The Holonet Boards   » Character Descriptions   » Jalkrin Asen'Baracale


posted 06-21-2002 01:03 PM    
Name:Jalkrin Asen'Baracale
Age:242 years earth calender
Personality:Wielding both sides of the force equally I strive for perfection in Balance within myself and the Force itself. All who come around me notice the lack of emotion within me.
Physical Description:I wear a grey cotton tunic and trousers with black almost knee high rancor skin boots and a black leather belt, I also carry a cloak that allows me to blend with my surrondings as if I were see through. I have brown hair at a length just below my ears. I have disturbingly penetrating green eyes. I stand about6'1" and am of a mucular build. I carry a yellow lightsaber, a weapon and reminder of the time when I was trained by the Jedi, and a red lightsaber, a weapon and reminder of when I was trained by the Sith, and I wield both with a feriocity and skill unmatched.

Overall:I use weapons only when words fail and action is the only way. I wield both the Dark side and Light side of the force equaly and in combination creating a powerful weapon, ally, and defence in one. My survival and bringing balence to the Force and myself are paramount to my purposes and rest equaly on top of all else. I do not take pleasure unless there is a price or pain unless there is a reward. I do not claim to be all powerful, or ever strong in any way, but I have mastered both sides of the Force equaly and will use them when and if necesary. With both sides of the Force at my call I can easily match all Jedi and Sith.

I fly on a small ship called the Coponix where I live. It is armed with six large rapid fire lazer cannons on front and a turret on the rear armed with three medium lazer cannons. It is fast and agile like a fighter but larger, about one size smaller than the Milenium Falcon.

[ June 25, 2002 12:56 AM: Message edited 3 times, lastly by Jalkrin ]