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posted 09-27-2007 04:00 PM    

As you all know, the wellsprings of writing can run dry... and EVERYBODY needs a chance to reply to something that someone else has written for a change!

By this I do NOT necessarily mean initiate some big move, or event or whatever. If a thread is starting to erupt with cricket noises, go on and let your character jump in with an observation or comment or something; like I said, it doesn't have to be a "save the world" idea or anything, just SOMETHING to lend a hand to others who might be starting to stagnate. (Oh yeah, and thoughts don't count; other characters can't read minds... well, some can, but only when specifically directed and thus specifically written.)

Just a suggestion, NOT looking for excuses/reasons for not writing. I'm just saying, for example, that while I may have a character who is "up" to reply, that doesn't necessarily mean that the character is GOING to reply. So jump in with ANYTHING to get the thread going again so others can write!

[ 09-27-2007 04:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 09-27-2007 11:05 PM    
Thanks to those who responded to the above!!!


posted 10-29-2007 09:22 PM    
OK, it's time to bring this up again. Where is everyone? Posts seem to be coming very sporadically, and there are lots of opportunities to post. It doesn't have to be big, earth-shattering stuff that shakes the pillars of heaven. A simple reaction or reply could keep things going. Let's keep the Pod alive, and have a good reason to pay the upcoming renewal fee for the URL!


posted 10-29-2007 10:12 PM    
Yes, please, because right now I'm beginning to think money in hand is better than buying cricket noises.