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Sarisa Ker

posted 11-06-2005 04:47 PM    
In ROTS Palpatine beats Yoda in their duel while Obiwon beats Anakin in theirs. Does this mean that Yoda is weaker than Palpatine and that Obiwon is better in saber skill than Anakin?

Dash Kelderon

posted 03-25-2006 03:02 PM    
I dont really feel that Yoda <i>lost</i> the duel to Palpy... IT was more of a draw. He just fell alot farther down the senate chamber than Sidious. But only because Palpy found a railing to hang onto... Yoda nearly broke his fingenails off trying to hold onto a smooth durasteel senatorial pod.


posted 03-26-2006 04:17 PM    
I think Palpatine WAS stronger than Yoda, hence he won that duel and Yoda hid away.

As far as Obi-Wan beating Anakin, that was due to an incredibly stupid move on Anakin's part. What idiot thinks he's tough enough to leap UPHILL when you have an opponent there, armed and ready.

As Obi-Wan said, he had the high ground. Anakin should have gone farther downstream and then gone to shore and worked his way up to the same level as Obi.

All that this proved was that Anakin wasn't perhaps the brightest crayon in the box in regards to this duel, supposedly to ram down our collective throats the final futility of fighting out of anger. Anger is a heated emotion which would block one's ability to properly think and strategize.

Like the Klingons say, "Vengeance is a dish best served cold."

And hey, it had to go like this anyway... or there would have been no good way to segue into Episode 4...


posted 03-26-2006 04:34 PM    
Damn copyright infringing klingons! It was the mafia! The mafia I say! Anyhoo, yes, I think those of the darkside ARE stronger- but not more intelligent, wise, or orderly. It's a trade-off of brawn over brains; though you can still be a fairly intelligent dark jedi, maybe not very rational though.

Miguel Tahel

posted 04-04-2006 07:11 PM    
Yes, some dark jedi may be brilliant, and strong, Palpatine was stronger than Yoda, that's why Yoda had to hide, and Obi-Wan and Anikin were a draw skill wise, just Anikin finally made the mistake that cost him his breathing body.

However, you can't tell me Dark Jedi sacrafice their brilliance for strength when they become as angry as they do, because Palpatine, is the smartest and most patient man throughout the movie series, his faith in the darkside, much like yoda's faith in the light, would ultimately be their downfall.

However, as most of you probably know, Palpatine didn't die in episode 6, but rather was temporarily defeated, and it would later require the teamwork of Luke and Leia to truly kill his spirit.