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Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-04-2006 12:01 PM    
((OOC: Continuing from The Dream of Those That Wake in the "Empire/Republic" forums, thank you.))

I rubbed my hands over my face, ending with them threading through my hair, which to tell the truth was becoming more and more disheveled what with the manner in which all plans were being made...

...not to mention the sudden insertion of the kids into said affairs.

When my hands came back down it was to grab my drink and knock back a healthy shot. Then I slammed my glass on the table and turned back to Thea and Cel. My immediate reaction, of course, was to let them know in no uncertain terms that there was simply no place for kids where we were going, when I paused to reflect on the look I was getting from the little gal.

Those eyes, shining so bright with open curiosity... and something else. A deeper disappointment, ready to flare out once more; hadn't she already shown a tendency to go trotting off with whoever might just up and come down the pike, offering her candy and dangling a carrot in front of her nose? While I knew this would never happen aboard the Hornett, whose to say that she wouldn't turn away again, seeking something, someone else, if she felt betrayed again?

Gods knew she'd already been derailed from her life's goal too many times already.

I rubbed my face again, agonizing. Then I gave a short, definitive nod.

"Only the one, so far," I began as an aside to Thoran before I looked Thea straight in the eye and set out to be totally honest with her. The kids deserved that at least, I thought.

"Thea honey, yeah, I was going to leave you in safe hands here on Hornett, because we--"

I indicated Aaron and Thoran with a wave of my hand.

"--are going off on a little trip that might, in fact probably will, be very dangerous. We have two routes open to us: one involves confronting the Imperials, the other..."

I fumbled to a halt again, shaking my head at myself. How in the world does an adult tell a child that the Boogeyman is real?

"The other is a shortcut through a very dangerous place, one filled with terrible creatures and no light, and one whose people don't care if you're a kid or grown up.

"If they catch you, you're dead, and that's the simple truth."

I paused yet another moment, letting this sink in.

"Our eventual goal is to go to another world, Thoran's world, the Sith world, honey; Galen and Terrin and all our other friend are there and we want to bring them back here. We don't know if they're in danger there or not, but it could simply be that they can't leave because of the Imperials there blockading the planet.

"We're going to sneak in, find them, and get them out of there. I'm afraid it's going to be awfully dangerous, with a very low probability of success; do you honestly believe you are up to what might happen?

"Can't you understand why I would rather you two remain aboard Hornett, where you'd be out of danger? I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-04-2006 02:29 PM    
Thea thought for a moment about what Yaoksi was saying then took a deep breath. She knew that she had to challenge herself and face her fears to become a Jedi, and she felt ready to try to do more towards that goal on her own. Her talk with Link had helped build her self-confidence and she felt that now was the time.

"I think that I can do it. I know that I'll be safest with you. And... if you go and something happens to you I'll never know about it. You'll never come back and I won't ever really know why. But if we both go... I've lost too many people that I've cared about already..."

The faces of her lost friends swam through her mind - Jeroc, Cella, Logan, Shayla, Loban - she couldn't fathom the thought of adding any more to that group.

"Besides Galen saved me a couple of times. The least I could do would be to help you help her once."


posted 12-05-2006 06:26 PM    
"Ok Yaoksi I'll go with you plan for now, but there are a few things that I have to lay down."

"One, since when am I a kid, I know as much about surviving and the crime underworld as you do. I'm good with a blaster and odds are that I have a higher bounty then you."

I took a long drink from my Caff and slammed the mug on the table.

"Two, stop hidding things from me. I have seen just as many horrors as you and know how dangerous the galaxy is... don't sugar coat it because I'm younger then you."

"And three, what does it take to get good food around here... Is there not a place that serves a decent roasted katarn."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-05-2006 08:25 PM    
I couldn't help wincing as Cel's rather roughshod mannerisms trampled into the dirt the beautiful connection I felt I was beginning to make with Thea. Frowning, I turned to her, watched her over crossed arms as she put on her little machismo act, trying to prove herself to be an adult in a most juvenile manner.

The final slur against our host's cuisine and hospitality was the straw that broke the ronto's back, however.

"Are you quite finished, young lady?" I asked her sternly, cocking my head a little to regard her in a growing and extremely frosty silence.

A couple seconds ticked inexorably by in a silence broken only by the soft sounds as someone fidgeted, someone else took a swig of his drink. After a few moments more, I slid off my seat, helped Thea from hers and propelled Cel by a fatherly pull of one arm until she too was on her feet. Her sullen behavior notwithstanding, I then took her by the shoulder and forced her to face me.

"We are not hiding anything from you, Cel. This is something that has only just developed, something that we only now are discussing. While Thea has presented good reasoning on her part as to why she should be allowed in the rescue party, I'm not so certain that, while what you say might be true enough, the behaviors you tend to display would be something we'd need or wish to have with us. Besides, I haven't decided whether or not to allow either of you along yet; the invitation has yet to be extended."

I stood up, looked down at Cel. Then taking both kids by the arm I turned them toward the door into the establishment and gave their backs a gentle push.

"This place is not one for non-adults; Aaron, would you find someone who can take these two somewhere more appropriate for their age to find dinner and so on? Then I'd like to talk a little bit more about what we're going to be getting ourselves into.

"Thea, I'll comm you when we've come to a decision, but I do want you to know you've made some good points for us to consider."

With that I crossed my arms again, watched as Aaron lifted his comm to his lips and summoned a tech, who appeared at the door after just a few more seconds had passed and took both Thea and Cel into his hands.

"It won't be long, Thea," I called as the tech disappeared from the doorway with them. Sighing a little, I turned back to the others, slid back onto my seat, took another slam of my drink and plopped the empty glass back on the bar.

"Well?" I asked, although concerning specifically what and to exactly whom at that moment I really couldn't say.

[ 12-05-2006 08:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-05-2006 08:52 PM    
Aaron rubbed his chin thoughtfully, truthfully not at all thrilled with the idea of bringing kids along on any of this. "Supposing we take the Devil through the Darker Realms to the Sith Worlds as we've been discussing, I'm worried sbout bringing kids--whether they think themselves that or not--along. Still, Thea wants to be a Jedi, and at some point had to have accompanied Master Petrolu along on some missions. She's been part of quite a bit of action in her young life; she might benefit from experiencing some reality. And, aside from that, she does have relationships to some of the parties involved. As for Cel..."

Aaron trailed for a moment, considering. "She's rough and tumble and has alot of technical abilities. We could use her skills as well...but I worry about her attitude. Is she going to know when to trust us as being more experienced and more knowledgeable, or will she stick to her guns?"

He quieted frowning. "I guess I don't have any definite answer on what we should do."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-05-2006 09:04 PM    
I pushed my empty glass toward the edge of the bar, motioned for the bartender to refill it along with Aaron's.

"I don't know either, Aaron," I sighed, leaning on one elbow as I twisted to face him.

"I mean, as much as it worries me, I'm in agreement with you about Thea. She's got every reason to come along and help; you've got to give her some credit at least; she did make herself a lightsaber after all. That's got to count for something; if she's got it in her to do that, and yeah, with all she's been through, and all the big n' baddie's she's faced--"

Yaoksi, you're going to have to sit down with her and ask her to start opening up about all that. She's never spoken much about it in anything but sweeping generalities and vague hints.

"--I think she could pull her weight if the going got tough. Besides, we've got Thoran here, who I'm sure would make it his number one priority to yank her away if the going got too tough for her; he's got all his Sithy hoo-doos to help protect her, right Thoran ol' buddy?"

Now I twisted the other way, clapped a friendly hand on Thoran's broad shoulder, the grip both friendly and ripe with unspoken meaning. Then I let the hand drop, and went back to nursing my drink.

"I don't know about Cel; that kid's too hard for her age. What we might face is either gonna crack her...

"...or let her come shining into her own, too. Thoran can help baby-sit her too, in case it's necessary; but honestly Aaron, I agree with you. That kid's got to learn to trust us; we can't afford to have any of her 'attitude' spilling out when and where it might backfire against us."

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-05-2006 09:16 PM    
Taking a good drink of his refilled mug, Aaron pursed his lips thoughtfully, considering before responding. "So it sounds like we are decided on a trip to the Sith worlds via the Darker Realms," Aaron observed. "And if we take Thea and Cel with us, I think we need to sit down with them both and let them know that their input and abilties are valued but that they are expected to trust those of us who are older in certain regards."

Pausing, Aaron took a glance at his wrist chrono. "There is also the minor consideration, which may need to be rectified, that none of us have had any sleep in quite some time."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-05-2006 09:29 PM    
I reared back a little in surprise, checked my own chrono. Dang if what Aaron had said wasn't right; neither of us had slept since I can't remember when. Just the thought of it made my drink go suddenly sour in my stomach.

"You're right." I stifled a yawn, pushed away the remainder of my drink, stretched and got to my feet.

"I think I'm going to give K'kihl a head's up-- you know the ol' Cricket won't be either willing or able to stay back here while we're out there with my-- er, I mean his--"

I rolled my eyes.

"--beloved ship."

A small smile quirked the corners of my lips; turning to the door, I called back over my shoulder.

"I'm going to contact him and then hit the hay; let me know when our final meeting is going to be before we take off. In the meantime, why don't you call that tech and pass along the word that the little gals get some shut-eye too..."

I paused in mid-step, turning on the spot to give Aaron a direct look.

"But don't let them know yet what's going on. That I think should wait until after we all get some rest, those kids especially, and Thea in particular. I don't care how much sleep she thinks she's had; that was healing sleep which is different from a few hours of good ol' shut-eye."

Nodding to Thoran, I took my leave, hastening to the hangar where my beautiful, beautiful Devil sat in all her brand-spanking new repaired and fully refurbished glory. Finding K'kihl, I quickly gave him the scoop; then not wanting to bother with going all the way back to the quarters Aaron had given me I simply headed to my bunk aboardship.

I was deep in sleep the moment my head hit the pillow.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-05-2006 09:48 PM    
After finishing the remainder of his drink, Aaron did give the technician a comm, informing him that Cel and Thea should get some sleep. After doing so, he turned to Thoran. "You should really try to get some sleep yourself, you know, if this is going to take the energy you say it will," he commented. "I'll give you a comm in approximately 4 standard hours; this time I hope you actually take those hours to get some rest."

Saying nothing futher than that, Aaron departed the bar, headed for his quarters aboard the Hornett, and fell into the bed. Before he drifted off to sleep, however, something of minor importance--in the grad scheme of things, that is--pressed heavy on his mind. He reached for his commlink and opened the frequency to the Hornett's service department.

"Give the Hornett a thorough cleaning, and make sure everything is running at 110 percent," he ordered, not deigning to explain the reason for this request any further.

Only after gaining confirmation of this order did Aaron at last fall asleep.


posted 12-06-2006 12:10 AM    
“Gee, bye,” said Thoran as he looked at the vacant doorway. He then turned his attention to the bemused bartender.

“Well, there’s nothing like a nice ‘see ya later’,” he said. “And that was certainly nothing like one. Of course, if anyone wanted to know what I think, I’m sure someone would ask. Of course, I’d say let the kids do their thing. Life’s too short to be coddled, and nobody learns from being safe all the time. Besides, we could use the fodder.”

Thoran thought for a moment, then shrugged.

“I was kidding about the fodder part. Mostly.”

He took a bite of roasted meat and looked back at the bartender.

“But they better not be treating me like some low member of this crew, because I’m not one. I’m a high ranking dignitary, and the only one who knows how to get their sorry butts to where they want to go. And I’m the one who came to them with the offer to help in the first place, so don’t just go running off and telling me to sleep.”

Thoran ate the last bite of his food and pushed his plate away from him.

“Well, I think that’s about enough of that. But maybe something more to drink. Perhaps something to keep me awake this time? I don’t ever intend to sleep again. In fact, know where I can get some good stim drugs? Any seedy decks on board?”

Thea Morgan

posted 12-07-2006 12:02 PM    
Thea followed the tech down the hall. She was glad Yaoksi thought she had made a good argument but at the same time relieved to let him make the final decision. She glanced over at Link who did not look happy. She wasn't about to say anything to make her more upset but she had learned early that you didn't question Yaoksi. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realize the had entered a little restaurant until she was asked a second time what she wanted to eat.
"Uh... a nerf steak and some vegetables and a jawa juice if you have it."

She sat down and looked over at Link, "What do you think they are going to say? Will we get to go or are we stuck here waiting for them?"

Thea watched Link closely waiting for a response. Her food arrived much faster than she expected and she began to eat without taking her eyes off Link for more than a few seconds at a time. She was unsure what her friend was thinking and wanted to be paying full attention when she answered. She half heard the order to get some sleep come through and thought that she would just lay there awake the way she felt now.


posted 12-07-2006 05:10 PM    
"Why should I care, before when he knew nothing about me except I was a slicer he treated me as an equal. But now..."

I stared off in the distance for the moment until one of the waiters came by.

"Go away I'm not hungry."

I turned back and faced Thea.

"I thougt that he was different from other smugglers... when he went out of his way to save you the lengths he went. I thought that he might be someone who would want me around for being me, not just for my skills, but all he wants to do is use them when he needs them. And now that he got to know me he feels the need to censor my world."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-07-2006 05:43 PM    
Thea shrugged, "He's always been a bit overprotective. He let me do whatever as long as we were on the Devil and I couldn't really get anywhere but when we were on a planet... When all he knew was that you were a slicer, you were dispensable. Now that he knows you, he's getting protective - he's starting to care. He doesn't need to worry about you, he was asked to take care of me by someone he trusted, so if he does then I think its safe to say that he likes you. It's just how he is."
Thea glanced down at her plate and noticed that she had pretty much wiped it clean. I must have been even hungrier than I realized, she thought.
"Shall we go get some sleep then. If that's what they want us to do, we might as well try, maybe we can convince them to let us come if we follow orders willingly here."

[ 12-07-2006 05:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thea Morgan ]


posted 12-07-2006 09:18 PM    
"If his consorship of life is his way of showing he cares then he has a very anoying way of caring. I know the people he tries to keep me from, I worked for them in the past and know how to handle them."

I got up and started to lead the way back to the rooms, Thea might not be tired but for the longest time I have been sustained on ungodly amounts of caff.

"This world I'm from created me... A rejected child living among the dregges of society, to top it off one of the most despised and ignored species of the galaxy, a Ryn. He tries to protect me from the world that created me... seem fuitle."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-09-2006 10:34 AM    
Thea followed Link out shrugging, "Futile as it may be, I think that's the only way he knows how to show he cares. He's been trying to shield me from things I'm sure I would have been in the thick of if I was still with a Jedi Master. He never comes out and says he cares but he always gets crazy when he thinks I'm hurt or something is wrong. When we get where we're going he might have to let up a bit. Maybe he'll eventually learn other ways to show he cares in time."

They reached thier rooms and went inside. Thea didn't bother to change and sat on her bed. She thought she might meditate a little before trying to sleep. There was too much running through her head at the moment and she doubted she would get any real rest otherwise.

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-11-2006 09:33 PM    
The bartender merely arched an eyebrow at Thoran. "No," he said, his reply unveiled and highly suspicious. "I haven't any clue what sort of things are bothering you which might make you not want to sleep...

...but it's been my experience that it's better to face them than to go through life avoiding them..."

He trailed, holding up an empty ale mug, " more than just this way, of course. And as for the Captain, he'll treat you well, even if he's not the best at public relations. Take it from a member of the EE crew who is pretty low on the ladder."


posted 12-11-2006 10:13 PM    
Thoran stared at the bartender.

“I’d rather just shoot a stim pack,” he said. “I had a dream, you see. I had a – well, an experience. A really bad one. And this dream is just brutal, see? And if I go back to sleep, it will happen again. And that is something I do not want to have happen.”

Thoran noticed the dark liquid in the mug on the bar, brought there when the kids left.

“Hey,” he said. “That’s caf, right? I’ll take some of that, and keep it coming!”

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-17-2006 09:56 PM    
The bartender sighed and shook his head. "Very well," he said, turning and pouring Thoran a large mug of caf before turning back to place it in front of him. "Maybe talking about this bad experience will cure your nightmares," he suggested. "I've heard many a tale over the years here, so I've got some experience in the area of listening."


posted 12-18-2006 05:28 PM    
“Well,” said Thoran. “See, it’s a nice day, peaceful. I’m surrounded by beautiful women, they start chanting my name, and then the sky goes dark. It doesn’t really matter what happens before that, because it’s always a nice dream until the sky goes dark. Then the clouds open and it’s a voice booming down at me. Then I realize I’m in my old stomping grounds. Call it, oh, I don’t know, ‘Hell’. And this shape is there suddenly, telling me it still owns me. Then I wake up.”

Thoran finished his drink in a gulp and pushed it to the bartender.

“Wow, know what? That stuff is really strong."

Feeling the stimulant of the drink working into him, Thoran stood shakily. His muscles began to relax, and his head felt heavy. He plopped back down.

"You sure this is a stim? Guess you never know how you're going to react to something, eh? Seems to have the opposite eff--"

Thoran yawned deeply and rested his chin in his hand, putting his elbow on the bar.

"Maybe you can just tell them to meet me here..."

The world swam away from the Sith as sleep finally caught up with him once again.

[ 12-18-2006 05:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


posted 12-19-2006 06:54 PM    
Maybe Thea is right, from her weird sheltered view of the galaxy this was Yaoksi's way pf showing he cares. Maybe I was acting like a child because for once I could. I didn't have to watch my back for any cross hairs.

I procedded to my bed and ripped all the covers and pillows from it tossing it into a corner and making a makeshift nest-bed. I took my blaster and switching it to kill placed it into the mess of covers and pillows ready to draw at any moment. Some habits die hard.

"I've been running long enough on caff, I need actual sleep."

With that I let the sleep take me.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-19-2006 07:56 PM    

Aaron didn't realize how many times he'd hit the snooze on his chrono til an hour after it had first started going off. Finally floating to enough alertness to realize the time, he sat up with a jerk, rubbing his eyes to clear the sleep from them.

Wow, how long has it been since you've really slept??? he wondered to himself, truthfully unable to answer the question.

With a final stretch and yawn, Aaron clambered out of his bed, headed for the fresher and then to the shower. In fifteen minutes he emerged, fully clean and feeling much more awake. Another five and he was in a clean flightsuit, complete with a well-worn but clean pair of boots. Completing his attire with a blaster in the holster of his belt--a blaster which he was admittedly not the best at using--Aaron headed out and towards his own personal office, feeling the best place for everyone to talk was there, in privacy. Once he reached this location, he sent messages to Thoran's quarters, Yaoksi's quarters, and Thea and Cel's quarters, alerting them all that they would meet in his office, giving the former two parties directions to his office, and telling the latter two that a guard would be enroute in fifteen standard minutes to help them find their way. Only after that did he call a technician in to request that a good, strong pot of caf be brought in shortly.


posted 12-19-2006 08:07 PM    
The Verpine stood in Yaoksi's small but comfortable quarters aboard Devil-May-Care, eyeing the lump in front of him with an admixture of curiosity and wonder.

How so great a commotion, this one making can, when asleep he is, he couldn't help thinking as once again he reached out a chitinous arm to poke at the lump. It only garbled something unintelligible, then settled down into another series of snorts and grumbles.

K'kihl cocked his head in the other direction, exasperated.

"Yaoksi, Captain, waking up time it is," he announced with a clack of his mandibles.


Poking the lump somewhat more definitely, he tried again.

"Yaoksi, rising and shining you are now. Going we must be."

Holding aloft a steadily bleeping comm-link, he then shoved it smack into Yaoksi's ear, holding it there with cupped digits that only amplified the sound.

"Wakee wakee, Yaoksi..."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-19-2006 08:24 PM    
Mmph glrrble pfft...


I shot upright in my bunk, coverlets flying, arms flailing as a great cacophony suddenly erupted in my ear. Somewhere along the line my eyes managed to open, showing me the blurry outline of K'kihl who, chitinous though he was, was still managing to turn his immobile features into one gigantic smirk.

I blinked, growing more irritated with each passing second as my gaze swept from his face to his neck, then his shoulder, following his arm up to where it was truncated by the side of my own face. It was only then that I realized that he was holding a comm against my ear, a comm that was delivering a simple message over and over.

Piqued, I shoved him away, letting my hand run down his retreating arm to snag the comm.

"I'll get it, buddy," I grumbled with a yawn, then swung my legs over the side of my bunk and sat up to pay proper attention to the message. It took three more replays before I was awake enough for the words to register, and to realize that I had almost hit my ol' cricketty pal.

Not that he would have minded; he wouldn't even have felt the blow...

"Ok, K'kihl; that was Aaron. We're to meet in his ready-- ok, okay! I"ll meet him in his ready room, you stay here and get the systems fired up and ready to go."

With another yawn I slid from my bunk, tottered to my fresher and did everything in my power to wake myself up. It took some doing, but finally I felt I could at least go out and face the universe in general without being decked by anyone or anything; donning a fresh pair of khakis, a loose shirt and an old but well broken-in nerf leather vest, I grabbed up the comm and shoved it in my pocket before heading out the hatch.

Leave it to my buddy there to keep on top of things! I smiled to myself as I hurried along, letting my fingers brush against the smooth metallic device in my pocket. After about ten minutes of wandering I found Aaron's ready room and walked on in, in spite of the funny look an assistant-cum-guard gave me.

"Here to see Aaron." I waved the comm-link. "Ahh, there he is--

"Aaron, I hope your coffee's hot and ready to drink. We'll be able to take off shortly; what's the scoop and where's the kids? Have you contacted them?"

I winced a little at my own last statement, for even as I spoke it I realized that I had never contacted Thea back as I promised I would. I held out the comm, dangled it between my fingers in Aaron's direction.

"Do I need to call them?" I asked.

[ 12-19-2006 08:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-19-2006 08:36 PM    
"I'm waiting on Thoran to respond to my comm," Aaron answered Yaoksi, indicating the freshly-brewed pot of caf before taking a sip out of his already-poured mug, "And I've commed the kids and given them a heads-up to be ready. I didn't know how long it would take you to get here considering it took me a while to get out of the bed, so I told them a tech would pick them up and bring them here so that they wouldn't get turned around."

Aaron paused, took another sip of caf. "Maybe you'd rather get Thea and Cel yourself?" he queried, looking down at his wrist chrono, "And I don't know where Lord Thoran is."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-19-2006 08:51 PM    
"Last I saw him was in the bar where we said good-night... egad, mere hours ago!" I yawned, accepting the proffered cup with a grateful nod. The arousing aroma of freshly brewed caf shoved me over the top of the "I'm nearly awake" hill; as I tumbled slowly but surely down the opposite slope I pondered on calling Thea.

"Nah," I finished over the rim of my cup.

"I'm gonna give that little gal every opportunity I can to let her take herself in her own hands, if you know what I mean--"

Even if I still keep a watchful eye out from afar...!

"I'm sure those two can find their way here with a tech in tow; you know that's just how it's gonna be, considering those two-- and especially Cel!"

Smiling, I took another swig, happy to note that it was that swig; you know, The One That Finally Wakes You Up. Pleasantly buzzed on the strong caffeine, I paced across Aaron's ready room to where a platter of yummy-looking pastries beckoned.

"Don't mind if I do; d'ya have any eggs?" I asked, turning back to him with a mouthful of sweet.

[ 12-19-2006 08:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Thea Morgan

posted 12-20-2006 04:49 PM    
Thea was relieved to get Aaron's comm message. She had never managed to fall properly asleep but her meditation had cleared her mind sufficently. She glanced over at Link unsure how to wake her. Thea wasn't sure how skittish her friend would be after only a few hours of sleep. She slid off her bed and went carefully over to the fresher to splash some water on her face before facing her friend.

"Link... Link... They are ready to talk to us. Wake up Link. Someone will be here in a couple of minutes to pick us up and take us to Aaron's office. Link!"

Thea started back when she thought she finally saw movement. She didn't want to startle her friend but she didn't want to be late either. "Come on Link let's get ready to go." Turning back to her own bags Thea decided to change into the most Jedi like clothes she had left. She pulled on a pair of soft tan leggings, then exchanged her dress for a slightly too small white sleeveless top and slipped on her boots. She paused for a moment thinking then pulled out what had been one of Yaoksi's old white shirts which she had cut down the front and shortened the sleeves when her last shirt from the Temple had gotten to small. She slipped it on and wrapped it snuggly around herself tying it in place with a belt she had made out of the leftover fabric. She braided her hair back out of her way and shoved everything else back into her bag before shouldering it and turning to a still sleepy Link.
"What do you think? Will they take us?"


posted 12-20-2006 07:23 PM    
With all the noise Thea was making it would be hard to sleep. Compared to Thea I hardly did a thing to get ready. I just holstered my blaster and straightened my fur, especially that on my tail. Satisfied that everything was in good order I procedded to the door.

"I still don't know if they will take us, but more importantly I need caff."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-21-2006 04:29 PM    
Thea hurried to catch up with Link.
"Food sounds good. Where's our guide?"

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-21-2006 04:35 PM    
As if on cue to Thea's question, a uniformed technician rounded the corner and headed towards their suites, stopping when she was right in front of their door and tapping on the metal with her fist, lightly. Then she reached for the communit placed beside the sliding metal door, pushing it in and speaking towards it. "I'm Ensign Kelly Kronin of Eagle Enterprises. I'm here to take you up to the Captain's office," she said, waiting for someone to come to the door or respond.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-21-2006 04:49 PM    
Aaron took another sip of caf, and smiled a bit. "Not here...

...but hey, we can get you some if you'd like. After all, we might not have such good food at our disposal pretty soon," he observed, sobering a bit. "I hope this hasn't already been true for those that we are searching for."

He grew more somber. "I failed them, as a friend, for waiting so long to take matters into my own hands."

Falling silent at that, Aaron took another long drink from his caf mug. Noting that the liquid inside was lowering, he stood, refilling the mug before returning to his chair and changing the subject, at least partially. "How is the Devil? If there is anything that she needs, please let me know."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-21-2006 05:44 PM    
Thea started a bit at the quickness of the response to her question. She had not expected any answer much less someone at the door right then. She hitched her bag more firmly onto her shoulder and took a second to compose herself before reaching over to open the door.
"Ready. Let's go."

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-21-2006 06:04 PM    
Ensign Kronin smiled down at Thea and the Ryn. "Great, follow me then," she said, motioning in front of her. With no further ado than that, the Ensign took the lead and took them through several twisting and turning corridors til at length they reached some turbolifts. Once they were there, the Ensign motioned the two inside, keyed in a request for the turbolift to take them several levels above, and then stood in silence as they did just that. Upon arriving on the appropriate level, the turbolift halted, and the doors opened. The Ensign motioned Thea and Cel to move out first, then stepped out as well.

"We aren't far," she indicated to the two, trying to keep things from being too quiet as they continued on. A few winding a twisting corridors more later, they reached an entirely official looking area, one lined with offices whose doors were made of the most secure metals. The ensign lead on all the way to the end of the corridor. At the end were two adjacent offices, both lacking the numbers above them as did the others in the hallway. Above the office to the right read "Captain's Ready Room" and above the one to the left were the words "Commander Aaron Barnes's Ready Room."

The Ensign stopped in front of the metal doors to the left, once more knocking lightly before pushing the button on the communit installed next to the door. "Ensign Kelly Kronin, here with the two I was requested to escort, Captain Barnes," she announced.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-21-2006 06:16 PM    
Aaron held up an apologetic hand to Yaoksi, who was never able to respond to the question he had placed before the Ensign's voice came over his communit. Turning his attentions to that momentarily, Aaron pressed the send button on the unit on his greelwood desk. "Thank you, Ensign Kronin," he responded, then reaching to key in the pass to let the doors to his office open. They did presicely that with one smooth whoosh, revealing the pristinely uniformed Ensign along with her charges. Aaron looked their way.

"Come on in, guys..."

He trailed, a hint of humor lighting his features, "err...gals. Ensign, thank you very much. You are dismissed."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-21-2006 06:26 PM    
Caught in the act of replying to Aaron, I now turned to the opening door, raising my cup of caff to my lips to hide my gaping mouth. The final dregs of my cup slogged down my throat as I composed myself, wondering how to broach the subject I knew was foremost in Thea's bright little mind.

And more than likely Cel's as well, in spite of her studied attempt to appear nonchalant and all business about things.

Letting a brief smile flicker across my features I turned away from them, walking to the server to pour myself another caf. Aftar a moment's hesitation I filled another cup, and brought it over to Cel.

"Here you go, partner," I said as I handed her the cup. The tone of my voice was light but the look in my eye was anything but as I swept my gaze back and forth between the pair.

Gods. They're just children!

I shook that off with an indrawn breath.

"As I was just about to say to Captain Barnes, K'kihl has Devil up and running and rarin' to go. We can take off anytime we're ready..."

I paused minisculely, then forced myself to say it.

"All of us... including you."

[ 12-21-2006 06:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-21-2006 06:52 PM    
Back at the bar, Thoran's snores were beginning to get on the other patron's nerves. The previous bartender, now off-duty, had explained to the new bartender that the large horned guy didn't want to sleep and was trying to stim himself up when he simply passed out. He explained he didn't have the heart to move the guy.

The looks the EE patrons were directing his way was more than enough to prompt the new bartender to do otherwise. Reaching underneath the counter, the bartender pulled out a bottle of something granulated that was the color red. He moved to where Thoran was sawing logs, scowling a bit, and took the top off the bottle. It was labeled "Tatooine smelling salts."

It always did the trick.

Rolling his eyes at Thoran, the bartender didn't hesitate, but lowered the opened bottle and placed it right under Thoran's nose.

"Time for you to move on, my friend," the bartender said as he kept the bottle right where it was.


posted 12-21-2006 07:55 PM    
I reached out quickly and snatched the cup from Yaoksi's outstreched hand.

"Talk later... Caff first."

Slamming my head back I downed the entire mug of caff. Feeling the stimulants flowing through my body I relaxed a bit.

"There much better. Now what where we talking about?"


posted 12-21-2006 07:56 PM    
Thoran stirred, slowly coming back to consciousness. His slept was undisturbed by dreams, and he felt refreshed.

“Mmmm…” he said. “That’s nice. Reminds me of home.”

Thoran stretched, popping his back. He rubbed his hair into a semblance of place and looked at the bartender.

“Did you change your shirt?” he asked. “And is the captain ready to go already?”

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-21-2006 08:02 PM    
The bartender arched a brow. "I wasn't on duty til a standard hour ago," he responded. "And as to whatever business you have with the Captain, I don't know. I'm certain he will send you a message or send an escort for you when he is ready. Taht is..."

The bartender trailed just a moment. "...that is, if he knows where you are or how to reach you."


posted 12-21-2006 09:16 PM    
Thoran scratched his head, knocking off a red flake that fell to the floor.

“I asked you send a message to look for me here,” he said, rubbing his eyes. He opened them again and looked at the bartender. “Oh, you’re not him, are you? I mean, you’re another him. Well, that explains that. Did the last guy send the message? I’m waiting for the captain and that other guy, um, Yuksti? Yukser? Yaksti? Anyway, Cap’n Barnes and him and me are meeting sometime. Can you tell someone on the bridge I’m here? Name’s Thoran. Lord Thoran.”

Thoran held his hand out to the bartender.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-21-2006 09:24 PM    
I frowned for a moment, drawing in a breath to give Cel the scolding her attitude demanded when I paused. I didn't really know much about the young Ryn, that was a fact, but the computer skills she had didn't come easily.

Who knew how she had gained those... or why? I considered her from another angle. Then deciding to give her the benefit of the doubt, I smiled down upon her, now striving not to act or look too fatherly.

"We were discussing out imminent departure, Cel," I explained.

"We're going to go into Sith space, to a Sith planet to look for our lost friends. But to get there we have to go through a magickal doorway -- Sith are magickal, you know, or at least that's what someone told me -- into a place called the Darker Realms where death is alive and demons will rip your arms out and stuff them into your liver as soon as look at you."

I stopped, straightened upright with my arms crossed on my chest. Caf-cup a-dangle, I stared down at Ryn and Thea.

"Think you can pull your own weight there, if push comes to shove?" I asked.

Terrin's Crew

posted 12-21-2006 09:28 PM    
The bartender scratched his head, frowning a bit. "It's not like the Captain to meet anyone for business without giving them a contact point," he replied. "You're sure he didn't give you a location to wait for him or a way to get a message from or to him? Did he give you quarters or something? That's the most logical place for you to start. If I have to call this in to the bridge, it will take perhaps longer than you prefer..

...Lord Thoran."


posted 12-21-2006 09:43 PM    
“Hmmm,” said Thoran. “Quarters… yeah, that’s right! Pardon me, sir, didn’t mean to take up so much space here for so long. Yes, quarters!”

Thoran stood, the sleep not quite gone from his legs. He steadied himself on the bar and paused, then walked out of the bar and into the hallway. He kept a hand on the wall as he walked down the hall towards his door.

He fumbled with the keypad, and after a few failed attempts finally opened the door. He walked in a yawned, then noticed a light blinking on the com pad on the wall. He leaned over and pressed the button. He was greeted with a message from the Captain, giving directions to his office. Smacking his lips together a few times, he disrobed and walked into the fresher.

A few minutes later Thoran was walking full stride through the halls, following the directions from the message. His eyes were still fairly blurry, but he felt much better. He found himself standing in front of what he assumed was the office, and knocked on the door.

“Hey, wake up! Got food?”


posted 12-22-2006 01:38 PM    
"Sounds alot like any hutt controlled world, if your a ryn."

Well it didn't sound quite the same but any system that ryn hunting was still legal came close.

"I believe that I can handle this darker realm. After all in our last adventure I wasn't the one pinned down by a slug thrower."

Just then there was a knocking sound emminating from the other side of the door.

"looks like the residential sith has arrived."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-22-2006 03:41 PM    
Thea thought carefully about what Yaoksi said about the trip. She was happy to be going and felt up to the challenge. But she was apprehensive about not having any form of protection anymore. She glanced briefly towards the door but didn't pay much attention to the new arrival.
"I think I can do it, Yoaksi. But.. uh... do you have anything I can borrow, in case I need to protect myself."

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-22-2006 07:21 PM    
Aaron frowned, not particularly thrilled with Cel's tone. "I'm certain we can find something for you to protect yourself with," he said to Thea before looking to Cel. "And as for these Darker Realms, and for the Sith worlds themselves... not take this lightly, nor assume that just because you've been able to handle a lot that this will be a piece of cake. I have friends who've been lost there, fought battles there..."

He trailed a moment, eyes defocusing, "...and have died there. And while I don't have much direct experience with being on these worlds, both Captain Joao and I have had associations with several persons and things connected to these worlds, and have some knowledge in regards to them."

He paused then, looking towards Yaoksi for a moment before returning his gaze to Cel. "I hope that you will be willing to trust us at our word on things when we go there...

...and I hope you know that we will not be so foolish as to take any advice or suggestions you have lightly either."


posted 12-23-2006 01:18 AM    
"I never assumed it would be that easy, its my warped sense of humor, side effect of being a ryn."

Well that was mostly true I've never actually met another ryn, I was raised in a multi-species enviorment. But from what I've heard our way of looking at things is different from most species.

"I'm new on this trust thing... in my line of work trusting others often can be a liability"

I took I brief look at Thea then back to Aaron.

"I'm working on it, but in return I need you and Yaoksi to realise that the life you are living in your adult life is the only life I have ever known. I'm not your average 14 year old who aspires to do well in school, go to a good college, and get a good job and family. I'm the 14 year old ryn who carries a blaster , can slice into any system, has more bounties then the average revolutionary, and a nice layer of white fur."

"I believe I'm not asking that much, just acknowledge that this is the life I lived, this is who I am. Not what you believe what I should be. Do this and I believe I can trust you."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-23-2006 05:40 PM    
Thea smiled at Aaron when he told her he could get her a weapon of some type. It made her feel much better knowing she wouldn't be completely defenseless. She listened carefully to Link as she talked. Thea winked at her a little and tried to process the new information she was learning about her friend. Link may be confident about the trip but Thea would be content to let the adults handle things and to watch carefully trying to learn.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-25-2006 05:33 PM    
Aaron glanced over to Cel, hearing Thoran's insistent knocks all the while. "Allright," he then responded to Cel, "I think that's fair enough."

Without another word then, Aaron pushed the button on his desk to once more allow the doors to slide open, revealing Thoran.

"I hope you're rested up, my friend," he stated Thoran's way, "Because I think the time for departure is very imminent. And yes, by the way, we've got food," he finished with, motioning towards the caf and pastries before falling silent.


posted 12-25-2006 05:49 PM    
“Sweet,” said Thoran. He waved to those present and walked to the pastries. He poured himself a little of the caf, but stopped when he saw what it was.

“Watch out for this stuff,” he said. “It puts you to sleep. These, however, are great!”

He took a bite of a pastry and relished the sweet flakiness. He turned to face Aaron, and found everyone in the room staring at him.

“What?” he said, mouth full of pastry.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-27-2006 04:42 PM    
Momentarily overlooked by the others, I could only just shake my head. For while I honestly believed Cel's self-disclosure word for word, I could not-- no, refused to believe that she was the hard-core "adult" she tried to pass herself as. Yes she might have had the life of one of Jabba's underlings, scrabbling and squabbling for every crumb the universe tossed in her general direction; yes she more than likely knew more about computers than I even dreamed could ever exist; yes, she probably could-- well, at least on her own word-- handle a blaster, maybe even better than me.

But that still didn't make her out to be an adult in my eyes. Instead, it made her all the more vulnerable.

I clenched my jaw, fighting against a sudden urge to sweep her into my arms in a bearhug. Instead I directed my discomfiture in Thoran's direction.

"Well well well, look what the rancor dragged in!" I scowled, making an issue of staring at my chrono.

"It's about time; K'kihl has Devil ready to go."

I paused to take a final look round at our little party, drinking in each face, for who the hell knew if we'd all make it to our final destination together.

If at all.

Sighing, I turned to Thea.

"I think there's something onboard ship you can use as a weapon; ever handle a blaster kid?" I asked her with an arch of my brow as I nodded toward the door. It was all I could do to refrain from scooping her up in my arms and planting a big ol' embarrassing kiss on her cheek, too.

Somehow I had the feeling she wouldn't want that.

[ 12-27-2006 04:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-27-2006 05:24 PM    
Aaron slowly got to his feet as Yaoksi spoke to Thea. He regarded Thoran, who was still stuffing his face as if he was about to visit an amusement park instead of journey into dangerous and unknown realms...

At least, unknown to him.

Aaron found this very disturbing. "Better finish that up," he then said Thoran's direction. "I'd like to get this little side trip of ours done and get to the business of finding friends. It's been entirely too long already."

Thea Morgan

posted 12-27-2006 07:01 PM    
Thea shook her head in response to Yaoksi's question, "No, but I've seen you use one and my parents. It can't be that hard, you just point it at whoever is coming after you and squeeze the lever thing, right? And if I get too desperate I've been practicing levitating things. I could throw one of those pastries - or something it's size across the room."
Thea was a little nervous about this assertment as she had never tried to really throw something at something else. She had always practiced controlling the movement of the objects she levitated so she decided to try. Concentrating with all her might on the topmost pastry she reached out with the Force as she had practiced many times on the Devil and lifted it slightly off the plate. She then pulled it slowly towards herself, easy enough, she had practiced that too when she was alone. Then she thought about Link and reached out in her direction causing the pastry to wooble a bit in midair before she could steady it. Thea used her last bit of concentration to send the pastry zooming at her friend and hit her in the face with it.
Thea laughed, "I'm sorry, Link. I wanted to be sure I could do it. Better to be sure now then to find out I can't if there is a problem, right."
Thea smiled sheepishly and floated herself some breakfast, her confidence restored.


posted 12-27-2006 07:24 PM    
Thoran finished his pastry and walked towards Cel. He peeled the sticky bun off of the poor child’s face and shoved it into his own mouth.

“Nice trick!” he said. “I’m ready whenever you guys are, lead the way.”

He turned to Thea, finishing the pastry.

“Hey, don’t get brave when we’re in the Darker Realms. We won’t have to be there long, but if we’re noticed then it’s going to be a problem. Weapons won’t do much good, at least not the kind you’re thinking of. This goes for everyone, when we are there, it’s going to be horrible for you. Think of the darkest, most evil place you can imagine and then multiply by one thousand. The only thing that you can do if we’re spotted is fly that ship fast and get us away from whatever it is that found us, and hope you don’t run into something else. I’ll need a minute, maybe less, maybe more, to build back the energy needed to open a hole that big. But I can’t do it if something is right behind us, because chances are it will come through too.”

He licked the icing from his fingers and smiled.

“All right, everyone ready?”

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-27-2006 07:49 PM    
Aaron crossed his arms and frowned a bit at Thoran. "I think everyone is already in agreement that we are all ready," he responded a bit pointedly.

Then he stepped out from behind his desk, motioning for the door as he then began heading that way. "Let's go."

Heading out the doorway to his office, Aaron stood and waited for everyone else to follow, something deep within him rising up anxiously, expectantly. He watched each member of the party as they departed his office, then punch a code on the panel at the side of the door. It slid closed and clicked, the locking mechanism activating.

Aaron nodded in a particular direction of the corridors, turned, and began walking that way, heading to a nearby turbolift. Even as he continued moving smoothly in that direction, a mental note caught his attention.

Maybe the next time he traversed this hallway...

...the true Captain of this ship would be here again.

Reaching the turbolift, Aaron keyed it open and extended a hand, allowing everyone to enter before he stepped inside and keyed in their destination. The doors to the turbolift slid shut, and obeyed the electronic orders it had been given, spiraling downward from the office suites to a level below before stopping without so much as a squeak or jolt. The doors slid back open, revealing the level where the main docking bay was housed.

He turned to the others as they left the turbolift. "Almost there," he observed unnecessarily, for most in the party had already been to the main docking area at least once.

But the statement filled the silence nonetheless.


posted 12-27-2006 08:36 PM    
The door slid open finally and the main docking bay was in sight. Thoran stepped out of the lift with everyone else, and marveled at the size of the bay. Looking all around, he came to land his sights on a ship that was having the last bit of prep done to it.

“Oh, wow, good thing we’re not leaving in that…”

Yaoksi had already rushed forward to the ship, and was extending a hand to an insectoid… thing… with a hydro-spanner.

“… thing … over in the other direction, away from this fine looking ship in front of me. Hey, Yaoksi, nice ship!”

Oh hell…

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-27-2006 08:51 PM    
Unable to NOT hear Thoran's raucous and irreverent voice I turned away from K'kihl, a frown of annoyance crossing my face.

"She might not be an Imperial destroyer, pal, but she'll do 2.5 lightspeed, and her center of gravity's where it belongs...

"In the center! She can turn on a credit and give you enough change for breakfast... well, maybe not your breakfast."

I gave the remaining pastry crumbs still glued to Thoran's puss a good strong once-over, and then turned to the others.

"C'mon, she's set to go. Let's get the kids aboard--" I cast a look Cel's way that clearly said Do Not Start, and then turned round and boarded Devil, that I could greet them all properly as they came on.

Hydro-spanner in hand, the Verpine waited, obviously the last man to come up. When all were aboard I turned to Thoran.

"All right now, how do we do this. I presume we need to be up and running, right? Shall I ask for a departure vector, or do we just sit here looking silly..."

[ 12-27-2006 08:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 12-27-2006 08:57 PM    
Thoran laughed, then straightened.

“We should be in space,” he said. “We don’t want anything getting inside the bigger ship through the portal. Once we’re out there, you tell me when you are ready to go, and I’ll open a portal right in front of us. We go in, I close it. I collapse, I get my strength back, you keep away from the nasties. Hide, stay still, whatever. You’ll have a minute or so to keep hidden, or keep away, and then I’ll open a portal out of there as soon as I can. Then we blast the hell through it and I close it behind us. Got it?”

[ 12-27-2006 08:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]

Thea Morgan

posted 12-28-2006 03:49 PM    
Thea was almost relieved to lead Link back to her room on the Devil. She had spent so much time living here it was almost second nature for her to retreat back to her own space - the only space she had ever really called her own. She was a little concerned about her friend's lack of comment on the pastry in the face and carefully breached the subject hoping she wasn't too mad.
"I am sorry, Link. I thought it was best not to get the men mad at me at this point. Can I help you get the rest of the frosting out of your fur? This is my room, by the way, it's where I've been living since Yaoksi took me in."
Thea paused waiting for her friend to reply.

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-28-2006 08:03 PM    
All this talk of Darker Realms and nasties and "somethings" was really troubling Aaron, no matter how much he preferred avoiding the Empire to get to the other side of the Sith world blockade. He didn't state a lick of his worries, however, but instead opened his own personal comm frequency to the main deck via his wristcomm.

"This is Captain Aaron Barnes, requesting immediate clearance from the Hornett via the Devil May Care, platform 1138.

"Copy that request Captain. Departure vector incoming shortly, sir," came the crisp reply from deck. Only a few moments later, departure coordinates scrolled across Aaron's wristcomm screen. He gave them to Yaoksi, pressing the message button on his wrist comm after. "This is Captain Aaron Barnes, transferring command of the Hornett to Commander Taylor Garrison. All hands are to continue their posts without pause, and all are to respond to any direct order he may give until my return..."

...or the return of someone else, came a mental addendum.

"Captain Aaron Barnes, out."

Closing the comm connection then, Aaron looked over to Yaoksi. "Guess it's now or never," he observed. "Let's do it."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-28-2006 08:12 PM    
"No time like the present," I replied with a grin. A grim grin, true, but a grin nevertheless. Wrapping my hands around the controls, I engaged the docking thrusters. We were moving and heading for the bay doors; they opened, and I cut a quick glance to Aaron.

He only looked innocent; snorting now, I gripped the controls more tightly.

"All right, baby; let's show 'em what you've got...

"Full power thrust!"

I don't think there was another being in the entire universe who felt the depth of sheer and utter joy that I did at that moment. For to a true spacer there was nothing-- nothing! that felt better than the sensation of flying space beneath one's helm.

Ok. How about a pair of big blue eyes, braids, pretty little ribbon...?

That only reminded me of where we were going, and why, and who was aboard.

I grunted, gripped the controls, and flew my angel out to about half a billion klicks from nowhere.

"All right, Thoran ol' buddy; it's up to you now!" I said, tossing the words over my shoulder in his general direction.


posted 12-29-2006 06:38 AM    
"No thanks... for those who never delt with fur they often times mess it up more then help. Just show me where the sani-steam is and a very fine brush and I'll take care of it."

I took a quick look around the room. carefully taking it in.

"By the way are you sure you can handle a blaster."


posted 12-29-2006 10:32 AM    
Thoran took a deep breath and walked forward as far as he could. Looking out into the space beyond, he drummed up images of the Darker Realms. He hoped he never had to return there again, even for the short time he hoped this would be, but hopes rarely turned out to be reality.

He opened the portal in front of the ship. It began as a shimmering rip in space, then widened as Thoran poured more and more of his willpower into it. Not born a creature of the Darker Realms, but definitely one now, the doorway opened wider and wider, welcoming him home. The door was large enough just time, and the ship passed through it.

Thoran released his hold and the portal schlicked shut behind the ship. He turned to Yaoksi, surprised that he was still standing. He had never opened a portal that large before.

“All ri--”, he started. A sudden emptiness filled his head, his eyes rolled back, his knees buckled, and Thoran fell backwards, unconscious.

(((OOC: Follow these shenanigans into Siege of a Soul in the Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple forum. Thank you!)))

[ 12-29-2006 06:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


posted 12-29-2006 06:55 PM    
((OOC: Just to clarify, everyone aboard Devil has moved into the thread The Siege of a Soul in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))