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posted 12-07-2002 01:21 PM    
It's true, life is a bitch and then you die.

This thread is for you to talk about all the bad and good things in your life, or the things you're interested in.

So, I'll start. As many of you on the east coast know, we had a blizzard. It was all well and good, two days of no school, sledding both days, snow ball fights, everything snow-ish you could imagine was done.

I also went christmas shopping both days. The first day I spent an hour and a half at the mall and came out with nothing but one book for my mom. Wonderful, isn't it? The second day, yesterday, I think I spent two hours travelling to different store. Target, the ghost mall, big lots and kmart (for a sled, neither had one). So, around 5 o'clock, I'm coming home and I get on my street and see the salt truck workers thought it would cute if they didn't salt it, even though the salted the one both sides of us. Yea, it was cute, especially the part where my car slid into a 200 ton parked suburban and then slid an extra 50 feet. The BEST part about it was the cop who came to write the report was THE SAME cop who PULLED ME OVER FOR SPEEDING. I just love this world.

So, I have to wait til monday to get the tire fixed on my car, so I can drive it. I'll just be ghetto til I can afford to fix the other damage. And then I have to buy my neighbor a new rim, it looked likme 20 inches or something, thats all the damage onhis truck, the rim. He deals drugs, that's how he affords all the stuff he's got.

I'm done with that, too mad to go on. One other bad thing, the days cannot move slower.

There is no good at this point, but if any pops up, I'll be sure to tell you about it.

Now you go.


posted 12-07-2002 03:45 PM    
Heheh, I'm feeling really cruel today...

I got all of my Christmas shopping done in three hours in one day. I got all the gifts for my parents and my siblings, and my nieces and nephews with a quick trip to Best Buy and Toys R Us.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Here's what the weather's like in Arizona.


posted 12-07-2002 05:13 PM    
good and bad? well.. I just heard something disturbing, does that count as bad?

I err downloaded "walk this way" and suddenly realized what he say's in one of the verses... "hey diddle diddle, put your kittie in the middle..." errr.. ya... my mind is ruined for life now...damn aerosmith...

lessy, bad, im recovering from a horrid illness, which i might not be recovering from, as i thought i was, but rather am merly falling into the natural swing of the disease, and have no hope of getting better unless i go to the docter... Oh ya... joy joy joy...

The Jedi of coolness

posted 12-07-2002 08:53 PM    
Wow Ani, that sucks...hehe; its kinda funny tho. I bet the cop gave you loads of crap. How fast were you going when you got your speeding ticket?


posted 12-07-2002 08:56 PM    
55 in a 25


posted 12-08-2002 12:46 AM    

Sorry, its funny, but sucks hardcore. I had a ticket I didn't pay until a couple weeks ago and had my license suspended and there was a warrant out for my arrest, its all better now. Just make sure you pay your ticket on time, it makes everything so much easier. Or try to get someone to fix it. One of my friends at work was supposed to fix mine, because his mom works at the Circiut Court, but it never happened.

Oh is pretty good here, I guess...


posted 12-08-2002 01:23 AM    
the ticket was months ago....