The Holonet Boards   » Other Descriptions   » Portal


posted 12-23-2006 04:34 AM    
This is a manipulation of space and time only All-users are able to create. Basically it's like a "personal worm-hole," a short-cut from wherever they are to wherever they wish to travel. (Think a fold in a piece of cloth, and then piece that material with a needle. The Portal would be the needle.)

However, the user cannot just magickally "pop one up" to just anywhere. He or she must have physically visited the point of destination in order to have a "mental fix" to which the end of the Portal can affix.

(This description supercedes any prior posts where Portals were opened to a place the All-user had never traveled. I just thought it about time to place some limitations on All-users so they do not become super-characters.)