The Holonet Boards   » Episode 2 & 3   » Has a title been picked for Episode 3?

Boba Fortuna

posted 06-06-2002 07:23 PM    
Anyone know if a title has been picked for Episode 3? How about "The Rise of the Sith"

Somehow the word "Sith" must be included in the title....

Boab Fortuna


posted 06-06-2002 07:35 PM    
I highly doubt that one has. We only received the title for Ep 2 about 6 months before it was released.


posted 06-06-2002 11:18 PM    
i KNow the title, its going to be, Episode 3: Clone aftermath :P or

Episode 3: Darkness rises.

Why does sith have to be in it? there arent any sith left... The refered to Dooku as just "a lost jedi" or somethin like that, and the jedi dont even know palpatin exists, well, they do, but they dont have a name for him, he's simply, "the darkness clouds everything" but i donno, i would go more for something with the clones, cause of the clone wars that are sure to follow episode 2


posted 06-20-2002 01:05 AM    
Darkness is born...

Lord _Tyranus

posted 06-23-2002 06:54 AM    
I personally reckon the title will be something like FALL OF THE REPUBLIC. This keeps in line with the titles that have already been used. This would work well and would keep in line with all the previous titles. He has not yet used a 2 word phrase as a title and I doubt if he will do so for the final installment in the saga.


posted 06-23-2002 12:31 PM    
Yes I guess so, very smart thinking there, young chum. Also, nice to you have you entered in are installament of Star War Fans, heh...

Also, Hi..

Lord _Tyranus

posted 06-23-2002 01:30 PM    
Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I cant believe I have not found this site before. It seems great.


posted 01-19-2003 08:26 PM    
i agree with tyrannus, but i believe the title will have more to deal with jedi than the republic. GL has never used any name of the repblic or the alliance. but, then again, GL might just have alot of fun knowing this will be his last SW film and call it something catchy, like "Knightfall."


posted 01-29-2003 12:16 AM    
Rumor has it that episode 3 will be called "Circle of the Force" or something along those lines. Kinda makes you think, especially since Vader said to Obi Wan in ANH "The circle is now complete..."

I also heard that James Earl Jones will be making an appearance again as the voice of Vader. That might mean that the transition from Anakin to Vader might be made early in the movie.

But then again, who really knows???


posted 01-29-2003 01:30 AM    
He'll be doing the voice over, hmmm...I dont know why that would happen because the apperance probably would be at the end. I'd suspect it to be more toward the end if ever in the movie they present the new Vader suit.


posted 01-29-2003 10:41 PM    
You know i just thought, that perhaps ep. 3 will be called "the death of hope" or "Hopes failure" or something, "dreams lost" and then the names would add up to equal something... cause it would go "dreams lost" or whatever, and then " a new hope"

Naga Sadow

posted 02-05-2003 05:13 PM    
The production team doesn't even have a script yet, so any speculated "name dropping" people have heard about is (null in void). However I think some of the guess here as to what GL might call it are pretty good.


posted 02-07-2003 12:24 AM    
Can you SSSSMMMEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what GL is COOKIN'??? sorry, wrestling is on in the back ground *LOL* but seriously... as I stated in another section of discussion, RISE OF THE SITH is my choice for the E3 title. But "Circle of the Force" is also a great suggestion. it is my second favorite title so far!


posted 11-11-2003 12:37 PM    
they haven't picked a title from what I know