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Senator Vestalgi

posted 05-26-2001 12:17 AM    
The senator from Yaga Minor stepped up to the podium to make his speech to the senate. He glared across the senate chambers to see all the eyes watching him and others busy with other tasks. "Beings of the Senate of the Republic. Our government is still wasteful. We loose 3 million credits to oustanding trade contracts that go unfulfilled, and yet no one enforces these contracts. 1 million credits are lost due to smuggling, that would have gone directly to Republic food programs for the starving peoples in the outer-rim. We still have the slave trade that is as visible and accepted as being intoxicated. An average of every 1/12 people in our proud galactic republic is a slave. Beings of the senate this, is, unacceptable!" he said pounding his fist onto the podium. "Our senate is still falling short on its responsibilities to enforce the laws of the galaxy, and how can it? A senate in Coruscant can only do so much on a planet like Dantooine or Nar Shadda billions of miles away. I suggest a new branch of government be formed. We must have a more cognitive government that can work with the day to day problems it faces, with one, local voice. My solution is putting a governor who can create specific laws and enforce specific laws that are problem solvers, solutions to individual systems. Government can never be efficient until it gets local. So let's pass a better government for the future of our galaxy. If this act passes, the nominees for governership of each system will be proposed at a later date and will pass or be denied just as any other act is passed or denied in the senate. Please, let's pass this for the galaxy, and for you, senators: the systems you represent." The senator pulled away from the podium, and went back to his Yaga Minor delegation. The other senator from Yaga Minor turned to him and said, "Do you believe it will pass, does it have a chance?" With sad eyes he said, "I pray it does, otherwise, our government, our galaxy, could foil by the seems so easily, so soon."


posted 09-22-2003 04:13 PM    
Senator Goku from the Garqi system podium. "Senator Vestalgi, I have one simple question." A short pause ensues, as I glance around at the other senators in the chamber. "How is futher burecracy going to help any one? Especially the weak. WIth futher levels of bureaucracy, the slower the galaxy works. No Senator, what must be done is that some of the burecracy must be removed." Slowly looks around the great chamber, then resumes shortly. "The Senates answer to everything is futher bureaucracy. Futher taxes. We are doing nothing but lining our pockets. We must hand the galaxy back to the people. They must chose. Yes, it is unfortante that slavery is so rampante. But in the outter regions of the galaxy the Rebuplic no longer stands for what it once did. The Republic must change, or their will be a future that no one in this great hall would want." Slowly turns and walks away from the podium, and thinks to himself. 'I wonder if this had any impact on any Senator here.'


posted 09-22-2003 04:20 PM    
((OOC: Oops! I missed getting a thread closed, sorry.

Unfortunately this is LOOOOOONG kaput; the Empire in the form of Admiral Actar has swept down upon the Senate and wiped them out.

He and his partner, Admiral Swatzi, have put Sorben Tarnus in charge, so to speak, and have retreated for unknown purposes....

BTW, you must post a description of your character in the Descriptions forums. Follow the link in the thread "Descriptions" in the RP HQ, thank you.