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Erik Kartan

posted 06-03-2002 05:52 PM    
Age: 23

Physical Description: Erik is average height with jet black hair that is somewhat wavy and chin length but kept neat. He has intense dark brown eyes, and a dark skin tone. He usually wears a black pilot's jumpsuit with a blaster at his side, but sometimes may also carry his blue-bladed lightsaber.

Current Status: Erik is Shayla Stargazer Petrolu's business partner in Stargazer Corporations. He is an exceptional pilot and has been trained in the Corellian Jedi way, although he never completed his trials to become a Jedi for reasons that have not yet been revealed.

Aside from his partnership with Shayla, he also has a very strong friendship with her, and although neither of them have admitted it to each other, they are in love. Erik has joined Cella Poliani and Jeroc Mahoy on the mission to find Shayla with help from Terrin Danner and his associates.


Update: Erik went with Cella Poliani to Khar Delba to find and rescue Shayla. Upon their arrival, they were attacked, and Erik was dragged away by some sort of animal. When he awoke he found himself in a small room with a Force-blanket around him. Later, he found that he was in the Sith Temple. Soon he would be confronted by Graysith, Shayla's teacher, who would tell him that in order for Shayla to succeed in her goal to be an All-user, he would have to make her believe that he didn't love her.

Erik failed. Shayla experienced momentary insanity and ran away from the Temple with him. She managed to make up with Graysith and spare Erik's life; for some time he was hidden from Shayla. When the Temple was threatened with possible intruders, Graysith sent Shayla to him. Since then they have been together, and Erik has observed Shayla learning the ways of the All, and has found that he still deeply loves her.

Not until recently has Shayla let him into her inner defenses entirely. Erik is slowly becoming a supporter of the Sith, and questions why the Jedi took so long to find Shayla and have yet to seek after him since his disappearance.

Erik and Shayla have been married and are currently expecting a child.

[ February 27, 2003 09:21 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]

Erik Kartan

posted 03-30-2011 02:55 PM    
Edit: Through the role-play it has been revealed that Erik was trained in Corellian Jedi arts by his father. His brother was killed in his Jedi trails, so Erik opted to not take his own and departed from his home world of Corellia to later become an information smuggler. He is capable with a lightsaber but prefers using a standard blaster, and although he does not always use his Force abilities they often come into play when he or someone close to him is in peril. Erik tends to be loyal to a fault...

...but even that only goes so far. He agonizes over the death of his brother and tends to regaurd Jedi as "holier than thou" and unfeeling.

Erik is in his late twenties.

[ 03-30-2011 02:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]