The Holonet Boards   » Descriptions HQ   » Description Dos and Don'ts


posted 07-01-2002 07:32 PM    
Here are a list of things you should and should not do here:

1. Be clear and concise. Detail is nice, but don't overdo either.

2. Keep pictures for characters SMALL. If they aren't SMALL, I'm gonna edit them out.

3. DO NOT create a bajillion descriptions and then NOT USE THEM! It clutters the board, AND IT'S ANNOYING! SO DON'T!

4. Make SURE your description is UNDERSTANDABLE. Explain any EU references just in case someone hasn't read some of those books, but be sensitive to spoilers.

5. DO NOT UPLOAD EXTREMELY LARGE PICTURES FOR YOUR DESCRIPTIONS! We want to have plenty of space on our server.

That is all for now! Thank you!

[ November 21, 2002 02:12 PM: Message edited 3 times, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 11-21-2002 01:31 PM    
#5 added on 11/21/2002