The Holonet Boards   » Items and Ships   » Daiosk Formere's VIBE goggles

Darth Plasma

posted 04-10-2007 04:11 AM    
Daiosk's VIBE goggles are used for people who have very sensitive eyes.

VIBE- View In Both Eyes

This device is powered by the user, not by blood or anything, but powered by the person's energy. Ex. a full grown man would last longer with the goggles than a boy would. The goggles help see far, see at night, see through certain objects, and for pilots, they help capture an opponent's evasive or battle movements more quickly and precisely.
Daiosk customized his to view out one eye far by blocking out the energy used to see out of the other, so he would be blind out of one eye, but have advanced vision in the other.
Have a major problem some of the other senses might be subdued in some way because of the energy lost to power the goggles. Like a person's speech might be slurred or his ears would go deaf from having the goggles on to long. Daiosk loses his willingness to go on by experiencing severe doubt, but the effect goes away after a few hours depending on the amount of energy lost. Though these are severe, Daiosk has made even more modifications. NOTE the more modifications the more energy used to keep it running.