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The All

posted 06-04-2002 07:34 AM    
OK -- Graysith speaking -- here's a kinda different description, but since it is so integral to my character I thought to avoid further confusion I'd describe it a bit here. So here we go:


What this is is the embodiment of ALL FORCE which exists in the universe. NOT just the Force, which according to Lucas is the Living Force and which exists in all things and is used either from a standpoint of Light or Dark. But all other forces: the electromagnetic spectrum, the great and weak nuclear forces, the mysterious gravitational force... and the "force" of the even more mysterious spacetime fabric itself. That which constitutes space and time (without the expansion of space, you cannot have time. They go hand in hand; to travel across any space it takes time--physics lesson Number One, heh.) SO, the "ALL," while encompassing the Living Force Lucas writes about, actually goes further. "The Force" is a part of the All... (sorry to come up with such a cheesy name for it, but I can't think of anything else better, heh).

The command of the ALL came to the Sith...the true Sith, not the Dark Jedi who over-ran them even as their degraded society was over-run by those Dark Jedi. Aelvedaar, the Sith Sorcerer who finally figured out how to command it, only had the time to then use it and reach through spacetime to emplace it's potentiality within Graysith, the one he chose, his "Chosen Daughter." (see their character descriptions)

There you have it, just to prevent any confusion to the reader when we go on about "The All."

And now...

(brace yourselves)

...that is all....

Ducks and runs to lurk n' smirk.


posted 01-23-2019 05:45 PM    
To continue...
The All is not something you can just reach out and by trying REEEEEEEALLY HARD can BOOMP! Suddenly find and use it.

The key is balance. REAL balance.

I don't want to give it away, because some characters here have role played to where they can use it. Others have it inherently within them, or at least shoved at them, but haven't a clue as how to use it, or in fact haven't said clue as to IF it's really there.

Trying to stay logical here.

ANYWAY, I have made The All a character, and it will respond if a player is coming close.

Just saying, lol.

Thanks for watching!

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 01-25-2019 10:14 PM    
<3 <3 <3