The Holonet Boards   » General Discussion   » I'M NEW....NOT A DORK

The Jedi of coolness

posted 11-12-2002 09:00 PM    


posted 11-12-2002 09:48 PM    
Errmmm... Ok. Here ya go, this is the drill... *clears throat*

I would like to welcom you to the pod Jedi-O-coolness... hope to see ya around...

if you plan on getting into roleplaying, please read the BADLY outdated story synapsis, and a few of the threads that are currently going on, so he can get a feel of things... Also you are advised to read the character descriptions before you post your own... Learn the basics of our universe, and you should be good

if your planning on just hanging out, and posting some stuff on random OOC subjects, we will enjoy getting to know you....

Nice name BTW

Hrrmmm... A few pointers just so you know,

Dont be rude, Dont be a COMPLETE idiot(we enjoy humor and such but not to an annoyance) And this will keep you alive, and trust me, its better you hear it from me rather then from a screaming moderator because you cussed them out or something(someone was actauly stupid enough to do that before, so, hehe, just a heads up )

Errmm... Ya, HEHEHE... Ooww... Gray is gonna be mad that i stole her typical line. MWAHAHAHA I AM GOD! *hides before his head gets lopped off*

Anyway, ya, we're not crazy, really, and as you already told us your not a dork, we should get along FINE

Hehehe, enjoy your stay... And may it be a long one...(Personaly, i live here, so you know, you will see a lot of me in the future, get used to it...)

[ 11-12-2002 09:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Entaris ]


posted 11-13-2002 02:07 PM    

JOC: Just a general head's up. Ummm... five red or red/white/blue stars (the latter in the case of Anakin -- he's special) means "this person is admin. THUS please hold your "dork-banter" to the barest minimum... at least watch who you are calling this.

I would consider changing your signature... and modifying your post in Theme Songs if I were you.

But welcome aboard. Hope to see you around; you'll catch on.


posted 11-13-2002 02:38 PM    
I am not a dork either. At least, last time I checked...

...I wasn't a dork.

Wait a minute, why are you all looking at me funny?! I AM NOT A DORK!!!

I am an adminstrator, however... *goes to ban everyone who is looking at her funny right now*

Ok, nuff of that. Hello there Jedi of Coolness. Have fun posting, and all that jazz. My motto always is: better to be a dork than to just be.

Ok, it's not my motto, I made that up just now...


posted 11-13-2002 05:42 PM    
I concur that you all are in fact dorks.


posted 11-13-2002 08:56 PM    
I do say, it is better to be a dork, and have something that you enjoy doing, and discussing, then to be a mindless zombia, and sit around watching TV, as the average person does in thier life now... I mean, jeez, i got told i was CRAZY because i read books, rather then watched hours and hours of TV...

*sighs* what has the world come to?


posted 11-13-2002 09:05 PM    
TV rules, and Bob doesn't spend his time watching tv, he spends all of his free time working out his wrists.

jk Bob


posted 11-13-2002 09:39 PM    
I don't want to know.

Rakim Jo'La-kin

posted 11-13-2002 10:21 PM    
Well hi, I dont wanna respond to anyone elses comment, dont wanna take it too off topic..