The Holonet Boards   » Episode 2 & 3   » Fett in 3???

Ghost Dog

posted 07-26-2002 08:59 PM    
I don't know about everyone else but I want to see Boba kick some royal ass in 3. He saw his dead get killed so you reckon he'll want revenge... maybe he'll team up with a newly evil Anakin?? That would kick so much ass.

Ghost Dog

posted 07-26-2002 09:01 PM    
Saw his dad get killed. My mistake.


posted 07-27-2002 01:29 AM    
You know you can edit your post though. But any ways, Bobba Fett I think will still be young, I dont expect him to do anything incredibly major, but Im sure he'll make an apperance.


posted 07-28-2002 03:14 PM    
I bet Boba will cause the death of Mase Windu
for what he did to his father.


posted 07-30-2002 02:06 AM    
Silly gooses, boba fet goes of to mandalor, and gets new armor, because dispite what people say, his armor is NOT his dads, its a different color, and people say that its simply because of age, well, you dont go from a blue visor to red with age, so ha! MY POINT HAS BEEN MADE PLEASE PROVE ME WRONGE IN 5....4...3...2...1.... GO!


posted 08-08-2002 11:42 PM    
Don't you think its kinda freaky if Boba wears the same helmet his Dad's severed head was in? Not to mention wear the armour where the headless corpse was wearing at the time...


posted 08-09-2002 01:50 AM    
Yes that'd be slightly disgusting, and rude to his father's death. One thing I do want to state is that Mace Windu will not die by the hands of a later Imperail Soldier who couldn't even take on his dad. Mace Windu is much better then Boba Fett, and its no way that he'll have a chance of attacking him. Im sure he'll make an apperance, and maybe display some skills, but that is at the most.

SEe ya


posted 08-22-2002 09:52 PM    
I know exactly how mace will die...

Palpatine: "young jedi, before your rising to power may become complete...all jedi must be destroyed."

A shadowy figure, that sounds a bit like anakin "very well.....Master"

Santo Solo

posted 08-28-2002 08:16 PM    
I'm sorry Dark Priest but what you foresee confuses: How can Palpatine say "Young Jedi....all Jedi must be destroyed" Must Anakin be destroyed first for he is a Jedi himself? So the newly appointed Darth Vader will destroy all the remaining Jedi?


posted 08-28-2002 10:29 PM    
No actually I can clarify it in my way. If he as to destroy all Jedi, he would to destroy himself. As we have frequently learned he has destroyed himself before. He went from Anakin to Darth Vader. I believe that this may be true to the fact that it is a universal quote from Palpatine to Obi-Wan. He destroyed Anakin Skywalker to become Darth Vader. So I believe that he destroyed himself first, then went to destroy all the others. This is how he was superior in the force for his Dark Side overpowered them with pure destruction. Thats just how I see it


posted 06-21-2003 02:07 AM    
no boba gets his age sped up by the kamonians so he can kill mace


posted 06-21-2003 02:31 AM    
Um no, even if somehow they went through the describing of him going back tot he planet and getting older their would still be no way that he'd be able to kill Mace.

Mace Windu is superior in every way. Boba Fett at most is equal to his father in skill and inventory. Did you not see how he got beat the heck up so quick by Mace Windu.

Boba would have to be 10 times more skilled and from how he was treated by everyone else in the movies it doesn't seem like he was that big of a bounty hunter to be seen as great enough to kill Mace Windu or any other Jedi Master at his level.


posted 06-22-2003 06:09 PM    
Ok... mace didnt "beat up" Jango... Ok... Mace accidently cut his head off...didnt you catch that?

And yes, anakin does destroy himself, he gives to the darkside and dies... remember, obi-wan said "anakin skywalker is dead" Because he is dead... Vader killed him... See how that works?


posted 06-22-2003 11:01 PM    
That was metaphorical, and Force wise not literally. If so, he wouldn't have came back to be One with the force. It wasn't literal. But if your talking metaphorical, yes--your right he did get killed.

Also, Mace killed Jango with GREAT!!!!! ease.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-23-2003 04:13 AM    
"Anakin was seduced by the dark side. When that hapened the good man who was your father died and became Darth Vader"

I beleive the quote is something like that.

I don't think the MAce Windu character would be half as cool if it wasn't played by Samuel L. Jackson. Picture if Mace was portrayed by George Forman? Or Morgan Freeman?

The only other person I think could pull it off would be Denzel Washington. Cause he is just such a fine actor.


posted 06-23-2003 09:09 AM    
Mace windu=Garry colemen OOOOO :P YES MIDGET JEDI!

But seriously, your right dash... Mace=BBBD(acronyme for "Big Burly Black Dude")

Everythings better when you have a BBBD, ya know? Like shaq in kazam...Heck ya...

Ya, imagin shaq as mace...Dude, that'd be so funny!

cause mace is always with yoda ya know? i mean, shaq makes average sized people look small.. .Imagine him standing next to yoda


Dash Kelderon

posted 06-26-2003 04:04 AM    
Shaq = Mace??? That would be really strange!!!

But Gary Coleman would make the coolest Jedi!!!

Whacoo talkin' bout Yoda?!?


posted 06-26-2003 11:01 AM    
ya, that'd be good

I donno, seeing gary colemen fighting with a lightsaber might actualy top seeing yoda fight with a lightsaber :P


posted 09-01-2003 12:42 AM    
Boba Fett is going to to do anything, hehe. Atleast thats what I think, though I have a strong feeling that he will make some sort of apperence in there...


posted 09-07-2003 02:47 PM    
Boba finding a way to kill Mace would probably be the most logical event. Remember these movies have arcs. However, isn't Episode III set just 5 years after the AOTC. That would mean Boba becomes a jedi killer before he starts shaving.


posted 09-07-2003 09:18 PM    
Nope, not even 5 years, it's like 1 or two years after. Not as much as you presumed, so Boba Fett in my idea is just thrown out hte picture.

He won't be making an apperance in any fights against a Jedi any time soon, even though it would be exciting.


posted 11-11-2003 07:15 PM    
Originally posted by Ghost Dog:[QB]<font color="Red">I don't know about everyone else but I want to see Boba kick some royal ass in 3. He saw his dead get killed so you reckon he'll want revenge... maybe he'll team up with a newly evil Anakin?? That would kick so much ass.</font>[/QB]
me 2 dude, me 2


posted 11-20-2004 06:12 AM    

Boba doesn't make an appearance from what I've read in a script that goes through many aspects of the new movie (it was written by Lucas Arts). It says that Boba doesn't make an appearance, but here's the best part:

WE WILL SEE SIDIOUS FIGHT!!! He and the RED GUARDS (some of the coolest people in my opinion) confront Windu, and he defeats several before he gets killed.


*scurries off to set up defensive bunker*


posted 11-20-2004 04:38 PM    
That bunker wouldn't save you from all the angry starwars fans! But if you are right, that will be pretty cool.


posted 11-20-2004 04:39 PM    
P.S. They're not red guards, they aren't in China!


posted 03-20-2005 06:42 PM    
Dude, the red gaurds are definitly the coolest chahracters in the movies. My opinion, but my opinion rules!