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posted 01-27-2003 12:15 AM    
Do you think that some Jedi remain after the control of the Empire other then Obi-Wan and Yoda. I mean I couldn't see that all of them were killed in the attack, I just dont find that realistic.

Whats your perspective?


posted 01-27-2003 12:26 AM    
We haven't yet seen all the jedi killed. From what the star wars history speaks of, the Empire led by Darth Vader destroyed all the Jedi in a purge, with the exception of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. Obi apparently goes into exile/hiding on Tatooine, and Yoda back to Dagobah to hide in the swamps.

This is already given, and is not that unrealistic. It has already been stated in Episodes 1 & 2 that the number of Jedi were dwindling; there simply weren't that many.

[ 01-27-2003 12:28 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 01-27-2003 12:40 AM    
I believed that on Ossus there were a few remaining of some sort, I just dont see it possible for one to manage that much killing to so many skilled warriors. Specially the Council Members..


posted 01-27-2003 11:19 AM    
Whether or not the purge was "realistic" or not, this is what has been referred to in the first trilogy as "history." IE: it happened, and is one of the primary reasons that Palpatine with Vader at his side gained control of the Galaxy. It is why the title "Jedi" has been reduced to something nearly mythical, when Ben Kenobi speaks of it, and Luke answers with something akin to awe in ANH.

SO: There weren't that many jedi to begin with, and all but Yoda and Obi-Wan were killed in the purge which either occurred at the time of or immediately following the Clone Wars.

Personally I am wondering if this will be something recognized as a necessity in order to "bring balance" - Vader/Palpatine have to rise to power so Luke can restore the balance in his father - ie, bring him back to the Light by his constant adherence to "the good in Vader."

If Vader wasn't allowed to rise to power, he would never have the opportunity to be so awful (ok, the two are synonymous, heh) and thus could not be saved from himself by his son. Remember that he was born without conception, so to speak. The Force was imbalanced in him.

I think the jedi allowed themselves to be killed, just for the sake of the Force, and the good of the galaxy in the long run.


posted 02-07-2003 12:28 AM    
I tend to agree with GRAYSITH on this matter... However... there were a lot of students in YODA's class in E2. Granted that they are not fully trained, they still have JEDI abilities... Was ANAKIN heatless enough to kill all of those children??? I find it hard to believe.


posted 02-07-2003 07:51 PM    
Well a hint of his darkness was shown against the Tusken Raiders and I think their is a possibility he managed to kill them with his full fledge of evil--I just dont see how he could do all of this in only a matter of months at a time. I mean the fight with the droids showed only a bit of the Jedi's ability, and I dont know how he could manage to kill all of them.

Specially the Council, when those are the most trained, and Obi-Wan has yet to even reach to the Council but he manages to stop his own Padawan. Come on now, I dont see how that is reasonable.

Even if you say that someway he gets through to him, even then on the defense Anakin could even it out. I dont know how the heck Anakin could have lost a match with Obi-Wan and manage to kill the Jedi Council Members.

As well as superior Masters prepared to become Council Members which I would guess would be around at the time.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 06:25 AM    
Ok let the self-proclaimed expert on Star Wars books explain....
1)Here is a list of other Jedi Who survived the purge...
Qu Rahn
Morgan Katarn
The Ysanna on Ossus
Vima Da Boda
Empatajayos Brand
2)The jedi council and most of the Jedi whether young or old, died when their Jedi temple and its surrounding area was "nuked" from orbit.
3)Vader did not take on the council members in saber duels(you think he is that stupid)


posted 05-21-2003 09:37 AM    
I'm telling you, it wasn't nuked...

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 07:04 PM    
Well ok was DESTROYED or do you prefer LEVELED TO DE GROUNND....whatever happened it no longer exists after Ep3.....right?...of course!!!
Only explanation.....BOOM!!!!BANG!!!palpatine does his "hahahaha" routine....end of Jedi and Temple.


posted 05-21-2003 07:16 PM    
Yah, but he could have done that after they were slain by Darth Vader and his troops. I just have a feeling it happened afterwards. Like it was a ceremony to the cause of the new government or something.

It'd be a nice ending if you ask me.

Watching the Jedi Temple fall, and then with Darth Vader standing there in his suit kneeling before Palpatine as he says "This is just a taste of the power of the Dark Side, my young apprentice."

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 07:21 PM    
very creative there.....but do you actually think that Vader(who could not even beat Obi Wan) and his army can stand up to a hundred or so Jedi, many of which are masters, in a fair Battle? NOOOO, Vader and Palpatin will play DIRTY and..... (Lumbiasith should know what i m about to say)


posted 05-21-2003 07:28 PM    
Yes, yes he could. You have to remember the power of the Dark Side. Whether you admit it or not, anger can push his power beyond comprehension. From what I've seen in the movies, when filled with rage his kills are swift.

Also, Obi-Wan for example defeated Darth Maul with the help of anger and aggression. This seense of revenge forced him into a stage of mayhem. From the point he saw his Master die he was whippin his butt.

Just the fact that he fell diminished his credibility to fans in that certian fight.

There are very few who don't fight out of aggresion that could prevail in any fight.

Also, I said that it wasn't only him. I said that he also was assisted by the hands of the army he has. Also, from what I heard, this is about a 2 year seperation. In 2 years alot of thing can change. Especially with the continious fighting expirence he is gaining in the battle field as a commander.

He probably has surpass what was shown in the previous movie. That is why they are buffing Hayden up already in Australlia because he is going to be a stronger presence n the movie. The transformation will be complete, and with that will come the presence of Darth Vader.

From what I have seen in the movies and implied, Darth Vader has surpassed Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin kills Obi Wan and Yoda seems to have run away because of the fear of his own death by the hands of the Empire, which in turn is the hands of Palpatine & Darth Vader.

The transofmration will involve him going on a level that could actually rip apart nearly everybody in the Jedi Temple. Even Mace Windu...

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 07:34 PM    
That is absolutely impossible.....hmm Vader vs all de council members....NO....He will most probably seperate the council and hunt each one of them down, killing them with the help of the emperor's dark side adepts.
Either that or vader will put his piloting skills to use and in a single starfighter, take out the entire Temple......Or my previous theory.....


posted 05-21-2003 07:44 PM    
Who said every Council Member surivives the war itself. You have to remember that a war is going on before Darth Vader comes to be. He might have to only kill a few.

I mean, alot of Jedi were killed in the Genosises Battle, how do you think they would fair in the eyes of a full fledge war. That was only a piece of it..

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 07:48 PM    
AS you know, yes many Jedi Knoghts died during that battle.....but hardly any Jedi masters died. and there are more Jedi masters all over the Galaxy.


posted 05-21-2003 07:51 PM    
Yah, but their are more droids around the universe than Jedi Master. You have to remember, the Jedi race is very very limited.

Even with the galaxy being very massive, it will probably only hold about 100 Jedi Masters, and only 12 in the Council. These all could die, or be placed on the run in a matter of 3 years (2 years between Ep. 2-3 and 1 year when the Empire is created)

I never said Darth Vader killed all the Jedi Race, just the fact that most of them were killed in the war or during the purge of them when the Empire is built.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 07:55 PM    
1st of the Jedi is not a race. During the Clone Wars Palpatine will turn his clone army against the Jedi after the seperatists are defeated. Thus killing many.
Vader is like the "alley rat" who tracks down the"scraps" (surviving Jedi) and *slash*
1 less jedi.


posted 05-21-2003 10:37 PM    
You don't know, I don't know--just watch the movie.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 11:51 PM    
right lets just wait 2 more years 4 dde movie to be realeased

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-22-2003 06:54 AM    
Yeah. 2 years does not really seem like a long wait. Considering the first Star wars movie was released in 1977.

26 years ago. That means that the six films span almost 3 decades apart. 28 years to be more specific. And that's if E3 is released on time!

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-22-2003 06:55 AM    
Come to thinl of r right.

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-22-2003 08:03 AM    
Yeah, that time span is longer than most of us here are old! I'm only 24


posted 05-24-2003 05:19 PM    
Don't worry about it being released on time, it will. They are already looking over the script and working on the guys. The filming by itself isn't that long from what I hear. It shouldn't even be a year, then comes in the computerized development.

That takes about a year of working at most. Probably only 9 months, then they get into advertisement work and then it'll be released.

Don't worry, just don't worry..

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-24-2003 06:09 PM    
Oh, I'm not worried, I'm just impatient!

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-24-2003 07:49 PM    

Jaina Solo

posted 05-24-2003 07:52 PM    
I hear its supposed to be realesed on Christmas day 2005. That would be so cool.


posted 05-24-2003 11:54 PM    
Ah, that'd be horrible. The best idea would to release it the day after Christmas. You'd get an abudance of money then. People don't like coming down from wherever they are and some of their family is out to see a movie. It makes them annoyed.

Now, if it is the day after, the whole family can go. Also to the people that go to sleep waiting in line to get in first won't manage this time. they have to go home to their family to eat some turkey and such.

But still, I feel the best idea would be to place it on the exact date they dissed out the first one. That'd be very good way to end it all.


posted 05-25-2003 01:17 PM    
As an agent of the Sith, Vader was a merciless killer. He brought about the extinction of the Jedi, personally slaying or crippling such notable knights as Halagad Ventor and Empatojayos Brand. The slaughter of the Jedi was widespread, but several Force-sensitive individuals were spared. Select agents of the Emperor were allowed to keep their knowledge of the Force, as long as they used it as the Emperor commanded. Others hid, as Vima-Da-Boda did in the slums of Nar Shaddaa, or Obi-Wan Kenobi did in the deserts of Tatooine.

This is a quote from the very databank profile of Darth Vader. This in which tells you that he did spare numerous in his purge, so this would imply that at most their were at least 15 or 20 still alive in the universe. Not only Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, but others.

So I rest my case, there were Jedi out there that he didn't manage to kill, along with born force sensatives.

Tzakang Lah

posted 05-25-2003 08:30 PM    
Those whom he spared were only force sensitive.....they were not trained to be jedi. he most probably spared them as he did not perceive them to be a threat.


posted 05-25-2003 08:47 PM    
Yet you wouldn't know would you. It opens the field far to wide. This force sensenative could even mean that some of the Clan of Bears were unkilled, as well as a few Padawan.

This justifies Morgan Katarn's existence too.

So, I have a feeling that their were others he couldn't find.

Also, it says "Others", implying there were others other than those two they pointed out. More than one, which would say that there were some Jedi that manage to hide or escape his wrath for a certian period of time.

So, still I say there were others out there. Force sensative of which you said existed, aswell as Clan of Bear and low aged Padawan, then the Jedi that escaped.

So in all it would be around 40 that had survived, maybe a bit less.

Tzakang Lah

posted 05-25-2003 08:59 PM    
Hey yea i remember now. Those force sensitive children were hidden in a jedi stronghold on Belsavis during the purge(read "children of the Jedi). Then they went their seperate ways when they were old enough.


posted 05-25-2003 09:01 PM    
See...See...I was right.


posted 06-12-2003 12:14 AM    
Let's see....Dooku may kill quite a few. He can be pretty deadly. Palpatine would probably do something cowardly like bomb the temple. The war will get a lot, and Anakin and his army will get the most. That makes for a lot of killed Jedi. What is weird to me, though, is that Anakin can beat Mace Windu. Like others have siad, Anakin couldn't beat Obi-Wan, and Obi is no match for Mace. Hey, maybe it's Mace and Dooku who throw down! That would be cool! They seem to have about the same power, after all.


posted 06-12-2003 12:27 AM    
I still have a feeling about 20 to 35 survived the Clone Wars..


posted 06-12-2003 08:45 AM    
Yeah, it was something like that. Stil, there were millions of Jedi before the purge, so Anakin does his job well. So he misses 15 or so. He still proves himself to be very deadly and powerful.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-12-2003 02:14 PM    
I don't think that there were millions of Jedi left after AOTC Look how many died there. And MAce did say that they can't fight a war, they could only protect the peace. I read that as there are not enough Jedi to go around. there might be a few thousand in the Galaxy, but there certainly are not millioms.


posted 06-12-2003 10:04 PM    
all this is proposterous... Why would they release an episode 3? i mean... its MUCH better with the gap in it...


posted 06-13-2003 01:02 AM    
Umm, Mace Windu said that as that is part of the Jedi Philosphy. They are not suppose to fight wars, only protect the peace in their actions. I don't think that hints anything of the sort that their weren't numerous Jedi out there.

He also said that their were about 15 left after the purge, not a million like you suggested with your statement.

That's all I'm trying to point out. Now I'm done.

Peace, I'm out.



posted 06-13-2003 07:30 PM    
I know what happens in episode 3... Darth maul comes back from the dead, do to his connections with a mysterious dark shadow, with red pinprick eyes, that can command the demons of a shadow demension, and happens to have an intimate connection with a certain half-sith... He once possessed a body, but that bodies old flame kinda destroyed it... Yep, george lucas stole my character, the bastard *grouchy face*


posted 06-13-2003 10:05 PM    
Now where did that idea come from?


posted 11-11-2003 12:29 PM    
I saw on a site it's due for May 25


posted 02-11-2005 11:22 PM    
Alright, well there are obviously some jedi still around: First off, the ANTARIAN RANGERS, existed through the purge and well into the vong era. Second, many jedi have been heard of who survived the purge, in several starwars books, for example Hethir (he's not a jedi, but he was a well known force user) ect.