The Holonet Boards   » Useless Junk   » American girls...ouch

Dalen Garuud

posted 06-08-2002 08:08 PM    
His this is Big Evil Tree here, in my RP form!

i just wanna ask something of all you americans out there, WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD DO YOU FEED YOUR WOMEN TO MAKE THEM SO STRONG!?!

today while walking round preston (local city in england) i spotted a group of americans around my age, they seemed to be on a school trip and one of the girls in the group i recognized to be a girl i had stopped talking to over the net around a year and a half ago, i went over and talked to her, i had forgotten that the reason we hadn't spoken was that we had had an argument, i soon remembered when i mensioned accidentally what had pissed her off and she, a 5'4" weakling proceeded to deliver a sound and painful ass wh00pin' to me, a 6'4" 224lbs big guy. my question is, HOW!?! do you guys over there feed your daughters steroids from birth or something?


posted 06-08-2002 10:01 PM    
Wait until you see us guys. We rule the world!!


posted 06-08-2002 10:02 PM    
No no no. American girls are just mean. They hit, scratch, bite, it's horrible. Of course, it doesn't make a difference since we all know british men are a buncha sissies.


posted 06-08-2002 10:03 PM    
**laughs at Anakin's remark** funny funny....but very true, lol

Dalen Garuud

posted 06-09-2002 01:04 PM    
shut it yanky boy or i'm gonna swim over there and kick your arse! we made you so we can take you down so :P

Rogue Angel

posted 06-09-2002 06:59 PM    
*flexes a muscle, makes strong grunting noise* Ungh! Yeah, that's me, a buff, tough, American woman. They feed us on American beef and American corn. Ungh! And don't forget the multivitamins.

LOL, actually, I think Anakin is right. You Brit boys are just a bunch of sissies.


posted 06-09-2002 08:57 PM    
Ha! You come over here and I'll sic a few chicks on ya.


posted 06-09-2002 11:57 PM    
hehe, ya, americans are just stronger then brits maybe? i mean, my friends get there @$$'$ beat all the time by girls, but my friends are weak... theres a way that you can avoid such problems though, its quite simple, dont piss girls off, i life my life by that perspective, and it works well for me, i have never been beat up by a girl yet....well, unless you count my sister, but that doesnt coutn...


posted 06-10-2002 12:21 AM    
I was bitten by a girl at work friday. She works there also, it hurt. She bit me in the arm, I can't remember why.

Dalen Garuud

posted 06-10-2002 06:06 AM    
You've never seen us in a fight you yanky ass idiots! the reason you haven't is cause we're sensible enough to not get into fight with poofs like you, at least we have a leader who's more intelligent than the contence of the Cheshire zoo ape impound unlike you lot! if George was told to launch nukes he'd get a box of matches and yell "yay! fire works wheres the fuse?" *does a lil dance cause he won*

[ 06-10-2002 06:07 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dalen Garuud ]


posted 06-10-2002 09:11 AM    
Simply HAAAAS to stick her nose into this conversation....

OK, boyz n' girlies, guess it's up to your own favorite lil ol Sithette to bring up what is OBVIOUSLY overlooked here... or perhaps Dalen has thought of it and it just too polite to say it:

We whup hiney because we have no manners. We go into a fight with an "all or nothing" attitude. Everyone knows that we Americans are nothing more than slavering, uncivilized beasts. Just ask the Al Quaeda. (Only we fight better than them.)

Dalen, you got whupped because you were too civil to fight back properly against a girl. You Brits can't help yourselves, its inbred into you.

Which is why we won the Revolutionary War, too.


[ 06-12-2002 10:12 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 06-10-2002 03:45 PM    
I have to agree with GS - When I fight I fight and I let nothing get in my way - there are just too many guys who are afraid to hit a girl back - I'm not stronger then them - they just won't fight back cause I'm a girl and they have been raised to believe that they need to let the girl hit them with out retaliating just cause it's a girl... not like I mind this of course...


posted 06-10-2002 09:40 PM    
Graysith, wtf are you talking about? Having a bad day?

I know you don't believe what you just said. When did we put people into slavery (reminding you that America didn't bring slavery to America). Who is uncivilized? The Americans who know what a toothbrush is? Or brits?

When we fight, we fight to win. The reason we always win is because in a free society, things are prosperous, and we've created a pretty big army, than can handle anything thrown at em.

How can you say we won the Revolutionary war because we're uncivilized? Read up on the history, GS.


posted 06-10-2002 11:17 PM    
No offence to any of you, but you all have it wrong.the reason we americans can not be beat is far more amazing then a simple army...the truth is this...

Americans have one drug, that can make a super soldier, so powerful that he could charge into battle with a butter knife, and a spoon, the only armer he can wear is a bowl on his head...and a cup this drug is freaken amazing, and its called "Money" yes, it slices it dicis, it even makes people gods...

The goverment gets two people and say's "Hey, ill give you 5 trillion dolors if you charge into battle with just this knife, spoon, cup, and bowl, and kill that entire army with this other guy, two men, thats it" then one of them gets supped up on the thought of gettign high on that special little drug and say's "hey, ill do this by myself if you give me half of his share."
Then of course the other guy goes "well, ill do it for only 6 trillion by my self" and so on untill finaly guy #1 is doing it for 10 bucks and a cup of coffie, and he charges in to battle and gets shot 3500 times in the heart, head, leg, you name it, but just keeps going untill everyones dead... and THAT is how our goverment creates super soldiers, and manages NOT to spend a whole lot of money. (pluse we let people create super weapons, then ban there use, except by soldiers, and buy up every weapon created so where the only country that has them, we do this and save money by letting drug dealers buy halve, and warlord by the other half, we be a lil, then we arrest the warlords, and drug dealers, and put there stash to good use)

I hope i helped you poor confused fellows out there...but i cant disagree with the comment about our presedents, man, we need someone with an iq of over least....


posted 06-10-2002 11:23 PM    
Thank you, Entaris, for that spot of humor!

I tried, but apparently mine was too dry for certain peeps aboard to recognize... alas, perhaps the Brit will "get it."

(Ani... you've been working too much....)

Dalen Garuud

posted 06-11-2002 07:12 PM    
why are americans so anti-english? ok we attacked u in the past but that was ages ago, no we're ok but you guys continue to be ass holes and blame it on us, why is that?

and American's are civil, you're just so insecure you flip at every oppertunity to get in a fight to try and prove yourselves, whats with that? you have a big army yes but thats your solution to alot of problems, "ah! that country said something against us! quick we must send troops in and assault them to make them america fans!", you NEVER concider others! WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN ANOYING!

Organic Power

posted 06-11-2002 09:53 PM    
I could be wrong, but I believe Americans CAN prevail in a physcial confrontation; the reaosn is, there is a very high interest in Karate, and boxing. I'm quite into boxing, myself. Basically, what I'm saying, is I could kick any Brit's ass that is the same size as me, simple 'cause of technique.


posted 06-11-2002 10:35 PM    
Oh now come the fuck on all of you.

Entaris, you're completely wrong. What you described is called mercenaries. The United States does not hire mercenaries, we have our own army. Many think the pay is too low for them, but they do it anyway, why? It's amazing life experience considering what you can learn and where it can get you. And, because who is the leader in promoting human rights and democracy? The United States, and why would someone not support those two things? (Because they're idgits with no brain)

God dammit Dalen why don't you learn the facts? When have we attacked anyone for saying something? Never. We go into a lot of situations because of this thing we call the United Nations. We have the largest army, so we use it to promote human rights where they are violated. We went to Bosnia, ask yourself why. We went to Kosovo, ask yourself why. We went to Iraq more than once, ask why. You're being corrupted by biased European news. Maybe we consider Human Rights much more precious than the British people, but why would hate us for it?*

Organic Power, not as many people are into those as you think...

If most of you are as old as I think you are, the ignorance in the area of knowledge could be quite acceptable.

* You may think our reason for doing some things are to get something out of it. Sure we saved the oil in the Gulf War, but that saved our economy, which in turn helped our people, and thus, helped yours, because we all know the rest of the world would go to hell if the American people didn't support the American Army, which saves your asses when facists, communists, and other dictatorships pop up in the balkans, and other places. So fuck off and wait a few years, and hopefully you'll understand one day.


posted 06-11-2002 11:00 PM    
OK, now I think I understand...

Dalen, are you buds with Padme or something? Sheesh, I think she trotted off to England at one time or another, and the way this thread has suddenly segued into a horse of a far different color... but one already practically beaten to death in another thread... leads me to put two and two together.

Otherwise, what a coinky-dink. And if this is all foreign language to you, nevermind it then.

Anyhoo, as Ani so eloquently put it: EXCUSE ME. WHERE do you come off with all this "you damned Americans are so annoying" kind of thing? Since when do we just butt into other people's affairs?

Like Ani said, there is a little something called the United Nation, and it's only with their approval that we go in other countries to HELP people. Tell me where we just up and go of our own accord. Nope, you can't. It hasn't happened.

Now, I refuse to go on and on as before, but if interested in this line of thought there is another thread onboard that discussed this subject -- and at some length.

You're going to have to hunt for it though.


posted 06-11-2002 11:09 PM    
anakin's laid it out. and oh yeah im back, like jesus coming back from the dead to set things straight, R2 IS BACK, TO SET IT STRAIGHT WITH MY PARTNER IN CRIME, ANAKIN. take a history class folks. and british person shut the hell up, your backs were against the wall begging the americans to bail you out, not ONCE BUT TWICE in world war, and yeah i like the england except for people like you that put a face to true eurotrash. damn. maybe we're not civilized, ill admit it, but hell, with ur definition of civilized, i dont want a part of it. and by the way, our girls kick ass. better than the harry potter transvestite u gave us, AKA ANNE ROBINSON. YEAH, im here for a post or two, just because u shot at my ideals, the ideals supported by a nation, flawed yes, but problems that can be overcome by the grace of our constitution and education, so as yoda would put in action im gonna place it in words, BACK OFF BITCH. yeah maybe our president is a moron, but the people DID NOT CHOOSE HIM NOW DID THEY? yes we count down the days until november of 2004, but until then maybe you should keep your mouth shut, afterall we did pull out of the ABM treaty and u probably thought it was because of russia. good night.


posted 06-11-2002 11:54 PM    
Ok, Anakin-As for "Entaris you are completly wrong" im sorry for my post, i really dont believe a word of what i said, just a little humor to brighten the mood, i totaly agree with you, we fight for freedom, and its a great thing, theres no reason for us to get baged on because someone else views it differently...and R2, "our girls kick ass" is an understatment in my opinion, there supercalafragilisticexpealadoshis...HA! I bet you cant spell it any better then i can! :P


posted 06-12-2002 12:10 AM    
BTW, hey, just FYI bush is NOT the presedent, he is a monkey, if your going to bag on him, at least get it right....

Thank you

Dalen Garuud

posted 06-12-2002 07:16 AM    
ok, i'm ending this thread right here, its gonna kill me before my 18th birthday due to high blood pressure, ok i was wrong about one or two things but you americans ARE anoying, you're so full of yourselves, and to prove this. If you look at the top of the thread i said that a girl from america opened up a can of whoop ass on me and all of a sudden you guys kicked off saying "british guys are whimps we could beat you in a fight anyday." WTF is up with that? it was a light hearted thread and you took it as an oppertunity to piss me off and try and prove you're better than someone and that happened to be us english, so yes, you are damn anoying!!! now this thread is over! if it goes any further we're gonna end up inadvertantly starting a war or something!

[ 06-12-2002 07:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dalen Garuud ]


posted 06-12-2002 10:18 AM    
Ummm... I would like to believe the "Brits are sissies" comments flying about were humorous responses in turn. There WERE smiley icons involved, after all.

But then who was it who began name-calling our president? He might not be the best one to come down the pike, but until 2004 he's all we've got.

SOME of us were able to recognize the humor in this thread. But it suddenly went into "anti-Americanism."

Hehehe... this is why we broke off to become our own nation, I betcha. Neither side could understand the humor of the other; we were BOTH insufferable to the viewpoint of each other.

And NOW this thread is closed.

[ 06-12-2002 10:22 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]