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posted 05-27-2004 12:53 AM    
OOC: Rykounagin comes in from Catch as Catch Can thread in the "Sith/Jedi" forums, thank you.))

Eternity. That was what surrounded him, eternity. But, maybe eternity was a good thing. No pain, no thought, no emotion. But, he needed to know. To know what it was the kept his memories from him.

He had vague memories of doing battle with his sabres, with swords and other weapons, but in those he could not see his foes faces.

However, he kept seeing a face. But he couldn't see it quite well. He decided he'd work on that, and in the mean time. He would finally see that face, and know it's meaning.

[ 05-28-2004 08:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]


posted 05-27-2004 02:54 AM    
The face had begun to become clearer. Well it's a he, that's definate. It looks like....

White hair.... and red eyes. Red eyes? He'd never heard of of anyone human with red eyes in his memory. Yet oddly, it seemed to fit. Strange....

Mayhaps he has some importance, but I don't think I see a connection with anything yet. I guess I'll have to keep trying to connect in the mean time.

[ 05-28-2004 08:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]


posted 05-28-2004 08:37 PM    
A black sword. He held a black sword. It was not long, only a foot or two long. He held it easily. Yet it seemed to drain him just to hold it, was it the swords weight? Or maybe it was the strain of remembering the forgotten.

He waved the sword around, cutting the air like a child with a stick, pretending he's the greatest fighter in the galaxy. "My hands are clean." He didn't think this, but only thought it, as he saw it in his memories. But wait, there it is. My hands are painted still. Not painted, but scribed. Not scribed, but born.

But born? How could someone be born with hands like these? It's not possible. He was no expert at biology, but unless it was a deformation, it didn't seem possible. But what if I was born with these, what would make that so important? Or maybe they aren't important, maybe I'm so unimportant that I want anything unusual about me to be important.

But no, a voice came from the memories, a deep voice of someone familiar, "You are special, not in the way most would speak of it. You are truely special, as are all of us. For we are unique, the only ones of our kind. There are only two of us, only two of us. Hence only you and the other are special, however, the rest of us, the both of us, not you, are not special. Our ability to be special is gone with you. You carry what we once had, and soon we will be a part of you. But until then, you the both of you are special."

What was that supposed to mean? It just didn't make sense, none of it did.


posted 06-01-2004 03:59 PM    
Maybe I'll just fade into the emptyness. Maybe they'll never summon me again, so that I'll sit in this eternal limbo forever. But I can't give into a hopelessness that has befallen many before me, that has consumed them and destroyed them.

No, I must stand and await my passage of time through this place. I just wish they could hurry up, at this point, the river of available recallable memories has dried up. I wonder if like I thought before, this is all happening at accellerated speed, or they've forgotten me and I'm thinking so slowly, that they're already dead.

No, it must move in realtime, otherwise, sending someone here would be suicide to the rest of the galaxy.

I could try to find my way out, but.... I must stay here for the sake of my master. But now I must wonder who Aelvedaar is. The axis had better be right about all of this, or it will feel cold death before I am to fall before their might.


posted 06-06-2004 11:34 PM    
But no time to dispair. But it is not only my hands that are not clean. No, this filth that covers me, that seeks to consume me covers all of me, and the only part that is sane is my face, and the rest of my head. The rest of me is stained, permanantly washed in these lines and designs.

But what is it that they mean? What is their purpose, or is their purpose to invade, desive and destroy me? No, they serve a purpose, a purpose that none of us see in the hiding clouds, the swirling mists of our mysteries and and deseptions. It is these mysterious and deseptions that make us strive. Make us move on to discover them, to find their answers and make them a part of us.

But what happens when we find all the answers, and the questions we ask run dry. Do we stop there? Do we halt? Or is it that we will wither away and become forever lost, to create new questions for those who come after? Or maybe we just stand in this eternity. Maybe this eternity never ends, and yet when it all runs dry, the river will come around in a circle, and the questions of old will become the questions of the new.

These, runes. These, paterns. Whatever one would call or describe them as, have served, will serve, or do serve a purpose. It is just that this purpose hides from us. Mayhaps it will decieve us, give us false answers, then when we see them as false, we will seek them again, and find new answers. Maybe these will be false yet again, but we will continue to proceed to find their answers.

Mayhaps we will fade away, and our children will seek the answers to the questions that have been bestowed upon them in the form of these runes and designs, all etched togther in their black eternities. Mayhaps they hold a patern that need only be found to find the answer to them.

But I will find these answers.

But wait. What if I know the answers, or once knew them, and have only forgotten for a while. Will they come back to me? Or will I forget forever, never to know and to have questions of eternity never answered?

All I can do is wait, wait for them to come to me. Or if they forsake me, that I find them, all in due time.


posted 06-12-2004 02:39 AM    
"The sith, the sith have and always will be our masters," someone had once said to him. "You belong to them, and if they wish to claim you, you have no right to refuse. It is due to them you have powers, and through those powers they have binded you, ourselves, and everyone else before us."

"However, be warned that another sith has the power to control you. If they can break the minor sorceric enchantments, they can and almost certainly will control and use you to their will, be careful."

"However, it is our legacy. Through this legacy, we are weapons. We are tools to our masters, we are disposable to the highest degree, and even though our masters have been gone for mellenia, be assured that one day they will come, and they will once again use us.

Just remember, you have a purpose, and it is through that purpose that we survive.

[ 06-12-2004 03:06 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]


posted 06-16-2004 05:11 PM    
That is all that came to Rykounagin, the only things he could recall and think off.

So now I wait in this eternal abyss of a prison, with nothing that I can accomplish.... Or can I?

Rykounagin leaned up from his previous laying upon the nothingness that supported him.

If the past is right, these markings have power. Maybe I can learn to use it.

He now stood up, and decided to concentrate upon the markings upon his hands.


Then, he felt something build. But it felt as though a dam stood in the way. Keep pushing, he thought.

Then it suddenly disappeared, and he felt incredibly drained.
Did I imagine?, was his last thought before he slipped into a long deep darkness.

[ 06-16-2004 05:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]


posted 06-24-2004 12:10 AM    
After an eternity, the darkness faded. Not going to try that, EVER, again. Rykounagin thought.

But looking up, he suddenly saw, no, more like felt something ahead.

He got up and moved towards it. It was small, like a dying candle, yet it burned with an intense ferocity.

He moved closer, then suddenly, with great unexpected force, was hurled backwards.

It felt as if he was thrown through fire, ice, and every possible element. What is this power, this emotion that bars my passage? It's so alien, yet it feels familiar, as though from a long time ago. Is it, love?

Rykounagin shook the thought from his head, as if such a pitiable emotion could exist in such a cold barren place such as this.

Then, he saw yet another thing. It was almost like a gateway, a like looking through a mirror to see another world, rather than yourself.

It appeared to be a room in some unknown location, similar to those back in the Temple that Graysith had thrown him here from.

He got up, unawares that he was wounded from every pore, unawares of the blood that covered him.

He moved towards it, but it seemed to slowly shrink. No! I must not be left behind, I must make it!

He forced himself forward, fire coursing in his veins, he moved onward. He came before it, yet it repelled him with all it's might.

Suddenly he found himself lying on cold stone, sharp voices surrounding him. He could not remember learning the language they spoke, yet he understood their sharp tones.
"Fetch the master! Fetch him quickly, 'nother strange one! Quick! Quick!"

With that, his energy faded, and he again, slipped away, into the darkness.

(((OOC: Rykounagin has fallen through the portals of the Elseness, into The Flame, Triumphant, Burns, in this forum, thank you.)))

Blade of Chaos

posted 01-04-2005 12:11 AM    
((OOC: The part of Ragorian's spirit trapped in the Elseness by Aelvedaar enters from The Flame, Triumphant, Burns i nthis forum. Thank you.))


The word seemed to boom in the silence, echoing throughout the blank, white entirety of the Elseness, echoing inside Ragorian's own head.

I am trapped again. Imprisioned. Alone. Forgotten.

Truer by the day this seemed to him. Although he could still feel the rest of himself, the rest of the we that was he, it seemed distant, preoccupied. The whole of him grew further away from this piece as time went on. long has it been? How long has there been silence? How long has there stillness? Does it matter? Why ask these questions? There is no one to answer...

Suddenly he heard, echoing as if from far away, racous cackling, insane laughter. It was his own, he realized. His own mind...the lost part of it, the part shattered by the first great silence. It had returned to haunt him.

No one to answer! it mimiced him gleefully. Never anyone to answer! Was there EVER anyone to answer? No! Only you and only me! Forever this shall be! Lost and forsaken are we, for all eternity!

Forcefully, the sane side of Ragorian stifled this madness, contained him, shut him away in a deep, dark corner of the mind.
Yet gone, Ragorian knew it certainly was not. It would be back. It always came back.

Just like last time.. his mind moaned forlornly.

Just as it was last time...we are trapped.


Blade of Chaos

posted 01-04-2005 01:13 AM    
He knew not how long he sat there in silent reverie, lost in his own thought, his own memory. But eventually, he was drawn out of it, called out of it by a pull on his own spirit. For a moment he was bewildered, unaware that he had been drawn back to the now, unaware that he was not wandering his own mind any longer. But his instinct was speaking, something had pulled at him.
Something has happened...

What it was, he did not know. But something was wrong, he could sense it. Where he gained this instinct was a mystery to him. Until he remembered the rest of his spirit, which dwelled on the outside of the Elseness. Reaching out to it, he found that he could not touch it. It was still there, surely...but it, no he...was simply not...alive anymore.

In a panic, he tried his hardest, stretching out to reach the rest of the spirit, the rest of himself. But that spirit was not alive. It was not dead either; it had not been slain, obviously, or all of Ragorian would have ceased to exist. No, from what he could tell, the rest of his spirit had simply...stopped.

But how could that be possible? From what he could sense of his spirit, it had simply ceased all action, all activity. t was not sleeping, comatose, or anything of the sort. It was doing simply nothing at all, not in mind or body. It was as if it had been frozen in time.

Was that possible? Surely it did not seem logical. And yet, how else to explain this phenomenon, this complete halt to the majority of his spirit? Death was the only other way he could think of, and surely that had not happened.

Perhaps, it occured to him, this was some doing of the power he could not understand...the power that Graysith, ShaRhylla, and Aelvedaar so weilded. The Force, he had heard it called, or something close to that. Could this Force have imprisioned his spirit so? How could that be done? Certainly, it was beyond any Sith magic that he knew, or indeed could fathom. But that Force, that unfamiliar power, it had been awesome indeed, the few times he had faced it.

The unfamiliarity of the power ignited his natural curiosity, which he now directed towards this idea of the Force: What was it? Where did it come from? Could he find it, and weild it? For, he was sure, it was that pwoer, not Sith magick, that had imprisioned him here. Could it free him as well?

And still there was the question of what had happened to him. So many questions to answer. Questions that could allow him ,for a time, at least, to block out the silence, the torture of his prison.

Part of his mind continued analyzing the condition of his larger spirit outside the Elseness, attempting to figure out what had happened to it. Part of it continued along the sudden interest he had developed in the Force, searching his midn for all he had hear about it, some way to reach it. Yet still, though he tried to stop it, the greater part of his mind wallowed in despair, battled with insanity, dropped back int othe darkness of his first imprisonment, wandering his own mind for an escape from the silence.


posted 01-09-2005 11:39 PM    
((OOC: Enter the Sith worlds of Korris'ian and Korriban, along with their sun, from The Natural Order in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

Blade of Chaos

posted 01-10-2005 12:05 AM    
Ragorian's mind snapped back to the present with a flash. All his divided attention, the different tasks he had been working on, vanished, and the part of him lost in his own memories fled those halls. All the attention this part of him could give focused on the Elseness, on the prison he had been placed in.

For the Elseness, it seemed was being changed. He could sense it, somehow. At first, he was bewildered as to where this sense was coming from, but then his instinct kicked in, and he realized that this feeling he was getting was that of the non-ness that surrounded him opening somehow, somewhere, a sudden door to Something unlocked amidst the Nothing.

All his senses were focused towards this door, this opening in the Elseness. For emenating from it, he could sense an incredible power, the likes of which left him awestruck. There was Sith magick in that power, tha he could easily sense, but once again there was that potent something more. That something he had felt few times before, around ShaRhylla, Lord Aelvedaar, and Lady Graysith. The Force, the All, whatever it was called. It was combining with Sith magick, thrumming in harmony with it, a high All-melody complementing the low tones of the magick. And this power, this music, was doing...something incredible.

His internal battle lasted mere moments. His natural curiosity, fueled by his awe and intrigue at this power, as well as the undeniable call of some opening, an escape from the Elseness, took over quickly. He had to find out what was happening in the Elseness.

But even before he could pursue his curiosity, it happened. The power ended. The opening closed. And Ragorian's perspective was, momentarily, completely gone. And the Nothing around him turned upside down. For, without any warning to him, it had given birth to Something. And that Something was all around him.

His mind whirled in complete disorientation, then finally it cleared, and he attempted to come to grips with his situation. Matter surrounded him, a familiar, comforting feeling. Quick examination told him that the matter his spirit now was surrounded by was stone. Also, he again felt the imprisionment the greater part of him felt inside his vessel, the blade, but to a lesser extent, as though he were merely inside a shelter, not infused with it. Probing further, he found that his senses could reach outside this stone, to what seemed to be a sandy desert beyond. His spirit, it seemed, was inside a fairly large boulder in the middle of a barren wasteland.

His immediate examinations stopped, and utter confusion took over. How was this possible? Matter suddenly just...forming around him? And not just any matter. if he senses told him correct, he was on an entire planet. But what in the multiverse was a planet doing here?

Could this, then, be what that immense power he felt had accomplished? Was that its purpose? Moving an entire planet into the Elseness? The sheer impossibility of it screamed at him, yet he knew that it was perhaps the only explanation possible now. Other questions, questions uncountable, rose in his mind, but he pushed them down. He would figure out his immediate situation first, and then he would attempt to figure out what, how, and why.

He focused himself on the stone around him, on the tie his spirit had to it. He could not be entirely sure, but for now the stone only felt like a palce of safekeeping, a home of sorts. He knew, or at least was quite sure that he could completely transfer his spirit out of this rock, if he so desired.

Or, if there was anything to transfer it to.

Now, he senses spread across the newfoudn planet, searching for some sort of life form in this wasteland. And he found it, found much more than he expected. There were many creatures on this planet, native ones, so it seemed. And some of these were quite near to him.

The very beginnings of an idea began to form in Ragorian's mind. If he could get one of these nearby creatures to touch the rock he now inhabited, he could siphon himself into it, perhaps, make it a host or share its body. Then he would be able to actually travel the planet, and perhaps begin to find some way out of it. How he did not know, but when it came to that, he would confront it then. For now, his focus was on a pack of the hound-like creatures of the planet, and one hound in particular, one that happened to be wandering quite close to his stone...


posted 01-12-2005 09:22 PM    
Over now the hunt is, home do we return triumphant. Across wide hot-sands race I, brothers beside me are. Overhill we crest, pack there awaits return of we Huntbrothers, great glory-cry given at our coming. Firstwatcher awaits; away does Bloodseeker send us to our own-walking.

Away stide I from greater-pack. Still feel I the bloodlust of hunt, still does it fill me. Seek I rest, place of calm.

There. Large sand-stone, good for rest and sunning. Climb I atop it, stretching out for long rest-time.

Tense I suddenly, my hackles raise. Sense I something...strange-feeling, other-feeling, wrong feeling. From stone comes feeling, through stone odd-sensation am I getting. Into my mind comes something...beckon, call, speak it does to me.

No...speak stones do not! What trickery this, some treachery says I! But still voice whispers...power, it promises. Honor, it promises. Warn me against trickery does my mind. But heart...yearns for its promises does my heart.

Desire I.

Listen I...

Blade of Chaos

posted 01-25-2005 11:35 PM    
Ragorian focused interestedly as the hound-like creature approached the stone he inhabited. Closer and closer it meandered, finally crawling on top of the stone as though it sought a place of rest. As its body came in contact with the stone, Ragorian made his move.

Tentatively he reachedo out to the mind of this creature, testing the waters that he meant to enter. To his surprise and curiosity, the creatures mind pulled away from surprise and confusion, as though it was not used ot hearing stones speak. As he wandered the edges of the hound's mind, he sensed within a much for sophisticated intelligence than he had first was something between animal and human.

Considering this information, Ragorian formed a different possible course of action than total domination of its mind, which he had been planning before. Reaching out with a slight tendril of his spirit, he entered the creatures mind, probing, and learning. He learned its desires, those held deep within its heart, desires of power and glory and honor. And, using his innate persuasive talents, he spoke to the creature seductively, promising all of these, if it would allow him into its mind, allow them to form an alliance, and if it would teach him about its people.

He observed, amused, the internal debate his words caused upon the creature, a struggle between its sensible mind and yearning heart. Finally, heart won out, and the door swung open to Ragorian, who promptly took the cue and entered the mind of the creature, leaving the stone behind and transferring all of his spirit to it.

Immediatly he was assaulted with a flood of images, emotions, information, and questions from the creature, which he spent a few moments putting these into logical order. And from them he learned much.

The tuk'ata... he thought to himself. That is what they are called. The name strikes a chord of familiarity...but where and when have I heard this name, encountered these creatures before?

For a moment he considered delving back into his age-old memory to find the recognition of these creatures it produced, but still the tuk'ata called out to him, its questions and desires pulling at him. And he needed this creature as an ally, so his own delving would have to wait. Scanning the tuk'ata's mind again, he found the information he would need for the present, including this interesting tuk'ata's name.

"Greetings, friend Yrrulk'kto, he said soothingly, drawing on what he had learned of the creature's thought-patterns and making sure it would interpret his words in its own peculiar manner. "Well-met, noble Huntbrother. Do not worry, my young friend, for I am an ally, yes, and one to be trusted. I only wish to learn more of the tuk'ata, and who better than mighty Yrrulk'kto to teach me of their honor and power?"

"Please, my ally. Take me to your pack, your family, so that I may see more of your amazing people. Lead on, friend Yrrulk'kto. There is much for us to learn of each other, as well."


posted 01-26-2005 06:45 PM    
As stone-voice speaks, fade does strange-feeling. Good-voice this, friend-voice, trusted-voice. Sing it in my heart-of-hearts, praising words, promising words. Desire I these words.

Desires does this stonevoice, friendvoice have as well. Wishes it to learn of my Brothers and Sisters, of all the grandstories, honor-tales of Watchers and Hunters. Speak I now to Friendvoice.

"Great-knowledge yearned for, Friendvoice. All-Knowledge young Huntbrother cannot provide, though offer I what can give I."

And at Friendvoice's urging, back towards herd I begin walking...


posted 01-26-2005 07:26 PM    
((OOC: From "Not Lost, Yet Not Found in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

ShaRhylla's smile broadened further.

"No need to imagine that which is obvious, and no need to tarry in boredom waiting for the dog of an assassin to find his way here."

With no further ado, she closed her eyes in concentration, one hand once more reaching out to rend open the very fabric of space and time. For, being the one to open the portal into the Elseness and fling the blade therein, she likewise could re-open it and seek him once again.

It took but a moment, for indeed there is no time where there is no dimension.

Something black and noisome yowled in the corners of existence as she thrust one arm in the portal, up to the shoulder. Eagerly grasping fingers easily found that which she had placed there, indeed for safe-keeping. A little grunt, a pulling back, another wrenching tug of one hand...

...and the Portal was closed. She stood where she was, the Finger of R'lous in one hand, the Blade which housed Ragorian's spirit held firmly in the other.

Smiling, she held the blade up to her face and spoke to it.

"Dear Ragorian, did you think I had abandoned you? Nay; the assassin would have taken you from me; I was watching over you all the time.

"Now that you are safely back with me here, I have a proposition for you. I know who you are, and what it is that you seek...."

((OOC: Follow ShaRhylla and the Blade of Chaos back into Not Lost, Yet Not Found, thank you.))

[ 01-26-2005 07:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by ShaRhylla ]

Blade of Chaos

posted 04-20-2005 10:39 PM    
As Yrrulk'kto finished its reply to him, Ragorian was assaulted with yet another flood of images and senses, these ones sent his way by the young tuk'ata. For a moment he was bewildered by the sheer volume, but as he began to sort through the collection, he noticed they were all memories of Yrrulk'kto's, memories of his pack and their various leaders back through the years.

He had asked for knowledge of their back, and Yrrulk'kto had responded with literally all he had. Exasperated yet amused, he immediatly dictated a part of his many-layered conciousness to the task of studying the vast deluge of memories, sorting them, and learning all it could from them.

And learn much he did. Names began surfacing in his mind, classifications, a strict hierarchy that took moments to sort through.

So, he dictated back to himself, the clan is made up of Huntbrothers, the strongest and fittest males who hunt for the pack, and Watchers, the females and those males too young to hunt. The Huntbrothers are led by the Bloodseeker, a male, and the watchers are led by Underwatcher, a female. The whole pack is presided over by the Firstwatcher, who can be challenged for leadership...

Most interesting. These tuk'ata are far more intelligent and sophisticated than I would have thought.

A sudden tendril of surprise curled into his mind, generated by the part of him examining Yrrulk'kto's memories. Shifting his focus to these, he found what had caused it: his mind had accessed a group of memories quite unlike those it had examined so far; memories of Yrrulk'kto on the hunt. It had been surprised mainly because of the emotions, Yrrulk'kto's emotions, that had come along with the memory: extreme excitement, bloodthinning tension, and fierce joy saturated the entire fiber of the young tuk'ata's being.

Intrigued, Ragorian opened this memory further, immersing himself in the experience. Something about the entire thing pulled at him with a startling familiarity. As the memory flowed around him, surrounding him with the experience of the hunt, his own memory called out to him, from depths that he had not reached in years immeasurable.

And suddenly he was being pulled in, his mind sinking into its own dark depths for the first time in eons...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 09-21-2005 02:46 PM    
(((OOC: Shayla et al enter from All That We See in this same forum.)))

Shayla looked to Jharmeen, and nodded solemly. She knew the All usage ability was buried somewhere in her mind from her direct access, and that there was in all likelyhood no way she could get to it...
...but she could sure try. If nothing else, the lending of her strength should be enough to help Jharmeen be strong enough to open a large portal. So, without hesitation, Shayla took Jharmeen's hand, nodding once to show that she was ready, and closing her eyes, drawing her strength together and then sending it to her Chosen sister.

Even as she did so, Shayla knew that their efforts were not in vain, for she could feel the shift in their location, via the Force if nothing else.

As she opened her eyes, Shayla already knew they were in the Elseness, and no longer enroute to Khar Delba...

[ 09-21-2005 02:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 09-21-2005 02:56 PM    
Graysith's violet eyes flew open as the tenuous link she had established via Panthar suddenly expanded from just that and into something else.

Something far, far larger. Something that was pure certainty, as sure as a ship's proximity sensor warns its crew of an approaching planet.

Not waiting to ask any other to perform the task, she lunged forward, slapped her hand upon the communications sigil.

"Terrin, Galen-- are you with us?" she asked quickly, concern evident in her voice and in her eyes.


posted 09-21-2005 03:06 PM    
"Yeah, we're with you," I commed quickly back, unable to supress a shudder as a further dance along the mysterious sigils and glyphs which comprised the command boards of this Sith fighter revealed the weird non-ness of this no-place we had just lurched into.

"My favorite place in all the Universe-- or not," I muttered, wincing at the truly unintended double play on words that had just fallen like bricks from my mouth. I shot Terrin a "hey!" sort of look, then returned to the boards.

That "hey" burst out of me then, in all its glory.

"Hey!" I said, smiling a little with relief.

"I show a planet up ahead, about 450 klicks. I bet it's Koris'ian..."

Terrin Danner

posted 09-21-2005 03:15 PM    
Terrin returned the look. "Or it could be Korriban," Terrin replied, frowning. "I sure hope we're right that our little visit here won't upset The Eyes. The first time around was well more than enough..."


posted 09-23-2005 03:48 AM    
I smiled, somewhat shyly.

"Personally, I'm kinda glad about our experience here the last time," I murmurered, reaching over to lay my hand against the strong planes of Terrin's face, to draw him sideways that I could give him a quick peck on the cheek.

Our eyes met. A heartbeat ticked past.

I turned back to the controls.

"I'm sure this is the right place; I am picking up tons of flora, and from what I remember of Korriban, it's a dustball of a rock.

"Let's head on down. Damn the Eyeballs, full speed ahead!"

Letting my fingers dance a peculiar little polka on the boards, I soon felt the familiar tug as gravity tried to take hold of us and crush us against the crust of the planet below. I, of course, would have nothing of that, deftly handling the little fighter just as I had my dear Jesters,.

A sudden thunk announced our planetfall.

Swallowing, I powered down and contacted the other ship, letting them know we had landed.

Eyeballs be damned indeed...

"Shall we depart?" I asked, still trying to put up a brave front, for if the truth were told, I was suddenly scared spitless.

Terrin Danner

posted 09-23-2005 09:04 PM    
It was a good thing the little Sith fighter had its eerie ability to handle swift landings.

Damn, but Galen oculd fly. I mean, how many other people could make a landing like, Sith ship or no?

Trying to lighten up the suddenly ominious feeling, Terrin said as much, then sobered. "Regarding departing, there's no time like the present," he agreed, getting to his feet and then offering Galen a hand as she vacated the pilot's station. His blue eyes met her baby browns again. Another heartbeat passed.

He could swim in them forever..

"And as for our last experience here...I'm kinda glad we had it as well. And if I haven't mentioned it...

...thank you. For risking yourself to save me."

He leaned over then, his lips meeting hers for a moment before his eyes wandered to the hatch of the little fighter. As he and Galen then headed for in that direction and it opened, Terrin recalled that the last time they were at this point a chorus of singing tuk'ata welcomed them.

Kriffing hell, was it going to be the same this time around?

Erik Kartan

posted 09-23-2005 09:14 PM    
As Shayla piloted the Corellian ship to an exceptionally graceful landing considering its bulk, Erik pursed his lips thoughtfully. As she then cooled the engines of the ship and opened the hatch, they received Galen's message that they had also arrived. Erik vaguely heard his wife reply that they were on their way out as well.

He was thinking. Now where was that device he and Panthar had encountered?

"I hope you remember where the device was, or that tuk'ata can lead you back to it, cause as I recall, it was a ways within the Temple..."

Erik trailed, pausing midstep from his pathway to the hatch of the ship, a noise from outside the ship catching his attention.

Was that the growl of a tuk'ata?

He asked as much out loud. Then he looked back at Panthar finished with. "I sure hope that is your buddy."


posted 09-24-2005 09:18 AM    
Returned they have… Coldness, timeless, we feel it. But knowing why, we survive.

The old tuk’ata followed the trail through the forest and around the temple. It had been waiting, sensing the search, sensing Panthar. Now it stood waiting as the first of the ships landed, followed by the next. As the doors opened he stepped from the woods and announced his presence with a growl.

Then he turned his face to the sky and howled. Long, mournful, and wailing. It was lonely now, caught in the vast nothingness of the Elseness and knowing that it was fate. Losing connection with the Temples, not able to sense the power of the three. Yet it knew that for everything there is a reason, and it accepted its fate.

It lowered its head to Panthar as the Sith disembarked, its tentacles falling limp. Knowing what Panthar sought, it then lifted its head and walked to him, licking his hand and running its face tendrils along Panthar’s head. It then turned towards the Temple and walked at a slow pace, looking back once to make sure it was being followed.

It passed through the trees and into the clearing where the group’s previous ship sat and waited to be followed.


posted 09-25-2005 11:57 PM    
Graysith allowed herself a brief, soft smile as she watched the tuk'ata's affections toward Panthar.

How well I know that special bond, she thought, thinking of her own dear M'wonBo'o back on K'eel Doba.

I wonder how this human in Sith form came to bond with that One; I shall have to ask him of this when we have the time for such idle pleasantries.

Her attention was brought from this line of thinking as they travelled on, soon coming toward and then passing by the warship which had been left here, seemingly years ago.

"We shall take that with us when we depart," she said quietly, nodding toward the ship. Then she quieted, concentrating on following the spoor the tuk'ata, after going on swiftly ahead of them, had clearly left for them to follow.

It wasn't long before the little party came upon the animal, who was sitting around the other side of the ship, waiting for them. Letting Panthar take the lead, she continued on with the group, all of them stopping in a little cluster in front of the tuk'ata while they waited to see which way it would go next.

The beast eyed them with its eerie pupilless eyes, twined its face-tendrils around Panthar's outstretched hand, turned, and bounded off into the trees once again. Nodding to the others, Graysith once more stepped out, hurrying now to keep up with the swiftly moving Panthar and the even more swiftly moving tuk'ata.

They finally exited the clearing, coming out into a miasma of gloom.

There before them was the Temple of Armorers, looking somehow foreboding yet sad, as though angry at being abandoned here on a planet quite literally in the middle of nowhere.

[ 09-26-2005 12:12 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 09-28-2005 10:18 PM    
Panthar inhaled deeply at the sight of the temple. His mind went back to the last time he stepped into that temple, the encounter with the hovering eyes. Then he went further back to the first time he entered those doors, when Phalomir had been chased by this very tuk’ata and fought Lord Rean, obtaining the very object that they hoped to be able to get from Aelvedaar.

And now here they were once again, ready to step into that strange and eerie place.

And so they did, following the tuk’ata to the steps and into the first hallway. The stones were still loose and scattered from where the tuk’ata had forced its way in when chasing Phalomir. Panthar looked down the hall at the steps leading down, and again shivered with the memory of the big hovering eyes.

Panthar could hear thoughts from the tuk’ata, though this time it had been mostly silent, but its feelings were coming in loud and strong. It did not like being forced to stay in the Elseness, for it knew what had been done. Yet it led them through the halls and once again to the splintered wooden door that housed the room full of bizarre artifacts.

Panthar touched the tuk’ata on the head, and it looked at him with sad eyes. It trotted into the room and sat in a corner, allowing Panthar and the others to pass inside. Panthar looked around and found the red sphere right where he had last seen it. He sighed and turned to Jharmeen.

“Well,” he said. “This is it. Who should we dial up first?”

[ 09-28-2005 10:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]


posted 09-28-2005 10:27 PM    
Graysith shivered, wrapping her arms about herself as she tiptoed about the crumbled stones, her footsteps echoing hollowly in the quietude of the Temple of the Armorers.

It seems so... different, she couldn't help but think, recalling the days spent here on Koris'ian with Recinis and Jharu, the day she and her husband had come here to prepare for her son's Entitlement trials, the dress she had found...

This place was empty and dark, devoid of life and its purpose for being... but never had it felt so foreboding, so...


Gulping away the memories with a flick of her tresses, she forced her steps to hurry, and soon found herself in the dimly lit chamber where the tuk'ata had led. Weird shapes sat about, like shadows in the night, almost seen, almost touched--

"Who shall we dial up first?"

The words clashed harshly against the overwhelming sense of--

Was it sorrow?

--strangeness that filled her. She shivered again, hurried to his side.

"While it is of the utmost importance to find the whereabouts of Lord Aelvedaar, I must know how my love fares in the awful hands I have placed him in."

She turned to stare at the device, bracing herself.

"Show us Lord Phalomir, and then Lord Aelvedaar, and quickly," she said, then fell silent, the shadows seeming to press in even more closely all around.

Panthar Dantares

posted 09-28-2005 10:54 PM    
The sphere hummed, then burst into a darkly brilliant red glow, casting peculiar shadows all along the wall, shadows that danced along the various devices and weapons hung from the wall. It swirled black and red, as if a vortex was forming inside. This lasted for several seconds, and Panthar looked about nervously.

“It didn’t take this long last time,” he said.

The sphere eventually brightened and clouded, an image forming in the gloomy chaos.

The sphere showed a room, dark and foreboding. The image was as if the group was looking in through a window in the ceiling. The center of the room held the remnants of a large framework of some sort, with cords hanging down from the top and bottom, as if someone had been suspended within it. The floor below the frame was a dark pool of some thick liquid with a hint of purple. Off to the side sat a pair of imps, one small and crouched in a corner, the other larger and missing a part of its tail. They were both staring across the room where a large red-skinned man lay nearly naked in a semi-fetal position, the horns on the head indicating this was indeed Phalomir.

Phalomir’s body was covered in cuts, bite marks, and dark areas. The horns on his head were stained with violet blood, and though his face was turned the agony was apparent. He clutched his abdomen tightly, a blue glow showing beneath his hands. A slight whimper was heard amid the heavy gasps for breath.

The imps stood and moved aside as the wall seemed to just open a small slot, making way for the unmistakable form of the Master to walk through. He grinned from ear to ear, then pulled his hands from under his cloak to reveal a long, forked whip. He cracked it and the larger imp jumped. The Master laughed aloud and turned to Phalomir.
“And now, my son,” he called out. “The true lessons in love and pain begin. Soon you shall beg me to allow Him entrance.”

The Master cracked the whip again, and from across the room Phalomir’s body jerked. The Master threw his head back and laughed, then stopped. He looked warily upwards, then rested his eyes in the direction of the group. His smiled faded, then returned again with malice.

“Come for him,” he said quietly, though his voice was heard clearly. “We shall be waiting.”

The whip cracked again, followed by a scream from Phalomir. The Master waved his hand above his head and the sphere went black, then settled back to a dull red.


posted 09-28-2005 11:04 PM    
She forgot how to breathe.

She forgot all about pain.

All she could see was the horror, the indescribable terror and agony in Phalomir's body language, the bloodthirsty joy lighting the eyes of the imps.

The frighteningly insane and charismatic glow which emanated from Phalomir's supposed father, lending him the sinister aura of a cult leader.

Her nails cut through into her flesh, burying themselves there. The chamber ravened with the light of her Glyph; it was all she could do to keep from tearing open a portal right then and there and leaping in to Phalomir's aid.

"He-- he would not wish me to do this, not this way, not now..."

That was all that kept her sane, that kept anger and dark promises of vengeance from overwhelming her pain for him altogether, to keep here here in the realms of light and sanity and reality.

The image faded to bloody red, then disappeared. She bowed her head, collecting herself.

"Sh-show us Lord Aelvedaar," she said hoarsely, not daring yet to look up from the stones which lay at her feet.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-02-2005 02:55 PM    
Shayla's greeny-blue eyes widened with every moment, with every image...

...and with a sudden start, as the Master addressed them directly, as if he knew they were there, she suddenly had to pause as something occurred to her. Before she was really aware of what she was doing, she reached out to Jharmeen and took a hold of her arm.

"Wait," she said suddenly, in a whisper. "How did he know we were here, watching him? He wants us to come after Phalomir, and the image was enough to make us want to do so right now... can we be certain this is not a trap, and that this device is not somehow controlled by the Master? How can we know that the images we see within are the Truth? He knew we were watching, he knew..."


posted 10-03-2005 10:50 PM    
Graysith nodded, staring down at the cold stones of the floor as she tried to bring her racing heart under control. Although her features became calmer and calmer the fact that she was yet in emotional turmoil was evident by the response of the Glyph. It ravened upon her brow like a tiny sun, lighting the room with it's eerie ultraviolet radiance, casting everyone's face in a hot blue glow.

She cleared her throat.

"I agree," she finally managed. "This of course is a trap, although why I cannot imagine. After all, I was within his grasp; why he would let me go at that time is beyond me, unless he wants us all under his thumb."

She brightened fractionally.

"Perhaps he has decided that we present something of a threat to him after all, and this is why he- he does-"

She cleared her throat again, faltering.

"He commits the atrocities he does upon my beloved. But do not for one second believe that the images shown to us are false; this Master is evil, that I clearly sensed when I was there with him. He wants his son for a purpose which yet remains a mystery to me, and clearly means to break him to his will.

"Which is why we must hasten... but must also proceed with the utmost of caution.

"And now I present the quandary to you all: if we do indeed present a threat to him, how so? In what manner? We must come up with the reasoning for it, if indeed it is a truth, for clearly that will be the means of defeating him.

"Having Lord Aelvedaar with us will only strengthen us; Panthar, have you discovered anything yet?"

Drawing in a deep breath, she finally managed to quiet her wildly beating heart and bring a semblance of normalcy to her features. She folded her hands in front of her and looked around at her companions, hoping they would be able to determine the answers to the scenario she had posited.

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-03-2005 11:00 PM    
Panthar turned to Jharmeen.

“I don’t know exactly how this works, I think you just concentrate on the Dark Lord and then it…”

“Hey, you know,” he interrupted himself. “When Erik and I were here last time and that ugly mug showed up in the sphere, he spoke right to us. In fact, he opened up a freaking portal right here, as if he was right here with us! Like idiots, we walked into it and ended up trapped with Galen and the gang in the Temple of the Sorcerers, trapped there by Aleve—“

Panthar paused.

“The Master was in cahoots with Aelvedaar at that time, it sure seemed. Then our friend Thoran said something later on about the Master and Aelvedaar having a fallout, then we conveniently find the Master on board that weird ship and let him free. He said he was put there by Aelvedaar. Now why would Aelvy choose that particular place to imprison someone as apparently powerful as the Master?”

Panther scratched his head and looked at the others.

“Now, I’m just thinking here, but the Master sure has been trying to get his hands on Phal for a long time, trying one trick after another, when it seems that all he ever had to do was come take him by force. But everything he has done to us has been a trick of some kind, hasn’t it? I mean, if he could open up a portal by remote before, then he could surely have done something nasty to us by remote just now. Why didn’t he? Why does he want us to come for Phal?”

Panther turned to look Jharmeen.

“Anyway, what I’m getting at is this. Your quandary, the threat we pose – what if it’s not a threat he sees? I mean, what if means to lure us there for something else? Is there a reason he would want any of us to enter the Darker Realms, especially in a panic? He seems to be a master of deal-making, could any of us be something to barter with? You know, like Roan used Terrin to barter for Galen….”

A light seemed to ding in Panthar’s eyes.

“Is ROAN working with the Master? Wasn't he after you or Galen when he died? Or had one of you somewhere...?”


posted 10-03-2005 11:38 PM    
Graysith turned to look at her sister, who upon hearing Panthar's words had buried herself against Terrin. She pursed her lips in sympathy, knowing full well the kind of atrocities Roan was indeed capable of as well.

Galen of all people understood this, yes. It was in her eyes...

In three swift steps she was in front of Galen, one hand reaching out to squeeze her shoulder in support.

"He will bring you to no harm, this I can promise," she said softly. Then she turned back to the others.

"The possibility is very real, and one we must assume is genuine," she agreed, nodding her head. "It would be utterly unthinking on our parts to ignore the sheer proximity the Master has with Roan; why else would he operate from the Darker Realms if not to utilize all they have to offer him? That includes not only those awful imps, but Roan and perhaps the darkness that is Entaris as well.

"If not more of which we have yet to become aware."

She sighed, then lifted her head, her eyes darkening as she obviously braced herself. Then turning to the deeply shimmering sphere, she closed her eyes and concentrated as hard as she could upon her Sire.

"Show him to us," she murmured, not opening her eyes, waiting for the others to inform her that her query was being answered.

That answer was not long in coming. Gradually the sphere brightened, taking on the hue of freshly spilled blood which roiled and churned within its depths before coiling back upon itself to thus clear an open spot. Within that red-lit spot there came the image of Lord Aelvedaar: his strong frame hanging limply from the blue-glowing manacles which affixed him to the black-mossed stone, his robes of state torn and soiled, his head bowed down in an attitude of despair.

If not defeat.

Terrin Danner

posted 10-04-2005 09:25 PM    
On instinct, Terrin wrapped his arms about Galen supportively. And inside his mind and his heart, the implications of Panthar's rather logical words made his blood boil.

Terrin knew for damn certain that Roan had been up to something that day in the Darker Realms, when Galen had exchanged herself and took his place. That was the reason he'd fought to get her back. And he wouldn't stand idly by while something of that nature happened again. Galen had already been through more than her fair share of hellish experiences.

But what was it that Roan had been up to? Did anyone even know what he had been doing with Galen? Galen?

Terrin frowned, and almost totally missed what had been going on until startled gasps jerked him back into reality...

..and to the image of Lord Aelvedaar, his head hung, his arms bound, his robes torn and tattered. While everyone else might have been in shock, the image reminded Terrin of himself, once upon a time in an Imperial prison on Coruscant. And that got him thinking.

"How do we get to him?" Terrin questioned simply into the shocked silence. "We're going to need him if we intend to have any chances to come against the evil powers we face, and the dark plots which might be directed at several of us..."

Trailing, Terrin tightened his grip on Galen slightly.

"...and perhaps he needs us as well."

Terrin looked to Jharmeen, cocking a brow. "You were able to locate me and find me on Coruscant in prison. Can you do the same with Aelvedaar now?"

[ 10-04-2005 09:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-04-2005 10:22 PM    
Panthar stared at the scene in the sphere, so crisp and clear. He chewed his lower lip and turned to Jharmeen.

“Maybe it’s not a super special power the Master has, maybe it’s a function of the sphere. The ability to send his powers through it, I mean, like when he opened the portal in this room when he wasn’t here. I mean, look, it’s like I can reach out and touch him almost!”

Panthar reached his hand out and let it hover over the sphere.

“It feels cold and damp right here, do you feel it? Is it worth a try, maybe you can do the same thing the Master did?”


posted 10-05-2005 02:08 PM    
Graysith turned to Terrin, deep concern mingled with a touch of fright shining deep in her eyes.

"The reason that I was able to find you in the Coruscant prison was due to the link I had established with you," she replied. "But the link I have with my Sire, which has gone unfailing--"

She paused fractionally, closing her eyes as she strove to reach out, to find and touch the warm presence Lord Aelvedaar had always been in her mind. But the tendrils she extended slammed up against something harder than dura-steel, colder than the icy heart of space itself.

She shivered.

"--is now gone."

Blinking back that remnant of fright, she turned away toward the sphere once again, moving to come to a halt next to Panthar. He turned to her, brows raised, as if asking her to verify what he was feeling.

She extended a hand. Yanked it back, and withdrew a few steps.

"I agree with Panthar," she said slowly.

"This device, in showing us the whereabouts of those whom we seek, seems to likewise be opening up a portal through which we might enter. However, there is much danger involved; while I conclude that we will be able to join Lord Aelvedaar, come to his aid, I do not know just where it is that we are thus finding him.

"That is something we will not know until we are actually there."

Her look grew earnest, serious, and she cast it into each and every pair of eyes around her.

"I cannot deny my Sire assistance, when it is obvious that his pain enthralls him so greatly. I go to his side; however..."

She now turned to Ayelmaar, who up until this point had remained silent, choosing to simply follow the lead of the others in the party.

"I wish for you to be the last through, should you desire to join me. If so, bring the sphere with you; if you remain here, stay with the sphere, that you may assist us if we need help returning to this place.

"Although I shall now implement certain... assurances to the effect that we shall have no such difficulty."

In one smoothly swift gesture her hand shot out, placing itself upon Aeylmaar's face, fingertips over the nerve ganglia at temple and forehead, her palm resting lightly on his nose. Moments later she withdrew that hand, amiling in satisfaction as she clearly felt a small part of her essence now wandering through the corridors of his psyche.

"I have established a link with you Aeylmaar, that we might find our way back. And in the even that you do desire to come..."

Now she turned to Galen, who yet huddled against Terrin. Smiling, she repeated the rite she had performed upon the young sorcerer.

"I trust you wish to remain here, Galen," she murmured, nodding in understanding. "And you as well, to protect her?"

The latter words were directed towards Terrin. Another brief smile flicked across her face then, and she turned back to the sphere.

"Those who wish to do so may follow my lead, but be on your guard. As I mentioned, I do not know exactly where it is we go, but if it is in the lair of one who can shackle a Dark Lord of the Sorcerers..."

She let that ominous statement trail off, its implications crystal clear.

Then reaching out with her talents yet again she touched the power of the sphere, followed the winding pathways therein which followed the interstices of spacetime itself, and finally connected to--

Cold. A cold icier than death, more glacial than space itself.

The cold of utter despair.

I am coming, my Sire, she thought toward him, hoping a connection had been made.

The air in front of her ripped open, revealing living shadow.

She stepped through... and found herself upon something that was not quite stone, staring up at the limp form of the Sorcerer Lord, who hung by blue-glowing manacles against something else that was not quite stone, some twenty-five feet above her head.

Even though she knew that time was of the essence, she could not refrain from taking an instinctive step backwards.

"I-- I know of this place," she said tersely before then reaching out with her powers to try to free the imprisoned Dark Lord of the Sith.

((OOC: Follow Graysith into Into the Out Of in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

[ 10-05-2005 02:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-05-2005 07:37 PM    
Shayla did not hesitate but for the barest of moments, a moment enough to turn to her husband with a quizzical brow, clearly wondering if he would be joining her and the others. He returned an understanding look her way, and nodded just once.

And with no further ado than this, Shayla stepped through the portal, knowing her husband was just another step behind her.

(((OOC: Follow Shayla and Erik to Into the Out Of in this same forum, thank you.)))

Terrin Danner

posted 10-05-2005 10:00 PM    
Terrin found himself spellbound as he watched all which proceeded within the sphere. The moment Lord Aelvedaar was released from his bounds, Terrin turned to look at Aeylmaar, his arms still about Galen. "Now would be a good time to bring them back here..."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-05-2005 10:22 PM    
(((OOC: Shayla, Erik, Graysith, Panthar, and Aelvedaar join from Into the Out of in this same forum)))

As Graysith and Aeylmaar gathered around Panthar and Aelvedaar to heal him, Shayla took Erik by the hand. "Your strength will be needed as well," she said to him.

"But I..." he started.

She cut him off. "You can," she said simply. "It is within you."

And with nothing further than that, Shayla joined the others gathering around Aelvedaar, stretching out into the Force and towards the Dark Lord, channeling all the strength and healing energies into him that she could. As everyone continued their united efforts, Shayla could already sense strength slowly beginning to flood back into the drained Dark Lord.

[ 10-05-2005 10:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Terrin Danner

posted 10-06-2005 09:31 PM    
Terrin blinked, taken somewhat aback by the rapidity of the events which were unfolding.

Not that he was all that suprised by the rapidity--or the nature--of the events, really. But still...

As the others gathered around Panthar and Lord Aelvedaar, Terrin reached out and took Galen's chin in his hand, making her baby browns meet his blues.

"You have it within you to help them," he said quietly to her, nodding in the direction of the little gathering party and saying nothing further, unmoving for the moment so as to instill in Galen the faith he had in her...

...and in the abilities he had believed were within her all along.


posted 10-06-2005 09:50 PM    
I crossed my arms around myself, turning to hunker against Terrin's warm form, and for a moment just stood there staring at the Sith held in Panthar's arms like nothing so much as a bundle of wet noodles. The austere face was worn, lined; the skin cracked and bleeding here and there; his head lolled against Panthar's body, his arms dangling, giving the impression that he was a small child or merely a rag doll rather than the Dark Lord of the Sorcerers I had come to mistrust of late.

Something deep inside me cracked, began to thaw, to melt. The loose form grew blurred as tears welled up from nowhere to obscure my vision; with a motion that was almost angry I dashed them from my eyes, and turned back to Terrin.

"I--I don't know what to do--"

He said nothing but gave me an encouraging little push. Biting my lip, I sidled to where my sister and Shayla were bracketing Panthar, and moved up alongside them.

"I want to help, somehow," I stated, the fact that I was unsure as to just how I would do so evident in my voice. Jharmeen turned to me with a soft smile, that weird thing on her forehead striking me with its eerie light, filling me with warmth and serenity and--

And. Something. Else.

Unthinking then, I reached out with both hands, one going to the Dark Lord, the other taking hold of Jharmeen's. Her grasp was cool and firm, undoubtedly just as cool and firm as the hold she had upon Shayla's shoulder.

A rustle intruded upon my peripheral hearing; turning my head a bit I saw Aeylmaar coming to join us, obviously fighting back tears of his own by the contorted expression he wore.

Together then we stood, the four of us, unconsciously moving to surround the Dark Lord of the Sorcerers at each of the four cardinal points, joining his fading spirit with our own, sensing, reaching out, finding, healing...

Just before I lost myself to what to an outsider must look utterly strange but which to me suddenly felt utterly natural, I caught it: the red glow.

It was emanating softly from the sphere that had showed us how to find that which we had sought.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 10-06-2005 10:01 PM    
Jasyn, who had fallen into a rather unusual silence, blinked at the red glow coming from the globe. His eyes widened. "Wh-wh-why the kriffing hell is it doing that?!?" he queried, to no one in particular. "What the hell is going on?"

Terrin Danner

posted 10-06-2005 10:21 PM    
Terrin shot Jasyn a look that all but read Not now, pal...

And stepping in a bit closer to the group, he responded, his look thoughtful. "Might be Sith magick...

...I've seen that glow before."

And with nothing further he fell silent and waited along with his two employees, the only members of the little group left who could, as it seemed, do nothing but wait.


posted 10-07-2005 09:42 PM    
Once again, warmth floods the frozen effigy I had become, bringing with it welcomed awareness and the will to live. It is a wonderful warmth, one I recognize as being a combination of Sith magicks, the All, and its one component some call the Light Side.

I smile at the thought, my mind now led down a tangential pathway as I ponder this. Strange, that what simply is must be broken into a composite; such is the tendency of intelligent beings to produce order from chaos.

At least for the most part...

This brings a touch of ice back into the warmth, and I struggle to open my eyes. At last I manage to accomplish the feat, and this time there is no pain.

There is only the wonderful spectacle of violet and greeny-blue, amber and mink brown, all merging together in a kaleidoscopic whirl of concern and healing.

I smile again; how arrogant we Sith were, to hold our own colorful orbs in such high esteem. Here indeed are lights just as bright...

I jerk myself, trying to focus. My tongue snakes out, trying to wet my lips. Suddenly there is something hard pressed against them, something which releases the blessed relief of pure, clean water into my parched mouth. I grab for it eagerly; hands now hold me back, restraining me. I struggle... then subside to the wisdom of that which is around me. Soon the hardness returns, followed by the cooling liquid; I take a more leisurely sip, and am rewarded with yet more water.

On and on this goes until I feel I am about to burst; the water goes a long way toward reviving me, and I manage to draw in a deep breath and fully focus on those around me.

Shayla. My dear apprentice, Aeylmaar. The sister of the One I Chose, and.. and She herself.

Four sets of eyes blink; I can read the concern therein. I raise a weak hand, wave it somewhat ineffectually, much to my embarrassment.

"I-- I shall live, and I thank you," I manage before, with a great effort, I try to raise myself to a sitting position. It is only then that I realize that I am indeed supine, but in the arms of--

Another Sith?

We stare at each other in mutual discomfort and further embarrassment. Then I am swiftly carried to a seat, and placed upon it. The Sith backs away, but hovers nearby.

I let my gaze sweep over them all.

"I thank you," I repeat, then rise to wobbly feet. Instantly there are eight hands upon me, holding me, steadying me. Filling me with even yet more warmth.

I allow myself the luxury of a small smile, and then sober. For weak though I am, there is no time for niceties; I recognize the room we are in, here in the Temple of the Armorers.

This is a Good Thing.

"There is great danger, my friends; we have no time to spare."

With that I fall silent, falling back a bit, sagging into the chair once more. My ordeal has left me weaker than I thought.

[ 10-07-2005 09:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-07-2005 10:35 PM    
Shayla nodded, her greeny-blue eyes intense as she then glanced to Jharmeen. "Phalomir remains in the grasp of Roan and the Master in the Darker Realms. They are going to use Phalomir for something horrible...

...but we really don't know what. The Master is strong, and we cannot come against him alone, particularly not with Roan at his side as well. We need your help."


posted 10-07-2005 11:16 PM    
The words this one speaks are strange to me, and send a warning ripple of disembodiment along my spine, as if she occupies another universe altogether from the one into which I have only just been returned.

Been returned...

I blink, staring, admonishing myself for the glaring oversight. Blink and rub my eyes as hard as I can, he yet remains standing there, smiling with such relief that only one who loves another greatly can show.

"Aey- Aeylmaar?" I begin slowly, carefully, turning my head sideways and cutting my eyes swiftly to the others.

"You... are here. And Brother Roan, in the Darker Realms with the Master... you know of him then, of his deceit and the danger he presents to us..."

I pause as a giant shiver erupts throughout my body, sinking into the seat again. For a moment I remain thus, then glance quickly back to the group.

"Brother Roan-- he is dead then? And this Phalomir, of whom I know not... and Aeylmaar, who stands here before me, no dream... and this other of my people, whom I do not know..."

I turn now to the giant Sith who had carried me to this seat. He lowered his head, looking somehow sheepish. I let the look pass by; clearly hs is of no threat to me or my apprentice or my beloved Chosen One.

Now it is to her eyes that my gaze carries me. The look is returned by one full of questions; I sigh, then bite back confusion as one glaring reality strikes home.

"My people-- the Sith. Then they have returned?" I ask, letting a glimmer of joy flood into me at the thought, a welcomed escape from the confusion that dwelled so apparently not only in me, but in others here as well.

"What of Lord Recinis, and Jharu?"


posted 10-07-2005 11:31 PM    
Concern raced in to wage battle with the growing confusion in Graysith's eyes. Her brows lowered, and she could not help but draw back a bit, surprised.

What madness is this--?

Then it hit her, and she raised a hand to quash any comment or further question. Now stepping closer to Lord Aelvedaar, she lowered herself, squatting in front of him now, eye to eye.

"My dear Sire," she began softly. "You have been through much, and we will obey and answer all your questions. But first... please, you must tell us:

"How did you come to be taken prisoner? How long were you there? And who dared raise a hand against a Dark Lord of the Sith?"


posted 10-07-2005 11:46 PM    
My frown deepens as her words fall upon my ears. For although I am weak, have indeed been through much, I am not weakened to the point of utter blindness.

She is being evasive.


I shake my head, now letting my eyes drift to the middle space somewhere in front of me, and there I see...


No details, just a dark, oppressive shadow. I do not know who this is, I only know that another had come to me, quite often, throughout the long and lonesome non-hours and non-days and non-years that I languished, to torment and taunt and gibber and laugh at me.

"He-- he said it was to save all the peoples of the galaxy," I begin slowly, struggling to focus, striving to remember that which my every cell shrieked away from in horror.

"I was sent for that day in Phrinnchatka, the day you died and were reborn--"

I stared at my beloved, stared into her face, right through the confusion and horror which was taking root there.

"The day the demons from the Darker Realms came to destroy Phrinnchatka; He told me they succeeded, that the city was destroyed, its marvels laying in ruins, never to echo with the sounds of laughter or happy feet..."

I blink, staring into that same middle space now, seeing that wonderful capitol city fall, hearing the gibber of the imps as they rend and tear and slash and destroy.

"I- I do not know by what power I was overcome; the demons came, and they took me. All was in darkness, and when there was light I was as you found me, bound and hanging, there to be forced to act the buffer for every bit of evil and wickedness and charnel depravity He could come up with.

"The All seemed to have abandoned me to that fate..."

I can hold back no longer. A sob of pain erupts from me, and I bury my face in my hands, my shoulders shaking and hot tears flowing through my fingers.

For how could this happen? Who could stand against one so evil, with such power, if the might of the All had no sway?

As was evident by the ease in which I had been taken from my temple, what I am beginning to believe was longer ago than I at first had thought.

[ 10-07-2005 11:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-08-2005 12:05 AM    
Shayla could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, shivering at the thought of someone...or something? ...powerful enough to torment the Dark Lord of the Sorcerors.

To save the galaxy...

...The Master perhaps?

Shayla spoke as much, her greeny-blue eyes filled with emotion then as she queited, the reality of just how long Aelvedaar had really not been Aelvedaar impacted her.

Her unborn son was...where? And with who?

"I wonder what it is this... Thing was protecting the people of the galaxy from?" Shayla queried then, ideas already springing to her mind from events in the past. "The Vong?" she then added, her tone still questioning, the direction her thoughts were taking clear. "But to what end can total darkness without any light save any of us, let alone the entire galaxy?"

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-09-2005 10:20 PM    
Panthar scratched his horns, still not wanting to look Aelvedaar in the eyes. But he could not remain silent, even so.

“Forgive me I sound a little blunt, but this is all very strange and uncomfortable. I mean, I’ve spent the past few weeks scared to death of the great and powerful sorcerer that is plotting to take over the galaxy, and now here he is right in front of us. But apparently it wasn’t the REAL Aelvedaar that we were afraid of, right? So here he have the REAL Aelvedaar, who has been tied up in some horrible torture chamber for the past – how long? Months? Years?”

Panthar looked at Aelvedaar apologetically.

“You see, we – well, some of us, anyway -- thought you were the bad guy, and we only recently found out otherwise. So again, pardon my rudeness, but my best friend is being held and tortured in the Darker Realms, and we don’t have a lot of time. Do you know anything about a Sith/Demon/poodoo head named the Master?”


posted 10-09-2005 10:34 PM    
The common-sensical overtones of the words spoken by this strange Sith work their way into my head, breaking through my momentary weakness and bring me back into focus. I lift my gaze up, take a breath, compose myself, and speak.

"The Master... I do not know much of this one, but I believe he, if not the actual one, at least had some hand in my capture. For as I said, I was often approached by a dark figure I could not quite see, one who taunted me and said my agony was to save the galaxy-- although how that could be so I cannot devine with all my powers.

"This figure, while never telling me his name, was once approached by a small demon, an imp with a truncated tail; that one groveled at his feet and called him Master."

I pause to take in another breath.

"Perhaps this is who he is; what is of concern, rather than the name he goes by, is the power he wields. How can the All, in all its magnificence, be overcome? How was it that I was taken so easily?

"That is the concern I carry; if it is against him that you wish to lift your hand, then I fear it will be to no avail. Unless, of course, there is yet another power stronger, a device more omnipotent, that can be used against him to save your friend."

I pause a moment, then turn to the adept of my Chosen One.

"As for One who treads the path of darkness saving the galaxy... this I cannot understand. For the All is the highest power there is; a natural balance must be embraced to use it. There can be no light without dark, no night without day. I find myself at a loss, not only in consideration of how this one managed to detain me, but how he thinks he can save a galaxy...

"...and from what I recall, the Vong could be a very real possibility. You two of all those here should know of this."

I pause again, this time to share a look between my Chosen One and her Adept, who both shift uncomfortably on their feet.

[ 10-09-2005 10:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-10-2005 08:58 PM    
The return of the Vong again...

...perhaps this mysterious figure--quite possibly the Master--felt that darkness must be overcome with even deeper darkeness?

Once more, Shayla spoke these thoughts aloud. Then she continued with. "As for a device to battle against the Master--there is one which may be effective, which is known as the Finger of R'lous. I'm uncertain as to just how it works," she paused, frowning, glancing at Jharmeen, "But the problem is that this particular device has gone missing. We have been in search of it, as we were for you."

Pausing at that, Shayla frowned, her greeny-blue eyes growing a bit vague as she then continued with. "The use of the All requires balance, but there are other All-devices out there--ones associated with this Master in particular--that can drain the All-powers from an All-user, to be used by the device's manipulator." Frowning more deeply, Shayla turned to Jharmeen, then to Panthar, then to include everyone else in the look. "Is that not precisely what the Finger does?"

Terrin Danner

posted 10-10-2005 09:06 PM    
"Hold it, Hold it," Terrin spoke up, "What about The Eyes that we ran into on our last little visit here...the," he paused, making quotation marks with his fingers, "That Which Is?" Quieting a moment, he arched a brow, gaining a rather puzzled look from Lord Aelvedaar. "I mean, it was all about the natural flow of life and balance, and here we are talking about devices and of things with power greater than that of the All. Is it just me, or might 'That Which Is' take offense to all this?"

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-10-2005 09:13 PM    
Panthar watched the two women shift on their feet. For a moment he lingered on Shayla, watching her move uncomfortably as if reliving a horrific memory. Then he listened as she spoke, and grimaced when Terrin broke in.

“OK, wait. First, the Finger thing,” he said. “It’s the reason we sought you, since it was you who apparently stole it from Jharmeen’s temple. It’s come in handy already. It allowed Phal to kick some serious butt, and it channeled his power into Jharmeen, and the SHE kicked some serious demon butt.”

“Second, the thing that Phal used in the past to thwart All energy was the Eye of R’lous. I carried for a while… heck, it’s what got me into all of this in the first place. But it’s gone now, it exploded back when we met the big glowing eyes, remember? Phal told me it’s energy seemed to disperse into Jharmeen and then it just went poof.”

Panthar paused, then added “Third, I can tell you are a little perplexed about Phal. I’ll tell you all about Phalomir sometime, I’m sure he’ll be happy to know that you are you, and not the you he thought you was. He is in some serious love with Jharmeen, and you’ve been thwarting his every move, heh. Actually, you’ve been pretty busy with all of us. You sent an assassin after Phal and Gray, you put a bomb on our ship that blew up and made something possess Gray… and then you somehow caused us to come out of hyperspace in the middle of a supernova, which we think you caused. There’s more, but that’s enough for now. Let’s just say that someone has been very busy doing some very nasty things in your name.”

“But the Eyes, that was something different altogether. It didn’t like us bringing Terrin back to life, and made us do something to ensure something like that wouldn’t happen again. So we, um, moved this system into the Elseness…”


posted 10-10-2005 10:31 PM    
Hearing the words being spoken to me, I shake my head as an almost child-like wonder descends upon me. To think, that which I was so certain to be the very epitome of all power in the universe now able to be harnessed like so many banthas beneath the iron control of the Tatooine Sand People.

Then, even as that wonder floods through me, another thought interrupts. I jerk my head up, allowing a slight smile to cross my features as I do so.

"Then I have been successful, and no matter what travails there are ahead of us, in the long run, regarding the Greater Picture, we shall be successful as well."

I am rewarded by blank stares, interspersed with frowns and deeply seated glimmers of confusion and fear. I let my lip curl crookedly, and cast a molten gaze upon the party.

"Don't you understand? These devices of which you speak... they are nothing of my doing, and surely no one in this time has been able to devise such things. If indeed my people have been returned to this time, well then..."

Another pause whilst I slowly rise to my feet. I am still weakened, and sway a bit, but hands fly out from all sides to steady me. Warmed by this, I continue.

"Do you not see? These devices must be of the future; if this Master is striving so hard to halt us for his own purpose, he too must have come from that time. The fact that he is striving to change something, using devices which channel the All leads me to deduce that my people have survived, the our use of the All has survived...

"...and by that fact alone, no matter what comes our way, that we do succeed in our task. Speaking strictly of the Greater Picture, you understand."

Another pause to allow the blank looks to develop further. Now I am openly grinning.

"If this Master was so powerful, such a force to be feared, had by the use of the devices he has created... been successful...

"...we would already be dead and the universe as we know it completely changed.

"The fact that we are being threatened is explained by His fear, and perhaps his real lack of power."

Now I spread my arms out, letting the shreds of my robes hang from them as I conclude as simply as I can.

"You must forgive my earlier display of despair; it was... unseemly. For indeed is logic overwhelmed by the rise of emotion, spurred on by physical weakness. Now, however, after hearing your words and returning to myself, I say now that I truly feel whatever it is you need to do... this shall indeed be accomplished.

What is it, exactly?"

[ 10-10-2005 10:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-10-2005 11:34 PM    
Panthar looked around at the group, eyes were ranging from wide to tearing to glazed. Nobody spoke up, so, of course, he did.

“Well,” he said. “For starters, we have a couple of emergencies – well, all right, we have a bunch of emergencies. But right at hand there are two things that are connected. Phalomir, Lord of the Armorers – don’t ask right now – is being held in the Darker Realms by the Master, who is his father – don’t ask right now – and is being tortured for some reason. He knows we know, and taunted us to come for him. Then we have someone apparently impersonating you, and for all we know it might be the Master. Whoever it is, they have the Finger. So…..”

Panthar sighed.

“So, anyway, we need the Finger to defeat the Master, we think. And since you are so sure that the future holds goodness for us, how about we go after that first? Oh, Phal is from the future, by the way – by way of the past.”

“Hmm, there is a base of some kind that Phal took us to, I wonder if it has anything nifty in it? Heck, what am I saying, look around us!”

Panthar did just that, looking at the strange devices that lined the walls.

“Oh, there is another guy out there, Thoran, who is also in cahoots with the Master, but we think he disappeared and accidentally hooked up with whoever is impersonating you. If only we had a link to follow him through, eh?”

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 10-11-2005 09:29 PM    
Scowling now, Jasyn spoke up. "Well, I don't know about Thoran, but that bleeping Master dude sure tried to mess with my head. Rememmber, when we found him on the old Sith ship, and he threatened to leave a mark on me so that he could 'use' me at a later time, or some such mumbo jumbo?"

Jasyn's scowl darkened further. "Could we use this?" he queried, quirking a brow before he finished with, "I mean, wouldn't it be swell if his fancy parlor tricks ended up biting him in the rear end?"


posted 10-11-2005 10:12 PM    
Graysith shook her head with a frown.

"All this talk of links with this person or that; I'm afraid that is not what we should be focusing upon at this time."

She turned to take in the entire group, then went on.

"We already know the Master is holding my dear Phalomir, for what purpose we have yet to discover. Tied into this is a possible connection with the incoming Yuuzhan Vong -- oh yes, my friends, they are coming.

"We at least know of this, do we not?"

She now turned her violet eyes to Shayla, and then to Lord Aeylvedaar. Both shifted a bit as memories seemed to flood them.

Graysith ignored this and went on.

"The Master has use of the All, has devices which can overcome an All user, as is evident by his capture of Lord Aelvedaar. But he is not as omnipotent as we would fear, for did we not rescue my Sire?"

She drew in a breath, frowning a little as she tried to marshall her thoughts.

"A link would be superfluous, for we can travel into the presence of the Master -- or at least to where he holds my beloved -- at any time we desire. This I can easily do.

"But what we need is a means by which to overcome this so-called Master; perhaps we might find a device here in this Temple of the Armorers...

"...or perhaps we might not need one at all. Lord Aelvedaar, although a powerful Dark Lord of the Sith and All user, is but one; we have several All users here, now; perhaps our combined strengths can be put to use to save Phalomir?"

Not to mention the fact that she didn't want to do anything to invoke the attention of That Which Is. If s/he/it was upset with her possession of the Claw of S'slan, what might s/he/it do if they used other, more powerful, and All-imbalancing items?

Not saying any more, she merely held up her right hand, prominently displaying the bare (and totally restored) finger where the Claw of S'slan once was worn.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-11-2005 10:27 PM    
Shayla pursed her lips thoughtfully, pondering. "You know, the Master has all of his powerful devices...

...perhaps our best way to counter him is by avoiding the use of any device, and simply sticking to what is naturally inherent in all of us: All use, Force-ability, and above all wisdom and knowledge. Devices, as powerful as they can be, all have weaknesses as well..."

She trailed, pursing her lips once more, her eyes widening in thought. "Perhaps we should not be focusing on what new device we can find, but rather on discovering just what the devices the Master has access to do, and what their potential weaknesses are. I would at least think these devices were developed over quite an extensive amount of time, and that even now some information on them might exist in some of the multiple resources that we have here, on Khar Delba, and even on K'eel Doba."

[ 10-11-2005 10:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-12-2005 01:26 AM    
“Like that library,” said Panthar. “But that assumes that the Master is indeed using a device, and who is to say it’s not something from the future or whatever? I don’t know, I wish there was a way to spy on him without using the red sphere, since he seems able to see us through it at the same time. Then we could maybe see what he has at his disposal. Jharmeen, when you were his prisoner, did you see anything he was using, device or otherwise?”


posted 10-14-2005 11:09 PM    
Graysith shook her head with a frown.

"No," she said slowly. "I do not recall anything..."

Red. There was red, an all-compassing, blanketing red.

Blood-something, the imp had called it.


The Blood of the Temple...

She raised her head and stared at the others.

"When- when I awoke, it was to find myself within a dark room. There was a little imp, who seemed to want to befriend me. I was encased in something red and glowing, something the imp called the Blood of the Temple; this red-whatever-it-was kept me from using my own talents to escape."

She paused again, thinking hard.

"Other than that," she sighed. "There were no devices. In fact, I never did see the Master, only the imp."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-14-2005 11:24 PM    
Again Shayla frowned, deep in thought. "The Blood of the Temple?" Shayla repeated aloud, her eyes defocused. "Sounds like something magickal, possibly something similiar to the Eternal Flame..."

She trailed, her look growing even more distant. "You know, if we're talking about moving along against the Master with our own strengths, and with nothing else," she then said, her greeny-blues now snapping to alertness, "I think our best solution is still to go to the Flame. The Flame will tell us where everyone is, what is going on...

...and will at the same time enhance what is already inherent to at least those of us who are All users. And the Flame is powerful..."

Pausing again, her look turned thougthful. "I think this is a very viable option...

...and I think the time is now."


posted 10-17-2005 08:28 PM    
"Then we go. Now."

She paused fractionally, her hair in her face, moving softly about as she looked from one to the other, reading the gamut of emotions displayed so clearly upon their faces:

Determination. Fear. And yes... relief, at finally taking action.

Her eyes slid to Aeylvedaar's molten pair. For a moment they remained locked together, as if sizing each other up for something not quite tangibly expressed.

A mere shadow seemed to pass between them; their relationship seemed to alter subtly.

He lowered his gaze then, much to the obvious surprise of Aeylmaar, and nodded. Once.

Graysith reared back with an indrawn breath. Then using the link she had maintained from that day, oh so very long ago, she reached out with her hand and her talents and ripped open a Portal into the Darker Realms.

"We go now."

It was not a command, but it was far from a question or a suggestion. Not waiting to see who followed she whirled and stepped into that awful place, sliding from one indescribable dimension into another.

There, she took a step forward, then another. Ahead of her, a blotch of non-light in a realm which shied from it to begin with.

"My shield... it yet exists," she breathed to herself, somewhat surprised to find that this was indeed so. Then she shook herself from the momentary lapse, raised every guard she possessed, and waited to see who would follow her into the rift she had created.

((OOC: Follow Graysith into Into the Out Of in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

[ 10-17-2005 08:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-17-2005 08:39 PM    
Shayla took a deep breath to steady herself, keenly aware that danger laid in their pathway...

...but likewise keenly aware that that powers could be defeated when outwitted.

And this had been done before...

Casting a greeny-blue gaze towards Terrin, Galen, and the two Eagle Enterprises employees, Shayla could remember a day or two...[/i]

Dismissing the thoughts then, Shayla turned to her husband, who waited by her side, the worry in his brown eyes clearly evident.

"What if we don't..." he started, only stopping as she covered his mouth with her hand, gently.

"We do," she replied simply. "We do."

Then, without further preamble, Shayla stepped through the portal just behind Jharmeen, knowing that her husband had joined at her side as she did so.
(((OOC: Follow Shayla and Erik into Into the Out of in this same forum, thank you.)))

[ 10-17-2005 08:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Terrin Danner

posted 10-17-2005 10:12 PM    
Terrin turned to Galen, concern evident in his eyes. "This will put you at a great risk," he opened with, keenly aware of where they were going and just who was there. "But by the same token, you have a strength within you that could assist in the effort. At any rate..."

He paused, his look earnest as he continued. "It's your call. If you choose to go help in rescuing Phalomir, know I'll be right with you every step of the way, backing you up. But, should you choose to stay behind, we could always explore the Temple and see if there just might be something here of merit. After all, ther are probably plenty of things lying around here for handy use here in the Temple of the Armorers."


posted 10-17-2005 10:29 PM    
I'll admit it, I wavered a moment. How nice and easy it would be, to just hang back and let the others do whatever it was they needed to do to rescue Phalomir. Actually, there was no real reason why I should put, not just my life, but Terrin's at risk as well; he didn't have any powers to stand against the slimebags I knew waited for us other than sheer grit and determination and loyalty.

Ok, and maybe a good right uppercut.

In fact, I reasoned further as first Aelvedaar and then Aeylmaar both slipped into the rift my sister had torn, in fact, we'd have this nice little ship. We could just up and leave and go find Darra...

Darra. The thought of her being on K'eel Doba, unaware that her real mother and father had been hunting for her for who the hell knew how long any more, was enough to make my innards squeeze into a tight little knot.

And so I wavered.

But then logic reared its unwanted little head and slapped me upside the face.

Galen... if there's the slightest chance that you have something inside you to help, you are honor bound to try. For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost and all that; think what will happen if we lose, if this Master isn't stopped.

Will you have helped Darra that way?

"I--uh, I think we'd better go help," I finally whispered around the growing lump in my throat, an icy cold one which felt like a veritable glacier sitting there.

"Besides, remember those big ol' Eyes; while That Which Is was entirely annoyed by the fact that we brought you to life--"

And thank Khaandon that it allowed our efforts to remain; if I had to lose Terrin again--

I shook myseslf and went on.

"Ahh-- it seemed a touch more concerned about things that seem to have anything to do with this power Jharmeen has and which, for some reason I can't understand yet, seems to be in me too.

"I refer to that weird finger thing we cut off her once..."

I stopped a moment to share a quick shudder with my husband over that. Then I pressed on, suddenly brighteneing a touch.

"Hey, maybe Ol Googly Eyes won't like any kind of device the Master or Roan might be trying to use; maybe-- just maybe now -- we do have a chance after all."

I took up Terrin's hand, gripped it fiercely in my own.

"Let's do it," I whispered. Then before I could change my mind about it I gave him a quick but equally fierce kiss and hauled him off through the rift.

((OOC: Follow Galen and Terrin into Into the Out Of in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

[ 10-17-2005 10:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 10-17-2005 11:05 PM    
We nodded, and in suit began to follow, a few of our personas whispering cantations from their long forgotten faiths.

"Let faith in fact and truth guide and protect us." We murmured aloud before stepping through that impossible portal.

(((OOC: Onidorei slips into "into the out of" in this forum, thankyou.)))

Panthar Dantares

posted 10-18-2005 01:11 AM    
Panthar grunted at overhearing Terrin.
The ungrateful little snot! he thought. If it wasn’t for Phal bringing him along from that damn spirit world then he’d still be Roan’s bitch. I wonder if he even remembers any of that?

Panthar shook his head and sighed. Then looking around at the others, he noticed the tuk’ata looking around the door. It dropped something from its mouth to the floor, then retreated. Panthar stepped to the door and saw three broken pieces of glass. He picked them up and saw they would almost fit together into a ball.

“It’s the Eye, isn’t it,” he asked the tuk’ata. The animal growled lowly and backed away down the hall, then sat in wait. Panthar put the pieces in separate pockets and nodded to the tuk’ata. He then turned back into the room, sighed again, and walked through the still opened portal.

[ 10-18-2005 01:16 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 10-19-2005 08:37 PM    
Though frequently drunk and not serious, there was one thing Jasyn was very serious about: his loyalty. Turning to Matt, he scowled a bit, hearing Panthar's words concerning the possible pieces of the Eye before he stepped through the portal. "Is it just me, or was that maybe not such a good idea? I mean, we just finished talking about the Eyeballs and how they didn't like things that manipulated the All and all that... why is he taking that Thing with him now? Did he miss the conversation or something? I mean, kriffing hell, I heard it, and you know how that is..."

Trailing, Jasyn's frown only darkened further. "Guess we'd better get use being the only ones behind, and I don't like being out of the loop."

Matt nodded, already stepping forward. In moments, they were through the portal and others shifted to allow them inside.

(((OOC: Follow Jasyn and Matt to Into the Out of in this same forum, thanks.)))


posted 11-26-2005 01:37 AM    
(((OOC -- Phalomir, Panthar, Aelvedaar, Aelymaar, Graysith, Galen (and her new pet), Terrin, Shayla, Erik, Jasyn, and Matt all jump here from Into the Out Of in this forum.)))

One by one the group stepped through the portal. After a moment, Panthar stepped through with a smile on his face. He turned to stare back through the portal, then jumped out of the way to allow a diving Phalomir to fly through.

“Close it now!” Phalomir yelled as he hit the very solid ground. The air knocked out of him, he tried to say more but he could only mouth words and wheeze. He pounded furiously on the ground and pointed back to the portal.


posted 11-26-2005 01:46 AM    
Graysith whirled, taken somewhat aback by this new strangeness. But she trusted Phalomir implicitly, and instantly obeyed.

A hand made an almost offhanded gesture. The portal closed with a strange little snik.

She hurried to where Phalomir lay, and knelt beside him, reaching out to place her hands on his shoulders.

"My Lord, what is it?" she asked, removing her eyes from his only long enough to send a worried look around at the others.

Her gaze returned to him.

"We are safe for the moment, at least relatively so," she ventured, now moving one hand from his shoulder to his face.

"Come, my warship is close. Let us go to it that we might depart from this place and return to the universe in which we dwell."

Terrin Danner

posted 11-26-2005 09:06 AM    
Terrin frowned, concern evident on his face as he turned and looked at the diving Phalomir. Looking at Galen then, he simply arched an eyebrow. And then the little demon took his attention.

Dammit, the Sith fighter is still out there. Would that Thing be going along with them? Whatever happened to just having kids...

Jerking from that thought, which had cued something else entirely, Terrin spoke up. "Galen and I had the Sith fighter," he commented, "But perhaps we should put the fighter on the warship and stick together," Terrin stated, his look momentarily directed towards the demon as he then turned towards Graysith and finished with, "Is it to Khar Delba or K'eel Doba we return...

...because I want Galen reunited with Darra and her safety assured."

[ 11-26-2005 01:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 11-27-2005 11:20 PM    
(((OOC: Onidorei slides in with the rest (unmentioned before) from Into the Out of in this forum, thankyou.)))
We looked at Terrin and Galen curiously, if any expression our shell had could be called curious.

"Safe we would not be, if return we did. If she is still where we believe her to be-" A slight glance went towards Graysith. "-then we would not be safe, if the climate there has not changed. If by all reports are correct, Darra is presently safe. But the last time we returned, from what I saw and heared, we were not given the most pleasant of receptions. We have no reason to expect it to be any different now."

We looked at them all slowly, not turning, but merely scanning our eyes over them all for their reactions thus far.

"It would perhaps be best if we did not go directly, or at the very least, sent only a few in advance to see that all is well. There is no need to risk all of us being captured this time around, or worse being destroyed due to a still un-forseen puppeteer."


posted 11-28-2005 12:07 AM    
Phalomir regained his breath and placed his hand on Jharmeen’s.

“I believe the Master has escaped,” he said, standing shakily. “Assuming, of course, that it was the Master you had trapped within the shield. The very walls of the tower opened and closed for him, and I have no doubt the floors would do the same.”

He regarded the rest of the group.

“I apologize for not being able to be with you in recent times, and I thank you all for the risks you took in my rescue. Through various miracles, I am still alive, and am very happy indeed to see everyone.”

He looked down at Jharmeen and smiled, his hands gently resting on her shoulders as his eyes met hers.

“Especially you, my lady. It was you who kept me alive and hopeful in those torturous moments. Without you, I…”

He shook his head slowly, not knowing what else he could say. His gaze lingered a bit longer, then he sighed and turned back to the group.

“I sense there is much to be told from you all. I am eager to know how you came upon Lord Aelvedaar, and if all is well with you, my Lord. I also agree with our strange friend, we must think carefully about our next step. There is much afoot on K’eel Doba that involves more than just Sharylla. And could someone please tell me why we brought an imp with us?”


posted 11-28-2005 12:15 AM    
The frown that had planted itself upon my features upon hearing Oni's little speech promptly darkened.

"What do you mean, there is more afoot in K'eel Doba?" I asked, nearly growling. Choking that growl into an indrawn breath, I hefted my little demonic pal a bit. It merely responded by scooching it's hiney a little higher so that its netherparts were resting on my hips, it's clawed little hands around my neck--

Oh joy.

--while it's scorpion-like tail lashed about over my head. I did the best I could to ignore its nasty-looking tip, from which an even nastier green ichor of some kind was dripping.

"And my mechanical friend,"I went on, turning now to Oni. "If you would be so kind as to go into a bit of detail about what you referred to, I think it's something we all need to be made aware of before we go shooting off into Phrinnchatka again."


posted 11-28-2005 12:24 AM    
We examined her critically, almost amused at how she looked like some parody to a childrens entertainer, instead of a bright woman she looked like she'd shoot you, and instead of a cute little furry animal there was a- well, demon.

"First off, there is obviously a conspiracy. While gracing the ceiling of the hall, I was witness to many an interesting conversation, seeing as many of you had been put up for the murder of someone that we now know is alive-" We gestured at Graysith.

"One could deduce, since Phalomir saw the "corpse", yet she stands here well and healthy, that someone tried to frame us for murder. However, we also should be careful, as if there was a corpse, there was either a very fast cloner, or a shapeshifter. Apparently, a sith of Rank was also injured by a "demon", which if I am correct in believing they do not normally exist on the common plane, is slightly unusual. Finally, there is the fact that Graysith's Daughter, ShaRhylla, seems to be running the place."

We paused for a moment, looking directly at Galen. "Unless I am HIGHLY mistaken, none of these things are what one would call your every-day dealings. Because of these events, we are forced to believe that there is something afoot."


posted 11-28-2005 12:39 AM    
"Damn Skippy there's something afoot!"

Now I found myself forcing my scowl to deepen, for scrabbling to overcome it was an instinctive rush of fear and worry for Darra's sake, and I didn't want anyone in the group to think I was going to go running off helter-skelter simply from maternal reactionism.

Even if that's exactly what was fueling me at the moment.

"Buddy, I hope your guestimation that Darra is safe is a good one, because I'll tell ya, logic is screaming at me that she just might be next in line. I mean, look at it like this--"

I paused, casting a glance around until it came to rest upon my sister. It was all I could do to keep from springing at her, but I managed.

"I know Darra was artificially aged-- and for a specific reason, right?"

Jharmeen shifted her feet a little, but if she was feeling any discomfort at all she sure wasn't showing it other than that. I scowled, and went on.

"If ShaRhylla is supposedly running the show, then I think Darra's in incredible danger... unless she's involved in this as well. For if someone is trying take control of Phrinnchatka, wouldn't it make sense to eliminate the entire lineage?

"Look, someone tried to kill Jharmeen, or at least make it look like she was killed. Whether or not this was due to ShaRhylla, who can say."

I paused a quick moment, an image of an arrogant, defiant, flame-headed teen rising up in my mind's eye. I hadn't had much in the way of dealing with my niece, but from what I remembered, in either case she was not going to be fun to approach.

"All I know is what you have said: that someone tried to either kill Jharmeen or make it look like she was killed. Other than ShaRhylla, isn't Darra the only other relative, except for Recinis and Jharu?"

That thought jerked me off into another direction entirely.

"Hey, whatever happened to them anyway?"

Shifting the demon yet again, I turned to look at Jharmeen. She was suddenly finding her feet to be the most interesting objects in the universe; I blinked, surprised to see her actually looking uncomfortable.


posted 12-04-2005 11:52 PM    
Phalomir looked to Jharmeen, then to Shayla. Both women moved their eyes to floor, as if searching for words. Phalomir raised an eyebrow and turned to Galen.

“Some time ago, shortly after my – arrival, Recinis had returned to K’eel Doba for a brief time after being away for an extended period. He brought Jharu with him. I do not know the details, but events led Recinis to challenge Roan for the Lordship of the Warriors. Before this challenge could take place, however, I had my own accidental altercation with Roan and, well, he was killed. Recinis again disappeared shortly after this, and left Jharu with Jharmeen. The boy was shortly thereafter captured by Lord Aelvedaar… well, now we know it was not truly the Dark Lord. We tried to rescue the boy, only to discover he had been advanced in years. The last I knew, he was still on K’eel Doba. Is he still, my lady?”

[ 12-04-2005 11:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]


posted 12-05-2005 12:12 AM    
Graysith kept her head tilted downward, as if the tips of her toes were suddenly the most fascinating thing she had ever seen in her life. For a long moment she remained silent, her face hidden behind her hair. Then the flaming tresses were flung back as she jerked her head suddenly upright.

"I do not know where my son is," she said simply, then refused to speak any further on the subject.

A moment's uncomfortable pause ensued before she finally broke the pregnant silence.

"We should return to Phrinnchatka; do we need our ships, or shall we keep them safely hidden here in the Elseness? I can open up a portal through which we might return more quickly than if we flew."

She did not bother to explain that it was via the link she held with the young Jhin'Darra that such a portal might be opened...


posted 12-05-2005 12:29 AM    
The imp on Galen’s back shifted nervously and climb higher until its face peeked out over Galen’s flame colored hair and its claws joined together in the center of her forehead..

“We needs to move now, no ships is worth making long times. Recinusss matter not, Jar-hoo matter not. What matter for you is Master, Roan, daughter thing of Roan, and – other thing. Is other thing why I came, Roan betraying Master, make plan of dark evil. Forgets all else, yous must, needs go now and stops darkness.”


posted 12-05-2005 12:46 AM    
During this exchange I have been standing back a bit, quietly with my Chosen Son. But as the group finalizes their plans, I realize that it is time that I speak up.

"I shall return to Khar Delba with Aeylmaar," I say, shattering their trains of thought as judged by the rapid manner in which heads turn my way, eyes widening to various degrees.

None more so than my Chosen Daughter; a smile creases my face as I now approach her, raise a hand to gently touch her cheek.

"You risked much to release me; fear not, my child. I do not do this to evade you and the dangers you will be facing. Rather, I and my adopted Heir will be of the greatest benefit to you in the haven of my Inner Sanctum, where I have access to my devices."

My smile widens as I see that brief stab of worry lessen, as I note their bodies beginning to relax, if only a fraction.

"I am ever within your reach, you know this."

With that I raise my hand, open my own Portal between time, and accompanied by my son step back into the blessed familiarity of my sanctuary in the Great Temple of the Sorcerers on Khar Delba.

((OOC: Follow Aelvedaar and Aeylmaar back into My Enemy, My Ally in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

[ 12-05-2005 12:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 12-06-2005 12:46 AM    
Phalomir blinked and looked away from the spot that Aelvedaar and his son had walked through. He again regarded the unexplained imp on Galen's back, wrinkled his mouth into a puzzled frown, and exhaled. He then turned to Jharmeen.

He caught her eyes, and although he stood in the cold shadowed armory of a long deserted temple, he instantly felt at home in her gaze. Whatever scars, mental or physical, remained from his ordeal were forgotten for the moment as his heart leapt with love and hope.

"My lady," he said, a smile forcing its way into his voice. "I agree, it is time to leave this place. Perhaps the ships are safest hidden here for the time, at least until we determine the situation on K'eel Doba."

He cocked his head at her, concerned.

"You have been through much as of late, are you able to open a portal?"

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-07-2005 12:35 AM    
Panthar felt a twinge in his hand and he reflexively winced. He looked down at the wound and saw the fresh bandage he had just applied was already soaked with the strange violet Sith blood.

At this rate I’ll bleed to death, he thought, and I won’t have to worry about the trouble we’re sure to run into.

He saw Jharmeen give Phalomir a “Oh, please, give me a break” look, and as she moved her hand to open a portal he nonchalantly thought about how natural she and Phalomir looked together. Another violent spasm in his hand cleared that thought, however, and then the pain quickly subsided.

His reaction to the pain brought a look from Shayla. He half smiled and held his hand up to indicate it was giving him trouble. He turned away as if to scan the room before departing, and Shayla followed Jharmeen through the portal. He sighed, knowing he had lost credibility with Erik, and probably everyone else who had been with him at the Flame. He didn’t know what had come over him, but he was determined not to let anything like that happen again.

He turned back to the waiting portal and stepped forward towards it. Everyone else had gone through, and he did not want to be left behind. Something made him glance towards the small red ball on the table, and he felt an incredible urge to pick it up. He paused and stared at it, his feet not responding to his commands to move towards the portal. He struggled with his own will, then finally lunged towards the ball, grabbed it, and shoved it inside his tattered robe. He then hastily went through the portal to join the others.

[ 12-07-2005 12:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]


posted 12-07-2005 12:42 AM    
((OOC: Please follow everyone -- Graysith, Phalomir, Shayla, Panthar, Galen, Terrin, Jasyn, Matt, Erik, Oni and Galen's New Pet -- back into Chasing the Shadows in the "Jedi/Sith" forums.

All other posting regarding the Elseness continues in Middlespace, Thirdspace in the "Jedi/Sith forums

This thread is hereby closed, thank you.))

[ 04-25-2006 03:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]