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Author Topic: To Wake The Dead
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-06-2003 12:17 AM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: From If Wishes Were Horses in "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

Ankrist came back into the dying Sith fighter like a gladiator returns from battle, chest filled with unsung battle cries, eyes wide with joy. He grasped the controls, now having to use manual aspects to make the ship move, to turn, indeed to coax it into being but a fifth of the fighter it was before he took its brain and rent it asunder.

But all this was of no concern to him. What was was the world circling endlessly below... a world still hidden away in the shrouds of mystery, lost to the annals of time...

A world once sere and dead and pocked with craters once assumed to be meteoric in origin, but which the Sith Warrior knew was as a result of great and unfeeling blasts raining down from the heavens.

K'eel Doba didn't show one single crater; there was not so much as one dry and dusky rock to mar her living and vibrant surface, covered with jungle, interspersed with road and town, settlement and village, alive now with growing things and wildlife and people....

He laughed aloud as he guided the ship into the bustling Ch'arlingua, coming to a steady, if somewhat harsh, landing there. A quick check of the systems, and he disembarked, stepping forth onto the tarmac, striding toward the tunnels where the transport waited to carry him into Phrinnchatka.

Enroute more than one menial Sith stopped in his or her tracks, to bow to him as he passed.

"My Lord," they murmured, until he left them in his wake that they could return to their interrupted tasks.

He paid them no heed, in fact, he scarcely heard them. There was room now in his ears for only one voice, room in his vision for only one sight...Room in his heart for only one love....

Time seemed an eternity as it often does in the last moments of it leading up to a long-awaited event. The transport had scarcely opened when he leapt out, then hurried on through the Phrinnchatkan streets, coming at last to the Great Temple of the Warrior Clan in its center. He took the steps to the top in fours, leaping up them with the easy strength of the panther, coming to the apex where an opening into the Temple proper awaited him.

Now his heart was in his throat, pounding there, throbbing with long-held desire. His hands trembled for the feel of a certain someone in them, his very arms ached. Wings were lent to his feet, and he burst through the courtyard, into the pillared foyer, past the Grand Dining Hall, soon to lose himself in the labyrinthine passageways beyond.

He came upon her in their Outer Chambers. She was dressed in the short but flowing tunic she loved to wear when working with her weaponry; she looked up at him in momentary startlement as he burst in only to stand there, drinking in the sight of her before him.

Those beautiful eyes, blue and violet... he had so longed to gaze into them. That shining platinum hair, how he wanted to feel the flow of it in his hands. Her lips....

Without another moment's hesitation, he strode in, two great steps, and future met past in the clasp of muscular arms.

He relished the feel of her lithe body in his arms, one hand now reaching up to take her face, cupping her chin, his fingers running up alongside her cheek, forcing her to look up at him, into his eyes.

Her wonderful, wonderful eyes....

He could scarcely breathe.

"I once said I would move Empires for you, my dearest love," he finally managed, whispering.

"And I have."

Then his lips descended on hers, and he crushed her body to him in an embrace it seemed he had waited four thousand years to receive....

[ 01-06-2003 12:30 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:


Member # 413

posted 01-06-2003 12:37 AM     Profile for Kreesha   Author's Homepage   Email Kreesha     Edit/Delete Post
She held his lips for a great amont of time, not knowing why they seemed so desperate yet at the same time she did not truly care, this was the one being in the universe which she felt even the slightist bit of care for, all others were mere nats waiting to be swatted...

Finally they parted, and she looked up at him curiously, an eyebrow elevating above its twin in question as she set her head against his chest and pulled closer to him for a moment before questioning "My lord... Why is it you seem as though youve been gone for an eternity? you only just left moments ago for a meeting with Lord Aelvedaar and Lord Rean..."

She then pulled away slightly to allow him another kiss which she sensed he desperatly sought... finaly she pulled away and smiled, "while i do not understand this sudden return, i must say, it indeed brings me joy... i have always said you need not worry yourself in the other's affairs, you are the only one among them which has the strength to lead..."

As she finished she began to move away so they might enjoy the morning together, a rare thing indeed... yet she was stopped as he again pulled her close, as though worried to let her out of his sight, now feeling his hand run through her hair, and seeing clearly the joy in his eyes... Joy she had never before seen... While she knew he loved her, and knew he help happiness towards her, this was just not right... "what has happened? why do you act so strangely, love?"

she couldnt help the little smile that was slowly spreading accross her face to see the look in his eyes, she had longed for him to become so open to her, longed for a chance to see him without his warrior stature... For even in there love, he could not remove himself from his title... Until now...

[ 01-08-2003 10:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Posts: 20 | From: | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-06-2003 01:27 AM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He merely crushed her to him in another lengthy embrace, silencing her words with a kiss of passion long withheld. Then he drew back, slowly, holding her out a bit from him to run his hands about her face, almost in wonder, a finger reaching gently, trembling, to trace her eye, her jawline, the bridge of her nose, running along her lips, running now down her throat and around to her shoulder, where it was joined by its fellows, squeezing her shoulder as his other hand squeezed its mate. Both hands then ran up and down her arms, snaking then around to her back, to play upon the well-developed muscles there, massaging her, drinking her in.

He couldn't get enough of her.

His face grew more than serious, his eyes becoming large turquoise pools, turquoise as the tropical seas, bidding her drown in them as he suddenly picked her up in his arms and holding her tightly, bent his head to kiss her, long and lovingly, once again.

He drew back only to whisper, somewhat enigmatically, to be sure,

"It was my love for you that gave me the strength to bring you back to me. I shall never make that grave error of hiding it from you again. This I vow as the Dark Lord of the Warriors that I am.

"You do not know how much I love you, Kreesha... my Lady...."

His words were stopped once again as he took her lips between hungry ones of his own, his grip tightening about her as he began moving forward, his feet following a path not followed for millennia, yet clearly remembering the way...

He only removed one hand from her to yank closed the bedcurtains behind them as he sank down with her against the regal covers they shared.

And there amidst those silks and satins he sought another means of moving Empires for her sake.

[ 01-09-2003 08:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-06-2003 02:41 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He rose hours before the sun, gently untangling himself from the arms of the one he loved more than Life itself, the one he would never stop loving, the one he would destroy entire civilizations for...

As well as bring them back into glorious life.

...and for a moment stood beside the bed. She lay there in deep slumber, a smile gracing her beautiful features, a smile of a type he had never before seen. His own lips broadened softly, and he bent, kissing her gently but not awakening her.

Then he slipped from their chambers, moving into the Guest Suites....

Soon he returned, a shadow in the predawn stillness, slyly pocketing the tiny dart he had obtained from his brief foray into the world of the Kamino cloners. He had scarcely slipped back amidst the cool sheets of the bed when a distant cry of alarm came clearly to his keen ears.

"Someone, help! Master Rean, he has died in the night...."

Roan's eyes glittered in the dim lighting, as he considered the enigma now facing the Sith. Actually, not too great a one; Sith have been known to just up and die while yet in their prime. But the real cause of Rean's death would never be ascertained.

How could it be? How would the Sith know of a poison and a device, coming from four thousand years in their future, created by a science beyond their ken?

Kreesha moved gently beside him, and he responded by placing an arm protectively about her.

For you, my Lady, he told her silently, hugging her close.

For you.


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Sorcerers

Member # 34

posted 01-06-2003 03:12 PM     Profile for Aelvedaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aelvedaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Lord Aelvedaar rejoins from The End Of The Hunt in the "Jedi Praxeum/Sith Temple" forums, thank you.))

I remain in silent study of the Great Crystal Octahedron, watching the events which have transpired within these very walls, wondering again and again if I could have somehow done something different, if there could have been a way to foresee the direction in which my Chosen One's child was destined to travel, to now lead to this moment in time where I must protect myself from this city of the Sith indeed.

I shift my weight, tilting my chin so that it rests upon my chest, my volcanic eyes flaring as I ponder. Once again I consider the invitation of Lord Recinis, to travel to the world of Koris'ian, and there to...

To what? To hide? To plot? To analyze?

No, my devices are here in Phrinnchatka where I have brought them. The faithful Jinn whirrs and clicks, striving to tell me in her own way of other events of not quite the import of those to which I once more turn my thoughts. I sigh again, and turn from the Octahedron...

When it is as if the very fabric of space and time turns itself inside out, then reverses, spitting something from its maw of infinity....

My eyes snap open; I sense the immediate presence of others here within the chambers I have chosen as my own. A grip of ice encompasses my heart, for I know what that means.

What it could only mean.

Before anyone should wonder, I quickly raise my hands against the chronotic shield I had emplaced around my sanctum--

--even as a shadowy sense of... myself rises up from the mists of time, to find me here in great surprise, to war within as it tries to merge...

...and to disappear, unbeknownst to all, as I thrust it from me with a burst of the All, sending it into the shield which has protected me here for so long.

I frown, wondering at the discrepency, for I know where my placement should have been.

"So it is THIS time," I think to myself, recalling a far-away day when the Lords had convened, the shadow of war heavy upon their last stronghold, to implement the final and desperate plan.

And now we go on from here....

Quickly I reach out with my talents, scooping up all devices I had taken here: the Incubator, the Octahedron, various and sundry lesser machines; the protesting Jinn, the silent droid of the Adept, the now stealthily hidden tuk'ata...

All of it I take up in one great fell swoop, and with the greatest effort yet given I implement three events: the dropping of the shield about my Inner Sanctum, the opening of a portal back to my own Temple of Sorcerers on Khar Delba, and the simultaneous dropping of the shield about THAT planet...

...that we could be allowed entry therein...

...and its new inhabitants not fear the sudden darkness they had been thrust into any longer.

Once in my own real and private chambers, I hide the devices of a time yet to come, as far as the knowledge of the life I sense here would have it...

...and turn in response to the voice I hear gasping behind me.

"My Lord Aelvedaar," Aeylmaar states, surprise shining in his amber eyes. "You- you are back so soon.

"Is all well? Is the plan implemented?

"Shall the Sith yet live?"

He falls into silence before me, and for once I am quite at a loss as what to say in return.

[ 01-06-2003 03:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]


I am NOT a Jedi....

Posts: 393 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:


Member # 413

posted 01-06-2003 11:14 PM     Profile for Kreesha   Author's Homepage   Email Kreesha     Edit/Delete Post
Kreesha sighed pleasantly to herself as she came to awareness and pulled into roans protective hold about her...

She couldnt help but smile as two things came to her attention, one the continuing shouts of lord Reans death, and two the warm, fully awake grasp...

She was unsure, but she had a feeling she knew the cause of that mysterious death... A death that brought to her a quiet fire and she turned and pulled roan into a kiss, allowing her arms to twine through his and come about to masauge the muscles of his great back...

She pulled even closer into his embrace as she felt his own arms wrap about her in a hug which would crush a woman who held not the perfection that Kreesha knew herself to hold...

With a little smile as there lips broke she shifted, causing herself to roll atop so she might sit lookign down upon him, he hands then reached out to rub away the knots within his chest before coming down upon him with another kiss...

Finaly she pulled completly away, ignoring any protests that might come, sitting upward upon the bed she took in a deep breath, "my Lord... what shall we do? so much time in the day..."

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Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-07-2003 12:14 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Roan's turquoise eyes gleamed.

"Aye... my love, how true. There is much time in this day... a day where our peoples shall be introduced to the redundancy in having three to guide them. Your ears are as keen as mine; you know my 'brother' has fallen in the Night...."

He fell silent at that, a dark leer creasing his lips. Then that leer turned into quite another expression entirely, and one strong hand reached out to lazily run its claws up and down Kreesha's bared back. His lip curled when he sensed the series of tremors which followed those claws, rippling just beneath the surface of her sensitive skin.

"A day when it begins: my rise to power over all the Sith. And the first expression of that power...."

He grinned slyly, reaching out to take her and pull her with a strength that was almost harsh back down upon him. Then he moved, quick as a cat, and soon was again astride her, staring down into those wonderful, wonderful eyes. His hands pinned her arms next to her sides, his whole body kept her immobile beneath him.

"The first expression is that I shall respond to what merely seems to be a dire emergency... when I deem I am ready to do so."

The sly grin was then wiped from his face as he brought his lips down to hers, to once more lose his senses before the one power that could ever hold him in its thrall.

And so intent was he upon this blatant display of his own omnipotence that he scarcely heard the new cry now being set up throughout the Temple.

"The Lady Kri'faxx... and Lord! Ayieee-- no! Not the child as well, not the boy...!"

He smiled against the lips of his love, and continued with what he was doing. There was a time and a place for everything, after all.

[ 01-07-2003 12:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Sorcerers

Member # 34

posted 01-08-2003 11:36 AM     Profile for Aelvedaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aelvedaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Finally I regain control of myself, skillfully hiding any outward indication of my great surprise. I turn to the young Sith, and for a moment merely stand there in silence, studying him.

Ahh... my young adept, I muse to myself. How long it has been... how eager you were to learn from me, how frightened that day when the Dark Jedi burst in upon us, yet even then how you turned to me, your faith never wavering even as I watched your vibrant life being cut out of you. How great a pain, greater than the one extinguishing my own life that day.

You deserve the truth indeed.

I now reach out my arm, placing it about his shoulders, and moving away from the Octahedron lead him to another part of my chambers. I look about the shelves, and finally find what it is I am seeking. My clawed hand reaches out, scooping up the carcanet in which a great sunstone has been set, and place it about his neck. His eyes widen with the honor; I now place both hands upon his shoulders, and mutter a quick series of rites. Then with one clawed hand I reach out, taking up his right wrist and with my own enscribing the tattoo of my station upon it. His blood wells up, dark and red and alive; I then mutter another incantation, now opening my own sigil, and lay mine atop his.

Both immediately flare with magickal Sith fires... and settle into the steadily glowing signatures of the Dark Lord of the Sorcerers, his a deep and burnished brass, mine the true gold of current entitlement.

"Now you shall cleave unto me, my young friend," I announce with a grave smile. "More than Adept, yet less than Dark Lord; I take you as my own heir apparent, should the time come when such a successor is needed."

His look of shock widens into a broad smile; then he sobers.

"But my Lord," he protests. "You may yet take a Lady; you may yet bear your get; this is unnecessar-"

I quickly shake my head, and let my eyes flare into brief eruption. He quiets, sensibly enough, and the thoughts of One rush through me yet again. I put them away for the moment, knowing there could never be any other.

"I have Chosen you, Aeylmaar," I state gravely. "Do you accept this honor, or not?"

For a moment he remains in wide-eyed silence; then those amber eyes lid, and he tilts his ram's horns in deference to me.

"It is an honor to call you my Father, my Lord," he states the accepted reply in hushed tones. I nod slowly, and let a little smile waft across my lips.

Then I take him aside and explain in detail what has happened, where he is, how he came to be here.

As well as the fact that undoubtedly others will soon be joining our company. For an event of this magnitude cannot remain unbeknownst to any All-user; the rendering of the fabric of Time and Space was too great, too explosive.

My Chosen One shall be hastening our way... and I mean to see that she is met as befits her station of She Who I Have Chosen... for indeed, until Roan is exposed to the Sith for the Pretender that he is, she is Lady of the Warrior Clan no more.

[ 01-08-2003 11:41 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]


I am NOT a Jedi....

Posts: 393 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-08-2003 12:23 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
He took it all in with only the slightest of grunts. Indeed, others would have been shocked, utterly overwhelmed by this revelation. But Lord Aelvedaar had chosen wisely that day four thousand years in the past, when he took up this particular young Sith as personal Adept and page.

Aeylmaar merely blinked his amber eyes, and let the remarkable knowledge assimilate. Then he bowed his head to his Lord and now father.

"Our peoples will be shocked when this revelation is given to them, my father," he said in a low voice. "Yet it must be done.

"I shall go make arrangements that our guests shall have suitable chambers within our Temple, that when they arrive they can be taken straightly there to rest and remain in solitude until we gather the people of Khar Delba together to inform them of what has occurred. Is this the correct path to follow, Lord?"

The Dark Lord of the Sorcerers merely smiled...

...and that smile sent shafts of sunlight spearing into Aeylmaar's chest. Filled with the utterly wonderful glow that his first effort as heir to the title was the right one, he hurried from the Sanctum Sanctorum, to put his words into effect. He knew the Lord's Chosen was coming; Kh'lldraan alone knew how soon that arrival would take place. He did not want her or her company to be kept waiting as a result of his sloth....

He hurried off into the passageways, barking orders here and there, flashing his new tattoo to underscore them, and smiling to see how quickly they were carried out.

[ 01-08-2003 12:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aeylmaar ]


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 413

posted 01-08-2003 09:11 PM     Profile for Kreesha   Author's Homepage   Email Kreesha     Edit/Delete Post
Kreesha lay quietly with a little smile on her face as her love nibbled her earlobe, and gave her little kisses, every now and again he drew her in for a deep and satisfieing kiss, while she felt his surprisingly gentle touch move accross her body as if he wished to remember the way she felt for all of time...

Then quite suddenly she shifted, rolling atop him and sitting upright while running her nails over his chest and smiling as he attempted to reach her, and bring her down upon him once more, she shook her head slowly, and took hold of his arms, stoping his movement with her own strength, much the same way he had just held her...

She smiled before coming down slowly, and teasing him with a kiss, before nodding with a devilish grin, "You will respond to this 'crisis'when you deem it to happen? Then allow me to make you never wish that time to come..."

She smiled before turning into his ready lips once more, only breaking away for a moment to whisper, "I dont know what has happened to change you so... But i no longer care."

as time passed on her lips broke from his to speak to him about some random matter, but words were quickly put to stop as he grapped her horns and forced her lips back to his, in between hungry kisses she whispered to him, "now now, My lord, that is against the rules..." but the dark smile on his lips clearly spoke his feelings...

for it was he that made the rules, and dispite all other thoughts, she knew she would follow them to the end...

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Sith Protector

Member # 266

posted 01-08-2003 10:18 PM     Profile for Recinis   Author's Homepage   Email Recinis     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Recinis, Graysith, Jharu, Shayla, Erik, Galen, Flac and Ghrr join in from If Wishes Were Horses in the "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

Recinis nodded to himself as they came from hyperspace, and approuched Khar Delba with all speed, slowing finaly in there decent, before landing softly upon the surfice...

Jasyn had been dropped off as he desired, and in that time the man named Flac had requested to be put in galens ship...

I suppose he does not trust us of yet... These humans... So hard in trusting.. If only all of them could be as true as Jharmeen...

As the thougth came to pass he smiled at his wife and gave her a little hug and a kiss before nodding to the others that they should take there leave, and then taking his son in between himself and jharmeen. They strode from the ship, and were greated instantly by a few eager attendants, with one holding a more charge taking pressence standing back and giving them a brief look over before approuching.

Recinis greeted the young sorcerer with a firm clasp, noticing immidiatly the simbol upon his wrist he nodded once more, "je;;p upimg sprccerpr o [rau tjeu gppd dau. os ;prd Aelvedaar [resemt?"

He fell silint then and awaited the mans reply...

((OOC: Follow Jasyn into Specter of Death in "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

[ 01-12-2003 11:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


"my hearts my strongest weapon, my mind my swiftess blade, the words i speak can cut your flesh, and leave you in the gray"

Posts: 456 | From: | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-08-2003 10:32 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu looked about wide eyed for a moment, taking in the sight of other sith with amazment...

He had always wanted to meat people of his sith heritage, he had already met a few from his human side, and now he would finaly be able to see what the other half of his blood was...

He looked down to the ever pressent Ghrr, who even through all that had happened had remained faithful, indeed, she had only not come from her hiding place to rend Roan to shreds due to jharu's silent wish that she not risk it... he knew she was strong, but he would not risk her so pointlessly.

He looked up from her and saw a few curious glances at Ghrr.. They seemed almost surprised that the animal was beside Jharu, he could see the disbelief that one his age had a blood hunt companion... He was unsure why they would have those feelings, but he knew that was the cause of the look, it was clear in there eyes... but he merly shrugged and gave Ghrr a little scratch before continuing his gaze about this place, his eyes drinking in everything about this civilization.

Maybe i can meet someone to play with... someone to talk to...

"Ghrr, You will help me find someone right?"
He smiled as Ghrr leaned against him, her more cat like instincts taking over from her fierce hunter ones.

"Thanks Ghrr..."

he then stoped his thoughts and remained quiet, suddenly taking in the sight of a sith sorcerer, it just had to be a sorcerer he had seen many pictures in books, the sorcerer was speaking with his father...

he looked down at Ghrr for a moment and nodded looking over to his mother he whispered, "Mom... Can Ghrr and I go look around?"


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

Posts: 165 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-08-2003 10:45 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla followed quietly behind the others with Erik by her side, feeling somewhat awkward now that they had arrived on Khar Delba...

...a now populated Khar Delba.

As they exited the ship, she couldn't help but let her greeny-blues wander to look at all the beautiful life now springing upon this planet, life which had not been here the last time she was...

...not in the least. Though the circumstances surrounding this new life on the planet were troubling, Shayla couldn't help but feel thrilled by it even as the young Sith approached Recinis and they began to exchange words in what could be nothing other than Sith.

Khar Delba was alive. ALIVE. The Sith were alive...

...but what dire circumstances did indeed lay before them?

Shayla didn't let one speck of these darker thoughts appear in her countenance, but simply kept her eyes and her ears open.

The Sith were alive. But there was much yet to be done if they were to return to their rightful place as the leaders of this galaxy...


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-08-2003 10:48 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith turned to her wide-eyed son, smiling at him for his innocent eagerness to explore this new world.

Indeed, my son, learn of it you must. For one day this world will be one of the Diamond under your rule....

"Yes, Jharu," she replied, reaching up and ruffling his hair lightly, and ending by giving one of his horns a loving little tweak. Beside her son, the alert Ghrr turned her head into her face, following the movement performed on her charge, yet seeing quite clearly with her pupilless eyes the love which prompted that touch of endearment. She let forth a questioning growl, and hunkered more closely to Jharu, a face tendril twining down around his waist in a manner which stated as no mere words ever could that she would make certain the boy came to no harm.

"Ghrr will find her way back to us; tuk'ata have a remarkably keen sense of smell. Do not stay long, or make a nuisance of yourself in your eagerness to learn. Walk softly, keep your eyes and your ears open, and your mouth, for the time being, closed."

She rose up on her toes and kissed his forehead in parting, giving him a little push to send him on his way. Then, after watching her son and his faithful Blood-Hunt companion depart, her mood darkened a bit. Glancing to the tattoo which yet lay in quiet golden affirmation upon her wrist, there to match the one upon her husband's, she quietly waited to be led to their destination.

[ 01-08-2003 10:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-08-2003 11:15 PM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The newly-appointed heir to the Sorcerer's Clan hastened to the spaceport. This was an exciting event indeed; more than exciting, in fact it was monumental.

If Kh'lldraan himself had risen from the bowels of the earth he couldn't have been more excited.

To think: the Chosen One.


It had worked.

It had worked, it had worked, it had worked...!

But then again, how could he doubt? How could one single solitary "if" exist in his head when it came to the magickal strengths of his Lord and now father? Indeed, this was something he would have to be more conscious of, to eliminate entirely from his thoughts and his heart.

But it had worked!

He hurried on, his soft-soled boots slipping and sliding on the melting snow which lay about--

Snow? Oh yes, the chronotic shield. It had been here for quite some time; it would take a bit for it to totally depart. The sturdy nature of Khar Delban flora and fauna was more than amply displayed for the way it sprang into being amidst the snow-melt. Soon it would conquer it entirely, aided by the light of their red sun....

He came to a somewhat informal, skidding halt before Recinis and...

Her. It was her. He vaguely remembered... Lord Aelvedaar had mentioned the red hair, though he hadn't actually seen her through their magicks. He had been promised that he would....

He gulped, fumbling a bit. Then he collected himself, and bowed. His amber eyes couldn't help but follow her form, up to her wonderfully glowing violet eyes, up to the gentle glow of the...

The glyph. THE GLYPH.

There it was. The All, personified, just as the Master... that is, his father had claimed it would be....

He couldn't help gasping in awe; with a great effort he got himself under control for the second-- and he hoped, final --time, and finally managed to speak.

"Tje :ird os ed[edtomg upi. ,u we;cp,ed amd gemt;e beomgs." he said, instinctively reverting to High Sith. "Je bods upo vota;oze upirse;ves frp, upir kpitmeu. amd cp,e tp jos [resemce wjem ca;;ed i[pm tje ,prrpw."

With that he bowed, waved a hand in direction, and began to turn and lead the way. He couldn't help shooting a glance toward the tattoo blazing like a golden sun on the wrist of the imposing male Sith, one whose mirror image reposed on Her wrist.

Shaking his head at his manners, he finally got down to the serious business of leading the group into the thriving city, and thence into the great Temple of the Sorcerer's in its center. All would be divulged on the morrow; for now these new visitors needed rest and refreshment.

And the heartfelt knowledge that they were welcome in Khar Delba, by it's Lord, and by its people.

[ 01-08-2003 11:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aeylmaar ]


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-09-2003 12:03 AM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jharu hurried off, looking about with wide eyes, and taking in all he could...

He couldnt help the wide grin splayed accross his face as he saw such new things, and even got to see the other sith going about there tasks... it was amazing, he had never seen so many things...
As he rounded a corner he stummbled upon a young sith girl, perhaps his age, maybe a little older... She was reading a book, and looking down repeatedly at a small pouch as if considerign something...

He smiled brightly at her in greeting, to which she returned with a pleasant nod.

He looked at her for a moment before asking, "What are you doing?" Watching as her eyes strayed to the book, he waiting patiantly for her to speak, "i am attempting to find the spell im looking for..."

Jharu nodded for a moment before turning and looking about, "Hey, Do you want to go play?" he smiled happily, but couldnt help but be taken aback as her smile suddenly melted into a little frown. "Playing is for children... I am a Sorcerress... Go find a child to bother, im busy..."

He couldnt help but feel a little ackward at her words, but stepped back slowly shaking his head.
whats wrong with having fun? After all this was a time of great joy... Did she even realize what had happened?

He almost spoke out in protest, in argument that she should be celebrating her life, rather then wasting it away, when she had already died, and was brought back for the soul purpose of living... But he remembered his mothers warning, that he should for the time being keep his mouth shut... Perhaps they were simply not ready to know that they were all by the rules of the univeres, dead, and had been brought back... as he turned to leave he shook his head, a bit dis heartened...

As he continued on he found a group of children, again his age, asking this time if they would show him around, which they gladly abblidged to do...

he nodded once more happily, if he couldnt play, at least he could learn...


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

Posts: 165 | From: | Registered: Sep 2002  |  Logged:

Free Spirit

Member # 28

posted 01-09-2003 12:45 AM     Profile for Galen   Author's Homepage   Email Galen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
I took DJ into a circumpolar orbit over Khar Delba, and for the fourth time watched as the south pole whipped by on my viewscreen. That was soon followed by a seemingly never-ending expanse of snow, but an expanse dotted here and there with city and town, and even bare ground, witness to the fact that the snow was finally beginning to shrink back to the poles where it belonged. Soon Khar Delba would be...

Would be.

Green at the equitorial regions... but green criss-crossed with highway and road, checkmarked with settlements here, populated centers there, filled with the busy thrumm of even busier lives of the Sith....

The Sith.

I shuddered, reaching carefully to hit the zoom option on the forward screen. We just happened to be passing over a thronging plaza of sorts...

Plazas. They have plazas here now. Last time I was here the only thing this planet had was a dark and brooding temple, a small hanger, a thin strip of dying jungle, and far, far too much snow and Noghris....

...and magnified the crowd below.

Bustling didn't even begin to describe the milling lot of horns and vividly colored eyes I saw there, going about their business as if popping back into the timeline after a hiatus of four millennia was quite the natural thing to do.

I couldn't help shuddering again... and with great effort stilled myself when DJ responded with a quick little series of sideslips in the air.

Flac turned to me with a crook of a brow. I smiled shakily, not daring to shrug back.

This planet was full of them. Yeesh... from what I now understood, there were two planets full of them.

Two planets of Sith... like that monster who killed my baby. And their monstrous pets... like the one who killed my husband.

My eyes turned to pig-iron and my mouth pursed into a wilting flower of death. Ever the observant one, Flac spoke up then, wondering what was wrong, and were we going to land or what?

I sighed, the flat and deadly look never leaving my face, and remained silent as snow.

Below, Khar Delba blurred past as DJ entered into her sixth orbit....

[ 01-09-2003 12:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


"Sure as there is Treasure on Roon...."

Posts: 1457 | From: | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-09-2003 03:36 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
It was all Graysith could do to refrain from smiling in response to the younger Sith's fumbling attempt to nearly pay homage to her... and simultaneously not to let it show. She just nodded, reaching out a gentle hand to Recinis and twining it through the crook of his arm, snuggling up against him as closely as she could.

It didn't take any Sith magick, any power of the All to sense the little bit of effrontery growing within him for her sake. She let the smile transmutate into one of warmth and love, reaching out now through the Link they shared to touch directly into his heart.

This one is in awe, that is clear enough, my love.

Her smile broadened as she snuggled closer to him, then turned and gave him a lingering kiss, ignoring the wide-eyed look and the nearly inaudible yet utterly instinctive gasp this provoked into coming from Aeylmaar. She turned her gaze back to him, and nodded him on. He just nodded with a gulp of his own, and continued to lead the way.

Soon they came before the great doors leading into the Temple of the Sorcerer's on Khar Delba. Lady Q'utaro's mind couldn't help flashing back to the last time she had confronted them....

They would open only to the evil within a soul. Now they opened to the wisdom they found therein, the purity and honesty of heart and clarity of mind.

They opened at their approach, revealing not dark and dismal shadows and essences of the many darths who had come to appropriate it as their home...

...but rather light and color and glory and wonder.

There before her, the Grand Hall as she remembered it, leading to where the throne sat upon its dias. They entered therein, coming up to and bypassing that throne. She shivered a little, recalling Who it was she had once confronted as he sat upon that very chair of office, elevated above her head there upon the dias.

"I have, at last, arrived. To all the pale Jedi, I lift my face and cry, "Beware! For the Universe is in blackness, and I have touched the Night...."

She drew even closer to her love and Lord, closing her eyes against the memory of that One Day which indeed had started her upon the long road, a road filled with death and dishonor, yet alight with love and small glories, a road which led her to this one place and time.

Now she blinked, realizing that the Sith had led them through the double doors in the back of the Grand Hall, and into the narrow stone passage beyond. He was continuing on down that corridor, lit only by the gentle flicker of wall sconces, when she brought Recinis to a halt before a particular door. Her hand reached out to lay quietly against the smooth wood of it, covered with runes and glyphs, no longer draped with moss and vine.

"I-- I would like to stay in this room, if I might," she whispered quietly, turning to Aeylmaar, who was hurrying back to her, clear protest on his face.

"But, Chosen One, there are far better--"

She cut him off with a wave of her hand, as well as the suggestion that her companions be given those better accommodations, letting the Glyph flare just the slightest. He bit off his words, and bowed his head.

"Very well, I shall inform Lord Aelvedaar where you are staying. The Dining Hall is--"

Once again she cut him off, this time with a smile.

"I remember where it is, my young friend," she said softly. Then she nodded his dismissal, and turning away led her husband into the room she had chosen.

It was like a step back into Time... yet somehow not. Still the color scheme was the smoky grays and dusky violets and the lighter shades of pale, all created by Wicked to offset her own coloration. But the brooding aura of darkness was gone. In its stead, gentle shadows danced and flickered in the flames she now brought into life in the large stone fireplace, a kind of darkness that gives soft curvature to the harsh, rather than carrying that harshness on its back.

Moving ahead now, she went to the back of the room, where deeply colored velvet curtains were drawn. They opened before her, to reveal an immense stone balcony.

Deja vu.

She stepped out onto that balcony, coming to it's edge, laying her slender hands against the stone balustrade which ran along its perimeter, and leaned out.

Below her: buildings and roadways, trod upon by the occasional inhabitant of this city, going about some business so late in the waning day.

The last time she had done this, it was to view the rustling shadows of the encroaching jungle. To hear the wild calls and whispers produced by its denizens. To turn away to that bed... only to be surprised as a Noghri had leapt lightly over that balustrade, coming to her in her first night here, his words so enigmatic at the time, yet now realized as being the true harbinger of all which had followed in its wake:

"...Feelingssss... you... don't... know. ... ... Ssssoon... find... perfection...."

She smiled a little wistfully, then drew back from the balcony railing and turned back to the room.

For that was the Past... and waiting there for her was Recinis, her Present and her Future.

She smiled as she came up to him, holding out her arms as she came into his responding embrace, and there lingered, letting his essence wash away all traces of those shadowy memories of a day which occurred nearly three years in her past...

..but which had, in the end, led her to him.

[ 01-09-2003 03:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-09-2003 04:21 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla nodded once politely to Aeylmaar even as Graysith and Recinis departed into the room they had claimed, waiting respectfully to allow him to take she and Erik onward to where they were to stay. Beside her she could sense Erik feeling a bit awkward; last time they had been in the Temple here, the majority of its few inhabitants had been human. She smiled a bit at that thought even as Aeylmaar once again took the lead. In no time he had shown them to some rather lavish suites, and was just about to inform them where the Dining Hall was as he had done with Graysith.

Shayla smiled to him, nodding her head once in a show of appreciation. "Thank you for your hospitality," she said kindly, "We know the way from here."

Aeylmaar merely nodded once in response then departed. Even as he did so, Shayla pulled Erik into their chambers, closing the door behind them. She pulled him to herself, kissing him softly. Then she pulled back, turning in his arms to take in the purple satins and silks surrounding them as well as the rather large and luxurious bed draped with black velvet curtains.

Shayla turned and batted her eyes at him. "Beats the honeymoon suite we had before," she mused, pulling his lips to hers once again. He wrapped his own arms about her and leaned in, for a long and wonderful moment simply letting her drink his warmth in. Then, after a few moments of this, she pulled back from him a bit, still entangled in his embrace. "Hey, I hate to break this up...

...but I'm starved. Eating for two, you know," she quipped.

"Starved...and a bit curious?" Erik queried, quirking a brow.

Shayla's grin grew lopsided. "You know me."

He kissed her atop the head once then let her move out of his embrace snuggle into his side. Then he waved his hand expansively in front of them as if to say, Lead on, Madame.

And with no further ado she did precisely that, her greeny-blue eyes drinking the sights and sounds surrounding them in with keen interest as she did so.

[ 01-09-2003 04:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:
Dark Lord Roan

Ultimate Sith Lord and Warrior

Member # 137

posted 01-09-2003 05:03 PM     Profile for Dark Lord Roan   Author's Homepage   Email Dark Lord Roan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
A wild and annoyingly incessant pounding rattled the door to Lord Roan's private chambers. He frowned, taken momentarily away from the universe he had become enmeshed in at the glorious touch of his Lady.

"What is it?" he growled, not wishing to remove his lips from Kreesha's enticing lips, nor his hands from her even more enticing body. He cocked an ear, and the answer came wailing into it.

"My Lord, pardon the intrusion, but-- but it is Master Rean, and the entire Kri'faxx family...

"They are dead...."

Roan merely snarled, then smiled darkly. His eyes opened, seeing nothing but those of his love's. They glittered, passing even darker meaning back and forth between them.

"And Lord Aelvedaar--?" he growled, now pulling back reluctantly and looking to the yet unopened door. The sound of shuffling footsteps came from the other side.

"He-- he seems to be-- to be gone, M'Lord," came the somehow fearful reply.

Ankrist Roan started at that. Then his eyes slit.

Indeed, this was unexpected. For he had truly thought the Aelvedaar coming forth into this time period would be the more powerful of the two, as rightfully belonging in the same timeline as his peoples, and thus being the one to take hold over his doppelganger who had been brought this far into the future before the time for it had been decreed.

But clearly, he had misjudged his... Brother.

"I shall see to matters in due time," he growled in finality, keeping his head cocked until the fading footsteps declared the exiting of the servant who had come to him with the news. He turned back to Kreesha, who laid before him in sultry expectation.

Then, the movement swift and filled with nearly feline grace, he rolled onto his back, setting her once more atop his strong and muscular frame.

"You may continue, my Lady," he breathed up at her, something about his aspect beginning to lose itself in shivers of glorious expectation as he lowered every defense within himself, even as she once more lowered her lips to meet his.

[ 01-09-2003 05:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Posts: 214 | From: The darker side of midnight.... | Registered: Nov 2001  |  Logged:
SerKe Da'San

Sith Mercenary

Member # 396

posted 01-09-2003 11:19 PM     Profile for SerKe Da'San   Author's Homepage   Email SerKe Da'San     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: jumping in from Shattered green... in the "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

There it was, just has SerKe had expected it to be. The 'Deceased Star' had just exited hyperspace a few thousande kilometers from Khar Del'ba. SerKe's sensors were picking up something strange though. lifeforms. There hundreds of thousandes of lifeforms down there.But I thought they were all gone!

SerKe grimaced a bit, but shruged it off. perhaps he would find his answers more quickly now. Picking up the signitures of a couple of spacecraft, He decided to land right next to them. After all, perhaps they who owned the only few spacecraft he could locate here would be able tot help him. Only those who knew of the Sith would know where this planet was. As his ship touched down, he looked about. He was stumped as to where to go as he exited the the ship, walking forward. He just started walking, taking note that there were no modern wepaonry here. It was as if these people came from the past...almost like someone brought them here.The Sith? The whole of the civilization, perhaps?

SerKe was utterly confused. From what little tidbits he knew of, he knew that there should be large temples. Then it hit him. The spacecraft...surely someone who flew a spacecraft here would have some type of modern equipment. So, he used his forearm apparatus to see if he could lock onto a powersource small enough to be a blaster or other modern peice of technology. And so he did.

He followed it for a while, until he was outside a rather large building. Ornate...a temple perhaps. SerKe grinned, his lionine features were quivering with anticipation. Perhaps his answers were to be had soon. And so, he walked into the temple...

[ 01-09-2003 11:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by SerKe Da'San ]


The needs of the one outweigh the needs of the many...most of the time...

Posts: 29 | From: Parts Unknown | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-09-2003 11:57 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla was taking a bite of a juicy bit of meat, her keen eyes and ears still drinking in everything that surrounded her when, out of the corner of her line of sight, she saw someone enter the dining hall looking very out of place. He looked somewhat like a Sith, but had no horns that she could see. The fact that he had a forearm link to a ship and a blaster on his belt clearly indicated that he did not belong. And he seemed to be moving... her and Erik's general direction. Shayla could sense Erik tense a bit as he too noticed this.

Well, Shayla thought, Sooner or later someone was going to notice that the planet was inhabitated when once it wasn't. Didn't figure it'd be this soon but we're gonna have to start explaining eventually...

She set down the meat on her fork and turned to the approaching young man. He radiated an aura of total curiosity and keen interest. Still, the fact that anyone had found their way to Khar Delba, an uncharted planet, dictated a need for caution.

Perhaps this fellow was simply lost. No need to react to hastily.

“May I help you?” she queried quietly as she stood, waiting then to see what the young man might have to say. Behind her Erik stood as well, no doubt feeling a little bit wary concerning this sudden newcomer who had so easily homed in on she and Erik of all the peoples now inhabiting this remote Sith world.

[ 01-10-2003 12:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Heir Apparent to Dark Lord, Sorcerer Clan of the Sith

Member # 416

posted 01-10-2003 12:08 AM     Profile for Aeylmaar   Author's Homepage   Email Aeylmaar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Aeylmaar hastened through the corridors, travelling further and further into the bowels of the Great Temple of the Sorcerer Clan of the Sith, practically beside himself.

He had spoken with her, actually spoken with the Chosen One! Oh, but it was all too exciting; to speak with her and to have the honor of being the first Sith of his world to answer to a command of hers!

He grinned as he hurried along, hoping that the rooms he had found for the people who had come with her were to their satisfaction. They were the very best the Temple had to offer; the last thing he wanted to do was to disappoint Her or any of her envoy.

After taking many differing twists and turns, sometimes going up stairs, sometimes down, he came at length to a tiny and somehow final set of steps. He climbed them quickly, coming to a trembling halt before the ornately carved and bejeweled set of doors at the top. They were covered with names of all manner, most of them being preceded by the term "darth." He frowned in wonderment, not understanding the implications of that completely, yet knowing they were a title of some sort for in each case the word was capitalized. His eyes slid down to one name in particular, written in a more simple manner, unadorned by imagery or jewel:

Darth Wicked.

Something about that name made him shiver as he raised a hand to knock upon his father's doors. They oiled quietly open, revealing the imposing form of Lord Aelvedaar, who only smiled at him before turning back to the Octahedron into which he had been staring.

"There are more to come, my son," he intoned in his deep bass voice, now turning to cast a molten-eyed gaze upon his new heir. "But we shall discuss these things with our new arrivals in the morning.

"For now...."

He trailed off, placing both hands upon Aeylmaar's shoulders, and squeezed them. A glint of what could only be humor flashed through those volcanic eyes of his.

"We have yet another guest."

He nodded to Aeylmaar, who heaved a sigh. Then without another word being spoken, he turned and departed his father's presence, to find the newcomer and accommodate him as best he could.

[ 01-10-2003 12:11 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aeylmaar ]


No greater honor can any Sith ask, than to serve his Clan and his Lord.

Posts: 143 | From: Khar Delba | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 413

posted 01-10-2003 02:27 AM     Profile for Kreesha   Author's Homepage   Email Kreesha     Edit/Delete Post
she lay upon him, lips enterlocked with his, the world simply did not exist for her...
She was lost in pure heaven, for giving to him joy and pleasure was something indeed returned to her ten fold, such a perfect moment, and she knew, it was only she who was worthly to own it... she that had been claimed by him to serve him for all of time....but now things had clearly changed, she could feel them, for now to she sensed he desired to serve her, if even in just the smallest manor, there was a change...

she shivered slightly in pleasure as she felt his hands trace down her spine, before finding there way to gently massage her lower back...

Suddenly she forced her lips tightly upon his, now allowing even the slightest breath to come through either of them, before she pulled those lips away so they could find there way to whisper into his ear, praying that the previous kiss had been strong enough that he would not starve without her pressence there.
" My Lord... I desire something... i desire you to give to me a gift... I want a necklace, My lord, a necklace which has chains made of the ground and compacted bones of Lord Aelvedaar... but this is not all my Lord, I also wish you to give me a ring carved from his horns, and set upon it a brillent ruby, a ruby which holds a red to match the burning fire of love you feel for me... This ruby shall be inbedded within the larges, and sharpest of Aelvedaars teeth..."
as he words died away momentarily her tongue crept forth to lick his earlobe playfully, before she continued, "may i have it my lord? will you give it to me?

I promise i will-" her voice paused momentarily as her lips came to kiss his ear gently, and send a shiver of expectance through his body, "I will earn it, and repay you for it 100 fold its value, I swear it my love..."

with that she brough her lips quickly back to his, kissing gently the path from his ear to his lips, before finaly breaking only a moment more to speak to him again, "WIll you my lord?"
before again she offered herself to his hungry lips, so he might begin recieving his payment for the gift...

Posts: 20 | From: | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:

Sith Protector

Member # 266

posted 01-10-2003 02:42 AM     Profile for Recinis   Author's Homepage   Email Recinis     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Recinis held her closely for a moment, enjoying the time he was finaly able to spend alone with her, the woman he loved so much...

finaly he broke and lost himself in her gaze, being reminded of the first time he had had that pleasure, before he had hid within from the pain of his arm, now he simply basked in the radiance of pure love he found, no reason in doing so save the utter joy it brought him...

"That young sorcerer views you as a hero, a being so great that you can not possibly be true... Ah, how wrong he is... No, you are no such thing..."

He smiled slightly, with a little wink, "For such titles are so small in comparison to what you are, Ah My Love, Jharmeen, perhaps the sith were not brought back by your hands alone, but it is you who made my-" he paused for a moment before shaking his head and continueing "you who made OUR people able to return...

Now, you may finaly take a deserved break, so much have you done, so much you have been forced to endure... Words can not describe what you mean to me Jharmeen, I pray this will remind you once more of what you are..." quickly he smiled and gave to her a loving kiss, meanwhile reaching out between the link, and rising memories of all the previus joy they had spent together... Nights spent gazing at the stars, walks through gardens, time spent quickly together within the cold of empty planets...

Slowly he allowed them to come appart, "Jharmeen, while there is much to still do, finaly, dispite what others may end in thinking, we now have all the time in the world, And it is time for you to take a well deserved break from reality..."

He smiled gently and pulled her close in a hug once more, and turning to gaze out the wonderous windows, all the while drawing her down with him gently upon the bed, holding her close and once more renewing his eternal vow in a quiet whisper, "forever Jharmeen, I love you with all i have to give, take from it freely, my heart is yours, i feel them... The still beat as one."

then he quieted, and allowed the perfectly synched beats of there hearts to once more bring a simplistic joy to the world...


"my hearts my strongest weapon, my mind my swiftess blade, the words i speak can cut your flesh, and leave you in the gray"

Posts: 456 | From: | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:

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