contract."

He stops speaking and pulls out a data sheet.

"While we were flying in, I took the liberty of drafting up a contract. it may need some editing but you should look it over."


This contract states that we, Marshall Medan and Captain Djorn, will partake in this business arangement, in which the marshall shall find the jobs using any contacts he has or may find. Then the Indefeatable will jump in to act as heavy fire support. The Raiders will partaske in looting any and all goods and belongings that they see fit with the exception of the items or persons the Marshall needs to fufil the job arrangement.

I hand him the document and continue...

"Your MystLynx sounds like a very fine machine. It apears to have very good firepower. The only weakness I can see in it is the limited manueverabilty compared to that of a fighter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that it has very few manuevering thrusters?

"So what do you think of the contract?"

[ 05-17-2004 12:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Captain Djorn ]


Pilots have to have egos. It's the only thing that keeps them alive.

Posts: 35 | From: USA | Registered: May 2004  |  Logged:

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