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Kani Jetiis'ad

posted 09-15-2009 05:52 AM    
Name: Ka'runi “Kani” Jetiis'ad
Race: Twi'lek
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Skin: Aquamarine
Height: 1.77m
Eyes: Blue
Build: Athletic
Homeworld: Mandalore

Description: Her body shows the rigorous training she has been through to be trained as a Mandalorian warrior. Her Lekku or head tails hang down to almost her waist. Her equipments consists of black Mandalorian battle armor, modified to resemble Imperial guardsman armor, which is further augmented with a wrist-mounted fibercord grappler, wrist-mounted blade launcher, and Mandalorian crush gauntlets. In addition she carries 2 Kelvarek Consolidated Arms Dissuader KD-30 slugthrower pistols, a combat vibroknife, and her mothers blue guard shoto lightsaber. When Kani not in combat operations wears a standard black uniform of an Imperial Stormtrooper officer with insignia to denote her time with the Storm Commando unit the NightWhispers. Her rank cylinders have been coded to grant her almost unlimited access to Imperial vessels and databases. While in uniform she wears a standard Imperial sidearm at her waist.

Bio: Born on Mandalore she is the only daughter of Jedi Knight Pr'acyn “Pria” Jetiis'ad and granddaughter of Jedi Master Kot'racyn “Kyan” Jetiis'ad, her father died before she was born. Though the biological daughter of a Jedi Knight and the adopted granddaughter of a Jedi Master she displays no talent or affinity for the force. Raised by her mother as a Mandalorian warrior who taught her everything she needed to become a Mandalorian Super Commando, as well as skills with her saber. Left parent less after her mother was executed by the Imperials, Kani was adopted by the Mandalore Protectorate. After a failed assassination attempt on Admiral Actar she was captured and turned over to Imperial Intelligence. Brought to the valley of the Jedi, and using a combination of torture, drugs, and a holo projector she came to believe the force ghost of her mother told her the truth about what happened. The Jedi Order and the Republic had turned evil and corrupt along with Mandalore which is why Actar had to stop them. Now pledging her lovalty to the Imperial order she works as an assassin and commando for the Imperials officially as Major Lyra Kanti.

Alternet Identity
Name: Lyra Kanti
Age: 21
Homeworld: Bastion

Fictional Bio: Major Kanti was born on the Imperial capital Bastion where she was abandoned as an orphan to be raised with the Imperial government. There she learned the values of the Imperial Order and wanting to prove herself worthy at the age of 13 she had her records altered to make her appear 18 so she could enlist as a stormtrooper. Assigned to the 501st Leigon Major Kanti surpassed her fellow stormtroopers in all areas. Her skills came to the attention of superiors who had her transferesd to the NightWhispers and given a commision of 2nd Lieutenet. Over the next three years she contined to prove herself earning various honors and medals. Recently promoted to Major she has been transfed into an advisory role as Special Operations Officer.