The Holonet Boards   » Other Descriptions   » The Elseness


posted 06-23-2003 05:50 PM    
The Elseness is that indescribable place existing outside the spacetime continuum which is the universe. It is not hyperspace. It is not a parallel universe. It is a vast "non-ness," or "other-ness" which completely sideslips the interstices of space and time, and in that manner just IS; it consists of nothing more than a true and eternal "now."

Time has no meaning here, as time is in itself a creation of the functional universe as it expands. There are hidden gateways leading to this chilling area: two in particular are upon a distant blue world in another galaxy, those being the Devil's Sea and Bermuda Triangle. Other gateways exist in other galaxies, on both planet and within star's heart, and some out in the deepest and most remote positions in the vast wonder of space itself.

Few know of these gateways into the Elseness, and even fewer can go there without travelling through these gates. This is an ability exclusive to users of the All; this does not, however, mean that others cannot enter the Elseness as well -- they just need a gate. These gates, unless near populated areas, are extremely difficult to find. And from the "inside," take much more than simple "looking" to locate. And once found, there is no guarantee as to where exactly one will emerge back into reality: one may go into the Elseness via a particular gate, then travel back through that same gate only to find himself in a far different place than the one he left to begin with.

Or a different time.... in the future of the "normal" universe. There is no travelling backward through Time via this place. Quite probably a connection with this place, powered by the All, guided via Sith magicks using the Children of the All, is how the Sith civilization was enabled to be brought 4,000 years into the future.

Gates are located literally by one suddenly stumbling into them. Abruptly, devices go haywire, electrical and computer systems crash, a strange chilling mist seems to creep out of thin air and the unlucky traveller becomes utterly disoriented as to up and down, left and right, forward and back... and now and then.

Typically, those who are placed in the Elseness are able to remain strangely alive in a type of fully cognizant stasis away from the remainder of the universe. Since there is no passage of time for them, their bodies need no more sustenance than they would for a fleeting nanosecond. Yet on the "outside," time flows in its normal manner.

As alluded above, a quite chilling place to be left in... or forgotten.

[ June 23, 2003 06:02 PM: Message edited 2 times, lastly by Graysith ]