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posted 06-13-2002 08:54 PM    
Made in the earlier stages of the Yuiddle civilization, it has slowly been advanced as their technology has. They have created many of these Naboo N-1 Starfighter framed starships that weild the strongest of sheilds, and blue & green outer shell. The shining outer layer generates the sheild with its boosters, when caculated withint he ship, and the boosters are cut off, and then replaced with sheild coordinates, and then reativated.

These strong ships weild strong missles, but only two on each side, and one positioned neatly upon the white belly of the star ship. This ship was dedicated to Yoda's life, after they got notice of his death, by Luke many years afre the situation of Darth Vader. They now have scared along all the 12 Judla Star Ship they created, "Yoda" in the blood, to repersent his life.

Weilded inside all of them are sleeping spots that are abled to be ejected into if manuevered by the seat. Along with bed, the owner will find itself next to Yoda's lightsaber, and many types of clothing that he dressed in. They come in all sizes, for the owner to wear.

This is the reason they only give it to the worthy, and not the unworthy. The worthy mostly are Jedi's, and their hasn't been one around, so their truly hasn't been a descion of who could truly be one. Other then that, the situation is all under the control of the Yuiddle civilization, and high wise-men of who weilds it.