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posted 06-17-2005 04:18 PM    
"FIRE!" A small sith base on the a unnamed planet in the farther regions of the outer rim was being attcked."Everyone get to a ship that is a direct order"says a young,robed Zebrak that was oveously(spell?) the cammanding officer.Then the computer started repeating the words,Code Red Code Red everyone evacuate within 15 minuets(spell?) this station is under attack repeat this station is under attack.Everyone seemed to be running to a ship called Nihilus' Eye.

Only three ships took off from the base.LT.Wedling report!said the robed Zebrak.A red skinned Twi'lek responed,all ship have got out saftly Lord Belur it appears only a small number of our men died but a large number are majorly injurd.Set a cource to Dantoonie and return the the base we will help our men there.Catain I want to know what attacks us out there and why if someting like this happens agian My plan to expand the borders of the V.S.O. will be ruined and my name forgooten.Yes my lord said a Human with black hair and dressed in a Naboo Security Officer uniform.

I will be in my courters for the rest of the voyage,carry on said Belur.Belur walks into his dark room.The room is filled with Sith decorations.Then he walks to a table and opens phyrimid shaped odject and a holographic image of a man dressed in a symilar fassion as Belur,this man could be reconized as the deciesed infamouse Sith Lord Darth Nihilus.Belur medititaes wile listening to the image.After they finaly reach there base located on Dantoonie soilders in random armour are being carried to the Hospital Wing of the base.Belur went to his courters in the base and looked at the planet threw his window.

The Captain from the ship requested to come in reqest granted,said Belur.The captain was holding a piece of metal with a stmbol on it.You reconize this Master?asked the Captain.Yes I do,said Belur, it is the sighn that the old Empire put on the ships they owned why?. This was found on the remains of the one ship we destoyed I think the Empire wants us dead I mean you and Empire have never had good relations. Your right but I dought they would have the guts to do this I thinks its time we call our old friend The Driod uprising.But,my lord remember what they tried do to us last time?I remember clearly Capatin but we need allies like this if our fellow vampires want to rule the Sith we must make powerful allies,dont wrry you will be fine we will not be turned to driods he is afriad of me he will do whatever he wants aslong it doenst anger me.

(Can people help me with this thread like inprovments I can make on it or something that needs to be cleared up)


posted 06-20-2005 11:20 PM    
((OOC: Ummm... er, greetings....

Ahhh, this is entirely out of context with what is happening in our universe.

There are no vampires, sorry.

The Sith are a race, the old Empire is long dead, the Praxeum has been destroyed....

Perhaps you should read the story synopsis before trying to post? I also suggest you try to join into a current thread, and NOT the Sith ones unless your character would be a Sith that would fit into how things are around here.

If you want to be a "Sith" according to Lucas, then you are really a Dark Jedi. But you must make your own connections with other players.

Please contact me with any questions, and I can help you from there. Also you need to go to the descriptions forums and make a description of your character before you can post with him, if you haven't already done so.

Please click on "descriptions" at the top of the page, and read about the Ancient Sith, that will give you a little more background.

Anyway, welcome aboard; I'm closing this thread until we get this straightened out.))