The Holonet Boards   » Beyond Star Wars   » You know you read too much Fantasy when...

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 11-29-2006 04:46 PM    
So yesterday I found out that the next book of one of my favorite series has finally come out in paperback, at the same time I was just finishing Eragon (I highly reccomend this book to anyone by the way it was great and the teacher in me was extremely impressed that it was written by a teenager - I would have guessed a doctoral student) and deciding to get the next one. This then lead me to the realization that I have nearly 50 books piled to be read in my room in the middle of other series, and more to come and I swore to myself thinking of how I was ever going to read all these books that I want to read. Well that would be one thing that any crazed bibliophile might do but no I swore to myself in a different language - one I know came from one of these fantasy series but I can't place which one... So to make a long story short you know you read too much fantasy when you start using languages from said books and can't remember which book they come from...


posted 01-13-2007 05:06 PM    
I feel your pain, i've picked up quite a few random things from different fantasy pieces of lost my mind in. The fact of the matter is, a good book will rub off on you. If its written well, then reading it should feel more like your going on a journy with the characters rather then reading about said journy... and peer pressure is a powerful influence, if everyouone your "traveling" with is doing something, likely you will pick it up too :P

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 01-20-2007 07:24 PM    
So true! I life and literature. I can't remember where I've picked up a lot of the things I say all the time. Maybe from books or from friends or the places I've been - its kinda spooky actually how much everything around us affects our perceptions of the world, and how we respond and interact with it.