The Holonet Boards   » Other Descriptions   » The Temple of S'slan


posted 08-15-2005 06:30 PM    
A secondary temple hidden away from Phrinnchatka, this is a place of insidious and brooding darkness.

Small (one story) and built of heavy stone, it is hidden deeply within a mountain range whose foothills begin some fifty kilometers from the capitol city of the Sith. Built at some elevation but not above treeline, it looks down upon the small tributary by which one accesses it. Around it are tall evergreens and other aspen-like trees which hide it from the casual passerby (should anyone passing in this area be anything but casual!). When one comes out from beneath the tree-covered mountain flanks, the tops of other mountain ranges extend all around one. (Think the Rockies.)

Built by the warriors to pay tribute to their god of war, augmented with their magicks in a manner similar to the Valley of the Dark Lords, it is where they would come to prepare for battle.

For some reason storms are attracted to it's immediate vicinity. Weather-wise during the cold season deep snow covers its surrounds, sometimes up to four feet deep. It is prone to hail and thunderstorms the remainder of the time.

Within its dark and foreboding walls, all dark feelings are magnified, and in the case of the warriors allowed their fighting fury to rise to where they were practically undefeatable in battle. Only high-ranked warriors have the training to not lose themselves to the dark magicks within; woe be it to those who enter unprepared, not to mention those who remain there longer than recommended....

[ 01-15-2019 08:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]