The Holonet Boards   » Items and Ships   » Lumbia's Twin Blades


posted 06-19-2002 07:13 PM    
Lumbia ingraved a carving of a hilt, much of the Samuri acent land resembling the same features of this blade's hilt. He ingraved the features for a resembelence of his old culture, and the dark black, and light red that excerete from the hilts as a expression of his last armies day's colors. He can unconnect, or connnect ot etwo blades tocreate a double sided blade much of the same features of Dark maul's other then the differences in the frame of the hilts.


posted 06-23-2002 09:51 AM    
These are very advanced weapons, which only can be activated by the mind of a Force user, so no one would be able to truly take control of it, other then a Dark Jedi, or a Jedi himself. Or just a normal man, with the ability of the Force.