The Holonet Boards   » Items and Ships   » G'tok


posted 09-03-2006 06:00 PM    
The G’tok is an ancient experimental Sith device meant to be a personal communication and retrieval tool. The device is shaped much like an ice cream cone, with a conical body that tapers down to a point, and a large sensor and display ball at the top. Several buttons and displays line the body.

The device’s functions are as follows:

- Comm link, able to scan all general frequencies. It can also use light and sound waves.
- Echolocation
- Homing beacon (tuned to the frequency used by Sith ships)
- Light source
- Scan for life signs within a 100 meter radius
- Compass
- Laser pointer (why not?)

The device was picked up at random by Panthar Dantares in the Temple of Armorers, in the hopes of finding a weapon. Oh well.