The Holonet Boards   » thePOD Meet and Greet   » So...


posted 10-26-2010 12:23 AM    
I dont know how many people are still around that know me, but as i was saying to Gray in an email. Hello to all my old advaseries and allies.

I will likely be around and chatty for a while, though I probably wont have the time to dedicate to actually getting back into the RP(I doubt you'd want to come back up against the might of the dark priest anyway, though if i remember correctly i think i left him in an awkward spot plagued by a new found lighter half. or something. Heh)

Anyway. I hope you've all been well.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-26-2010 05:31 PM    
I do not fear the Darkness.

And hi there Entaris, I have been wondering if you ever lurk around here,


posted 10-26-2010 10:53 PM    
Glad to see you actually onboard again, Entaris! It's been WAAAAAAAY too long a time! : )


posted 10-27-2010 10:58 AM    
well you know, these boards, and you two especially, where practically second family, in the very least some of my closest friends, for a LONG time :P This place will always be near and dear to my heart.

and shayla, you should fear the darkness, at least when I am writing for it Heh, its tempting to jump back in, really is. Maybe if i can come up with an interesting direction for poor little misguided Entaris i will... Hmm... Ponder ponder

but all in all, im just super glad this boards are still up and running. I'd hate to imagine a world without them.