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posted 01-27-2003 12:18 AM    
If you were to be asked to play the role of a character in the series which would you pick?

I'd pick one of the Jedi kids running down the step, and extra or something, I dont want nothing big--dont wanna see my character die, lol.


posted 01-27-2003 12:30 AM    
As much as I love the Dark Side, I'd have to say Princess Leia... just so I can play opposite of Harrison Ford!


posted 01-27-2003 12:43 AM    
Bah, lol

Also I'd like to say I'd also like to be Mace Windu because he's a bad motha--shut ya mouth. ^_^

Though he does die in the next movie it is the fantastic lightsaber ability that attracts me to his role, as well as his calm sense.


posted 01-29-2003 10:44 PM    
what do you mean mace dies in the next movie? he does not! he grows hair, bleeches his skin color, kills off obi-wan, and takes his place teaching luke, duh

course, if i were to play a roll, it'ed have to be either old ben, or old yoda, gotta play the wise man... and plus, i'd get to haunt the sissy jedi-wannabe luke skywalker, that would be awsome


posted 01-29-2003 10:47 PM    
You should be really careful about spoilers. Some of us (ME) would like to find out in the movie and not now.


posted 01-31-2003 09:57 PM    
what spoilers are you refering to? *points to himself innocently*


posted 01-31-2003 10:14 PM    

Anyone who has seen the first trilogy knows that all the Jedi die... ergo, Mace dies in Episode III. As does Kit Fisto and all the others. Except for Yoda and Ben.

I can't see this information as being a "spoiler."


posted 02-07-2003 06:57 PM    
Now Graysith, you know it's a possibility that Mace lives in hiding... no matter if myself, nor anyone else in their right mind would think so... it is a possibility...

And I would choose to be Anakin, there's just no other way to go... maybe young Obi-Wan... or, why not Han... yeah, that's the ticket...


posted 02-08-2003 11:41 PM    
I wouldn't mind being young Obi-Wan's girlfriend.

Oh wait, he didn't have a girlfriend?

Scratch that...


posted 02-09-2003 12:22 AM    
Talkin' 'bout SHAFT!
Mace LIVES!!!! he is in the USA and is still a mean motha' Sucker! I know it was MACE in that "shaft" movie!!! It just has to be him!
Funny thing though... he looks Younger in that "shaft" movie!!! even though MACE is from "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."


posted 02-19-2003 01:27 AM    
Originally posted by Mara1Jade:[QB]I wouldn't mind being young Obi-Wan's girlfriend.

Oh wait, he didn't have a girlfriend?

Scratch that...[/QB]

Hehe, funny Mara..

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-20-2003 04:55 AM    
Friendly note to Graysith,
Actually Obi wan and Yoda are not the ONLY Jedi who survived the Emperor's Purge....There are also Qu Rahn and Morgan Katarn(who appeared in some books and the "Dark Forces" Star wars PC game)
And yes....Mace,sadly ,did not survive....


posted 05-20-2003 10:38 AM    
Games in association with the movie series, bah!

Then Lucas had better come up with some pretty fancy writing. I swear in ANH Ben stated he was the last of the jedi, and in ESB when he and Yoda were talking Ben said Luke was their only hope, whereupon Yoda corrected him (probably referring to Leia).

I hate when people alter their storylines AFTER they have begun to be "set!" Were these others you speak of perhaps students? I haven't read all the books.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-20-2003 05:28 PM    
The reason obi wan thought he and Yoda were the last of the Jedi is simple.....Qu Rahn was presumed killed but actually he went into hiding on the other side of the galaxy(like obi and Yoda). In fact Rahn was sure HE was the last of the Jedi. As for Morgan Katarn, he left the Jedi temple when he was still a padawan....therefore there is no record of him being a Jedi.


posted 05-20-2003 06:45 PM    
Also, you have to remember who Luke is and who Leia are. They are not normal blessed Jedi, and hold potiental that could rip the head off Darth Vader if reaching it. Any other Jedi couldn't do that. They hold Anakin's blood, which makes them far superior to Obi-Wan and Yoda in potiental.

If to attain that they would be the only ones to defeat Darth Vader.

No way would the other's be referred to on that level. It just wouldn't happen okay. Just wouldn't! You have to think realistically here and logically.

Their is no way Darth Vader, or even the clones got every Jedi. That's just not going to happen. I don't care who you are, or what you have to help you in a purge, your not taking out every person in the race. Only if they are all collected on one planet.

And that's not happening with the Jedi. It'd involve far too many procedures that would drain the time and power out of the Empire. They would never be such accomplished people by the time of A New Hope if they were continuing with the purge.

It was no need, the Jedi race was though to have vanish. It would become slightly more easier for Jedi if they did manage to survive during this time to get around.

Also, matter where they were, they could go around easily. This is implied by the reactions in the catina. They quickly got back to their life after the lightsaber ability was shown. "No one cared!"

They acted as if Obi-Wan didn't even exist. Their are numerous catina's, and planets just like this in the galaxy and hiding from the Empire there would be easy.

Also, Lucas approved this idea, for he approved these games. In Star Wars Galaxies they are going to allow a very rare amount of Jedi, and Mr. Lucas has approved this idea and nearly every other leemnt of the game.

So yes, it is offical. Their was a few Jedi that survived.


posted 05-20-2003 08:10 PM    
It appears that LUMBIA has done some research before his post. Good job son!

I'll just keep on pointing out the OBVIOUS of you let me!


posted 05-20-2003 10:45 PM    
Thanks Captian, for pointing out the obvious.

So lets get this thread back on track. Why are we even talking about if Jedi survived anyway, what about the roles man!

Xam Ngboohan

posted 05-21-2003 06:31 AM    
I would play Jacen Solo
note to Lumbiasith....
Most of the jedi will die when their temple is destroyed


posted 02-16-2005 05:22 PM    
I would play Luke Skywalker, he was just such a great character, secondly, I would be Gray's brother ^_^

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-12-2005 08:26 PM    
Luke is a pansy, now young kenobi is someone I could play. But then I would have to be Qui-gons aprentice and that would suck. Oh well, I could cling ot the hope that I knew he would die. Oh wait, pick maul. Not that would kick.


posted 03-12-2005 09:15 PM    
To Mira:



posted 03-12-2005 11:37 PM    
Originally posted by Mara1Jade:[QB]I wouldn't mind being young Obi-Wan's girlfriend.

Oh wait, he didn't have a girlfriend?

Scratch that...[/QB]

Actually, he does have a girlfriend in one of the book series. But she gets shot by her best friend and her father when she runs between them. She dies, then a huge civil war gets started over it. Obi left the jedi for her, then got to come back to help Qui-gon take out Xanatos (Qui-gon's origonal padawan).

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 07:39 AM    
Yeah, that creepy sewer lady. Actually, she was described as being quite attractive, but obi was a retard to leave the jedi for her and Nate. The death scene she had was pretty cool though, caught in a crossfire and all.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-17-2005 12:26 AM    
Oh Obi-Wan will you still love me ven though I have multiple holes through me?

Sorry couldn't resist.