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posted 05-02-2003 07:25 PM

Go there and read about this situation.


posted 05-02-2003 08:34 PM    
Yea they did that at my old school in Mississippi....


posted 05-02-2003 09:23 PM    
Craziness...just crazy.


posted 05-03-2003 02:27 PM    
That's pretty sad...especially the fact that they have both black and white senior class presidents...


posted 05-03-2003 03:49 PM    
The worst thing is where do the other nationalities go. What about Indian, Arabic, Japanese? If someone's skin is lighter do they go tot he white party or what?

That's horrible..

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-03-2003 05:33 PM    
In some situations, REVERSE Racism takes effect. Where different Ethnic groups go out of thier way to seem NOT racist, they seem to segregate other cultures in the process!


posted 05-04-2003 11:27 AM    
This is the dumbest idea I've ever heard in this millennium.

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-04-2003 11:45 AM    
I'm sorry that you don't see my point here, but there is no need to insult me LUMBIA.


posted 05-04-2003 12:01 PM    
I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the segregation act.

Dash Kelderon

posted 05-04-2003 12:11 PM    
Well then... *Embarassed* I retract my statement!

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-17-2003 11:56 AM    
Yeah i know what you mean - I'm taching in Rochester City Schools at one of the high schools for my student teaching placement right now and one of my students was complaining about having to come back next year cause she is hispanic but looks very white and she is always picked on in the mostly African American school - she said she hates the beginning of the year when everyone is in the regular program ( they ahve an after school program for disiplinary problems where half the school ends up by december if they haven't dropped out - she said she hates the school because the "thugs" bully her so much and she can't get anything done - add to that that she is labeled special ed and they are even worse.


posted 05-17-2003 03:59 PM    
What you report only upholds Dash's observation. Indeed, quite often the more a group wishes to remain unique unto itself by such stupidity, the more they will segregate themselves from the whole.

If only people would take into consideration that skin color merely has to do with geographic location of ancestors. The farther north one travels, as a rule, the fairer the skin because of he increasingly greater amount of hours of dark in the overall year. The only way humans can metabolize vitamin D is via sunshine and the paler the skin the more this vitamin can be metabolized.

Meanwhile, nearer to the equator the people have darker skin to protect them from the more direct rays. This is necessary because UV radiation breaks down folate production in the growing fetus, and when that happens you end up with either stillbirths (incomplete nervous systems) or spina bifida. So the closer to the equator one's ancestors were, the darker the skin.

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-18-2003 08:17 PM    
Oh yes I know - its a shame these kids don't listen to anything we say and continue this destructive attitude but the teachers at these schools try thier hardest to protect the students who need it and to educate the rest - it just doesn't help that there are almost no african american staff members - the kids just tell us we are all the same cause we are white and trying to protect "our" people.... The families don't help with changing this either - some even encourage it - horrible what some parents teach thier kids....


posted 05-18-2003 08:51 PM    
Hate and ignorance is mainly the reason their parents encourage the ways. Seperating a people because of skin, or nationlity is just idiotic. It has even started wars (WW2 and Civil War)but they just can't see past the hate they have created.

It's truly destructive, like you said.


posted 05-19-2003 03:32 PM    
While it's an honorable point, segregation didn't start WW2, or the Civil War. In the case of WW2, the persecution of Jews had little to do with the war, it was only later, near the end of the war, that concentration camps were found. And the civil war was fought over state's rights. But yea, the heart of the issue was slavery, but wasn't the separation of whites and blacks, but the enslavement of blacks.

Separating people hasn't started any's just really ignorant. I read something the other day that put it well, but I can't remember what it was.


posted 05-19-2003 07:27 PM    
I never said segregation started a war, I said racism did. If I did describe it in the way that it was, I'm sorry--my mistake, but I meant that racism was the cause of Civil War & World War 2. Well sorta...World War 2.

For Hitler, a racist created this attack in Europe and the fact that he signed a treaty with Japan of partnership and such. Well not directly racism, but it was a trait that was one of the reasons Hitler was so important. If he didn't lead the idea of racism thorugh the hearts of all of Europe he wouldn't be on the status he was. He wouldn't be signing treaties of war..

Anyways, you pointed out the reason of Civil War. It mainly circled around black enslavement, which numerous northeners felt was wrong, meanwhile southerners felt it was right for it produced finicial means for them. Without it, they wouldn't hold such a powerful presence.

Since the south took on the idea of independence, the President, which was Lincoln at the time took a stand and said otherwise. This in turn started the Civil War, but the heart of it was slavery.

Which is one small reason why the north one, because of course African American's would fight for the Northener side.

Anyways...that's all I gotta say now..bye bye.

[ 05-19-2003 07:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-19-2003 07:30 PM    
Anakin - the only problem with saying that the camps weren't found until after the war was started was that the Red Cross inspected and APPROVED numerous concentration and work camps in 1938 - BEFORE the war started. The Germans had them come in and look at a select group of camps to show the outside world that really nothing was wrong with thier singling groups out and that it really was just to help identify groups of people for "statistical and research purposes"...


posted 05-20-2003 06:59 PM    
Pardon me, but for some reason I don't mind continuing this really dumb argument. You said, "Seperating a people because of skin, or nationlity is just idiotic. It has even started wars." Being black, I would think you'd know that separating a people because of skin or nationality is called segregation. Racism is a feeling one has towards others. Racism can motivate segregation, but so can other things.

Your Hitler paragraph is awfully confusing. Hitler didn't brew racism in Europe, he brewed a feeling of nationalistic superiority. In a way that's racism, but it's not what started the war. The invasion of Poland was what started the war. It can be argued that that invasion had to do with race, but you can't prove it.

And for the civil war, what are you talking about? Although enslavement was at the heart of every argument for the succession, enslavement is no the same as racism. They wanted the enslavment (the majority of folks) because of the money generated from it.

Padme, what's that got to do with anything? So, they thought Germany had camps, like we later had for the Japanese; that didn't start the war, it had nothing to do with it. Let's clraify, the death camps weren't found until after the war. Better?

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-20-2003 07:27 PM    
ok that's true ( the death camps part) but the invasion of Poland was an invasion because the Polish refused to just join Germany because of the "work" camps - they weren't the first country taken over remember - Austria, Hungary, and some of what we know as Czech and Slovakia all just agreed to join - Poland was offered that option but refused - because of the camps - had they not refused no one would have done anything about thier take over as it would have been a "mutually agreed upon act" as they termed the take overs of the other governments to keep out of things in the beginning. However throughout Europe people were calling for action against him because of the camps - Poland was just the breaking point.


posted 05-20-2003 10:42 PM    
Anakin, do you just read the negative or what. I said that I apologize for making that mistake of the wording, and I meant it was "about racism".

Whether you think enslavement in our country didn't involve race--you gotta be crazy.

But I don't feel like debating anymore, it's a dumb agruement. You won't change my opinon and I won't change yours. All it will come out to is people throwing insults...

[ 05-20-2003 10:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


posted 05-21-2003 06:04 PM    
Lumbia, I wasn't trying to change any opinions, I was simply letting you know facts. Padme, you're pulling a lot out of your butt. Hitler signed a treaty with Britain that said he was done with his expeansion, or his reunification of German territories, which was what he was doing by taking the Sudetenland, Austria, etc. Had he even spoke of giving Poland a chance to join without armed conflict, not to mention that would have been a lengthy discussion, not something that happens in a night, Britain would get a clue and say hell no. It was the surprise in the invasion of Poland that sparked war. It had nothing to do with racism. Racism is not segregation. Segregation can exist without racism, however, it is rare that that happens. And by the way, Jews aren't a race, they're a religion. Racism was not a cause of world war 2.


posted 05-21-2003 07:08 PM    
Okay, now can we please get on the track of the topic. How do you feel about segregation?

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-21-2003 08:12 PM    
Anakin - try taking a History course in Europe and sticking to that - according to the German, dutch, French, and Swiss history books that I had a chance to see and read over there Germany had included Poland in its plan - and there are many primary documents - basically letters between the French and German governments on the subject - from before the war. Remember history is 100% dependant on the veiwpoint of the people writing it down - go elsewhere and you get a completely different picture of the same events.

Naga Sadow

posted 12-05-2003 01:31 AM    
Whew what a heated conversation! hehe

Anyone feel like commenting on the matters going on in Cincinnati, Ohio?