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Author Topic: Water on Tatooine....


Member # 250

posted 05-23-2003 08:18 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Lumbia, Paul, Shawn, Lanlif and the two droids come in from Tomorrow Never Comes in the "Empire/New Republic" forums, thank you.))

Lumbia sat there, awaiting his awnser as he watched the Master contemplate. It was interrupted though by the grumbling of the R2 unit entering some parts of the ship, beginning the work commanded by the resting Squib. Meanwhile, it's companion, the protocol droid headed into the cockpit with refreshments.

"Jedi Whitfield, I suggest you take a cool drink of water. I found the refreshments in the back of this freight if you want to know exactly were I had attained it." The droid said, his voice humanized, though his frame was stiff and rock solid with the body covering.

Lumbia smiled, giving the protocol droid a gracious nod as he watched it disappear into the shadows of the next room. Turning back around, he stared at the Jedi again, asking once again.

"So, do you have a question or was it false tension I was feeling?"

[ 05-24-2003 02:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 05-23-2003 09:15 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It wasn't soon after the rumbling of Lanlif's R2 unit that his master awaken to it. The Squib's large eye's taking a long time to open, taking in the burning light that shined over him. Throwing himself up out of shock, he reabsorbed his surrondings, attempting to understand it.

After finally coming to a conclusion to where he was and why, the Squib went into a stand and entered the chambers his astromech unit was in. Taking a seat beside his engineer droid, he worked along side him, trying to put the freight back into the perfect condition.

The fact that it was just a freight that smuggled would slow it down. It would have had to seen some dances with criminials and no one that gets that close to the fire doesn't come out with some scars.

"T4, how's the condition of the ship?" He asked as he observed the surrondings, trying to come to a conclusion himself before his astromech could.

With a few beeps the T4 gave a response, with the Squib shaking his head in a response.

"The smuggler must have been a dirty, good one then. With very little troubles and all." Lanlif took back up the ramp out of the small mechanical sactum and back into the basic chambers.

"Hey T4, could you go find that darn protocal droid. He always manages to get off everytime I take a nap."


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 461

posted 05-23-2003 11:01 PM     Profile for R2-T4   Author's Homepage   Email R2-T4     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Doing as my master told me, I rolled along the floor, heading for that trouble-making protocal droid.

As I beeped along in angered and frustration of not being able to find him, I observed the area. My lens moving from side to side until I finally caught sight of him fixing a few drinks.

"Hey, house droid!" I exclaimed in my beeping language, catching his attention immeditately. It was probably too much a suprise for him, for he nearly dropped the three drinks in his hand.

"How rude," he responded, but before he could continue on, I was behind him, forcing him over to Master Berayen as a murmured a few words of distress.

When we came to the destination, I slowly stummbled from behind him, and showed my master of my deed with a single beeping sound.

Then I waited, wondering why my Master wanted him now.


"Gurg! Beep!"

Posts: 1 | From: Beside my master. | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 05-23-2003 11:17 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lanlif sat, taking the three drinks from his droids hands, and placing them down on the nearest table. As he took comfort on the luxurious couches, he revealed why he had came in only four words.

"I have a question C3." Lanlif said, with the room going quiet. The short Squib looking into the mechanical eyes of his protocal droid. A smile coming to his face, as he reached down to his bag and brought it to his lap.

His furry palms searched through, curioustly feeling for the object he wanted. Finally coming to it, his face lit up out of joy as he slowly pulled it out. The object he had dig for was a beautiful crystal.

"Do you know what the background of this baby and what it's worth?" The haggler asked, remembering when he picked up the piece of junk in a gamble with fellow slum citizens.

It was a second though before the protocal droid could respond. In his eyes Lanlif could compute that he was searching for the data of the object before his eyes. It seemed like forever until he came to an end, with his body twirking slightly.

"Master, my data says it's an Adegan crystals from Osuss. It is used for the construction of a lightsaber. My old Master gave me that data, sir."

"Hmm...I see." Lanlif contemplated, wondering what he could haggle out of this one Tattoine. It didn't seem like their were any means of lightsabers in this galaxy for any normal citizen, but a Jedi.

"Well, can you excuse me Master-" The C3-K6 interupted in the Squib's contemplation, as he reached for the three bevarages placed down. "I'll be leaving for a second, sir."

And with that the droid was in the cockpit again, giving his drink to all the Jedi, leaving the Squib to think in silence. His eyes glowing as he looked into the reflective crystal, while his mind wandered to what he would do with it.

The Jedi all had lightsabers from what he had heard and trading an Adegan crystal wasn't going to happen in this galaxy. He might as well keep it, until he found a good person to give it to...


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-24-2003 12:20 AM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As Tzakang entered the system, he activated his scanners. His revenge was long overdue.

He will hunt down and kill every force user if he had to in order to avenge his parents. Hunting Jedi will be easy with the Vongs' technology and the Ysalamirri. Without the force, Jedi are helpless.

The Yuuzhan Vong were gone, but they might return someday. Until then Lah had to make do with what he had.

A ship appeared on his scanners. Lah brought his stolen fighter toward the ship. If there were any Jedi on board, this would be a whole lot more interesting.


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 462

posted 05-24-2003 01:25 PM     Profile for C3-K6   Author's Homepage   Email C3-K6     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After I finished the task of placing the bevarges in the cockpit, I was back beside my astromech friend, R2-T4. We both were taken an inspection of the place, for my uncanny interest in the smuggler ship. The one my manufactor had created had numerous smuggling compartments placed in the ground and it was very likely this one had them to.

The freight was much like the legendary Ebon Hawk, but it's outside was far dirtier and colored in a much different shade. So, as we continued on through, my foot got stuck. Dripping over onto my bottom, I watched as a luxurious tile on the floor was magnetized to my foot.

With the help of the R2 unit, it was quickly taken off, only to be followed by our examiniation of the what was under the tile to push it up onto my foot.

We found it to be a lower deck of the freight ship. A basement of which was used for smuggling work, brandishing spices, numerous packages of blasters and ten well manufactored swoop bikes that dated back to the Golden age of the Republic.

"Interesting..", I said to myself, taking in the data before I was helped to my feet by T4. Taking a looked down at him, I began with an order. "Go get the Master, I'll be suprised if he isn't interested in this discovery."

And with that he was off again to send a message just as he did to me.


"Master, you should know--this isn't safe."

Posts: 2 | From: Along with R2-T4 and my Master. | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 05-24-2003 04:58 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lanlif stood in concern as he watched the asrtomech droid walk into the room. Looking into the lense of the T4, awaiting a statement. The droid began beeping, with Lanlif's keen relationship allowing him to understand his the concern and wants of the astromech.

It was then that the R2 unit was back on the path back to the smuggling basement. Rolling along the polished, tile floor with Lanlif's short body close behind. Heading toward the stationed basement, he looked into it--staring at the varies items.

"Thanks for telling me C3-K6," Mr. Berayen said as he rubbed his chin in thought. It was interesting the weird combination of items that were in the smugglers basement.

They were objects probably smuggled for a crime lord, but who? The riddle began festering in the Squib's mind as he took a kneel before the opening. It was an interesting case that he'd have to have closer inspection into. Taking action, he jumped into the small, tile sized hole, landing in a kneel inside of the dim basement.

Moving to the side of the basement with his hand feeling on the walls, searching for a light switch. After finally finding it, he began searching for something that would hint where these items were heading for. Since the smuggler was out of reach, their was no way of simply asking, but their were always hints on items. He knew that from his own expirences...

"I think there is a lift somewhere, but it is probably activated in a secret compartment." He yelled up to his to threads as he tried to find a way that they could get down there without jumping.

Searching the walls once more, he came to the fist indintation, circled around in white painting. Quickly he began punching into the indintation, with a sudden creaking sound coming from the other side of the room. Continuing to punch at it, the lift creak ended, with the lift coming down.

"Weird way of activating a lift...", Lanlif began, but was interupted by his own though of the droids. Alerting them of the situation, they both came down in a matter of seconds and were prepared to partner him in the search.

"C3, during my inspection I read a weird sort of inscription on the package holding spices & the blasters. Could you read it for me?"

Doing as his master asked, he stiffily walked over to the packages, with his hands brushing along it to get the dust off. "Dropping in the sanctuary of Datooine."

And with that to help him, the small group headed back up through the lift and headed back to the quarters to try to gain some data on what sort of spices the smuggler was once importing.

[ 05-24-2003 05:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lanlif Berayen ]


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-24-2003 08:06 PM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
No the ship was a derelict, no life forms aboard.

Tzakang then activated the "Zcanner" (his own creation) which can pick up force users in nearby systems.

Interesting.....there is a ship with jedi onboard, almost at the Tatooine system. Good. Tatooine was only a short jump away.

The hunt will begin soon......


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:

Broken Back Button

Member # 462

posted 05-24-2003 11:12 PM     Profile for C3-K6   Author's Homepage   Email C3-K6     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I inspected the spice, which seemed far too abnormal to be identified by my data. It was a complicated piece of work until I finally manage to get to the core of the object. Rubbing my hands against the outer shell, whcih gave the perception that it was a spice, it came to be a mineral. It was known as Kolto, an expensive object found on the planet of Manaan.

"Impressive..", I began, but was interupted by the not so smooth exit from hyperspace. Taking my eyes from the small object for a second of time and looking into the cockpit, I began to contemplate.

"Master, this is Kolto--the mineral that is created on Manaan, but why would they be smuggling this. Can't they buy it for the same price?" I quiered, which wasn't a normal for me, but the gain of new data was always good.

"Well the fact that the amount is large for one and they are criminials, unlikely to even interact with the Manaan citizens in any way."


"Master, you should know--this isn't safe."

Posts: 2 | From: Along with R2-T4 and my Master. | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 05-24-2003 11:18 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Leaning back onto the couch, Lanlif observed his surrondings idly, project less thought then what he really had. He was contemplating, wondering what he would do now that he found it wasn't a spice, but a mineral. Yet, not just any normal mineral, it was kolto, a powerful healing agent harvested on the surface of the Manaan oceans. Just the impressive smuggling ability and elegance dazzled him, but that was soon to be outdone when he took noticed to the extragevance of the item.

He could use this to haggle his way out of anything, as well as for any physically dangerous occasions. The fact that itw as just open for him to get and that he could do it was something that nagged at his brain until he couldn't hold back anymore.

"You two, pack some of that stuff before we land. I'm going to need it.."


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-25-2003 12:29 AM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Tzakang exited hyperspace. Although the Zcanner could detect force users in nearby systems, it could not pinpoint the exact location of the force user.

Tzakang had already donned his black Cortosis armour while in Hyperspace. It seemed a wise choice to search around the desert planet of Tatooine first, as it was the most populated planet in the system.

Tzakang performed a last minute check on all his equipment and Vong weapons. He was ready....


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 05-25-2003 02:04 AM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia was still waiting, staring with still curious eyes as the ship was slowly and cautiously landed in the landing bay in the city of Mos Eisley. The view of the blockhouses above reminded him of the old dangers of "pirate city". It seemed like they were being drained away by the minute now, with the death of Jakko the Hutt. He held the whole criminal attraction together and without him as a magnet, people migrated to new worlds.

All there were now were natives, farmers and a few normal citizens. Of course the Empire did a bit of spice trade, but it never would attract pirates. They were in two different worlds that were unlikely to collide and only violence could be created out of it.

Lumbia smiled though, with his eyes finally shifting from observing the Paul's face and onto the world below. They would likely live on this planet, with the numerous suns shining down on the new Academy building.

It would be a fascinating role, playing as an architect in the reconstruction of a new Order. A new organization that would change the very universe, the very galaxy they all breathed and lived in together. Embarking on the conquest was something that would bring various issues, from the bliss to the dangers.

Letting those thoughts be driven to the back of his min, he helped piloting the ship down to a rest in the landing bay. Exiting the ship with Lanlif, the two droids and the Jedi beside him, he brought the thoughts back only to be interupted by Paul.

"I'll have to tell you about the situation later Lumbia." The Jedi whispered, without his eyes taking any sort of change.

And so they were, all prepared to seperate. Lanlif and his two droids into the pirate city, searching for something that he could buy to be called a ship. The Jedi heading outside of the city in the desert terrian, searching for somewhere to place the Academy. Still though, their connection was made by not only their friendship during their parting ways, but by a comlink. They'd have to keep in touch on such a wild planet.

So with that, the quest began...

[ 05-25-2003 02:14 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 05-25-2003 02:08 AM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lanlif headed off into the cloest catina, with his hands being placed formally behind his back. Walking slowly down the steps into the dim light before the door of the catina, he prepared for the rough atomsphere he was to walk into. It had been a long time that he had actually interacted with pirates, with very few true villians in the slums of Coruscant like on Tattoin and the Outer Rim.

Finally prepared, he seperated the bouncers with his presence and entered the catina with the two droids close behind. Searching his surrondings, he fiddled with what idea he could begin with to get his ship.

Haggling of course.


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-25-2003 06:44 AM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The planet was a desolate wasteland. Having landed his stolen craft on the outskirts of "Mos Eisley", Tzakang got out from his ship and activated its cloaking device to keep it hidden. He was lucky that the ship he stole had a cloaking device.

He then concealed his true facial features with an ooglith masquer, and hid his amphistaff and plasma blasters under a long trench coat. Satisfied with his disguise, Tzakang set out for the Mos Eisley.


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 05-25-2003 11:02 AM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia's eyebrows furrowed as he concentrated on the force. His eyes closed in though, while he felt an outer presence of darkness roam the surface of Tatooine. It was something of which that he had never felt before, it was new. A darkness much different from a Jedi, but it held a more destructive outlook. It's emotions were led by hatred. Yet he couldn't single him out from the people, because Lumbia's only resource on this occasion was the surrondings. The particles of life in all things could feel that hatred as well and he could only manage to get the message from those.

But why? In though he asked himself this, his hands being placed behind his back after he opened his brownie orbs to view before him. The winds were beginning to pick up now, throwing particles of the sand every which and way. Letting the winds be thrown against his eyes, he frequently blinked, unable to focus on what was before him, bu tmore on that presence that was going into the Mos Eisley city.

.....Where Lanlif was..

Opening his comlink during the walk, he began the transmission. "Lanlif, there is a dark being going into the city, keep your eyes pealed.."

"I will...", Lanlif said, with Lumbia hearing the rustle of the catina in the background. Sighing in relief that the presence didn't seem to take stance in there, he continued on towawrd what could be the location for the new Jedi Academy.

[ 05-25-2003 11:10 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-25-2003 07:05 PM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Tzakang had entered the city. With the ooglith masquer hiding his facial features and the long trench coat concealing his organiic weapons, he could pass for any other human.

Tzakang sent a mental command to the Vong implant in his eye. Now, Tzakang saw the world differently through the implant. Every thing inorganic was grey, all creatures were colored white. Any force users will have a blue aura surrounding them.

Tzakang walked quickly to cover more ground. His muscular size had its advantage of discouraging robbers and anyone else who wanted to pick a fight. Tzakang then headed to the cantina.


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Shawn Petrolu

Trustworthy Jedi Knight

Member # 154

posted 05-25-2003 09:16 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As Lanlif departed, Shawn merely shook his head almost sympathetically, considering the Squib’s discovery on the smuggler’s ship they’d taken from Tatooine to Coruscant and back again.

Poor fella thinks he found spice, and it’s Garosian salt. As if the Imperials would leave real spice on a ship they searched thoroughly...

...sure hope he doesn’t try to sell it...

Shoving those thoughts from his mind then, Shawn walked in silence as he began surveying the area where they had landed. Perhaps he should have warned the Squib about the salt, but Shawn was a firm believer that the best lessons learned come by experience. You haggle, and you’ll eventually get into trouble. And all that aside, Shawn’s thoughts were far from the Squib regardless...

...for somehow he knew that Tarnus was counting on him to hold down the fort here; after all, he knew Shawn over Paul...

...and certainly over Lumbia.

And what do you know of Lumbia...?

At this Shawn frowned ever-so-slightly, realizing that in fact the only thing he knew of the young man was that he could use the Force. But the ability to use the Force does not always go hand in hand with the ability to become a Jedi, and it was true enough that Shawn sensed a hunger for adventure and conquest in the young man...

...a hunger that was entirely not appropriate for a Jedi. And there was his obvious use of the Force when it wasn't even necessary...

Shawn snapped alert as he heard the comm that Lumbia sent in Lanlif direction. He frowned once more, his thoughts returning to the peculiar little Squib...

...and suddenly realizing that he did not belong here either.

That in mind, Shawn stopped walking, and turned to Lumbia, raising a hand to signal him to halt. "Tell your friend Lanlif thank you, but that we will not be needing his services. Tatooine could be very dangerous, and I prefer that we find a site for the Praxeum ourselves."

Shawn paused, pursing his lips thoughtfully. Then, “And I sense in you a need for adventure and conquest, my friend; these things are not the way of a Jedi, and you have been posing as one for quite some time. I would serve you better not by teaching you the ways of the Force, for you know these things. So instead I am sending you out to discover yourself. Go with your friend Lanlif, and seek the adventure which you crave. I need information regarding the Praxeum on Yavin, as well as information regarding the standard practices for training students. These things can be found on the planet of Obra-skai; your assignment is to go to this world and find anything you can regarding these things. Go now, and do not return without them...

...and without deciding whether it is the life of a Jedi or that of the adventurer which you seek.”

[ 05-25-2003 09:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 05-25-2003 09:30 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia stared, fearful of even moving. In ether direction, he'd be changing his life. Whether it was for the better was something that would later dazzle him, yet now he had to concentrate. He felt in his heart that he should obey, but in his mind he knew that if he stayed he could learn more about the Force.

Yet, Shawn wanted him to learn about himself.

Lumbia frowned, turning his head as he headed back off to the city. His eyebrows furrowed downward as he continued to contemplate. The dark brown haired boy had been posing a Jedi for a long time now, but it was gradually wavering over time. An adventure, a warrior, those were things he felt were inside of him, but a Jedi was more of a dream for him.

He could never be one...

"Those who dream can only manage breathing, but not their future." His father always told him every time he awoke. He knew then, that was true. It was very unlikely he was destined for great things other then as an adventure. A boy stuck in a man's body....

..but now he had to discover that man inside of him. He had to find out who he was.

Before he knew it, he was before catina he saw Lanlif disappear into, his lips going deeper into a frown. Taking Lanlif by the arm as he entered, he forcefully exited.

"Lanlif, we have to go. Shawn wants us to do something. It's a mission. You have to come with me..."

And with great tolerance on the part of the Squib and his droids, they entered the landing bay, going on the trail to the freight ship. Leaving the planet with great haste, Lumbia didn't look back. Feeling the painful presence of posing past placed on that planet, with those two real Jedi.

(OOC: Watch as Lanlif, his two droids and Lumbia head off on a mission for Shawn in searching for facts in the Complete SW Universe)

[ 05-25-2003 09:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Paul Arrakeen


Member # 319

posted 05-25-2003 11:22 PM     Profile for Paul Arrakeen   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Arrakeen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Paul watched the freighter disappear into the sky, wishing good fortune onto Lumbia and his companions.

May the Force be with you...

Sighing, he looked back to the datapad in his hands, which displayed a map for the locations of Tatooine's three spaceports. Paul can imagine the turmoil seething there...

With the Hutts gone, whatever criminal gangs remain on planet will be fighting each other and the Imperials for control.

He could feel life after life fading away as more people are killed every moment on this planet. Building the Praxeum here would bring peace to this least in the civilizaed areas.

But first, the survey...

Paul walked up next to Master Petrolu, and held the datapad out so he could look at it. It now displayed the whole planet on-screen.

"We can seek aid from the moisture farmers and traders outside the spaceports. I have yet to find any piece of land that hasn't been taken as property or devastated by the storms, though."


"I'm tired of talking, Fuchs. I just want to go up to my shack and get drunk." -The Thing

Posts: 60 | From: The Pit of Eternal Despair | Registered: Aug 2002  |  Logged:
Tzakang Lah


Member # 469

posted 05-26-2003 01:24 AM     Profile for Tzakang Lah   Author's Homepage   Email Tzakang Lah     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
There were his prey. Tzakang has found the force users. 2 of them were looking at a datapad. The one he had seen earlier going toward the spaceport must have been in the ship which just left.

The two Jedi looked like beggars, not warriors. Tzakang thought that they were brought here to hide. But the other one....yes he had the look of a fighter.

Tzakang too out a tracking beacon which was as small as an ant. The Jedi could not sense him and they eould not be able to sense a machine. Taking careful aim he threw the tracking beacon which landed on and attatched itself to one of the Jedi's cloaks.

Tzakang had a hunch that the ship which left the space port, which carried the younger Jedi, would lead him to a place with more Jedi. Good. He could come back here whenever he wanted to. The more pery....the merrier.

Tzakang went back to his ship, started it up, and hastily made the jump to Hyperspace before local security had the chance to scan his vessel.

In hyperspace.
Suddenly his Zcanner picked up a force user in the nearby Sullust system. Life keeps getting better and better....

((OCC: Tzakang goes to "Stranded on Sullust" in the same thread))

[ 05-26-2003 05:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Tzakang Lah ]


Belek tiu!
translation: Greetings!

Posts: 37 | From: everywhere and nowhere | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 05-30-2003 07:30 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Lumbia comes to that Tatooine system on the starfreight from Spira (Drifting Amoung Stars in Complete SW Universe), finally finishing his mission))

Waking from the much needed rest with the sound of an unfamilar voice screaming out his name out of the darkness created out of line of vision. Noticing the frame and uniform of a pilot, Lumbia tried harder to open his eyes.

"Excuse me sir, we have arrived on Tattoine." The pilot said in a professional voice, his body tense. Lumbia drew from the looks of the man he was young and new to the job.

Finally opening his eyes and coming to a stand, Lumbia smiled at the man. Pulling a few credits out of his belt compartment, and giving it to thte man, Lumbia was on he way.

"Take it easy," Lumbia said before he took his leave and took foot into the desert terrian of Tatooine. Walking along the sandy road toward the exit of the landing bay, to where he may find some clues in finding Paul and Shawn.

The best bet was asking a few moisture farmers on the outskirts of town.

[ 05-30-2003 07:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Shawn Petrolu

Trustworthy Jedi Knight

Member # 154

posted 05-30-2003 10:23 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As had been suggested, Shawn and Paul went about looking for help from moisture farmers in the outskirts of Tatooine. Many seemed surprised to see Jedi at all, and particularly on their world. But Shawn and Paul had managed to find some people willing to help, most of them hopeful that this Praxeum would in fact bring some peace and stability to the usually rough planet. After a great deal of searching, the two Jedi finally found a moisture farmer willing to donate some of his land when it was time to build...

...and in the meantime donate his old homestead as a base from which to start the Praxeum.

“It’s enough to start from,” Shawn said to Paul. “After all, at the moment we don’t even have any students. There is little need to build a large Praxeum until we have more; the homestead will comfortably house about six people. Once we get those six, we’ll take the next step. I also feel that it is advisable to work a moisture farm within the Praxeum as well; the homestead has all the equipment even if it is slightly antiquated. This’ll do several things: it’ll give us something to barter and trade with as well as give us a common ground with the people already living here. Not to mention it will teach our students, as well as us, to work with our hands and feet rather than always use our Force abilities.

“And aside from all that, I don’t see us opening a Praxeum and using all the moisture farmers who work so hard here as a crutch to support our efforts. I feel it is essential we support ourselves as much as possible.”

Shawn paused then, pursing his lips thoughtfully before continuing with, “I’d also like to fish around via the Holonet and perhaps via Imperial outlets to see if there are an Jedi Masters, Jedi, and Padawans out there in the galaxy on their own. We want to reconnect ourselves; that will begin with finding those who were already once connected.

“Your thoughts?” Shawn queried at last to Paul, then quieted.

[ 05-30-2003 10:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

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Paul Arrakeen


Member # 319

posted 06-04-2003 06:53 PM     Profile for Paul Arrakeen   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Arrakeen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Paul nodded thoughtfully to each suggestion Shawn made. He found logic behind each one, making sense of the whole situation.

"I believe this would be a wise course of action, Master Petrolu. Though we should look forward to our defense as well. This planet can be very hazardous, especially with the Hutts out of power. We'll be under threat of attacks by Tusken Raiders and the city gangs..."

"Perhaps we can also use the Holonet to ask the local garrison to spare some troops..."

Before he continued, the Jedi briefly sensed another being setting foot upon this planet. Paul realized who this was and smiled to himself. "It seems our young friend...and possibly our first student...has returned."


"I'm tired of talking, Fuchs. I just want to go up to my shack and get drunk." -The Thing

Posts: 60 | From: The Pit of Eternal Despair | Registered: Aug 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-05-2003 01:26 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Most of Lumbia's day was fairly uneventful. Everything dealt with a conversatoin with a moisture farmer or walking along the desert terrian, aiming for anything that could help him in his quest. It wasn't until the sun took hide from the sky and the moons began to regain it's power. The beautiful horizion of the blazing sun spectated as Mr. Whitfield began his talk with an old moisture farmer outside of his house during his work.

"So, have you seen two men in robes today?" Lumbia asked, his voice tuned to sound casualy and not completely interested.

The old man sitting down on the sandy floor of Tatooine suddenly smiled, though he only had a half the amount of teeth to spare. His old gray hair being blown in the wind, seemingly coming off by the strain at that very moment.

"Yep, I saw them," The man began, his dialect rough which resembled that of a city trader. "I lended the two my homestead for a Jedi Praxuem. Me and my daughter are excited about the stability that may be created by the remaking of the Jedi Order."

"I'm excited too. I just wish to talk to the two, if that would be fine." Lumbia said, his eyes drifting to the house, wondering what he would say if he was allowed in.

"Heh, I was expecting you to say something like that." The elderly man chuckled, before grunting and muttering a few words as he strained to get to his feet. Walking to the door, he grabbed his staff that wa sposted beside it and guided Lumbia to the homestead.

When opening the door, the two men watched as the Jedi conversed with one another. After a moment of silence between the group, Lumbia broke it with his feet making before the homestead door.



"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Paul Arrakeen


Member # 319

posted 06-13-2003 01:13 PM     Profile for Paul Arrakeen   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Arrakeen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Paul nodded with a smile towards Lumbia. "It is good to see you again, though I expected your trip to be quite longer."

He handed the datapad to him, the screen showing the site where the Praxeum will be built. "We've been planning the reconstruction since you were gone. If you intend to stay and help us, we'll be indebted to you. We need all the help we can get."


"I'm tired of talking, Fuchs. I just want to go up to my shack and get drunk." -The Thing

Posts: 60 | From: The Pit of Eternal Despair | Registered: Aug 2002  |  Logged:

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