The Holonet Boards   » Other Descriptions   » Choyapenthe


posted 06-21-2003 01:23 PM    
Choyapenthe is the capital city of the planet Khar Delba, where the Sorcerer clan of the Sith makes their home. It is designed on the order of Phrinnchatka, but on a somewhat smaller scale due to the geographical restrictions of the planet. It too sports a centrally located Temple of the Sorcerers, which is not as grand as the Warrior's Temple on the sister planet, K'eel Doba. However, it is here that Graysith met Darth Wicked, long before the return of the Sith: that powerful Dark Jedi had taken up keeping in the Temple here with his noghri guards.

There is no real spaceport on Khar Delba, but several smaller and private landing pads. The Temple has it's own pad, as well as a hangar in which Darth Wicked kept his small fleet of TIE fighters and infiltrators.

The Temple itself is a stepped pyramid, with a set of double doors at its base which allow sole entry inside. There one passes through a long dark foyer and into a Great Receiving Hall, where there is a heavily jewelled throne on a raised dias. Beyond this in the wall behind is another set of doors, which opens up to a corridor that snakes onward through the temple, branching off here and there. As with the Warrior's Temple, the first room is a Dining Hall; there is a hidden room behind a false wall at its back. And deep in the bowels lies the chambers of the Dark Lord, the doorway leading to that carved with inscriptions of all Dark Lords who have taken possession through Sith history. Darth Wicked carved his name inoccuously in one corner of that door, and it remains.

As with all Sith architecture, the primary building material is stone, richly carved. Doors are likewise carved and inset with rare woods and semi-precious stones. Lighting is natural, provided by sconces. However, Sith technologies have provided a means that street sconces be automatically lit: there are no lamp-boys among the Sith!!

Deep beneath the surface lies the dungeons of the temple. (The Warrior temple likewise sports the same.) Here the walls are mossy and dripping, the wood heavy and black, the atmosphere dank and oppressing. Many a soul has been placed here and handily forgotten through the unconcerned passage of Time....