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Author Topic: Forgotten Memories of Ossus
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-07-2005 12:16 AM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Throughout the trip in hyperspace, Raye had sat by himself meditating. He searched throughout the Force answers to questions he found during his travels in the Outer Rim, and what to expect from the planet Ossus...

It has changed little during the last visit upon its surface during the Galactic Civil War. Predators native there can still be a threat.

Occasionally, his mind drifted to his pilot...

The Force is strong with her...and she carries a lightsaber...but I must be prudent if I question her...

Rye had sensed a haunting pain within Kitiana, one that fuels the darkness in her. To ask about it now could prove disastrous for him.

And yet she helps me even if she may not receive a reward for it. Perhaps...should I show her the ways of the Light Side of the Force? Should I train her? Am I even ready to perform such a thing?

A new wave of questions emerged from those thoughts, and Raye reached deeper into the Force to find them...

[ 03-07-2005 12:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Raye Starr ]

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Member # 598

posted 03-07-2005 06:57 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana occasionally glanced back to her passenger. Why she helped him she wasn't quite sure...but she knew that perhaps he may have some answers for her questions or help her on her new life. She sighed as she sat back at her pilot's seat. It wouldn't be long before they reach this planet....Ossus. Her mind wandered with thoughts of this planet and what it would be like, but always found herself thinking of her past actions and teachings. She didn't understand everything, nor would she pretend she did.

A beeping on her control panel brought her back to reality and looked back at Raye.

"We're about to arrive"


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-07-2005 08:33 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Jedi opened his eyes slowly, and gave a nod of acknowledgement. He stood up and approached the cockpit, staring out the viewport in anticipation of the fade from hyperspace and the sight of Ossus.

"The planet is very much deserted," he said to Kitiana, keeping his eyes ahead. "But over the centuries, forms of wildlife would have developed on its surface. Whether they are dangerous or not, we must keep on guard."

And with any luck, that's the only signs of life we find down there...

"You should be able to detect a large structure upon our exit from hyperspace. That would be the ancient Jedi of the remnants that survived the decay of time on this world...that is where we must land."

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Member # 598

posted 03-09-2005 06:49 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"I look forward to meeting the wildlife..."

Part of her simply wanted to see the different creatures that may inhabit this planet, and another part of her wanted something to attack. She loved to fight, it exhilerated her and she knew everytime she did fight, she could only get better.

She then nodded abot the Jedi Temple, and took manual control of the ship. Upon skimming the ground she found a space almost completely devoid of anything to land the ship. The Jedi Temple lay about 100 meters to their north. Upon landing she turned in her chair and stood.

"We are here."


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-10-2005 03:31 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Jedi took a small step onto the dry, arid surface of Ossus. It was night, and the sky had darkened, but in the horizon one could still the mountains that make up much of the world's terrain. Raye looked to see the Jedi Temple, an ancient and old pyramidial temple, bearing scars and breaches from battles fought in times long past. Indeed, bits and pieces of wreckage and small craters decorate Ossus still.

Yet, throughout the devastation, Raye still felt the Force on the planet. He closed his eyes and stood there, taking in its presence...

It still remains strong...after all these centuries...

"Kitiana," he began, his eyes still closed. "Do you feel anything on this planet? A sense of familiarity...that you have been here before?"

"Do you feel the Force and its strength on Ossus?"

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Member # 598

posted 03-11-2005 07:10 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana stepped off the ship and took in the atmosphere of Ossus. It was much different than the planet she had grown up on. Her eyes adjusted to the night well as she sensed her surroundings for any other lifeforms. There were some, but not close enought to worry about. Her attention was drawn back to Raye as he spoke, and she turned her clear eyes toward him. Been here?

"I do not believe I have ever been here. Though it does have a strong sense about's odd."

Her eyes scanned the area and fell on the Jedi temple. Perhaps she could also find some answers in there. Why did her father consider them and Jedi enemies? Who were the 'sith' that her father had told her about?


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-11-2005 09:07 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye smiled and opened his eyes.

"This is the believed location of where the Jedi Knights first emerged in the galaxy. You feel what those Jedi felt on this planet; the Force has not diminished here."

"This was a battleground during the Great Sith War, where the surface was wiped clean when the Cron Cluster went nova. But, as you can see, some remnants still stand..."

He looked back to Kitiana. "The Force runs strong within you. That is why you feel familiar with this feel the connection between yourself and the forgotten memories of Ossus."

"Come," Raye said, beginning to walk towards the ruined temple. "If time has not destroyed all in the temple, I'll be able to find what I am looking for...and show you a...different...path through the Force."

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Member # 598

posted 03-12-2005 11:40 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Great Sith war? She looked at him a bit puzzled. Perhaps she could find the knowledge she seeked simply through him. He seemed knowledgable enough....more than her that was for sure. But what could she really expect considering she was only taught by her father.

"Great Sith war? What happened during that war?"

She walked beside him now toward the temple. Curiousity about the past ran through her mind over and over, amidst other images that she couldn't seem to get from her mind.


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-13-2005 11:39 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"The Great Sith War was a conflict that had consumed the galaxy thousands of years ago, started by two Sith Lords known as Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma." Raye responded as the pair approached the temple. A hole in the temple where once would have been a simple doorway showed the way inside...

"Both had once been Jedi," he continued as they entered the temple, "But submitted to the path of the Dark Side, and followed the ways of power instead of peace. Many lives were lost because of their war, and planets were utterly devastated..."

Inside was a hallway, lit up from the moonlight penetrating through the building. Cracks had formed along walls, rocks and boulders had formed where parts of the structure had collapsed. Yet, it was still possible to press on...

"In the end, Ulic rejected the Dark Side, though at a heavy cost, and led the Jedi to the main Sith base where Exar Kun was located. A hard-fought victory was gained there, Kun was banished, and the Great Sith War was over."

And if what I have discovered was true, they weren't the true Sith at all...

Raye looked to Kitiana. "It is always the same for the Dark always leads to death and destruction...and it is always in the end that death and destruction consumes those that follow that path." He looked at her for a moment, studying her...

I believe it's time I ask this...

"Tel me Kitiana...where did you get your lightsaber?"

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Member # 598

posted 03-14-2005 12:20 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As they walked through the remains of the temple her eyes wandered, looking and searching. Yet the whole time her eyes wandered her ears stay tuned into the story. She had heard the name Exar Kun before, but what her father had once told her, he was a Dark Jedi.

"I was told Sith and Dark Jedi are different..."

She stopped looking around and looked to him as he spoke of death and destruction.

"Well if that is what they choose to do than it is their choice. There is nothing wrong with power.
As for my lightsaber, I constructed it. Where else would I get such a weapon?"


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-14-2005 10:13 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye frowned for a moment as they stepped through the temple ruins. "And the consequences of their choice led to the deaths of millions, and their own as well. Though to say power is never welcome would be wrong of me; for there must always be a certain amount to keep order, but it is absolute power..."

The Jedi then made an abrupt turn down another hallway. "...that corrupts absolutely. When it comes to the point of robbing people of their freedoms and liberties, to ensuring only your will is to be obeyed, power can become evil."

"And as for the Sith...the Dark Jedi have only sought to take their name and no more. But there are some things I have discovered about the Sith, the actual race itself, in the Outer Rim that I wish to explore more about..."

If I can find what I'm looking for...

"And your lightsaber...where did you learn to construct it?"

[ 03-15-2005 03:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Raye Starr ]

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Member # 598

posted 03-15-2005 01:34 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As they walked Kitiana looked at him sternly, surprisingly able to not trip over anything with her eyes averted.

"And who are you to say what is right or wrong? The stronger you are, the more power you posess. And those that are weaker need the stronger to lead over them. Sometimes, the weaker need to be sacrificed."

She paused and looked down. She sounded more like her father and it only angered her. He did nothing but betray her...She shook her head of her thoughts and answered his next question.

"I learned from my father...years ago."


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-15-2005 03:36 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye suddenly stopped at Kitiana. "And was it your father that told you that the weak needed to be sacrificed? That the strong have total domination over them?" The Jedi shook his head.

"The 'weak' exist due to circumstances beyond their control, or anyone's control in fact, yet they have as much right to live freely as do all beings in the galaxy. I believe the strong exist to protect the weak; that they are given the power they have to guard and defend those who cannot defend themselves, and secure the freedoms of those that have none."

"And I believe I can say what is right or wrong in this...for I have seen the corruption power causes if used selfishly, and the joy it may bring if used to help others instead..."

[ 03-17-2005 06:43 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Raye Starr ]

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Member # 598

posted 03-16-2005 02:18 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana shut her mouth quickly and looked away. Her fists were clenched tightly as she seemed to stare at the ruined wall with fascination. What Raye said made sense which only angered her even more. It went against everything her father taught her and she wished she could kill him all over again. She turned her clear eyes back toward him and took a deep breath.

"Perhaps what you say is true...let's just continue on, and try not to bring up my father again..."

She started walking again, not sure exactly where they were headed, or if they were even headed in the right direction that Raye wished to go.


Life is only what you make of it...

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Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-17-2005 06:43 AM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye gave a slight nod.

Much anger there when I mentioned her father.

They kept walking for a few more feet until Raye halted in front of a door. It's control panel was already destroyed, but there was more than one way to get through this obstacle...

The Jedi lifted his hand towards it and summoned the Force to open it. A few seconds passed and the door slid open into a large room, filled with even more wreckage piled in the center.

Raye took a step inside and looked around. "There must be one still in here..."

He then approached and started digging his way through the pile. "Help me," he called to Kitiana, "The object I'm looking for looks like a small cube..."

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Member # 598

posted 03-17-2005 11:22 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
They continued to walk in silence as they approached the closed door. The door infront of them opened and Kitiana looked around at the dusty ruined room. She fingered things as she walked by them, then looked to Raye as he asked for her help. Help? What was it she was supposed to find? She shrugged and started rummaging through things. If she found anything that appeared to 'look like a small cube' she would tell him.

"So umm...what exactly is it you are after in these ruins?"

Her clear eyes peered at everything she picked up, and if it didn't seem to fit the description she simply tossed it aside. The objects that seemed to fit the description or objects she simply found interesting she set infront of her.


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-17-2005 05:00 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"A Jedi holocron. And this place used to be the archives that held them." Raye replied, setting aside junk as he continued his search. "It's a holographic storage device, containing information about the ways of the Jedi and their history. Many have been lost over the centuries through either destruction or theft...but I know there must be at least one in here."

"Ah, it's only a bit larger than a should be able to sense it through the Force if you touch it..."

[ 03-17-2005 07:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Raye Starr ]

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Member # 598

posted 03-18-2005 06:33 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana nodded and continued searching. Perhpas that device could also answer her question about the 'Dark Jedi' and the 'Jedi'. Obviously they were enemies, but why exactly? What was their past? Her mind wandered through her thoughts until she shook her head and looked at an object she held in her hands. She tilted her head to the side then looked up to Raye and held it out to him.

"This that holographic storage device? It fits the description..."


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-18-2005 08:44 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye gave a quick nod. "Yes, that's it..." But before he could reach out, the cube glowed in a blue light as it detected the presence of the Force within Kitiana. In moments, a hologram was projected upwards of an old man, dressed in robes, standing tall and with the focus only a Jedi Master could show. The holographic figure gave a slight bow to Kitiana.

"Greetings, Jedi.", it said, with a calm and peaceful tone in his voice. "I am Kuron Tybil, Gatekeeper of this Holocron. Do you have a question for me?"

Raye was about to say something to call the hologram's attention, but decided to stay silent, and waited to see what Kitiana does...

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Member # 598

posted 03-19-2005 01:52 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As the hologram came to life Kitiana jerked her hand and almost dropped it before realizing exactly what it was. She peered closer at it and shook her head. She was no Jedi, but she stayed silent until it asked about questions. Yes, she did have questions, many questions. Some she wasn't sure if this device could even answer. She knew Raye was looking for this holographic device, but since she found it, she had the right to ask questions didn't she? Of course she did.

"I do."

She thought a minute about how to phrase her question best to get the answer she desired.

"Tell me. What happened between the Jedi to split them into the Jedi and the Dark Jedi?"

Raye had given her an account about how Exar Kun had used his force powers to gain power, but there was something else to the story. From what she understood from her father the Jedi also did something to the Dark Jedi to make them such enemies. Was her father telling the truth, or was it another lie?

[ 03-19-2005 01:58 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kitiana ]


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-20-2005 01:34 AM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"The Dark Side is what happened." The hologram replied. Raye watched carefully, studying Kitiana's actions with the holocron as the projection continued to speak. "Thousands of years ago, the temptations of the dark side of the Force and the belief that real power is only brought through raw emotions lured a number of Jedi into a conflict with the teachings of the Jedi Order. This was the Great Schism, and it led these Dark Jedi to become banished from the Jedi Order."

Banished...instead of being destroyed. We showed mercy, even to our most dangerous enemy. I wonder if she will see that as a sign of weakness... Raye thought, still observing.

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Member # 598

posted 03-20-2005 02:29 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Her ears stay tuned to the holocron and her eyes fixed on it. She barely noticed Raye was there. She understood what it said, but she also didn't understand it. What was so wrong with raw emotion? Was it wrong to use your emotions even if you didn't want to be all powerful? Banishment? Was that what her father talked about? Why banish them? If they were so evil why weren't they destroyed? Or why didn't the Jedi try to reteach them?
After the holocron stopped talking she stared at it another minute until looking up at Raye and handing it to him.


She then stood and walked to the back wall of the room. Her arms were crossed across her chest as she stared at the wall. She could still hear Raye and the holocron, but she wasn't in the mood to talk to him just yet.


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-20-2005 04:54 PM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
"Thank you." Raye said as he took the device in hand. The hologram turned and faced him, awaiting his questions.

"Master Tybil, I would like to know more about the history of the Sith, the real Sith, the species enslaved by the Dark Jedi when they were banished."

There was a short pause as the holocron analyzed the question. "I'm afraid that this holocron, as well as the others that reside in the Jedi Archives, are unable to give information about the history of the Sith peoples. We only know that they were a rather primitive people that the Dark Jedi took advantage of and ruled over them. Of anything else, we have yet to discover."

Raye frowned at this. "Then perhaps you can tell me about a race known as the Yuuzhan Vong?"

Another short pause. "No information exists regarding that name." The hologram responded.

Damn...this isn't good...

"Well, then...," Raye begun, "Where could I find information regarding the Sith?"

"You might be able to find them among Sith holocrons. Might. There is great risk involved if one seeks their holocrons..."

"Yes, I'm aware of that, Master Tybil."

The hologram gave a slight nod. "Search the burial world of Korriban, then. Many secrets still lay beneath the desolation of that planet..."

Raye bowed his head. "Thank you, Master Tybil. You have answered all of my questions." The holographic figure bowed in turn.

"May the Force be with you..." Then the image faded, and the light of the holocron dimmed. Raye pocketed the device within his robes.

We will need this if we have any hope in re-establishing the Order...

"We're finished here, Kitiana."

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Member # 598

posted 03-21-2005 12:05 AM     Profile for Kitiana   Author's Homepage   Email Kitiana     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Kitiana listened to their conversation silently, still studying the the ruined wall as if it were the most fascinating thing. When they were finished she turned.

"Good. Shall we depart for Korriban, or would you like to rest here a while?"

Whether stayed or left didn't matter to Kitiana much, though she did wish to go to Korriban. Her father had mentioned that planet once or twice....if only she had listened to him a little more.


Life is only what you make of it...

Posts: 107 | From: Iraq | Registered: Feb 2005  |  Logged:
Raye Starr


Member # 599

posted 03-22-2005 01:46 AM     Profile for Raye Starr   Author's Homepage   Email Raye Starr     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Raye seemed to be staring at the ground, deep in thought. "...No. Korriban will have to wait." He looked up at her. "It is a very dangerous planet...the dark side rules strongly there. I don't believe I'm ready to face it just yet."

"I have other duties I need to attend to...I had been fighting in the Outer Rim for years; much has happened in the galaxy I need to know about."

Raye remembered what he had been told on Sullust. "I must know what happened on Yavin IV, and what has become of the other Jedi."

"That is...if you're still willing to take me on your ship."

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